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[Encerrado] Botando Protection Zone No Trilho.


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quero saber com eu boto protection zone no meu script tipo aonde o cart 7132 andar, ficar protection sem precisar botar pretection no mapa ajuda ai valeu ;D MINHA SCRIPT ABAIXO \/


--Script by mock the bear


local SPEED = 50

local PLAYERSPEED = 80


local RAILS = {7121, 7122, 7123, 7124, 7125, 7126, 7127, 7128, 7129, 7130} --Thxy rails itemid by nord :p

local CART = {[0] = 7132, [2] = 7132, [3] =7131, [1] =7131}

local CONFIG = {

[7121] = 0,[7122] = 0,

[7123] = {EAST, SOUTH},

[7124] = {WEST, SOUTH},

[7125] = {EAST, NORTH},

[7126] = {WEST, NORTH},

[7127] = 0,[7128] = 0,

[7129] = 0,[7130] = 0,

[152] = {NORTH, SOUTH}, --modificado por Piporealino Xtibia

[153] = {SOUTH, NORTH},

[154] = {EAST, WEST},

[155] = {WEST, EAST},



local reverse = {[0] = 2, 3, 0, 1} -- All that table was made by nord.

local function moveTrain(cid, frompos, direc)

local tab

if not isPlayer(cid) then



local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid)

local rar = findRail(pos)

if not rar then

doPlayerSetNoMove(cid, false)

doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)

doChangeSpeed(cid, -PLAYERSPEED)

doMoveCreature(cid, direc)


tab = CONFIG[rar]

if tab and type(tab) == 'table' then

direc = tab[tab[1] == reverse[direc] and 2 or 1] -- by nord here


doSetItemOutfit(cid, CART[direc], -1)

doMoveCreature(cid, direc)

addEvent(moveTrain, SPEED, cid, pos,direc)



function findRail(p)

local p_ = {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z}

for i=0,10 do

p_.stackpos = i

local t = getTileThingByPos(p_)

if isInArray(RAILS, t.itemid) then

return t.itemid,t.uid




function onUse(cid, item, frompos) --Script by mock the bear

if hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) or (item.actionid < 500 and item.actionid > 503) then

return false


doTeleportThing(cid, frompos, false)

doPlayerSetNoMove(cid, true)

doChangeSpeed(cid, PLAYERSPEED)

addEvent(moveTrain, SPEED, cid, frompos, item.actionid-500)

return true


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