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[Encerrado] [PEDIDO] Script Poketibia


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Olá queria pedir pra vocês aqui do Xtibia se alguem poderia criar um script pra min onde o player fale com um npc e pule diretamente para o rank 5 no seu clan.

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local clansAtk = {

[1] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.17},
[2] = {atk = 1.22},
[3] = {atk = 1.27},
[4] = {atk = 1.32},
[5] = {atk = 1.37},
["null"] = {
[2] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.05},
[2] = {atk = 1.10},
[3] = {atk = 1.15},
[4] = {atk = 1.20},
[5] = {atk = 1.25},
[1] = {atk = 1.10},
[2] = {atk = 1.15},
[3] = {atk = 1.20},
[4] = {atk = 1.25},
[5] = {atk = 1.30},
[3] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.05},
[2] = {atk = 1.10},
[3] = {atk = 1.15},
[4] = {atk = 1.20},
[5] = {atk = 1.25},
[1] = {atk = 1.05},
[2] = {atk = 1.10},
[3] = {atk = 1.15},
[4] = {atk = 1.20},
[5] = {atk = 1.25},
[4] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.15},
[2] = {atk = 1.20},
[3] = {atk = 1.25},
[4] = {atk = 1.30},
[5] = {atk = 1.35},
[1] = {atk = 1.10},
[2] = {atk = 1.15},
[3] = {atk = 1.20},
[4] = {atk = 1.25},
[5] = {atk = 1.30},
[5] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.05},
[2] = {atk = 1.10},
[3] = {atk = 1.15},
[4] = {atk = 1.20},
[5] = {atk = 1.25},
[1] = {atk = 1.08},
[2] = {atk = 1.13},
[3] = {atk = 1.18},
[4] = {atk = 1.23},
[5] = {atk = 1.28},
[6] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.05},
[2] = {atk = 1.10},
[3] = {atk = 1.15},
[4] = {atk = 1.20},
[5] = {atk = 1.25},
[1] = {atk = 1.05},
[2] = {atk = 1.10},
[3] = {atk = 1.15},
[4] = {atk = 1.20},
[5] = {atk = 1.25},
[7] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.10},
[2] = {atk = 1.15},
[3] = {atk = 1.20},
[4] = {atk = 1.25},
[5] = {atk = 1.30},
["null"] = {
[8] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.10},
[2] = {atk = 1.15},
[3] = {atk = 1.20},
[4] = {atk = 1.25},
[5] = {atk = 1.35},
[1] = {atk = 1.10},
[2] = {atk = 1.15},
[3] = {atk = 1.20},
[4] = {atk = 1.25},
[5] = {atk = 1.35},
[9] = {
[1] = {atk = 1.12},
[2] = {atk = 1.17},
[3] = {atk = 1.22},
[4] = {atk = 1.27},
[5] = {atk = 1.32},
["null"] = {
local clansDef = {
[1] = {
["fire"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.17},
[2] = {def = 0.22},
[3] = {def = 0.27},
[4] = {def = 0.32},
[5] = {def = 0.37},
["null"] = {
[2] = {
["water"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.25},
["ice"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.10},
[2] = {def = 0.15},
[3] = {def = 0.20},
[4] = {def = 0.25},
[5] = {def = 0.30},
[3] = {
["rock"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.25},
["ground"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.10},
[2] = {def = 0.15},
[3] = {def = 0.20},
[4] = {def = 0.25},
[5] = {def = 0.30},
[4] = {
["flying"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.15},
[2] = {def = 0.20},
[3] = {def = 0.25},
[4] = {def = 0.30},
[5] = {def = 0.35},
["dragon"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.10},
[2] = {def = 0.15},
[3] = {def = 0.20},
[4] = {def = 0.25},
[5] = {def = 0.30},
[5] = {
["ghost"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.25},
["poison"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.08},
[2] = {def = 0.13},
[3] = {def = 0.18},
[4] = {def = 0.23},
[5] = {def = 0.28},
[6] = {
["fighting"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.25},
["normal"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.25},
[7] = {
["psychic"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.10},
[2] = {def = 0.15},
[3] = {def = 0.20},
[4] = {def = 0.25},
[5] = {def = 0.30},
["null"] = {
[8] = {
["grass"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.35},
["bug"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.05},
[2] = {def = 0.10},
[3] = {def = 0.15},
[4] = {def = 0.20},
[5] = {def = 0.35},
[9] = {
["electric"] = {
[1] = {def = 0.12},
[2] = {def = 0.17},
[3] = {def = 0.22},
[4] = {def = 0.27},
[5] = {def = 0.32},
local clansName = {
--[num do clan] = {nome do clan, storage outfit normal, storage outfit rank5},
[1] = {'Volcanic', 181613, 181625},
[2] = {'Seavell', 181619, 181622},
[3] = {'Orebound', 181620, 181627},
[4] = {'Wingeon', 181616, 181626},
[5] = {'Malefic', 181615, 181624},
[6] = {'Gardestrike', 181614, 181628},
[7] = {'Psycraft', 181618, 181629},
[8] = {'Naturia', 181612, 181623},
[9] = {'Raibolt', 181617, 181621},
function getClanPorcent(master, combat, option, type, type2) --alterado v1.9 \/
if getPlayerClanNum(master) >= 1 then
local clanAtk = clansAtk[getPlayerClanNum(master)]
local clanDef = clansDef[getPlayerClanNum(master)]
if option == "atk" and clanAtk[combat] then
return clanAtk[combat][getPlayerClanRank(master)].atk
if option == "def" and clanDef[type] then
return clanDef[type][getPlayerClanRank(master)].def
elseif option == "def" and clanDef[type2] then
return clanDef[type2][getPlayerClanRank(master)].def
return option == "atk" and 1 or 0
function getPlayerClanName(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 'No Clan!' end
return clansName[getPlayerClanNum(cid)] and clansName[getPlayerClanNum(cid)][1] or 'No Clan!'
function getPlayerClanNum(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return -1 end
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 86228)
function getPlayerClanRank(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return -1 end
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 862281)
function setPlayerClan(cid, clan)
if not isCreature(cid) or not clan then return false end
if removePlayerClan(cid) then --para evitar possiveis problemas!
if type(clan) == "number" and (clan >= 1 and clan <= 9) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 86228, clan) --sto clan
setPlayerClanRank(cid, 1) --set rank 1
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, clansName[clan][2], 1) --sto roupa
return true
elseif type(clan) == "string" then
clan = string.lower(clan)
for e, f in pairs(clansName) do
local clan2 = string.lower(f[1])
if clan == clan2 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 86228, e) --sto clan
setPlayerClanRank(cid, 1) --set rank 1
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, clansName[e][2], 1) --sto roupa
return true
return false
function setPlayerClanRank(cid, rank)
if not isCreature(cid) or not rank then return false end
if type(rank) == "number" and (rank >= 1 and rank <= 5) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 862281, rank)
if rank == 5 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, clansName[getPlayerClanNum(cid)][3], 1)
return true
return false
function removePlayerClan(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return false end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 854789) >= 1 then return false end --nao pode remover o clan se o player tiver fazendo missoes de rank!
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 86228, -1) --sto do clan
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 862281, -1) --sto do rank
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 854789, -1) --sto da quest de rank
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 854788, -1) --sto catch, quest de rank
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 854787, -1) --sto task, quest de rank
for i = 181612, 181638 do
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, -1) --sto das roupas de clan
return true
function checkItensForTask(cid, itens)
local check = 0
local array = {}
local missing = {}
table.insert(missing, "Are missing: ")
local c = 0
for i = 1, #itens do
if getPlayerItemCount(cid, itens[1]) >= itens[2] then
check = check + 1
table.insert(array, {itens[1], (itens[2]-getPlayerItemCount(cid, itens[1]))})
if check == #itens then
for b = 1, #itens do
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, itens[1], itens[2])
return 0
for a = 1, #array do
table.insert(missing, ((a == #array and c ~= 0) and " and " or a ~= 1 and ", " or "{")..(array[a][2]).." "..(getItemNameById(array[a][1])))
c = c+1
table.insert(missing, "} yet.")
return table.concat(missing)
function checkPokemonForTask(cid, poke)
local pbs = getPokeballsInContainer(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 3).uid)
local slot = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
if slot.itemid > 0 and isPokeball(slot.itemid) then
if getItemAttribute(slot.uid, "poke") == poke and getItemAttribute(slot.uid, "task") and getItemAttribute(slot.uid, "task") >= 1 then
doRemoveItem(slot.uid, 1)
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEGS).uid, 2395)
return true
for i = 1, #pbs do
if getItemAttribute(pbs, "poke") == poke and getItemAttribute(pbs, "task") and getItemAttribute(pbs, "task") >= 1 then
doRemoveItem(pbs, 1)
return true
return false

clan system

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  • 4 years later...
A questão neste tópico de suporte foi encerrada por falta de respostas. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta.

+ Caso a dúvida não tenha sido resolvida você poderá criar outro tópico solicitando ajuda.
* Lembre-se que é permitido dar UP no tópico a cada 24 horas para assim o destacar e manter movimentado.
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