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How To Use Tibia Xcam

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Tibia XCam is a free Tibia Cam and suport Global and Otserver


How to Use



Recording in Global server


1. Open Tibia Client

2. Open Tibia XCam

3. Press "0" (Rec) and choose a place and name of your movie.

4. Login in your account



Recording in Otserv


1. Open Tibia Client

2. Open Tibia XCam

3. Click in +(PLUSS)signal at left bottom

4. Type server IP and server PORT

5. Press "0" (Rec) and choose a place and name of your movie.

6. Login in your account



PS While u is recording u can press "M" Button (Righ Top on Tibia Xcam Window) to bookmark this moment and when u is playng u can go faster to this point(u can make any bookmark as u need)


Playng Movies


1. Open Tibia Client

2. Open Tibia XCam

3. Press ">" (Play)

4. Whait for "Pronto" information apear

5. Choose your movie and log in whitout put account information



When u is playng movies


1. || Pause

2. >> speed ++ (double clik go to next bookmark in speed 200)

3. << speed --




Tibia Xcam Version 1.06 Clients Suport 8.31,8.4x, 8.50, 8.52 and 8.53

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Eu tb. bem dano uma olhada pela net encontrei 4 sites em pl e 2 em casteliano que estao postando o Tibia XCam para downloads e tomara que esse pequeno tutorial ja ajude eles a usar....

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