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Gente, estou tentando entrar no site, porém está dando esse erro:
Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 40
Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 52
Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 63
Segue abaixo as linhas que estão indicando erros:
LINHA 40: if($_REQUEST['page'] == '' && !isset($_REQUEST['step']))
echo '<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" />
<title>Installation of account maker</title>
<frameset cols="230,*">
<frame name="menu" src="install.php?page=menu" />
<frame name="step" src="install.php?page=step&step=0" />
<noframes><body>Frames don\'t work. Install Firefox </body></noframes>
LINHA 52: if($_REQUEST['page'] == 'menu')
echo '<h2>MENU</h2><br><b>IF NOT INSTALLED:</b><br>
<a href="install.php?page=step&step=start" target="step">0. Informations</a><br>
<a href="install.php?page=step&step=1" target="step">1. Set server path</a><br>
<a href="install.php?page=step&step=2" target="step">2. Check DataBase connection</a><br>
<a href="install.php?page=step&step=3&server_conf=yes" target="step">3. Add tables and columns to DB</a><br>
<a href="install.php?page=step&step=4&server_conf=yes" target="step">4. Add samples to DB</a><br>
<a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes" target="step">5. Set Admin Account</a><br>
<b>FOR ADMINS:</b><br>
<a href="index.php?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_monsters" target="step">6. Load Monsters from OTS</a><br>
<a href="index.php?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_spells" target="step">7. Load Spells from OTS</a><br>';
LINHA 63: if($_REQUEST['page'] == 'step') {
if($config['site']['install'] != "no") {
if($_REQUEST['server_conf'] == 'yes' || ($_REQUEST['step'] > 2 && $_REQUEST['step'] < 6)) {
$config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua');
if(isset($config['server']['mysqlHost'])) {
$mysqlhost = $config['server']['mysqlHost'];
$mysqluser = $config['server']['mysqlUser'];
$mysqlpass = $config['server']['mysqlPass'];
$mysqldatabase = $config['server']['mysqlDatabase'];
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