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Nicaw Aac Error: File: Sql.php On Line: 94


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Copyright © 2007 - 2009 Nicaw


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


class SQL {








//creates new connection

public function __construct($server, $user, $password, $database) {


//warn if MySQL extension is not installed


throw new LibraryMissingException('MySQL library is not installed. Database access is impossible.', 0);


//establish a link to MySQL

$con = @mysql_connect($server,$user,$password);

if ($con === false)

throw new DatabaseConnectException('Unable to connect to mysql server. Please make sure it is up and running and you have correct user/password in', 1);


//select otserv database

if (!mysql_select_db($database))

throw new DatabaseSelectException('Unable to select database: '.$database.'. Make sure it exists.', 2);


//retrieve table list

$result = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES');

if ($result === false)

DatabaseQueryException('Failed to retrieve a table list.');


while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($result))

$this->sql_tables[] = $a[0];


//retrieve schema version

$result = mysql_query('SELECT value FROM schema_info WHERE name = \'version\'');

if ($result === false) {

$this->schema_version = false;

} else {

$a = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$this->schema_version = $a['value'];



//assign the connection

$this->sql_connection = $con;


return true;



public function getSchemaVersion() {

return $this->schema_version;



public function isTable($mixed) {

return in_array($mixed, $this->sql_tables);



public function __destruct() {






//Creates tables

public function setup() {

$tables = explode(';', file_get_contents('documents/shema.mysql'));

foreach ($tables as $table) mysql_query($table);



//Perform simple SQL query

public function myQuery($q) {



$this->last_query = mysql_query($q, $this->sql_connection);

$this->last_insert_id = mysql_insert_id();

if ($this->last_query === false) {


throw new DatabaseQueryException('Error #'.mysql_errno().':'.mysql_error(), $q);


return $this->last_query;



//True is last query failed

public function failed() {

if ($this->last_query === false) return true;

return false;



//Returns current array with data values

public function fetch_array() {

if (!$this->failed())

if (isset($this->last_query))

return mysql_fetch_array($this->last_query);


throw new ClassException('Attempt to fetch a null query.');


throw new ClassException('Attempt to fetch failed query.');



//Returns the last insert id

public function insert_id() {

return $this->last_insert_id;



//Returns the number of rows affected

public function num_rows() {

if (!$this->failed())

return mysql_num_rows($this->last_query);


throw new ClassException('Attempt to count failed query.');



//Quotes a string

public function escape_string($string) {

return mysql_real_escape_string($string);



//Quotes a value so it's safe to use in SQL statement

public function quote($value) {

if(is_numeric($value) && $value[0] != '0')

return (int) $value;


return '\''.$this->escape_string($value).'\'';



public function analyze() {

//determine database type, try to perform autosetup

$is_aac_db = in_array('nicaw_accounts',$this->sql_tables);

$is_server_db = in_array('accounts',$this->sql_tables) && in_array('players',$this->sql_tables);

$is_svn = in_array('player_depotitems',$this->sql_tables) && in_array('groups',$this->sql_tables);

$is_cvs = in_array('playerstorage',$this->sql_tables) && in_array('skills',$this->sql_tables);

if (!$is_aac_db) {


throw new DatabaseException('Notice: AutoSetup has attempted to create missing tables for you. Please create MySQL tables manually from "database.sql" if you are still getting this message.', 3);

}elseif (!$is_server_db) {

throw new DatabaseException('It appears you don\'t have SQL sample imported for OT server or it is not supported.', 4);

}elseif ($is_cvs && !$is_svn) {

throw new DatabaseException('This AAC version does not support your server. Consider using SQL v1.5.', 5);


return true;



public function repairTables() {

if (isset($this->sql_tables))

foreach($this->sql_tables as $table)

mysql_query('REPAIR TABLE '.$table);

return true;




# Methods for simple data access #



//Insert data

public function myInsert($table,$data) {global $cfg;

$fields = array_keys($data);

$values = array_values($data);

$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.mysql_escape_string($table).'` (';

foreach ($fields as $field)

$query.= '`'.mysql_escape_string($field).'`,';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1);

$query.= ') VALUES (';

foreach ($values as $value)

if ($value === null)

$query.= 'NULL,';


$query.= $this->quote($value).',';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1);

$query.= ');';


return true;



//Replace data

public function myReplace($table,$data) {global $cfg;

$fields = array_keys($data);

$values = array_values($data);

$query = 'REPLACE INTO `'.mysql_escape_string($table).'` (';

foreach ($fields as $field)

$query.= '`'.mysql_escape_string($field).'`,';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1);

$query.= ') VALUES (';

foreach ($values as $value)

if ($value === null)

$query.= 'NULL,';


$query.= $this->quote($value).',';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1);

$query.= ');';


return true;



//Retrieve single row

public function myRetrieve($table,$data) {

$fields = array_keys($data);

$values = array_values($data);

$query = 'SELECT * FROM `'.mysql_escape_string($table).'` WHERE (';

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++)

$query.= '`'.mysql_escape_string($fields[$i]).'` = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).' AND ';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-4);



if ($this->num_rows() != 1) return false;

return $this->fetch_array();



//Update data

public function myUpdate($table,$data,$where,$limit=1) {

$fields = array_keys($data);

$values = array_values($data);

$query = 'UPDATE `'.mysql_escape_string($table).'` SET ';

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++)

$query.= '`'.mysql_escape_string($fields[$i]).'` = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).', ';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-2);

$query.=' WHERE (';

$fields = array_keys($where);

$values = array_values($where);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++)

$query.= '`'.mysql_escape_string($fields[$i]).'` = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).' AND ';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-4);

if (isset($limit))

$query.=') LIMIT '.$limit.';';




return true;



//Delete data

public function myDelete($table,$data,$limit = 1) {

$fields = array_keys($data);

$values = array_values($data);

$query = 'DELETE FROM `'.mysql_escape_string($table).'` WHERE (';

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++)

$query.= '`'.mysql_escape_string($fields[$i]).'` = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).' AND ';

$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-4);

if ($limit > 0)

$query.=') LIMIT '.$limit.';';




return true;









Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseQueryException'

Message: Error #1048:Column 'ip' cannot be null

SQL query: INSERT INTO `nicaw_account_logs` (id, ip, account_id, date, action) VALUES(NULL, INET_ATON('::1'), 6, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 'Created')

File: sql.php on line: 94

Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


Debug Backtrace:Disabled




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