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tpw gente eu tenho esse evento no meu baiak e tals... o problema é que quando os players entram no lugar onde fica as banderinhas e tals o player pisa no sqm q ta a bandeira mais n consegue pegar não sei o pq ta ai as configurações principais acho q é aki né.. me ajudem por favor



<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?-->
<mod name="CTF" version="1.0" author="Doggynub" contact="" enabled="yes">
 <config name="toto"><!--[CDATA[
--[[ Storage Settings]]--

Owner = 1900 -- put empty storage
FLAG2_INn = 4000 -- put empty storage
FLAG_IN = 4001 -- put empty storage
TEAM1_FLAGS = 3030 -- put empty storage
TEAM2_FLAGS = 3031 -- put empty storage
Event_Start = 3032 -- put empty storage
Event_timeend = 3033 -- put empty storage
Event_Tile_Close = 3039 -- put empty storage
joined = 2023 --put empty storage
Timer = 1010 --put empty storage

--[[ Places setting ]]--

BLUE_FLAG = {x=901,y=224,z=7} -- Blue flag Place
RED_FLAG = {x=1009,y=218,z=7} --red flag Place
Tp_Place = {x=171,y=64,z=7} -- Place where the event teleport will be created.
Wait_Place = {x=970,y=357,z=7} -- Positions Players will  be sent when the enter event's teleport
frompos = {x=964, y=355, z=7} --start sqm in the waiting room(1 floor)
topos = {x=976,y=360,z=7} -- end sqm in the waiting room(1 floor)
Red_Position = {x=997,y=219,z=7} -- Red team temple pos
Blue_Position = {x=910,y=224,z=7} -- Blue team temple pos

--[[Event setting ]]--

Event_WaitTime = 2 -- time for the collection of player then event will start (in minutes)
Event_MaxTime = 2 --- in minutes ( this is the max time for an event to bb running )
Players_Speed = 20000 -- put the level of base speed in event ( like if you want the speed of lvl 300 then wright 300)
 Flag_Holder_Speed = 15000 -- [Old-Styled feature] speed for the player when he hold a flag better not to increase.
TEAM2_NAME = "Red" -- team 2 name
TEAM1_NAME = "Green" -- team 1 name
FLAG_SCORE = 3 -- score when team gets he wins
Teleport_On_Score = false -- this teleport all players to their team main position when some one score a flag , make false to disable.
Players_Least_Number = 2 -- this means if there is less than 2 players joined the event will be cancelled
Min_Join_Level = 100 -- min lvl for a player to join event




Editado por ludgeromf1
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