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[Encerrado] [PEDIDO]Ajuda em battle npcs pokemon PDA SLICER 1.8


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Queria ajuda em criar npc para battle, tipo os de ginasio, porém qria uns q desse para editar os pokemons e q ao ganhar dele ganhasse um storage e um item. Porém não poderia batalhar com ele mais de uma vez. caso ganhasse.


Tentei editar os npcs de gym porém não invoca o pokemon...

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Obrigado, duvida sanada ! Rep + amanha !


Porém esse npc pede pra falar o numero de pokemons q qr batalhar, eu qria um q ja tivesse um numero determinado ... tipo os do gym ...

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tenta usar esse como base entao..


local focus = 0

local max_distance = 8

local talk_start = 0

local conv = 0

local fighting = false

local challenger = 0

local afk_limit_time = 30 -- seconds

local afk_time = 0 -- don't change

local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change

local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change

local masterpos = {}

local time_to_fight_again = 15 -- seconds, not ms (so 30 * 60 means 30 minutes)


local can_walk = true -- true to make this npc walks randomly

local max_distance = 5 -- maximum distance this npc can get far (sqms)

local walk_delay = 7 -- every seconds make this npc walk


local cooldown_table = {}


local min_pokemons_to_battle = 1-- change to whatever you want

local number_of_pokemons = 0 -- don't change


local prizes = {

[1] = {{itemid = 2393, count = 30}, {itemid = 2392, count = 20}},

[2] = {{itemid = 2393, count = 40}, {itemid = 2392, count = 30}},

[3] = {{itemid = 2393, count = 50}, {itemid = 2392, count = 40}},

[4] = {{itemid = 2393, count = 60}, {itemid = 2392, count = 50}},

[5] = {{itemid = 2393, count = 70}, {itemid = 2392, count = 60}},

[6] = {{itemid = 2393, count = 80}, {itemid = 2392, count = 70}}}


local pokemons = {

{name = "Cloyster", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Crusher", ball = "super"},

{name = "Lapras", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "Laura", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Electabuzz", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Eletron", ball = "great"},

{name = "Pinsir", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Headcutter", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Dragonair", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "Dragonix", ball = "ultra"},




local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc)

local this = npc

if not isCreature(this) then return true end

if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or focus == 0 then return true end

local it = pokemons[battle_turn]


local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1]

local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect

if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then

balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect


doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect)

setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect)

setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or

setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or

doSetMonsterGym(summon, focus)

local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s "

addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 15, summon, it.optionalLevel)

doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1)

fighting = true

battle_turn = battle_turn + 1



local function doWinDuel(cid, npc)

if not isCreature(cid) then return true end

local this = npc

local x = prizes[number_of_pokemons]

for n = 1, #x do

doPlayerAddItem(cid, x[n].itemid, x[n].count)


doCreatureSay(npc, "Congratulations! You won, here is your prize.", 1)

cooldown_table[getCreatureName(cid)] = os.clock() + time_to_fight_again

return true



function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)


local msg = string.lower(msg)


if focus == cid then

talk_start = os.clock()



if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 4 then


if cooldown_table[getCreatureName(cid)] and cooldown_table[getCreatureName(cid)] - os.clock() > 0 then

selfSay("Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", I really enjoyed our last battle!")

conv = 10


selfSay("Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", are you up to a duel? I can give prizes if you win!")

conv = 1



focus = cid

talk_start = os.clock()

return true



if (isDuelMsg(msg) or isConfirmMsg(msg)) and (conv == 1 or conv == 10) and focus == cid then


if conv == 10 then

selfSay("We have just battled! Please wait for me to recover from out last battle!")

focus = 0

return true



if not hasPokemon(cid) then

selfSay("You need pokemons to battle!")

return true



number_of_pokemons = 6 --muda aki a qntdade

selfSay("Ok, the first that defeats "..number_of_pokemons.." wins, let's start!")

challenger = focus

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990, 1)

addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 850, getThis())

conv = 3


return true



if isNegMsg(msg) and conv == 1 and focus == cid then


focus = 0

selfSay("It is better for you to refuse a battle against me!")


return true



if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then

selfSay('Bye and do your best trainer!')

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0

return true




local afk_warning = false

local change = false

local walkdelay = 0


function onThink()


if not masterpos.x then

masterpos = getThingPos(getThis())



if focus == 0 then


fighting = false

challenger = 0

change = false

challenger_turn = 0

battle_turn = 1

afk_time = 0

afk_warning = false


if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) >= 1 then

setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], 1006, 0)

doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1]))



walkdelay = walkdelay - 0.5


if walkdelay <= 0 then

walkdelay = walk_delay

local pos = getThingPos(getThis())

local npos = {}

for a = 0, 3 do

if getDistanceBetween(getPosByDir(pos, a), masterpos) <= max_distance and canWalkOnPos(getPosByDir(pos, a), true, false, true, true, false) then

table.insert(npos, getPosByDir(pos, a))




if npos and #npos > 0 then

doTeleportThing(getThis(), npos[math.random(#npos)])




return true



if not isCreature(focus) then

focus = 0

return true



if fighting then


talk_start = os.clock()


if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getThis())) then

if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then

if getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]).lookType ~= 2 then --alterado v1.6


change = true

afk_time = 0



afk_time = afk_time + 0.5

if change then

change = false

challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1





if afk_time > afk_limit_time then

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0

selfSay("I have waited too long, come back when you are ready!")

return true



if not afk_warning and afk_time > afk_limit_time / 2 then

selfSay("Where's your pokemon? Let's fight!")

afk_warning = true




if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) == 0 then

if battle_turn > number_of_pokemons then

addEvent(doWinDuel, 1000, focus, getThis())

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0

return true


addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getThis())



if not hasPokemon(challenger) or challenger_turn > 6 or challenger_turn >= number_of_pokemons then

selfSay("You lost our duel! Maybe some other time you'll defeat me.")

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0

return true





local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())

local focpos = getThingPos(focus)


if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0

selfSay("Bye then.")

return true



if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then

selfSay("Good bye and keep training!")

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0



if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > max_distance then

setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

focus = 0

return true



local dir = doRedirectDirection(getDirectionTo(npcpos, focpos))



return true



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