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Tudo que tibiaa4e postou

  1. bem se eu entendi bem vai ficar assim local text = "Você recebeu 30 dias de VIP e todos os ADDONS!" local effect = 50 --effect = 27 local vipstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,10001) function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if item.itemid == 7535 then if vipstatus = -1 then doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, 30) doPlayerSetVocation(cid, getPlayerVocation(cid)+8) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, 128, 1) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, 136, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,10001,1) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, 128, 2) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, 136, 2) doCreatureSay(cid, text, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) if effect < 31 then doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 27) end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Vc ja é vip.") end end return 1 end Mudei algumas coisas pois você declaro duas vezes a variavel texto e duas vezes a effect (local é variavel q funciona apenas no script) E mudei a função doplayersay pq depois do tfs 0.2.0 fico desse jeito...
  2. @up clica em mostrar spoil q ta eles lah FIz isso para caber tudo em um post soh e ficar + organizao]do
  3. No arquivo arena1.lua tem as variaveis 5007 pra warlord 5006 pra scrapper 5005 para greenhorn
  4. Lua não dá futuro e faço scripts a uns 2 anos + -
  5. Axo assim Para mim um ot perfeito Tem quer coisas do global sim... Porém deve ter um RPG legal Ser atualizado e talz... Ter qualidade E não ter que pagar... Pq até hoje não vi um ot tão bom que vala a pena pagar... E mapa é dificil mesmo Pq os mapa normalmente so tem demon...
  6. Esse npc achei muito interressante e não é meu Peguei no otfans Ele mata pks,monstros que chegam perto dele Ele é um npc guarda Funciona apenas em TFS 0.20 + Em npcs adicione xxx.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Defender Sauron" script="data/npc/scripts/defender.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="130" head="114" body="114" legs="114" feet="114" addons="3"/> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello |PLAYERNAME|. I'm defender of Kni. I'm busy, don't waste my time!"/> <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye."/> <parameter key="HitInterval" value="1000" /> <parameter key="ShootEffect" value="31" /> <!-- CONST_ANI_SUDDENDEATH --> <parameter key="HitEffect" value="17" /> <!-- CONST_ME_MORTAREAR --> <parameter key="TypeDmg" value="1024" /> <!-- COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE --> <parameter key="minDamage" value="150" /> <parameter key="maxDamage" value="700" /> <parameter key="sayText" value="Exori Vis" /> <parameter key="multiAttack" value="1" /> <parameter key="hitSkulledPlayer" value="1" /> <parameter key="minHeal" value="50" /> <parameter key="maxHeal" value="150" /> <parameter key="dmgRadiusX" value="7" /> <parameter key="dmgRadiusY" value="5" /> <parameter key="healRadiusX" value="3" /> <parameter key="healRadiusY" value="3" /> </parameters> </npc> E npcs/scripts adicione defender.lua NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local guard = defender:new() guard:setHitInterval(getNpcParameter("HitInterval")) guard:setShootEffect(getNpcParameter("ShootEffect")) guard:setHitEffect(getNpcParameter("HitEffect")) guard:setTypeDmg(getNpcParameter("TypeDmg")) guard:setDamage(getNpcParameter("minDamage"),getNpcParameter("maxDamage")) guard:setSayText(getNpcParameter("sayText")) guard:setHeal(getNpcParameter("minHeal"),getNpcParameter("maxHeal")) guard:setHitSkulledPlayer(getNpcParameter("hitSkulledPlayer")) guard:setMultiAttack(getNpcParameter("multiAttack")) guard:setDmgRadius(getNpcParameter("dmgRadiusX"),getNpcParameter("dmgRadiusY")) guard:setHealRadius(getNpcParameter("healRadiusX"),getNpcParameter("healRadiusY")) function onThink() guard:onThink(getNpcCid()) npcHandler:onThink() end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) E em /data/npc/lib/npc.lua adicione na primeira linha : na mesma pasta crie creature.lua e adicione ; -- @ Mehah and Gesior function OTSYS_TIME() return os.clock()*1000 end defender = { cid = 0, targetList = {}, targetTime = OTSYS_TIME(), hitInterval = 1000, shootEffect = CONST_ANI_THROWINGSTAR, hitEffect = CONST_ME_HITAREA, typeDmg = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, minDmg = 300, maxDmg = 1200, sayText = "", minHeal = 1, maxHeal = 10, hitSkulledPlayer = 1, multiAttack = 1, dmgRadiusX = 7, dmgRadiusY = 5, healRadiusX = 3, healRadiusY = 3, } function defender:new() local obj = {} setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self return obj end function defender:onThink(_cid) if self.cid == 0 then self.cid = _cid return end local _time = OTSYS_TIME() if (_time - self.targetTime) > self.hitInterval then self.targetTime = _time local position = getCreaturePosition(self.cid) local creature = {} local pos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, stackpos = 0} if self.minDmg > 0 and self.maxDmg > 0 then self:clearTargetList() for x = -self.dmgRadiusX, self.dmgRadiusX do for y = -self.dmgRadiusY, self.dmgRadiusY do if not (x == 0 and y == 0) then pos = {x = position.x+x, y = position.y+y, z = position.z, stackpos = STACKPOS_TOP_CREATURE} creature = getTopCreature(pos) if (creature.type == 2) or (creature.type == 1 and self.hitSkulledPlayer == 1 and getPlayerSkullType(creature.uid) > 0) then if self.multiAttack ~= 1 and #self.targetList > 0 then break end self:addTarget(creature.uid) self:doSendDamage(creature.uid) end end end end if #self.targetList > 0 then if self.sayText ~= "" then doCreatureSay(self.cid, self.sayText, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) end end end if self.minHeal > 0 and self.maxHeal > 0 then self:clearTargetList() for x = -self.healRadiusX, self.healRadiusX do for y = -self.healRadiusY, self.healRadiusY do if not (x == 0 and y == 0) then pos = {x = position.x+x, y = position.y+y, z = position.z, stackpos = STACKPOS_TOP_CREATURE} creature = getTopCreature(pos) if (creature.type == 1) then self:doHeal(creature.uid) end end end end end end end function defender:doSendDamage(target) if isCreature(target) == TRUE then local hitDmg = math.random(self.minDmg, self.maxDmg) if getCreatureHealth(target) <= hitDmg then doSetCreatureDropLoot(target, 0) end doSendDistanceShoot(getCreaturePosition(self.cid), getCreaturePosition(target), self.shootEffect) doTargetCombatHealth(self.cid, target, self.typeDmg, -hitDmg, -hitDmg, self.hitEffect) end end function defender:doHeal(target) doTargetCombatHealth(self.cid, target, COMBAT_HEALING, self.maxHeal, self.minHeal, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) end function defender:addTarget(_target) table.insert(self.targetList,_target) end function defender:clearTargetList() self.targetList = {} end function defender:setHitInterval(hitInterval) self.hitInterval = tonumber(hitInterval) end function defender:setShootEffect(shootEffect) self.shootEffect = shootEffect end function defender:setHitEffect(hitEffect) self.hitEffect = hitEffect end function defender:setTypeDmg(typeDmg) self.typeDmg = typeDmg end function defender:setSayText(sayText) self.sayText = tostring(sayText) end function defender:setDamage(minDmg,maxDmg) self.minDmg = tonumber(minDmg) self.maxDmg = tonumber(maxDmg) end function defender:setHeal(minHeal,maxHeal) self.minHeal = tonumber(minHeal) self.maxHeal = tonumber(maxHeal) end function defender:setHitSkulledPlayer(hitSkulledPlayer) self.hitSkulledPlayer = tonumber(hitSkulledPlayer) end function defender:setMultiAttack(multiAttack) self.multiAttack = tonumber(multiAttack) end function defender:setDmgRadius(dmgRadiusX,dmgRadiusY) self.dmgRadiusX = tonumber(dmgRadiusX) self.dmgRadiusY = tonumber(dmgRadiusY) end function defender:setHealRadius(healRadiusX,healRadiusY) self.healRadiusX = tonumber(healRadiusX) self.healRadiusY = tonumber(healRadiusY) end Depois coloque-o no mapa Quando ele mata um monstro O monstro não dá loot creditos : Gesior e Mehah
  7. Nada de util para fazer eu refiz esse script pra ficar menor e atualizado para 8.22 (8.31 n mudou nada) Porém ele funciona de 8.21 + sem problemas... Em actions/scripts crie o makes.lua e adicione --Function by Ta4e for Tibia 8.21+-- --Uses grounds of Rikezinho action-- --Halloween,Cake and Bread systems like in tibia function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) topos = {x=topos.x,y=topos.y,z=topos.z} --Bread and cakes-- if item.itemid == 2694 then if item2.itemid == 1381 or item2.itemid == 1382 or item2.itemid == 1383 or item2.itemid == 1384 then doRemoveItem(item.uid,1) doPlayerAddItem(cid,2692,1) end elseif item.itemid == 2692 then if item2.itemid == 1775 or item2.itemid == 2005 then if item2.type == 1 then doChangeTypeItem(item2.uid,0) doTransformItem(item.uid,2693) elseif item2.type == 6 then doChangeTypeItem(item2.uid,0) doTransformItem(item.uid,6277) end end elseif item.itemid == 2693 then if item2.itemid == 1786 or item2.itemid == 1788 or item2.itemid == 1790 or item2.itemid == 1792 or item2.itemid == 6356 or item2.itemid == 6538 or item2.itemid == 6360 or item2.itemid == 6362 then doTransformItem(item.uid,2689) end elseif item.itemid == 6277 then if item2.itemid == 1786 or item2.itemid == 1788 or item2.itemid == 1790 or item2.itemid == 1792 or item2.itemid == 6356 or item2.itemid == 6338 or item2.itemid == 6360 or item2.itemid == 6362 then doRemoveItem(item.uid,1) doCreateItem(6278,1,topos) elseif item2.itemid == 6574 then doTransformItem(item.uid,8846) doRemoveItem(item2.uid,1) end elseif item.itemid == 8846 then if item2.itemid == 1786 or item2.itemid == 1788 or item2.itemid == 1790 or item2.itemid == 1792 or item2.itemid == 6356 or item2.itemid == 6538 or item2.itemid == 6360 or item2.itemid == 6362 then doTransformItem(item.uid,8847) end elseif item.itemid == 6280 then doTransformItem(item.uid,6279) doSendMagicEffect(topos,2) name = getPlayerName(cid) doCreatureSay (cid, name ..' blew out the candle.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) --Pumpkins-- elseif item.itemid == 2566 then if item2.itemid == 2683 then doTransformItem(item2.uid,2096) end elseif item.itemid == 2096 then if item2.itemid == 2048 then doTransformItem(item.uid,2097) doRemoveItem(item2.uid,1) end end return 1 end ] E em actions.xml adicione : Agora em movements/scripts crie o cake.lua e adicione : function onAddItem(moveitem, tileitem, pos) if moveitem.itemid == 2048 then doRemoveItem(moveitem.uid, 1) doTransformItem(tileitem.uid, 6280) end end E em movements.xml add: É isso
  8. podia diminuir o script e falto o ultimate health potion e o great spirit potion + ta bom isso
  9. Que o lua era br eu ja sabia Infelizmente não acho que lua vale a pena estudar já que é apenas para jogos (tibia,rise of nations) + para quem quer se especializar é muito util
  10. Hm essa quest eu desconheço vou ver sobre ela e depois comento + deve ser bom pelo jeito do script
  11. auhauhuha
    eu tbm =/
    sem net eh foooda
    bju no anus!!!
  12. Uia achei interresante Pode fazer um script que tenha o anel de casamento com o nome da esposa e o nome do marido Se quiser eu faço ele e sabado coloco aqui
  13. Eu uso tfs... Funfa sim Se vc usar abaixo da 8.0 (axo) ele não fala o nome
  14. Aqui o novo Food System para 8.31 Como até o Eventide me lembro eu fiz um em vetores, porém ficou grande pois as comidas tem certas diferenças em falas e em tempo de comer. Ficou assim, substitua tudo o que você tem no other/food.lua por : --Food system 340 by Ta4e (Soulblaster have some credits)-- --For tibia 8.31+-- local MAX_FOOD = 1200 local crunch = {2684,2687,2689,2690,2691,2787,2788,2789,2790,2791,2792,2793,2794,2795,2796} local mmmm = {2668,2688,6501,6278,6279,6393,6394,6569,6574,8839,8840,8843,8845,8847} local gulp = {2670,2695,5678,6541,6542,6543,6544,6545,7372,7373,7374,7375,7376,7377} local yum = {2673,2674,2675,2676,2677,2679,2680,2681,2682,5097,8841,8842} local munch = {2666,2667,2669,2683,2685,7158,7159,7909,7910,8838} local chomp = {2671,2672} local a0 = {2790,6393,6394,7372,7373,7374,7375,7376,7377} local a12 = {2677,2679,6569,8840,8841,8844} local a24 = {2680,2687,2688} local a48 = {2670,2788,5097,7909,7910} local a60 = {2673,2684,2796,6574,8839,8843,8845} local a72 = {2674,2685,2690,2695,2792,2793,2794,6541,6542,6543,6544,6545} local a96 = {2676,2691,5678} local a108 = {2681,2686,2696,2787,2791} local a120 = {2668,2689,6278,6279,8838,8847} local a180 = {2666,7159} local a240 = {2682,6501} function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if isInArray(munch, item.itemid) == TRUE then som = "munch." elseif isInArray(mmm, item.itemid) == TRUE then som = "Mmmm." elseif isInArray(gulp, item.itemid) == TRUE then som = "gulp." elseif isInArray(chomp, item.itemid) == TRUE then som = "chomp." elseif isInArray(yum, item.itemid) == TRUE then som = "Yum." elseif isInArray(crunch, item.itemid) == TRUE then som = "crunch." elseif item.itemid == 2696 then som = "smack." elseif item.itemid == 8844 then som = "Ouch." elseif item.itemid == 2678 then som = "slurp" food = 216 end if isInArray(a0, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 0 elseif isInArray(a12, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 12 elseif isInArray(a24, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 24 elseif isInArray(a48, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 48 elseif isInArray(a60, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 60 elseif isInArray(a72, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 72 elseif isInArray(a72, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 96 elseif isInArray(a108, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 108 elseif isInArray(a120, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 120 elseif isInArray(a180, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 180 elseif isInArray(a240, item.itemid) == TRUE then food = 240 elseif item.itemid == 8842 then food = 84 elseif item.itemid == 2667 then food = 144 elseif item.itemid == 2675 then food = 156 elseif item.itemid == 2683 then food = 204 elseif item.itemid == 2669 then food = 254 elseif item.itemid == 2789 then food = 264 elseif item.itemid == 7158 then food = 300 elseif item.itemid == 2671 then food = 360 elseif item.itemid == 2795 then food = 432 elseif item.itemid == 2672 then food = 720 end if getPlayerFood(cid) + food > MAX_FOOD then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are full.") else doPlayerFeed(cid, food) doRemoveItem(item.uid,1) doCreatureSay(cid, som, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) end return 1 end E em actions.xml adicione : <!-- Food --> <action fromid="2362" toid="2363" script="other/food.lua"/> <action fromid="2666" toid="2691" script="other/food.lua"/> <action fromid="2695" toid="2696" script="other/food.lua"/> <action fromid="2787" toid="2796" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="5097" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6125" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6278" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6279" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6394" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6501" script="other/food.lua"/> <action fromid="6541" toid="6545" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6569" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="6574" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="7158" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="7159" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="7709" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="7710" script="other/food.lua"/> <action fromid="7372" toid="7377" script="other/food.lua"/> <action fromid="8838" toid="8845" script="other/food.lua"/> <action itemid="8847" script="other/food.lua"/> É isso ai --edited-- auhahua agora vi um jeito mais facil de fazer ainda Depois eu coloco aqui Mais funciona do mesmo jeito Só que é menor
  15. Olha Em casa funfo direitinho Pode ser que vc erro alguma posição ou não coloco os actionids... Pq essa action é extremamente frescurenta... Ve se da algum erro no console
  16. Sim Apesar que o tibia mudo umas coisas E algumas actions dão erros Ou não funcionam direito Amanhã vou colocar o food system 3.0 8.22
  17. Hm boa ideia è o sistema que tem na anihi do grizzmo Esse que vou ter que adaptar para a arena que eu fiz agora pouco
  18. (tabulação fico estranha pq eu uso notepad++) A pedidos arrumei os bugs conhecidos e diminui o script Aqui as mudanças : Funcionamento : A arena funciona da seguinte forma : O player prescisará comprar a permissão no Npc Arena custando o valor especificado no npc. Depois ele deverá passar a porta de permissão que só abrirá se ele tiver os storage de compra e se não houver ninguem fazendo nenhum tipo de arena. Depois ele andará e entrará no teleport que sumonará o bicho equivalente ao seu nivel. Nas arenas ao matar um boss a pedra se transformará em teleport ele andará e será teleportado para a proxima sala. Na ultima sala ele será teleportado para a area das recompensas e ganhará um storage que será a prova que ele termino essa missão. E as portas de permissão recompensa deverá ter esse storage. Na sala ele poderá andar no tile e ganhar seu trofeu e depois escolhe 1 entre os 5 prêmios. O script é dividido em 3 arquivos : Movements Arena : Responsavel pelos antigos arena1, arena e trofeu. Ou seja tudo que é em movimentos Actions  reward.lua : É as recompensas das arenas.  Arena door.lua : Esse arquivo checa se os há players fazendo a arena. Bem recomendo que vc faça o download do mapa que “copiei “ do tibia para ter uma melhor localização ou até editar e usar ele mesmo pq não está tão mal... (Mapa da versão 3.0, pois eskeci de trazer o novo, a unica coisa que mudou eh que a porta depois do npc tem actionid 60000 ao inves da outra.) download mapa Em movimentos crie o arena.lua e adicione --Function by Ta4e 07/11/2008-- --90% Arena quest in tibia rl-- --Version 4.0-- --This script make create a globet, summons monsters and create and delete teleports-- function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) getele = getThingfromPos(arenaroom) getele1 = getThingfromPos(arenache1) getele2 = getThingfromPos(arenache2) getele3 = getThingfromPos(arenache3) getele4 = getThingfromPos(arenache4) getele5 = getThingfromPos(arenache5) getele6 = getThingfromPos(arenache6) getele7 = getThingfromPos(arenache7) getele8 = getThingfromPos(arenache8) getele9 = getThingfromPos(arenache9) getele10 = getThingfromPos(arenache10) greenhornstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5000) scrapperstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5001) warlordstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5002) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5110 then doTeleportThing(getele.uid,arenapos,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos,10) if warlordstatus == 1 then doSummonCreature(bossw1, monsterpos1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5002,2) elseif scrapperstatus == 1 then doSummonCreature(bosss1, monsterpos1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5001,2) elseif greenhornstatus == 1 then doSummonCreature(bossg1, monsterpos1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5000,2) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You need talk to halvar") end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5100 then doTeleportThing(getele1.uid,arenapos2,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos2,10) getrem1 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache1.x, y=arenache1.y, z=arenache1.z, stackpos =1}) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache1) doRemoveItem(getrem1.uid,1) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw2, monsterpos2) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss2, monsterpos2) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg2, monsterpos2) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5101 then doTeleportThing(getele2.uid,arenapos3,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos3,10) local getrem2 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache2.x, y=arenache2.y, z=arenache2.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem2.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache2) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw3, monsterpos3) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss3, monsterpos3) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg3, monsterpos3) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5102 then doTeleportThing(getele3.uid,arenapos4,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos4,10) local getrem3 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache3.x, y=arenache3.y, z=arenache3.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem3.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache3) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw4, monsterpos4) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss4, monsterpos4) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg4, monsterpos4) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5103 then doTeleportThing(getele4.uid,arenapos5,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos5,10) local getrem4 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache4.x, y=arenache4.y, z=arenache4.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem4.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache4) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw5, monsterpos5) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss5, monsterpos5) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg5, monsterpos5) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5104 then doTeleportThing(getele5.uid,arenapos6,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos6,10) local getrem5 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache5.x, y=arenache5.y, z=arenache5.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem5.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache5) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw6, monsterpos6) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss6, monsterpos6) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg6, monsterpos6) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5105 then doTeleportThing(getele6.uid,arenapos7,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos7,10) local getrem6 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache6.x, y=arenache6.y, z=arenache6.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem6.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache6) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw7, monsterpos7) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss7, monsterpos7) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg7, monsterpos7) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5106 then doTeleportThing(getele7.uid,arenapos8,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos8,10) local getrem7 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache7.x, y=arenache7.y, z=arenache7.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem7.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache7) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw8, monsterpos8) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss8, monsterpos8) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg8, monsterpos8) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5107 then doTeleportThing(getele8.uid,arenapos9,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos8,10) local getrem8 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache8.x, y=arenache8.y, z=arenache8.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem8.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache8) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw9, monsterpos9) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss9, monsterpos9) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg9, monsterpos9) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5108 then doTeleportThing(getele9.uid,arenapos10,0) doSendMagicEffect(arenapos9,10) local getrem9 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache9.x, y=arenache9.y, z=arenache9.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem9.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache9) if warlordstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossw10, monsterpos10) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bosss10, monsterpos10) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then doSummonCreature(bossg10, monsterpos10) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5109 then doTeleportThing(getele10.uid,rewardpos,0) doSendMagicEffect(rewardpos,10) local getrem10 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache10.x, y=arenache10.y, z=arenache10.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem10.uid,1) doCreateItem(1354,1,arenache10) if warlordstatus == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5002,3) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5007,1) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5001,3) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5006,1) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5000,3) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5005,1) end elseif item.itemid == 1387 and item.actionid == 5111 then if warlordstatus == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5002,0) elseif scrapperstatus == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5001,0) elseif greenhornstatus == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5000,0) end elseif item.itemid == 426 then if item.actionid == 5010 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 425) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5017) == -1 then local golden = doCreateItem(8698,1,globet1) doSetItemSpecialDescription(golden, 'rox by'..getPlayerName(cid)..'.') doSendMagicEffect(globet1,10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5017,1) else doSendMagicEffect(globet1,2) end elseif item.actionid == 5011 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 425) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5016) == -1 then local golden = doCreateItem(7370,1,globet2) doSetItemSpecialDescription(golden, 'rox by'..getPlayerName(cid)..'.') doSendMagicEffect(globet2,10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5016,1) else doSendMagicEffect(globet2,2) end elseif item.actionid == 5012 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 425) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5015) == -1 then local golden = doCreateItem(7371,1,globet3) doSetItemSpecialDescription(golden, 'rox by'..getPlayerName(cid)..'.') doSendMagicEffect(globet3,10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5015,1) else doSendMagicEffect(globet3,2) end end end return TRUE end function onAddItem(moveitem, tileitem, position) if moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5000 then local getrem1 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache1.x, y=arenache1.y, z=arenache1.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem1.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache1) doMakeEffect(arenache1,13) local getrem1 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache1.x, y=arenache1.y, z=arenache1.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem1.uid,5100) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5001 then local getrem2 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache2.x, y=arenache2.y, z=arenache2.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem2.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache2) doMakeEffect(arenache2,13) local getrem2 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache2.x, y=arenache2.y, z=arenache2.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem2.uid,5101) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5002 then local getrem3 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache3.x, y=arenache3.y, z=arenache3.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem3.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache3) doMakeEffect(arenache3,13) local getrem3 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache3.x, y=arenache3.y, z=arenache3.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem3.uid,5102) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5003 then local getrem4 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache4.x, y=arenache4.y, z=arenache4.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem4.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache4) doMakeEffect(arenache4,13) local getrem4 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache4.x, y=arenache4.y, z=arenache4.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem4.uid,5103) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5004 then local getrem5 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache5.x, y=arenache5.y, z=arenache5.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem5.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache5) doMakeEffect(arenache5,13) local getrem5 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache5.x, y=arenache5.y, z=arenache5.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem5.uid,5104) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5005 then local getrem6 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache6.x, y=arenache6.y, z=arenache6.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem6.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache6) doMakeEffect(arenache6,13) local getrem6 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache6.x, y=arenache6.y, z=arenache6.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem6.uid,5105) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5006 then local getrem7 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache7.x, y=arenache7.y, z=arenache7.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem7.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache7) doMakeEffect(arenache7,13) local getrem7 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache7.x, y=arenache7.y, z=arenache7.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem7.uid,5106) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5007 then local getrem8 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache8.x, y=arenache8.y, z=arenache8.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem8.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache8) doMakeEffect(arenache8,13) local getrem8 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache8.x, y=arenache8.y, z=arenache8.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem8.uid,5107) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5008 then local getrem9 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache9.x, y=arenache9.y, z=arenache9.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem9.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache9) doMakeEffect(arenache9,13) local getrem9 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache9.x, y=arenache9.y, z=arenache9.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem9.uid,5108) elseif moveitem.itemid == 7349 and tileitem.actionid == 5009 then local getrem10 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache10.x, y=arenache10.y, z=arenache10.z, stackpos =1}) doRemoveItem(getrem10.uid,1) doCreateItem(1387,1,arenache10) doMakeEffect(arenache10,13) local getrem10 = getThingfromPos({x=arenache10.x, y=arenache10.y, z=arenache10.z, stackpos =1}) doSetItemActionId(getrem10.uid,5109) end end Nesse novo script, voce prescisa apenas colocar a coordenada especificada como here player teleport da primeira arena (a marrom msm). Mais isso se configura no lib dos movements. Em movements/lib/movement.lua add : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arenapos={x=1172, y=925, z=7} --posição do meio da primeira arena rewardpos={x=1208, y=899, z=6} --posicao que ele ira ao matar o ultimo boss-- arenaroom={x=1205,y=934, z=7, stackpos =253} - posição do teleport q ira para a primeira arena-- --posicao que criara os trofeus-- globet1 = {x=1215, y=869, z=7, stackpos = 1} -- warlord globet2 = {x=1215, y=876, z=7, stackpos = 1} --scrapper globet3 = {x=1215, y=883, z=7, stackpos = 1} --greenhorn --Bosses of Warlord Arena-- bossw1 = "webster" bossw2 = "darakan the executioner" bossw3 = "norgle glacierbeard" bossw4 = "the pit lord" bossw5 = "svoren the mad" bossw6 = "the masked marauder" bossw7 = "gnorre chyllson" bossw8 = "fallen mooh'tah master ghar" bossw9 = "deathbringer" bossw10 = "the obliverator" --Bosses of Scrapper Arena-- bosss1 = "avalanche" bosss2 = "kreebosh the exile" bosss3 = "The Dark Dancer" bosss4 = "the hag" bosss5 = "slim" bosss6 = "Grimgor Guteater" bosss7 = "drasilla" bosss8 = "spirit of earth" bosss9 = "spirit of water" bosss10 = "spirit of fire" --Bosses of Greenhorn Arena-- bossg1 = "frostfur" bossg2 = "bloodpaw" bossg3 = "bovinus" bossg4 = "achad" bossg5 = "colerian the barbarian" bossg6 = "the hairy one" bossg7 = "axeitus headbanger" bossg8 = "rocky" bossg9 = "cursed gladiator" bossg10 = "Orcus the cruel" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Posicoes de chegada-- arenapos2={x=arenapos.x-12, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos3={x=arenapos.x-24, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos4={x=arenapos.x-36, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos5={x=arenapos.x-30, y=arenapos.y-12, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos6={x=arenapos.x-18, y=arenapos.y-12, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos7={x=arenapos.x-6, y=arenapos.y-12, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos8={x=arenapos.x-12, y=arenapos.y-25, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos9={x=arenapos.x-24, y=arenapos.y-25, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} arenapos10={x=arenapos.x-18, y=arenapos.y-38, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 1} --Posicoes de teleport-- arenache1={x=arenapos.x-5, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache2={x=arenapos.x-17, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache3={x=arenapos.x-29, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache4={x=arenapos.x-41, y=arenapos.y, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache5={x=arenapos.x-35, y=arenapos.y-12, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache6={x=arenapos.x-23, y=arenapos.y-12, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache7={x=arenapos.x-11, y=arenapos.y-12, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache8={x=arenapos.x-17, y=arenapos.y-25, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache9={x=arenapos.x-29, y=arenapos.y-25, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} arenache10={x=arenapos.x-23, y=arenapos.y-38, z=arenapos.z, stackpos = 253} --Posição de Sumonar monstros-- monsterpos1={x=arenapos.x+1, y=arenapos.y-3, z=arenapos.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos2={x=arenapos2.x+1, y=arenapos2.y-3, z=arenapos2.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos3={x=arenapos3.x+1, y=arenapos3.y-3, z=arenapos3.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos4={x=arenapos4.x+1, y=arenapos4.y-3, z=arenapos4.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos5={x=arenapos5.x+1, y=arenapos5.y-3, z=arenapos5.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos6={x=arenapos6.x+1, y=arenapos6.y-3, z=arenapos6.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos7={x=arenapos7.x+1, y=arenapos7.y-3, z=arenapos7.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos8={x=arenapos8.x+1, y=arenapos8.y-3, z=arenapos8.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos9={x=arenapos9.x+1, y=arenapos9.y-3, z=arenapos9.z, stackpos =1} monsterpos10={x=arenapos10.x+1, y=arenapos10.y-3, z=arenapos10.z, stackpos =1} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function doMakeEffect(pos,effect) pos1={x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z} pos2={x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z} pos3={x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z} doSendMagicEffect(pos,effect) doSendMagicEffect(pos1,effect) doSendMagicEffect(pos2,effect) doSendMagicEffect(pos3,effect) end e em movements.xml add : <!-- Arena --> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5000" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5001" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5002" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5003" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5004" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5005" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5006" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5007" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5008" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="AddItem" tileitem="1" actionid="5009" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5010" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5011" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5012" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5100" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5101" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5102" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5103" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5104" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5105" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5106" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5107" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5108" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5109" script="arena.lua"/> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5110" script="arena.lua"/> Agora em actions/scripts adicione o reward.lua e coloque : --Function by Ta4e 07/11/2008-- --90% Arena quest in tibia rl-- --Version 4.0-- function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) --Storages values when you win a reward-- warlord = 5012 scrapper = 5011 greenhorn = 5010 --Caution when modify-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --ARENA warlord-- if item.uid == 5300 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 39.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a blessed sceptre.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7429,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a blessed sceptre. Weighing 39.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5301 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 92.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a Royal Axe.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7434,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a Royal Axe. Weighing 92.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5302 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 50.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a justice seeker.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7390,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a justice seeker. Weighing 50.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5303 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 20.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a present.") container = doPlayerAddItem(cid,1990,1) doAddContainerItem(container, 6558, 1) --panda doAddContainerItem(container, 6574, 1) --chocolate doAddContainerItem(container, 6569,10) --candy doAddContainerItem(container, 7372, 1) --ice cream setPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a present. Weighing 20.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5304 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 110.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a backpack.") container = doPlayerAddItem(cid,7342,1) doAddContainerItem(container, 2268, 50) doAddContainerItem(container, 2273, 50) doAddContainerItem(container, 7440, 1) doAddContainerItem(container, 7439, 1) doAddContainerItem(container, 6529, 100) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a backpack. Weighing 110.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end --ARENA scrapper-- elseif item.uid == 5305 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 78.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a Cranial Basher.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,4715,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a Cranial Basher. Weighing 78.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5306 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 61.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a heroic axe.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7751,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a heroic axe. Weighing 61.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5307 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 35.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a mystic blade.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7765,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a mystic blade. Weighing 35.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5308 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 15.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a present.") container = doPlayerAddItem(cid,1990,1) doAddContainerItem(container, 7184, 1) doAddContainerItem(container, 6574, 1) --chocolate doAddContainerItem(container, 6569,10) --candy doAddContainerItem(container, 7372, 1) --ice cream setPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a present. Weighing 15.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5309 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 158.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a backpack.") container = doPlayerAddItem(cid,7342,1) doAddContainerItem(container, 2304, 50) doAddContainerItem(container, 2311, 50) doAddContainerItem(container, 7365, 100) doAddContainerItem(container, 2457, 100) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a backpack. Weighing 158.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end --ARENA greenhorn-- elseif item.uid == 5310 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 158.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a backpack.") container = doPlayerAddItem(cid,7342,1) doAddContainerItem(container, 7364, 100) doAddContainerItem(container, 7365, 100) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a backpack. Weighing 158.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5311 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 54.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a orcish maul.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7392,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a orcish maul. Weighing 54.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5312 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 59.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a Blacksteel Sword.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7406,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a Blacksteel Sword. Weighing 59.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5313 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 73.80 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a HeadChopper.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,7380,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a HeadChopper. Weighing 73.80 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 5314 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn) if queststatus == -1 then if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= 18.00 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a present.") container = doPlayerAddItem(cid,1990,1) doAddContainerItem(container, 2114, 1) doAddContainerItem(container, 6570, 1) doAddContainerItem(container, 6574, 1) doAddContainerItem(container, 2668,10) doAddContainerItem(container, 7372, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"You have found a present. Weighing 18.00 oz it is too heavy.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,24,"The chest is empty.") end end return 1 end e crie também o arena door.lua e adicione : --Function by Ta4e 28/09/2008-- --90% Arena quest in tibia rl-- --Version 4.0-- function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) --Storages of Arena NPC-- greenhorn = 5000 scrapper = 5001 warlord = 5002 starting={x=1132, y=882, z=7, stackpos=253} ending={x=1176, y=929, z=7, stackpos=253} trash= {x=1169, y=725, z=13} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- greenhornstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,greenhorn) scrapperstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,scrapper) warlordstatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,warlord) checking={x=starting.x, y=starting.y, z=starting.z, stackpos=starting.stackpos} if item.itemid == 5132 and item.actionid == 60000 then if warlordstatus == 1 or scrapperstatus == 1 or greenhornstatus == 1 then players=0 totalmonsters=0 monster = {} repeat creature= getThingfromPos(checking) if creature.itemid > 0 then if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) == 0 then players=players+1 end if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 0 and getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 3 then totalmonsters=totalmonsters+1 monster[totalmonsters]=creature.uid end end checking.x=checking.x+1 if checking.x>ending.x then checking.x=starting.x checking.y=checking.y+1 end until checking.y>ending.y if players==0 then current=0 repeat current=current+1 doTeleportThing(monster[current],trash) until current>=totalmonsters doTransformItem(item.uid, 5133) doTeleportThing(cid, toPosition, TRUE) end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You need permission of Halvar to enter in Arena.") end end end </div></div> Esse starting e a posicao de cima q abrange todos os tile da arena ou seja o mais noroeste possivel Ja o ending eh o mais sudeste possivel com a msm caracteristicas Para ele não dar erro vai em others/door.lua e modifique a parte if isInArray(questDoors, item.itemid) == TRUE then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, item.actionid) ~= -1 then por if isInArray(questDoors, item.itemid) == TRUE and itemEx.actionid < 59999 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, item.actionid) >= 1 then e agora em actions.xml adicione : <action uniqueid="5300" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5301" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5302" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5303" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5304" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5305" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5306" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5307" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5308" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5309" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5310" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5311" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5312" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5313" script="Reward.lua" /> <action uniqueid="5314" script="Reward.lua" /> <action actionid="60000" script="arena door.lua"/> NPCS Esse npc é o novo adaptado para TFS 0.3.0 alpha 3 em npc\scripts adiciona arena.lua com isso : local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid if msgcontains(msg, 'fight') then selfSay('So you agree to the rules and want to participate in the challenge? Which difficulty do you choose, {Greenhorn}, {Scrapper} or {Warlord}?', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 2 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'rules') then selfSay('What do you want to know? Something about the three different {DIFICULTIES}, the {GENERAL} rules or the {PRICES}? Maybe you also want to know what happens when you die?', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 1 elseif talkState[talkUser] == 1 then if msgcontains(msg, 'dificulties') then selfSay('We have three difficulty. The easiest are Greenhorn, the medium are scrapper and the hardest are warlord.', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'general') then selfSay('Remember that if you die, it is YOUR problem and you won\'t be able to get back to your corpse and your backpack.If you enter in arena or you win or you go to temple.', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'prices') then selfSay('A greenhorn cost 1000 gold, scrapper cost 5000 golds and a great warlord cost 10000 golds.', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 end elseif talkState[talkUser] == 2 then if msgcontains(msg, 'greenhorn') then selfSay('The fee is 1000 gold for one try. Remember that if you die, it is YOUR problem and you won\'t be able to get back to your corpse andyour backpack. Do you really want to participate in the arena in the easiest difficulty?', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 3 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'scrapper') then selfSay('The fee is 5000 gold for one try. Remember that if you die, it is YOUR problem and you won\'t be able to get back to your corpse and your backpack. Do you really want to participate in the arena in the medium difficulty?', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 4 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'warlord') then selfSay('The fee is 10000 gold for one try. Remember that if you die, it is YOUR problem and you won\'t be able to get back to your corpse and your backpack. Do you really want to participate in the arena in the hardest difficulty?', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 5 end elseif talkState[talkUser] == 3 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5005) == -1 then if(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, 1000) == TRUE) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5000,1) selfSay('As you wish! You can pass the door now and enter the teleporter to the pits.', cid) end else selfSay('You already win this arena!', cid) end else selfSay('Then not. Get away and don\'t waste my time!', cid) end elseif talkState[talkUser] == 4 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5006) == -1 then if(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, 5000) == TRUE) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5001,1) selfSay('As you wish! You can pass the door now and enter the teleporter to the pits.', cid) end else selfSay('You already win this arena!', cid) end else selfSay('Then not. Get away and don\'t waste my time!', cid) end elseif talkState[talkUser] == 5 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5007) == -1 then if(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, 10000) == TRUE) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5002,1) selfSay('As you wish! You can pass the door now and enter the teleporter to the pits.', cid) end else selfSay('You already win this arena!', cid) end else selfSay('Then not. Get away and don\'t waste my time!', cid) end talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'no') and isInArray({1}, talkState[talkUser]) == TRUE) then talkState[talkUser] = 0 selfSay('Ok then.', cid) end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) e em npcs adiciona o halvar.xml <npc name="Halvar" script="data/npc/scripts/arena.lua" floorchange="0" access="5"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look type="143" head="2" body="112" legs="78" feet="116" addons="2" corpse="2212"/> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello competitor! Do you want to {fight} in the arena or shall I explain the {rules} first "/> </parameters></npc> Bem é isso qualquer bug reporte
  19. Ufa A ultima vez que fiz monstro foi no zorzin 7.92 E o tf vem sem Deu até desanimo Isso realmente me poupou horas de trabalho Porém eu sempre edito meu monstros xD Edit- Dobrei minha lingua e enfie na traqueia Monstros perfeitos Pra eu me divertir so falta aumentar os rate do loot Parabens msm pro cara q fez E vc q trouxe aqui O cara teve a msm dedicação (até maior) que eu tive qdo fiz aqueles do zorzin --Edited denovo Ah os mais conhecidos estão bons Existem uns que tão ruim tou dando meu jeitinho
  20. a remove pelo menos na 7.6 nunca funfo =/ eu até tentava -1 Não funfa pq o script checava e tinha o storage e nao o valor agr n sei se funfa O outro mto bom mesmo Lembro que antes de ter o addevent O frerety travo meu ot qdo foi fazer paradox auhauha (nada a ver)
  21. Eskece ja comentei e falei denovo Bebida faz isso
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