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Sobre 537438


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537438's Achievements

  1. Ta Ótimo! mas da pra diminuir, tirar algumas variáveis que podem ser incluídas direto no código.
  2. Li TODOS os comentários, pelo que percebi MatheusMkalo faz tempo que não responde aqui, será que abandonou o tópico ? TOmara que não, sistema é ótimo. REP+ Com certeza!!!!
  3. Cara eu to começando na area de scripter, consigo faser alguns scripts, mas tava precisando mt dessa lista, REP+ Concerteza!
  4. 537438

    Ajuda Talk Rapido!

    eae galera, sou novo na area de script, e to querendo aprender, ja consigo ler scripts, mas ate agora faser um que funcione nada.. To com um server e quero faser um pra comprar skills, exemplo: !comprar club Fis um mas da o mesmo erro num script que fis anteriormente, nem lembro do que era ;x Aqui vai o script e em seguida o erro: function onSay(cid, words, param) gold = 9971 --ID do item que ira remover skill = 50 --quantidade que ira aumentar a skill do jogador skill2 = 0 -- numero da skill que ira aumentar levelskill = 350 --level da skill maximo if getPlayerSkill(cid, skill2) <= levelskill then doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, gold, 200) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skill2, skill) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Voce comprou sua skill") else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Voce não tem o necessário de barras de ouro.") else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Voce já atingiu seu nivel de skill maximo") end return TRUE end e o Erro que da no DISTRO é esse: 'end' expected <to close 'function' at line 1> near 'else' PEÇO AJUDA RAPIDO, QUEM AJUDAR GANHA REP+ REP+ REP+
  5. Quandi vi isso na OTLand me desesperei, eu tava doidinho atras de um desse, se funciono da REP+ ai
  6. Hello "..getCreatureName()..", estou aqui pra te ensinar um script bem útil, porém simples. Nome: Auction House with NPC Créditos : da OTLand Categoria: Fácil Descrição: Vocês ja viram em alguns MMORPG's que existe o sistema de Auction House, voce quer vender um item, mas esta sem tempo? Isso terminou, deixe seu item com o Auctioner e ele venderá para voce. offer of Player name mostra as ofertas de um player em uma janela de trade search Item name mostra as 5 melhores ofertas de um item Não sabe usar? Digite how to use. Vamos ao tutorial? 1. Crie um arquivo LUA em data/npc/scripts com o nome de Auctioner.lua e adicione o seguinte código: -- shop system function getOfferOfPlayer(name) local offer = {} local result_items = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `name`, `item_name`, `itemid`, `subType`, `count`, `price` FROM `ots_playersshopsystem` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `count` > '0' AND `itemid` != '66'") if(result_items:getID() ~= -1) then while(true) do table.insert(offer, {id = result_items:getDataInt("id"), name = result_items:getDataString("name"), item_name = result_items:getDataString("item_name"), itemid = result_items:getDataInt("itemid"), subType = result_items:getDataInt("subType"), count = result_items:getDataInt("count"), price = result_items:getDataInt("price")}) if not(result_items:next()) then break end end result_items:free() end return offer end function getOfferOfItem(item_name) local offer = {} result_items = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `name`, `item_name`, `itemid`, `subType`, `count`, `price` FROM `ots_playersshopsystem` WHERE `item_name` = " .. db.escapeString(item_name) .. " AND `count` > '0' AND `itemid` != '66' ORDER BY `price` ASC LIMIT 5") if(result_items:getID() ~= -1) then while(true) do table.insert(offer, {id = result_items:getDataInt("id"), name = result_items:getDataString("name"), item_name = result_items:getDataString("item_name"), itemid = result_items:getDataInt("itemid"), subType = result_items:getDataInt("subType"), count = result_items:getDataInt("count"), price = result_items:getDataInt("price")}) if not(result_items:next()) then break end end result_items:free() end return offer end function addItemToOffer(name, itemid, subType, count) local inDB_id = 0 local result_offers = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `count` FROM `ots_playersshopsystem` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `itemid` = '" .. itemid .. "' AND `subType` = '" .. subType .. "' AND `itemid` != '66'") if(result_offers:getID() ~= -1) then inDB_id = result_offers:getDataInt("id") result_offers:free() end if inDB_id ~= 0 then db.executeQuery("UPDATE `ots_playersshopsystem` SET `count` = `ots_playersshopsystem`.`count` + " .. count .." WHERE `id` = '" .. inDB_id .. "' AND `subType` = '" .. subType .. "' AND `itemid` != '66'") else db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `ots_playersshopsystem` (`id`, `name`, `item_name`, `itemid`, `subType`, `count`, `price`) VALUES (NULL, " .. db.escapeString(name) .. ", " .. db.escapeString(getItemNameById(itemid)) .. ", '" .. itemid .. "', '" .. subType .. "', '" .. count .. "', 1000000)") end return true end function removeItemsFromOffer(name, itemid, subType, count) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `ots_playersshopsystem` SET `count` = `ots_playersshopsystem`.`count` - " .. count .." WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `itemid` = '" .. itemid .. "' AND `subType` = '" .. subType .. "' AND `itemid` != '66'") return true end function changePriceOfItem(name, itemid, subType, price) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `ots_playersshopsystem` SET `price` = " .. price .." WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `itemid` = '" .. itemid .. "' AND `subType` = '" .. subType .. "' AND `itemid` != '66'") return true end function getItemWithId(id) local item = {id=0} local result_items = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `name`, `item_name`, `itemid`, `subType`, `count`, `price` FROM `ots_playersshopsystem` WHERE `id` = '" .. id .. "' AND `count` > 0 AND `itemid` != '66'") if (result_items:getID() ~= -1) then item = {id = result_items:getDataInt("id"), name = result_items:getDataString("name"), item_name = result_items:getDataString("item_name"), itemid = result_items:getDataInt("itemid"), subType = result_items:getDataInt("subType"), count = result_items:getDataInt("count"), price = result_items:getDataInt("price")} result_items:free() end return item end function getItemWithItemId(name, itemid, subType) local item = {id=0, subType=0} local result_items = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `name`, `item_name`, `itemid`, `subType`, `count`, `price` FROM `ots_playersshopsystem` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `itemid` = '" .. itemid .. "' AND `subType` = '" .. subType .. "' AND `count` > 0 AND `itemid` != '66'") if(result_items:getID() ~= -1) then item = {id = result_items:getDataInt("id"), name = result_items:getDataString("name"), item_name = result_items:getDataString("item_name"), itemid = result_items:getDataInt("itemid"), subType = result_items:getDataInt("subType"), count = result_items:getDataInt("count"), price = result_items:getDataInt("price")} result_items:free() end return item end function getCash(name) local cash = 0 local result_items = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `count` FROM `ots_playersshopsystem` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `itemid` = '66'") if(result_items:getID() ~= -1) then cash = result_items:getDataInt("count") result_items:free() else db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `ots_playersshopsystem` (`id`, `name`, `item_name`, `itemid`, `count`, `price`) VALUES ('', " .. db.escapeString(name) .. ", 'Player Cash', '66', '0', '0')") end return cash end function setCash(name, count) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `ots_playersshopsystem` SET `count` = " .. count ..", `price` = " .. count .." WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name) .. " AND `itemid` = '66'") return true end function addPlayerItemFromShop(cid, itemid, amount, subType) local amount = amount or 1 local subType = subType or 0 if(isItemStackable(itemid) == TRUE) then local item = doCreateItemEx(itemid, amount) local ret = doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item) if(ret ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then return {}, 0 end return {item}, amount end local items = {} local ret = 0 local a = 0 for i = 1, amount do items[i] = doCreateItemEx(itemid, subType) ret = doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, items[i]) if(ret ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then break end a = a + 1 end return items, a end local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) shop_offers = {} shop_last_item = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end npcHandler:say('I don\'t understand. Ask me for {how to use} to get available actions.', cid) end function onBuyItemNPC(cid, itemid, subType, amount) if(isItemRune(itemid) ~= TRUE and isItemStackable(itemid) ~= TRUE) then subType = 0 end if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then npcHandler.talkStart[cid] = os.time() else npcHandler.talkStart = os.time() end local offers = shop_offers[cid] local item = {id=0} for i = 1, #offers do if itemid == offers[i].itemid and subType == offers[i].subType then item = getItemWithId(offers[i].id) break end end if (not ( > 0)) then npcHandler:say('This item is not available in this player offer.', cid) closeShopWindow(cid) return true end local amount2 = amount if amount2 > item.count then amount2 = item.count end if == getCreatureName(cid) then local boughtItems, i = addPlayerItemFromShop(cid, item.itemid, amount2, item.subType) if i == item.count then closeShopWindow(cid) end if(i < amount) then if(i > 0) then removeItemsFromOffer(, item.itemid, item.subType, i) if amount == amount2 then npcHandler:say('Here you are your ' .. i .. ' of requested ' .. amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name .. ', because you do not have enought capacity for all.', cid) else npcHandler:say('Here you are your ' .. i .. ' of requested ' .. amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name .. ', because I do not have more your items of this type.', cid) end else npcHandler:say('You do not have capacity for this item.', cid) end else removeItemsFromOffer(, item.itemid, item.subType, i) npcHandler:say('Here you are your ' .. amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name .. '.', cid) end else if (getPlayerMoney(cid) < amount * item.price) then if(amount == 1) then npcHandler:say(item.item_name .. ' cost ' .. item.price .. ' gp, you got only ' .. getPlayerMoney(cid) .. ' gp.', cid) else npcHandler:say(amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name ..'s cost ' .. amount * item.price .. ' gp, you got only ' .. getPlayerMoney(cid) .. ' gp.', cid) end return true end local boughtItems, i = addPlayerItemFromShop(cid, item.itemid, amount2, item.subType) if i == item.count then closeShopWindow(cid) end if(i < amount) then if(i > 0) then removeItemsFromOffer(, item.itemid, item.subType, i) doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, i * item.price) setCash(, getCash( * item.price) if amount == amount2 then npcHandler:say('Here you are ' .. i .. ' of requested ' .. amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name .. ' for ' .. i * item.price .. ' gp, because you do not have enought capacity for all.', cid) else npcHandler:say('Here you are ' .. i .. ' of requested ' .. amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name .. ' for ' .. i * item.price .. ' gp, because I do not have more for sell.', cid) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You bought " .. i .. "x " .. item.item_name .. ".") else npcHandler:say('You do not have capacity for this item.', cid) end else removeItemsFromOffer(, item.itemid, item.subType, i) doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, i * item.price) setCash(, getCash( * item.price) npcHandler:say('Here you are ' .. amount .. ' ' .. item.item_name .. ' for ' .. i * item.price .. ' gp.', cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You bought " .. i .. "x " .. item.item_name .. ".") end end return true end function onSellItemNPC(cid, itemid, subType, amount) return true end function showOfferOfPlayerNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local name = '' if keywords[1] == 'my offer' or keywords[1] == 'get item' then name = getCreatureName(cid) npcHandler:say('You can take your items if you don\'t want sell them.', cid) else name = string.sub(message, 10) npcHandler:say('Offer of ' .. name .. '.', cid) end local offer = getOfferOfPlayer(name) shop_offers[cid] = offer local itemWindow = {} local item = {} for i = 1, #offer do if keywords[1] == 'my offer' or keywords[1] == 'get item' then item = {id = offer[i].itemid, buy = 1, sell = 0, subType = offer[i].subType, name = offer[i].item_name .. "(" .. offer[i].count .. ")"} else item = {id = offer[i].itemid, buy = offer[i].price, sell = 0, subType = offer[i].subType, name = offer[i].item_name .. "(" .. offer[i].count .. ")"} end table.insert(itemWindow, item) end closeShopWindow(cid) openShopWindow(cid, itemWindow, function(cid, itemid, subType, amount) onBuyItemNPC(cid, itemid, subType, amount) end, function(cid, itemid, subType, amount) onSellItemNPC(cid, itemid, subType, amount) end) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end function showOfferOfItemNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local item_name = string.sub(message, 8) local offer = getOfferOfItem(item_name) local msg = '' if #offer == 0 then msg = "Can\'t find offer of item with name >" .. item_name .. "<" else msg = "Cheapest offers of " .. item_name .. ":\n" for i = 1, #offer do if offer[i].subType > 0 then msg = msg .. offer[i].price .. " gp (charges: " .. offer[i].subType .. ") - " .. offer[i].name else msg = msg .. offer[i].price .. " gp - " .. offer[i].name end if #offer ~= i then msg = msg .. "\n" end end end selfSay(msg, cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end function addItemToOfferNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local number = 0 for word in string.gmatch(tostring(message), "(%w+)") do if tostring(tonumber(word)) == word then number = tonumber(word) end end if (parameters.setprice == true) then local item_db = getItemWithItemId(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType) if number < 1 then number = 1 end changePriceOfItem(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType, number) item_db = getItemWithItemId(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType) if tonumber(item_db.subType) > 0 then npcHandler:say('Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' (charges: ' .. item_db.subType .. ') in offer, price for each is now ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp. Say {set price} to change price of items.', cid) else npcHandler:say('Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' in offer, price for each is now ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp. Say {set price} to change price of items.', cid) end shop_last_item[cid] = {} npcHandler:resetNpc() elseif (parameters.setprice == false) then item_db = getItemWithItemId(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType) npcHandler:say('Ok. I do not change price for ' .. getItemNameById(shop_last_item[cid].itemid) ..'. It is ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp/each now.', cid) shop_last_item[cid] = {} npcHandler:resetNpc() else local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 5) if (item.itemid == 0) then npcHandler:say('Your left hand (under BP slot) is empty.', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end if (isItemContainer(item.itemid) == TRUE and getContainerItem(uid, 0).uid > 0) then npcHandler:say('In your left hand (under BP slot) is not empty container. You can add to offer only items and empty containers.', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end if number < 1 then number = 1 end if (item.type > 0 and not(isItemStackable(item.itemid) == TRUE)) then number = 1 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'You can\'t sell more then one ' .. getItemNameById(item.itemid) .. ' (charges: ' .. item.type .. '). Sorry.') end local to_remove = number if (number > getPlayerItemCount(cid, item.itemid)) then number = getPlayerItemCount(cid, item.itemid) end if (isItemStackable(item.itemid) == TRUE) then item.type = 0 end if (number == 1) and (isItemStackable(item.itemid) == TRUE) then doRemoveItem(item.uid, number) elseif (number == 1) and not(isItemStackable(item.itemid) == TRUE) then doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) else doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, number) end addItemToOffer(getCreatureName(cid), item.itemid, item.type, number) item_db = getItemWithItemId(getCreatureName(cid), item.itemid, item.type) shop_last_item[cid] = {itemid = item.itemid, subType = item.type} if item.type > 0 then npcHandler:say('Added ' .. number .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(item.itemid) .. ' (charges: ' .. item.type .. ') to your offer. Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' (charges: ' .. item_db.subType .. ') in offer, price for each is ' .. item_db.price .. '. Do you want to change price? Say {no} or {price xxx}, where xxx is number of gp.', cid) else npcHandler:say('Added ' .. number .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(item.itemid) .. ' to your offer. Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' in offer, price for each is ' .. item_db.price .. '. Do you want to change price? Say {no} or {price xxx}, where xxx is number of gp.', cid) end end return true end function setItemPriceNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local number = 0 for word in string.gmatch(tostring(message), "(%w+)") do if tostring(tonumber(word)) == word then number = tonumber(word) end end if (parameters.setprice == true) then local item_db = getItemWithItemId(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType) if number < 1 then number = 1 end changePriceOfItem(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType, number) item_db = getItemWithItemId(getCreatureName(cid), shop_last_item[cid].itemid, shop_last_item[cid].subType) if item_db.subType > 0 then npcHandler:say('Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' (charges: ' .. item_db.subType .. ') in offer, price for each is now ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp. Say {set price} to change price of items.', cid) else npcHandler:say('Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' in offer, price for each is now ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp. Say {set price} to change price of items.', cid) end shop_last_item[cid] = {} npcHandler:resetNpc() else if number > 0 then -- player said offer ID local item_db = getItemWithId(number) if == 0 then npcHandler:say('I don\'t know offer with ID >' .. number .. '<, say {set price} to view list of your items IDs.', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end if ~= getCreatureName(cid) then npcHandler:say('It\'s not offer of your item, say {set price} to view list of your items IDs.', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end if item_db.subType > 0 then npcHandler:say('Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' (charges: ' .. item_db.subType .. ') in offer, price for each is ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp. Do you want to change price? Say {no} or {price xxx}, where xxx is number of gp.', cid) else npcHandler:say('Actually you have ' .. item_db.count ..' ' .. item_db.item_name .. ' in offer, price for each is ' .. item_db.price .. ' gp. Do you want to change price? Say {no} or {price xxx}, where xxx is number of gp.', cid) end shop_last_item[cid] = {itemid = item_db.itemid, subType = item_db.subType} else -- player ask for ID local offer = getOfferOfPlayer(getCreatureName(cid)) if #offer == 0 then npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any item in offer. You can\'t change price.', cid) else selfSay("Your offers info:\n", cid) for i = 1, #offer do if offer[i].subType > 0 then selfSay(offer[i].count .. "x " .. offer[i].item_name .. " (charges: " .. offer[i].subType .. ") - price: " .. offer[i].price .. " gp/each - offer ID: " .. offer[i].id, cid) else selfSay(offer[i].count .. "x " .. offer[i].item_name .. " - price: " .. offer[i].price .. " gp/each - offer ID: " .. offer[i].id, cid) end end npcHandler:say('To change price of item say {set price xx}. Where xx is ID of item.', cid) end npcHandler:resetNpc() end end return true end function getCashBalanceFromItemsNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end npcHandler:say('I have ' .. getCash(getCreatureName(cid)) .. ' gp for you.', cid) return true end function getCashFromItemsNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local player_cash = getCash(getCreatureName(cid)) if player_cash > 0 then if doPlayerAddMoney(cid, player_cash) ~= TRUE then npcHandler:say('I can\'t give you cash. Try again.', cid) else setCash(getCreatureName(cid), 0) npcHandler:say(player_cash ..' for you. It was a pleasure doing business with you.', cid) end else npcHandler:say('I don\'t have cash for you.', cid) end return true end local sellitemprice1 = KeywordNode:new({'no'}, addItemToOfferNPC, {setprice = false}) local sellitemprice2 = KeywordNode:new({'price'}, addItemToOfferNPC, {setprice = true}) local sellitemprice3 = KeywordNode:new({'gp'}, addItemToOfferNPC, {setprice = true}) local setitemprice1 = KeywordNode:new({'no'}, setItemPriceNPC, {setprice = false}) local setitemprice2 = KeywordNode:new({'price'}, setItemPriceNPC, {setprice = true}) local setitemprice3 = KeywordNode:new({'gp'}, setItemPriceNPC, {setprice = true}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'offer of'}, showOfferOfPlayerNPC, {}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'search'}, showOfferOfItemNPC, {}) local node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'add item'}, addItemToOfferNPC, {}) node:addChildKeywordNode(sellitemprice1) node:addChildKeywordNode(sellitemprice2) node:addChildKeywordNode(sellitemprice3) local node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'set price'}, setItemPriceNPC, {setprice = false}) node:addChildKeywordNode(setitemprice1) node:addChildKeywordNode(setitemprice2) node:addChildKeywordNode(setitemprice3) local node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'change price'}, setItemPriceNPC, {setprice = false}) node:addChildKeywordNode(setitemprice1) node:addChildKeywordNode(setitemprice2) node:addChildKeywordNode(setitemprice3) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'my offer'}, showOfferOfPlayerNPC, {}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'get item'}, showOfferOfPlayerNPC, {}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'balance'}, getCashBalanceFromItemsNPC, {}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'get cash'}, getCashFromItemsNPC, {}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'withdraw'}, getCashFromItemsNPC, {}) local node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'how to use'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'What you want to do? Say {add my item to offer}, {get my item from offer}, {check how much money from items I have}, {get my cash from items}, {change price of item in offer}, {buy item of other player} or {search item}.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'add my item to offer'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'First put your item in left hand (under BP slot), then say {add item xx} where xx is number of items that you want add to offer, then NPC will ask you for price, say {price yy}, where yy is price for 1 item.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'get my item from offer'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Say {my offer} or {get item} to view list of your items, all items will have price 1 gp, but when you press "Buy" you will get your item for free.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'check how mu'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Say {balance} to view how much money NPC has for you.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'get my cash'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Say {get cash} or {withdraw} to get your cash from NPC.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'change price of item in offer'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Say {change price} or {set price} to view list of your items, prices and offer IDs. Say {change price xx} or {set price xx}, where xx is item offer ID, then NPC will show you item name and ask for new price, say {price yy}, where yy is new price.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'buy item of other player'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Say {offer of Xx Yy}, where Xx Yy is name of player. NPC will show you offer of this player in trade window.'}) node:addChildKeyword({'search item'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Say {search Xxx Yyy}, where Xxx Yyy is name of item. Npc will show you few cheapest offers and names of players. That say {offer of Xxx}, where Xxx is name of player to view his offer and buy item.'}) npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, "Greetings |PLAYERNAME|. I can trade your items with other players. Say {how to use} if you don\'t know commands.") npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) 2. Agora vá em data/npc e crie um arquivo LUA com o nome de Auctioner.lua, apague tudo que tem dentro e coloque isso: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Auctioner" script="data/npc/scripts/Auctioner.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="290" head="39" body="122" legs="125" feet="57" addons="0"/> <parameters /> </npc> 3. Vá em sua database, e crie a tabela a seguir: CREATE TABLE `ots_playersshopsystem` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `item_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `itemid` int(11) NOT NULL, `subType` int(11) NOT NULL, `count` int(11) NOT NULL, `price` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; Feito isso, seu Auctioner estará pronto. Lembrando que os créditos são do usuário do fórum OTLand. Te ajudei? REP+ Qualquer dúvida poste aqui. Abraços.
  7. queria saber um AUCTION HOUSE, sem precisar de site, como se fosse um NPC dentro do jogo ou por talkactions mesmo, se tiverem add msn : obs: nao passo o meu pq o meu eh uma bagunça
  8. to precisando de ajuda nesse topico, fis esse sistema vip e deu uns erros aqui mas ja consegui arrumar, mas eu n posso editar um preço, mudar as evoluções que ja da otro BUG, agora to com esse tem como voces me ajudarem a aarumar ;x? [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [14/02/2011 01:20:25] data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua [14/02/2011 01:20:25] Description: [14/02/2011 01:20:25] mods/scripts/pets/pets.lua:217: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'STORAGE' [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua) [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [14/02/2011 01:20:25] data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua [14/02/2011 01:20:25] Description: [14/02/2011 01:20:25] mods/scripts/pets/pets.lua:217: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'STORAGE' [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua) [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [14/02/2011 01:20:25] data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua [14/02/2011 01:20:25] Description: [14/02/2011 01:20:25] mods/scripts/pets/pets.lua:217: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'STORAGE' [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua) [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [14/02/2011 01:20:25] data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua [14/02/2011 01:20:25] Description: [14/02/2011 01:20:25] mods/scripts/pets/pets.lua:217: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'STORAGE' [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua) [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [14/02/2011 01:20:25] data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua [14/02/2011 01:20:25] Description: [14/02/2011 01:20:25] mods/scripts/pets/pets.lua:217: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'STORAGE' [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua) [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [14/02/2011 01:20:25] data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua [14/02/2011 01:20:25] Description: [14/02/2011 01:20:25] mods/scripts/pets/pets.lua:217: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'STORAGE' [14/02/2011 01:20:25] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/pets/creatureevents.lua) Desde já, Obrigado.
  9. gostaria de saber, como poe pra ele, tipo trocar uma Meal of Honor por 1hr de VIP e mudar os textos tbm, voce pode me passar um script configurado assim? desde-ja Obrigado!
  10. não sei se postei na área correta. Estou com um servidor em casa e queria faser um sistema de vip meio diferente, o char dropa ou compra o item do npc ele usa (ou troca com o npc) pra virar VIP, usei o sistema vip que um cara posto do Mock, Clique aqui para ver o VIP do Mock e queria usar esse sistema, mas usar um ITEM pra ganhar o vip ou como eu disse ali em cima, trocar o item com o npc, no tutorial doMock nao mudei storage value, nem nada, por isso peço ajuda ;x Desde já, Obrigado!
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