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Como fazer para paladin poder healar em quanto ataca?



12 respostass a esta questão

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Bom eu nao entendo muito de Tibia Global mais acho que nao seria melhor voçê criar um intem para que so paladin usasse e que esse tal intem heala-se tanto de Life e Mana exemplo: 10000/s

Seria melhor assim do que usar uma magia toda hora ficava apertando uma magia '---'

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tenta assim ..

em data/actions/scripts/liquids -- abra o arquivo great_spirit.lua e substitua por isso:


local MIN_HEALTH = 1000

local MAX_HEALTH = 1100

local MIN_MANA = 400

local MAX_MANA = 600

local EMPTY_POTION = 7635


local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)

setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 200))


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

if isPlayer(itemEx.uid) == FALSE then

return FALSE



if hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL) == TRUE then


return TRUE



if((not(isPaladin(itemEx.uid)) or getPlayerLevel(itemEx.uid) < 80) and getPlayerCustomFlagValue(itemEx.uid, PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges) == FALSE) then

doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only paladins of level 80 or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

return TRUE



if doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.random(MIN_HEALTH, MAX_HEALTH)) == LUA_ERROR or doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.random(MIN_MANA, MAX_MANA)) == LUA_ERROR then

return FALSE



doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)

doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

return TRUE




Editado por XxPaaulinhoOxX
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No weapons.xml do seu servidor.


Troque essa parte:


<!-- Ammunition -->
<distance id="2545" event="script" value="poison_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="2546" event="script" value="burst_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="7366" event="script" value="viper_star.lua"/>
<distance id="7838" type="energy" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7839" type="ice" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7840" type="fire" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7850" type="earth" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="3965" level="20" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Hunting Spear -->
<distance id="7378" level="25" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Royal Spear -->
<distance id="7367" level="42" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Enchanted Spear -->
<distance id="7368" level="80" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Assassin Star -->
<distance id="7364" level="20" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Sniper Arrow -->
<distance id="7365" level="40" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Onyx Arrow -->
<distance id="7363" level="30" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Piercing Bolt -->
<distance id="2547" level="55" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Power Bolt -->
<distance id="6529" level="70" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Infernal Bolt -->


Por essa:


<!-- Ammunition -->

<distance id="2545" event="script" swing="true" value="poison_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="2546" event="script" swing="true" value="burst_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="7366" event="script" swing="true" value="viper_star.lua"/>
<distance id="7838" type="energy" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7839" type="ice" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7840" type="fire" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7850" type="earth" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="3965" level="20" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Hunting Spear -->
<distance id="7378" level="25" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Royal Spear -->
<distance id="7367" level="42" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Enchanted Spear -->
<distance id="7368" level="80" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Assassin Star -->
<distance id="7364" level="20" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Sniper Arrow -->
<distance id="7365" level="40" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Onyx Arrow -->
<distance id="7363" level="30" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Piercing Bolt -->
<distance id="2547" level="55" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Power Bolt -->
<distance id="6529" level="70" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Infernal Bolt -->

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Se eu, que resolvi a dúvida do garoto, não postei porcaria nenhuma falando que reportei porque diabos você tem que vir aqui fazer um post pra isso? Esse tipo de coisa, devia ser considerada flood. Basta apenas reportar, não precisa postar não.



Editado por Oneshot
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Se eu, que resolvi a dúvida do garoto, não postei porcaria nenhuma falando que reportei porque diabos você tem que vir aqui fazer um post pra isso? Esse tipo de coisa, devia ser considerada flood. Basta apenas reportar, não precisa postar não.




ta mt nervosinho , eu falo resolvido & reportado pra moderação n fika reçebendo um monte de denuncia.

então deu ai ta?

alias , eu sempre fiz isso e nunca reclamaram.


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No weapons.xml do seu servidor.


Troque essa parte:


<!-- Ammunition -->
<distance id="2545" event="script" value="poison_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="2546" event="script" value="burst_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="7366" event="script" value="viper_star.lua"/>
<distance id="7838" type="energy" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7839" type="ice" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7840" type="fire" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7850" type="earth" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="3965" level="20" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Hunting Spear -->
<distance id="7378" level="25" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Royal Spear -->
<distance id="7367" level="42" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Enchanted Spear -->
<distance id="7368" level="80" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Assassin Star -->
<distance id="7364" level="20" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Sniper Arrow -->
<distance id="7365" level="40" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Onyx Arrow -->
<distance id="7363" level="30" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Piercing Bolt -->
<distance id="2547" level="55" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Power Bolt -->
<distance id="6529" level="70" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Infernal Bolt -->


Por essa:


<!-- Ammunition -->

<distance id="2545" event="script" swing="true" value="poison_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="2546" event="script" swing="true" value="burst_arrow.lua"/>
<distance id="7366" event="script" swing="true" value="viper_star.lua"/>
<distance id="7838" type="energy" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7839" type="ice" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7840" type="fire" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="7850" type="earth" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/>
<distance id="3965" level="20" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Hunting Spear -->
<distance id="7378" level="25" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Royal Spear -->
<distance id="7367" level="42" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Enchanted Spear -->
<distance id="7368" level="80" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Assassin Star -->
<distance id="7364" level="20" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Sniper Arrow -->
<distance id="7365" level="40" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Onyx Arrow -->
<distance id="7363" level="30" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Piercing Bolt -->
<distance id="2547" level="55" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Power Bolt -->
<distance id="6529" level="70" swing="true" event="function" value="default"/> <!-- Infernal Bolt -->


Cara... muitissimo obrigado, você é muito pica das galaxias!

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