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[Encerrado] alguem pode mi ajuda server pokemon slicer


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eu queria saber como almentar os life dos pokemon shinys ,como colocar para vender shinys no npc mais caro e tambem como mudar os pokemon inicias se algeum puder mi ajudar do mais rep

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Para mudar o life. Vá em data/monsters procure o pokemon desejado. O arquivo é por exemplo Magikarp.xml, abra-o com o bloco de notas, procure por

  <health now="190" max="190"/>

Mude os valores para o desejado! Para mudar o preço dos pokémons vendidos. Passe o script do NPC para mim e poderei mudar!

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dos shiny eu ja fiz isso mudei o <health now="190" max="190"/> so que nao muda os shiny selvagem fica a msm coisa

a pasta do npc nao esta comigo agora dps eu pego e posto aki

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mano achu q ja lhe flei algumas vezes... pokemon nao tem nd a ver com tibia... ;/



mano tudo fica em lib/configuration.lua... de uma olhada na tabela pokes...

achu q o npc q vende pokes tem uma tabela la de preços... eh soh arrumar a tabela...

pokes iniciais eh em actions/scripts/starter.lua ...

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amigio atualizase o serv corretamente com todas as atualizaçoes? ¬¬


local focus = 0
local talk_start = 0
local conv = 0
local cost = 0
local pname = ""
local baseprice = 0

local pokePrice = {
["Bulbasaur"] = 3000,												   
["Ivysaur"] = 4500,	    --alterado v1.6
["Venusaur"] = 12000,

function sellPokemon(cid, name, price)

   local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)

   if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then
   selfSay("Back your pokemon to do that!")
   focus = 0							    --alterado v1.8
   return true
   local storages = {17000, 63215, 17001, 13008, 5700}   --alterado v1.8
   for s = 1, #storages do
    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages[s]) >= 1 then
	   selfSay("You can't do that while is Flying, Riding, Surfing, Diving or mount a bike!")
	   focus = 0
	   return true

   if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= 0 then
   if string.lower(getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then
	  if not getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "unique") then  --alterado v1.6
		 selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful ""! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")
		 doRemoveItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 1)			  --alterado v1.6
		 doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)
		 doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEGS).uid, 2395)
		 return true

   for a, b in pairs(pokeballs) do
       local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, b.on)
       for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
           if string.lower(getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then
               if not getItemAttribute(ball, "unique") then --alterado v1.6
			   selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful "..getItemAttribute(ball, "poke").."! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")
                  doRemoveItem(ball, 1)
                  doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)
  			    return true

   selfSay("You don't have a "", make sure it is in your backpack and it is not fainted and it is not in a Unique Ball!")  --alterado v1.6
return false

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)

   local msg = string.lower(msg)

   if string.find(msg, "!") or string.find(msg, ",") then
   return true

   if focus == cid then
       talk_start = os.clock()

   if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 3 then
       selfSay('Welcome to my store! I buy pokemons of all species, just tell me the name of the pokemon you want to sell.')
       focus = cid
       conv = 1
       talk_start = os.clock()
       cost = 0
       pname = ""
   return true

   if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then
       selfSay('See you around then!')
       focus = 0
   return true

   if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and focus == cid and conv == 4 then
       selfSay('Tell me the name of the pokemon you would like to sell.')
       conv = 1
   return true

   if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 4 and focus == cid then
       selfSay('Ok, see you around then!')
       focus = 0
   return true

   local common = {"rattata", "caterpie", "weedle", "magikarp"}

   if conv == 1 and focus == cid then
       for a = 1, #common do
           if msgcontains(msg, common[a]) then
               selfSay('I dont buy such a common pokemon!')
           return true

   if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 3 and focus == cid then
       selfSay('Well, then what pokemon would you like to sell?')
       conv = 1
   return true

   if (conv == 1 or conv == 4) and focus == cid then
       local name = doCorrectPokemonName(msg)
       local pokemon = pokes[name]
       if not pokemon then
           selfSay("Sorry, I don't know what pokemon you're talking about! Are you sure you spelled it correctly?")
       return true

    baseprice = pokePrice[name] or math.floor(pokemon.level * 150)  --alterado v1.6

    cost = baseprice
    pname = name
    selfSay("Are you sure you want to sell a "" for "..cost.." dollars?")
    conv = 3	   

   if isConfirmMsg(msg) and focus == cid and conv == 3 then
       if sellPokemon(cid, pname, cost) then
           conv = 4
           conv = 1
   return true


local intervalmin = 38
local intervalmax = 70
local delay = 25
local number = 1
local messages = {"Buying some beautiful pokemons! Come here to sell them!",
         "Wanna sell a pokemon? Came to the right place!",
         "Buy pokemon! Excellent offers!",
         "Tired of a pokemon? Why don't you sell it to me then?",

function onThink()

   if focus == 0 then
           delay = delay - 0.5
           if delay <= 0 then
               number = number + 1
                   if number > #messages then
                       number = 1
               delay = math.random(intervalmin, intervalmax)
       return true

   if not isCreature(focus) then
       focus = 0
   return true

       local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())
       local focpos = getThingPos(focus)

       if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then
           focus = 0
       return true

       if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 70 then
           focus = 0
           selfSay("I have other clients too, talk to me when you feel like selling a pokemon.")

       if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 3 then
           selfSay("Good bye then and thanks!")
           focus = 0
       return true

       local dir = doDirectPos(npcpos, focpos)    

return true



sobre os pokes.. assim..

["Weedle"] = {x = 53, y = 70, z = 7},

va nessa pos, tu vai ver varios baus... dai tu olha as posiçoes la e compara no script.. e dai eh soh mudar o nome do poke ali na tabela e mudar depois o portrait q ta la na pos...

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slicer vc mi mando o negocio do npc mais cade as tabela dos pokemon é akilo la


local pokePrice = {

["Bulbasaur"] = 3000,

["Ivysaur"] = 4500, --alterado v1.6

["Venusaur"] = 12000,


se for eu queria sabe se so vai vender esses 3 la ? ;X so meu nb ainda mals kk

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eh q eu soh fiz esses 3... quem for usar o serv q faça o resto... o npc ainda compra os outros, ms n tando na tabela, mas dai usa um formula la pra calcular o preço do poke..

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