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Rank ' Frags ---



Coloquei um rank que achei aqui no XTibia só que o rank frags não tá funcionando, pq será? tem que arrumar storage?




local config = {

MaxPlayer = 20,

fight_skills = {

['fist'] = 0,

['club'] = 1,

['sword'] = 2,

['axe'] = 3,

['distance'] = 4,

['shielding'] = 5,

['fishing'] = 6,

['dist'] = 4,

['shield'] = 5,

['fish'] = 6,


other_skills = {

[''] = "level",

['level'] = "level",

['magic'] = "maglevel",

['health'] = "healthmax",

['mana'] = "manamax"


vocations = {

['sorcerer'] = {1,5},

['druid'] = {2,6},

['paladin'] = {3,7},

['knight'] = {4,8}


storages = {

['frags'] = 824544



function onSay(cid, words, param)

local param,str = string.lower(param),""

if not config.fight_skills[param] and not config.other_skills[param] and not config.vocations[param] and not config.storages[param] then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "este rank não existe.") return true


str = "--[ RANK "..(param == "" and "LEVEL" or string.upper(param)).." ]--\n\n"

query = config.fight_skills[param] and db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `value` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `skillid` = "..config.fight_skills[param].." ORDER BY `value` DESC;") or config.other_skills[param] and db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `"..config.other_skills[param].."` FROM `players` WHERE `id` > 6 AND `group_id` < 2 ORDER BY `"..config.other_skills[param].."` DESC, `name` ASC;") or config.storages[param] and db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `value` FROM `player_storage` WHERE `key` = "..config.storages[param].." ORDER BY cast(value as INTEGER) DESC;") or db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `level` FROM `players` WHERE `group_id` <= 2 AND `vocation` = "..config.vocations[param][1].." or `vocation` = "..config.vocations[param][2].." ORDER BY `level` DESC;")

if (query:getID() ~= -1) then

k = 1

while true do

str = str .. "\n " .. k .. ". "..(config.fight_skills[param] and getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataString("player_id")) or config.storages[param] and getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataString("player_id")) or query:getDataString("name")).." - [" .. query:getDataInt((config.fight_skills[param] and "value" or config.storages[param] and "value" or config.vocations[param] and "level" or config.other_skills[param])) .. "]"

k = k + 1

if not(query:next()) or k > config.MaxPlayer then






doShowTextDialog(cid,6500, str)

return true


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Duvida Sanada



Para ser movido.


não lá não diz o código não


problema resolvido, obrigado a todos que tentou ajudar ...


Nem deu rep+ pra os que te ajudaram fio...


Reputação nem é tudo o importante é ajudar.

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