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  1. tou com esse mesmo error acho que seja config.lua se vc conseguir arrumar me fala como ta
  2. Fahz


    sei lá qm é esse cara kkkk, eu só queria o mapa do evento...
  3. Fahz


    gente alguem tem esse mapa desse evento por favor ...
  4. Fahz


    edit.. peço desculpas , essa script não tem globalevents .... não tem error no distro só é usado lib, action, creaturescript, movements e Talktions pra abrir por comando , como eu postei..
  5. Fahz


    não sei postar ss [ERROR - GlobalEvent [interface] data/globalevents/script/battleglobalstart.lua:onStartup description: data/globalevents/scripts/battleglobalstart.lua:onStartup:3: attempt to index global ' Lib_Battle_info' <a nil value> stack traceback: data/globalevents/scripts/battleglobalstart.lua:onStartup:3: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/battleglobalstart.lua:1>
  6. Fahz


    Eaai galerinha , eu aqui de novo pra resolver um problems, é um evento battle field no qual vence quem roubar a bandeira... Bom eu instalei abriu corretamente mas só que eu cliko nas bandeiras e não acontece nada , vou deixar a script aqui. ______ na libs battlefield = { storage = 201206300801, storage2 = 201206300802, tpPos = {x=32342, y=32213, z=7}, -- aonde aparecerá o teleport pos_team_1 = {x=31621,y=31860,z=7}, -- posição do team 1 (do lado direito) pos_team_2 = {x=31582,y=31860,z=7}, -- posição do team 2 (do lado esquerdo) spectors = {{x=31593,y=31853,z=6},{x=31609,y=31853,z=6},{x=31593,y=31866,z=6},{x=31609,y=31866,z=6}}, -- aonde aparecerá os espectadores (em volta do battlefield) team1Name = "Black Assassins", team2Name = "Red Barbarians", } function doBroadCastBattle(type,msg) for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2) ~= -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,type,msg) end end return true end function removeTp() local t = getTileItemById(battlefield.tpPos, 1387) if t then doRemoveItem(t.uid, 1) doSendMagicEffect(battlefield.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end end function OpenWallBattle() local x = true local B = { [1] = {1056,{x=31601, y=31858, z=6, stackpos = 1}}, -- posição da barreira [2] = {1056,{x=31601, y=31859, z=6, stackpos = 1}}, -- posição da barreira [3] = {1056,{x=31601, y=31860, z=6, stackpos = 1}}, -- posição da barreira [4] = {1056,{x=31601, y=31861, z=6, stackpos = 1}} -- posição da barreira } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then x = false end if x == true then doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) else doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local team = storage == 1 and battlefield.team1Name or battlefield.team2Name doBroadcastMessage("Players from team ".. team .." won the event battlefield,they received a Master Surprise Bag!") setGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage, -1) removeTp() OpenWallBattle() for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2) ~= -1 then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2) == storage then doPlayerAddItem(cid,6571,1) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2, -1) end end end ______ action function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local team = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2) if (item.actionid == 45001 and team == 1) or (item.actionid == 45002 and team == 2) then getWinnersBattle(team) end return true end ___ action xml <action actionid="49901" event="script" value="battlefieldAbsolute.lua"/> <action actionid="45002" event="script" value="battlefieldAbsolute.lua"/> __ creaturescript/combat function onLogin(cid) if getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == -1 then setGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end registerCreatureEvent(cid, "BattleTeam") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "BattleDeath") return true end function onCombat(cid, target) if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(target, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack your team mates.") return false end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) == 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(target, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) == 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack your team mates.") return false end return true end return true end function onPrepareDeath(cid, deathList, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, -1) setGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage)-1) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[battle Field] You Are Dead!") if getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[battleField Information] ".._Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.name.." "..getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage).." VS "..getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage).." " .._Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.name) end elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, -1) setGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage)-1) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[battle Field] You Are Dead!") if getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[battleField Information] ".._Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.name.." "..getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage).." VS "..getGlobalStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage).." " .._Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.name) end end return true end _____ creaturescript/pdeath function onPrepareDeath(cid, corpse, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config_tvt.green_kills) > 0 then doTeleportThing(cid, config_tvt.green_pos) setGlobalStorageValue(red_kills, getGlobalStorageValue(red_kills) + 1) end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config_tvt.red_kills) > 0 then doTeleportThing(cid, config_tvt.red_pos) setGlobalStorageValue(red_kills, getGlobalStorageValue(green_kills) + 1) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You dead! by Absolute") return true end _____ creaturescript xml <event type="preparedeath" name="BattlefieldP" event="script" value="pdeath.lua"/> <event type="combat" name="BattlefieldC" event="script" value="combat.lua"/> _______ movements local conditionBlack = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(conditionBlack, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(conditionBlack, {lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) local conditionRed = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(conditionRed, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(conditionRed, {lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if getPlayerAccess(cid) > 3 then doTeleportThing(cid, battlefield.pos_team_1) return true elseif getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage) == 0 then doTeleportThing(cid, battlefield.spectors[math.random(#battlefield.spectors)]) return true end if getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage) > 0 then if getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage) % 2 == 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2, 1) doAddCondition(cid, conditionBlack) doTeleportThing(cid, battlefield.pos_team_1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. battlefield.team1Name .. "!") else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, battlefield.storage2, 2) doAddCondition(cid, conditionRed) doTeleportThing(cid, battlefield.pos_team_2) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. battlefield.team2Name .. "!") end setGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage, getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage)-1) if getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage) == 0 then doBroadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 1 minute, please create your strategy!") addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, 60*1000, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 60*1000) else doBroadcastMessage("We are waiting "..getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage).." players to Battlefield starts.") end end return true end _____ movements xml <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="45000" event="script" value="battlefieldAbsolute.lua"/> ____ function onSay(cid, words, param) if getGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage) ~= -1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "The event is already open.") return true elseif not tonumber(param) or param % 2 ~= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You must choose an even number.") return true end doBroadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..param.." Players! Team divided into "..((param)/2).." VS "..((param)/2)) setGlobalStorageValue(battlefield.storage, tonumber(param)) local tp = doCreateItem(1387, 1, battlefield.tpPos) doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", 45000) return true end _____ <talkaction words="/battlefield" access="3" event="script" value="battlefieldopenAbsolute.lua"/> ____ o comando para abrir o evento é: /battlefield 20 .. Aguardando resposta dos profissionais
  7. Fahz


    AdminGabriel tinha um script food com varios foods eu fiz lá, no entanto eu achei mas viável essa do Caronte a script 2 , Obrigado pela Força !
  8. Fahz


    Eai galerinha , preciso de uma força tipo fiz de um item um food, ok... mas queria deixá-lo infinito alguém capaz de ajudar?
  9. tenta usar o ip v4 acho q é assim vc cheka em iniciar>cmd> ipconfig
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