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Devland Edited By Gm Cayman (with Guild Npc And More)


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A edited version of the devland created by GM Omen (CaymaN).




Devland 0.90-ONLY XML

* all features from 0.89 (Devland)
* Fixed spells (Again -.-)
* all new items from Tibia 8.0 are undernamed (described items?) (Hermes,GM Omen)
* added all wand and rods :) (GM Omen)
* added new npc soft man (Otfans)
* added scanting npc kapitan
* nice edit mape
* added morgaroth and wyvern (GM Omen,hermes)
* added traing monk spawns (GM Omen)
* change npc palladin (GM Omen)
* added addon system and npc! (Xidoazu)

Devland 0.90a

* fixed global.lua (Other)
* added pits of inferno monsters =) (Other0
* fixed bugs on the map (GM Omen)
* added some lacked resps of npc (GM Omen)
* fixed hydra (GM Omen)

Devland 0.90b

* added spell undead legion (Forgetten)
* added komapnie gemow (
* Added scarve from ice ( its making sculpture from ice) (Azi)
* put in order folders

Devland 0.91

* added npc addoner 100% like in Tibia (including norseman addon) (Otfans,GM Omen)
* fixed wand and rods (GM Omen)
* fixed spells 8.0 (GM Omen)
* added npc who's teleporting us to the training room (GM Omen)
* added much flora on the map (GM Omen)
* added svargrond but arena is not finished (GM Omen)
* fixed bugs on the map (GM Omen)
* fixed monsters now they're like in rl Tibia (GM Omen,otfans)
* configurated exhausted like in rl Tibia (GM Omen)
* fixed some npcs (GM Omen)
* added change system like in rl Tibia (if you get into the tp you are inhabitant of the town) (Zorzin)
* added lacked weapons from some lvl in weapons.xml (GM Omen)
* few little corrects

Devland 0.92

* all futures devland 0.95 by Dzojo
* fixed weapons.xml (GM Omen)
* fixed npc addon (Otfans)

Devland 0.92a

* all futures 0.96 by dzojo (Dzojo):
*fixed bug that make server off after your dead

Devland 0.92

* all futures 0.96b by dzojo (Dzojo):
*fixed power of distance weapons(Dzojo)
* fixed some bugs of some npcs (GM Omen,thx report for Hermes)

Devland 0.92c

* reduce fast of monsters attack (thx nurgiel to raported)
* fixed hydra (była ostro zrugowana) (GM Omen)
* fixed monsters (Hermes)
* fixed wand and rods (GM Omen)
* spell exori hur and exori con now cost 40 mp (GM Omen)

Devland 0.93

* added Greenhorn arena monsters (by napster92)
* big edit plaint of havroc! (GM Omen)
* fixed monsters (Again :/,nic nowego tylko poprawki) (GM Omen)
* added very sloow respawn old widow and demodras in poh (GM Omen)
* weapons and amunitions for paladins are from lvl 100% like in rl Tibia (GM Omen)

Devland 0.93b

* added Obsidian Knife and Blessed Wooden Stake (azi)
* fixed 8.0 spells (zawierały dosc dużo błędów)
* npc seller sprzedajacy Obsidian Knife i Blessed Wooden Stake
* few corrects in scripts
* added npc that sells rings and amulets (GM Omen)
* added npc bless (Otfans)
* little corrects (nothing new) (GM Omen)

Devland 1.0

* added 100% rl loot 7.92-8.0 (GM Omen,zorzin)
* poprawki w konsoli (nic nowego tylko poprawki błędów) (GM Omen)
* Monters are 99% like in rl Tibia (GM Omen)
* added option "server only for PACCs" (command /openacc) (svn code by Cuddles)
* better arbalest(GM Omen)
* added "you may block writting to GM on priv" (svn code varkhel)
* fixed npcs bugs (GM Omen)
* new better npc for "softs" (GM Omen)
* new obsidian knife (azi)
* added all "scripts ice items" (by Smoczek Leon)

Devland 1.1

* fixed obsidian knife (GM Omen)
* fixed npc soft man (GM Omen)
* fixed spells (nic nowego tylko pare poprawerk) (GM Omen)
* If you "damn" you will lost hp (damn - if you say... rude wrods) (GM Omen,Nusultan Tudialkbai)
* added all Svargrond arena monsters (GM Gregor)
* final almost crected svargrond arena! 80% (bo niemam jeszcze skryptow beda pozniej..) (GM Omen,GM Gregor)
* added gem system (Killavus)
* added spaws npc in Svargrond (GM Omen)
* added brakujace skrypty dzwi w shvargrond (GM Omen)
* added postman door (GM Omen)
* fixed "niemożna pisać gmowi na priv" (svn code verkhal,GM Omen)
* added tapestry system (GM Omen)
* added pare skrypów by smoczek leon (Smoczek Leon)
* added Suprise and Red bag (ta4e)
* added auto restarter po crashu (GM Omen)
* ogólne poprawki paru błedów (GM Omen)

Devland 1.1b

* fixed doors system (GM Omen,evolutions)
* added widows system (GM Omen,Xidoazu)
* fixed global.lua (GM Omen)
* fixed obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake (again :/) (Ersiu)
* fixed change town (GM Omen)
* fixed houses (GM Omen)
* poprawa kilku spells (GM Omen)
* fixed req level for paldins weapons and ammunations (GM Omen)

Devland 1.2

* crytical fixed global.lua (GM Omen)
* fixed pontions (GM Omen)
* fixed outfits (GM Omen)
* fixed doors and widows (GM Omen,zorzin)
* uptade monsters (GM Omen,forgettenserwer,otfans)
* fixed "use players monsters spells" (GM Omen)
* fixed manafluids (GM Omen)
* fixed req lvl for weapons (GM Omen)
* other fixed...

Devland 2.5

* change to evolutions npc system (xidoazu)
* Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo,)
* fixed NPC "zamieniający addons items" (GM Omen)
* fixed gm block players msg (GM Omen)
* fixed command /openpacc (GM Omen)
* New Commands: (OTH,zorzin)
* /red ( BroadCast Red)
* /white ( BroadCast White)
* /blue ( BroadCast Blue)
* /green ( BroadCast Green

Devland 2.6

* uptade all npcs to system Jiddo (Jiddo)
* spolszczenie konsoli (GM Omen)
* niebieski kolor konsoli (GM Omen)
* fixed players creatureevent (GM Omen)
* nowa ikonka (GM Omen)
* fixed change golds (GM Omen)
* better command !online now its look like "Omen[141], GM Omen[49]" (GM Omen)
* added source;]

Devland 2.7

* fixed premium and promotion system (GM Omen)
* added function isPremium (forgetten)
* added talkactions !version,!giveexp,!buypromote (Ersiu)
* fixed and changed ice rapier attack: 60 (GM Omen)
* fixed could use players spells of monsters (GM Omen)
* fixed doors (GM Omen,Hermes)
* Uptade 8.0 doors: (Hermes,fixed GM Omen)
* *skin doors
* Svargrond wooden door
* Barbiarian bone-doors
* Ice doors
* *Svargrond wood doors
* Svargrond doors
* pozdro dla hermesa;]

Devland 2.8

* Fixed spells exori hur and exori con (GM Omen)
* fixed depot titles (czepek,GM Omen)
* uptade mana/live fluids (GM Omen)
* new windows system by Smoczek Leon (Smoczek Leon)
* added Change Outfit"/outfit" by TheChaosStyle (TheChaos) Info
* update monsters "rl loot,rl monsters (zorzin,GM Omen)
* new obidian knife and blessed wooden stake (Czepek)
* new npc Uzgod:sell obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake for items :) (jkotni6)
* -new lua functions: (otfans)
* *getPlayerExhaust,*doMovePlayerToPosition,*getLeve lExperience
* *doPlayerAddLevel,*doRepeatMessage,*doConvinceSumm on
* *ucwords

Devland 2.9

* instalator "teraz devland sie instaluje " :P (GM Omen)
* rl npc bank (Xniver)
* nowe temple w karmi i npc Devland Fred (GM Omen)
* fixed windows system (Smoczek Leon)
* poprawa buga że można było używać czarów monsterów (GM Omen)
* golden bow is from 60 lvl, using arrows and don't need them xD (Hermes -.^)

Devland 3.0-ONLY SQL

* message UP SKILL,UP LEVELUP MAGLvl (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed a bug that sometimes a player log out and the server crash (Rafael Hamdan)
* fixed gain skills (svn)
* fixed quest system (GM Omen)
* map fixed (GM Omen)
* fixed amulet of loss (svn)
* fixed bless system (GM Omen,svn)
* fied houses system (GM Omen,otfans)
* added WalkTo item (Xidaozu)
* added get-tile system (Rafael Hamdan)
* komenda /clean funkcjonuje w 100% (Rafael Hamdan,fixed GM Omen)
* wpełni spolszczona konsola (GM Omen)
* added cap system configurable in config.lua (Xidoazu)
* guild system (Yurez)
* nowa komenda report! (otfans)
* dodana funkcja onThink (Ispiro, OTfans)
* fixed npc for premium and promotion (GM Omen)
* fixed piggybank (Laxixo)
* paczka instalacyjna zawiera taże map edytor

Devland 3.1

* new creaturescript: onKill (Svn)
* new script house tiles (svn)
* experience Stages (Xidaozu)
* added command "!leavehouse" (Xidoazu)
* new food system (GM Omen)
* SqLite Support (svn,GM Omen)

Devland 3.2

* fixed report system (Rafael Hamdan)
* added house rent system like global (Rafael Hamdan)
* added command_logs (zorzin)
* !online showing how many and who are the online players (Rafael Hamdan)
* Randomize Ground "configurable at config.lua" (zorzin)
* added command /addskill (Xidoazu)
* fixed bed system (GM Omen)
* players online list on logs "online.php" (Xidoazu)
* added pvp enforced things (Xidaozu)
* fixed crash for login,logout (svn,GM Omen)
* fixed server save (GM Omen)
* delete SqLite Support (GM Omen)
* fixed mysql support (GM Omen,svn)
* other bug fixed (svn,rafael hamdan,GM Omen)


Now the downloads :)


Devland 3.2 SQL


Swelia-Acc Maker for Devland SQL




*I just bring the distro to here all credits is for GM Omen and the people who helped to create the server :)

*Thanks very much for Deraco to translate some features to english but it's not 100% english so if anyone can traslate for english post here ^^ (i don't know pl cause i am brasilian :P) ty;*

*I don't made nothing at this server u can post the bugs here and i can post at the official topic, or just post the bugs at the official topic :P


Credits: GM Omen (CaymaN) andrej93 (Hermes),Smoczek Leon ,Azeroth#24 (Azi,Ersiu),Dzojo (Devon Six,Twórca devlandu bez niego by ten serw sie nawet nie włonczył :D) Otfans,,Xidoazu,Zorzin,Rafael Hamdan.




Ok, there is nothing hard about MySQL, look down.


1 - download xampp

* Xampp here




2 - install Xammp




1 - put your mysql password (look at the step 1 at the image)

2 - click in password chaging

If all is correct will shows this msg

The root password was successfully changed. Please restart MYSQL for loading these changes!

3 - put "root" at the user (on XAMPP DIRECTORY PROTECTION)

4 - click make safe the XAMPP directory

* after it restart your computer :p


Now the xammp is safe :)


3 - install the ot

* Extract the Devland_3.2_SQL

* Now we will create a database ;)

1 - first click here, put "root" at the user and your password and click in "go"


2 - go at "Create new database" put "otserv" and click create




5 - After it click in go :)

Will show :


Import has been successfully finished, 538 queries executed.

* Go to the ot folder and open the config.lua with the notepad.

After if find


sql_pass = ""

put your password at the "" (look the example)


Install the webpage

* Go to C:\xampp\htdocs and create a new folder named xammpconfig, select all others itens and put at the new folder (look at the example)


* After do that extract the site to C:\xampp\htdocs



* Now open the config.php and at:

PHP Code:

mysql_connect('localhost', 'otserver', '.j,Sj2GL,pdXLuVa');



at 'otserver' put 'root' and at '.j,Sj2GL,pdXLuVa' put your password



After it find

PHP Code:

$servpath = 'D:\\ots\ots'; //Server path.


and change D:\\ots\ots for your ot folder :)


* now save the script and just run the ot :)



PS: U can use the config.lua and the config.php to change the options of the ot like exp, how starts the chars and more just read all these scripts :)

Editado por Pepinio
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