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  1. TeamWarOT HardCore 8.6 - Team vs Team Fala galera, hoje estou abrindo o codigo de um projeto antigo. Algo que fiz a muito tempo. Espero ajudar a comunidade e também reviver esse estilo de servidor. Foi desenvolvido utilizando MODs, logo todo o servidor encontra-se em 3 arquivos. Database Working with SQLite and MySQL Default account admin/252525 in SQLite Operacional System Windows or Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS) Features Map X-Dreams with 5 citys (Carlin, Venore, Edron, Fibula and Thais) Auto Map Change Auto Re-Balanceamento de Teams Auto Mensagens Anti MC Gain Gold Coins on Kill Gain Experience on Kill Skull System 100 frags = Yellow Skull 200 frags = Green Skull 300 frags = White Skull 400 frags = Red Skull 500 frags = Black Skull First Skills First Items Logout Protection for First Skills Death Broadcast Best Killers Broadcast Frags onLook Configurations All configurations in config, very easy! Commands !map !maps !frags !online !rank !top !comandos Functions List Others Functions map_change(id) isInPosition(pos, area) getSmallestTeam() getTimeMap(s) mostraTempo(cid) playerKickMC(cid) equilibrar() getCurrentPlayers() getCurrentAccounts() Mods mods/ TeamWar HardCore [War].xml mods/ First Skills [War].xml mods/ First Items [War].xml Download TeamWarOT - Github: HeberPcL/TeamWarOT ( Mega: 6.54 MB file on MEGA (
  2. TeamWarOT - Team vs Team ● Feactures • Fast attack, most vocations attack fast. • Auto Team Balanced (Red & Green) • Change Map Automatic (20 minutes each) • Military Rank in Look and Highscores • Addons and Mount in Quest Mission • Capture the flag • Not need Close Hand • +10 Random Maps • Unlimited (Ammo / Runes) • Advanced Skull System • Frags and Death Count • Today Frags (start every 05:00) • NO LOSS - Skill / Magic / Loot • In-game Frag System (onLook) • XPoints, get for kill, capture flag or missions ● In-Game Info • Start Level: 150 - Max Level: 600 - Skills 90/80 • Balanced Vocations for better PVP • No damage on same feet • Death - Back to Level Start!!! • Old Characters use accounts 1/1 Sorc, 2/2 Druid, 3/3 Pala, 4/4 Kina ● Skull System (Frags Today) + 10 Frags = White Skull + 30 Frags = Green Skull + 100 Frags = Yellow Skull + 200 Frags = Orange Skull + 300 Frags = Red Skull + 400 Frags = Black Skull ● Commands In-Game • !Top to see the Best Fraggers. • !Stats to see your kills/deaths. • !Online to see all players online. • !Spells to see new buffer spells. • !Map to see current map. • !Maps to see maps list. • !Nextmap to seen next map.
  3. mano estou com um server tibia ot 8.00 pra por on nao coloquei ainda pq nao estou conseguindo por uma porta pra so passar conta premium, tentei já um monte de script ai mais sem sucesso cara estou desisperado por favor me ajuda ai obrigado, tem como é pra por uma porta pra so  passar conta premium.

  4. @julhinhokullitz a linha do erro que está mostrando na SS é diferente do codigo que foi postado aqui. Me envia o arquivo comprar.lua, pode ser inbox se preferir. Abraço
  5. Posta a mensagem de error, talvez possa te ajudar.
  6. Hello, remaker script for tfs 1.x. talkactions.xml <talkaction words="!ownbp" script="ownbp.lua"/> ownbp.lua local config = { cost = 1000, -- Cost (GP) ownTime = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, -- Time (24 horas) backpackId = 2000 } function onSay(player, words, param) local playerID = player:getGuid() local owner = (playerID + 100) local ownerName = player:getName() local function noOwner(o) o:removeAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) o:setActionId(0) end if (player:removeMoney(config.cost) == true) then local backpack = doPlayerAddItem(player:getId(), config.backpackId, 1) if (backpack ~= nil) then doSetItemSpecialDescription(backpack, ownerName..' owns this container.') doSetItemActionId(backpack, owner) addEvent(noOwner, 1000 * config.ownTime, backpack) end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You do not have the amount of GP ("..config.cost..").") end end actions.xml <action itemid="2000" script="ownbp.lua"/> ownbp.lua function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local playerID = cid:getGuid() -- getPlayerGUID(cid) local owner = (item.actionid - 100) if (owner > 0) then if (owner ~= playerID) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You aren\'t owner of this container.") return TRUE end end end by @@azi
  7. # War of Worlds # (Team Red vs Team Green) @ Auto Team Balance @ MapChange @ Balanced Vocations 20:10 [ Players Information ] 20:10 Team Red [8] vs [7] Team Green 20:10 Players Online: 29 Training: 13 inWar: 16
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