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Sobre lol08


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  1. hair ta ai ?

    1. Tungs


      não me chamo cabelo ;-;

  2. preciso desse system Duel Por Party para pokemon
  3. falou tudo eu msmo ja criei varios topicos tentando so que ninguem fala nem nada
  4. lol08

    Preciso desse system

    [spoiler] <div class='errors'> <?php echo error(validation_errors()); ?> </div> <?php include("public/js/keyboard.php"); global $config; ?> <script> function createAccount() { $('.loader').show(); var form = $('#createAccount').serialize(); $.ajax({ url: '<?php echo WEBSITE; ?>/index.php/account/create/1', type: 'post', data: form, success: function(data) { $('.errors').html(data); $('.loader').hide(); } }); } </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo WEBSITE; ?>/public/css/keyboard.css"> <div class='message'> <div class='title'>Conta</div> <div class='content'> <?php echo form_open('account/create', array('id'=>'createAccount')); ?> <fieldset> <legend >Conta</legend> <div class="table"> <ul style="width:30%"> <li class="even"> <label for="name">Conta</label> </li> <li class="odd"> <label for="nickname">Apelido</label> </li> <li class="even"> <label for="email">E-mail</label> </li> <li class="odd"> <label for="password">Senha</label> </li> <li class="even"> <label for="repeat">Senha</label> </li> </ul> <ul style="width:70%"> <li class="even"> <input type="text" value="<?php echo set_value('name'); ?>" id="name" class="keyboardInput" name="name"/> </li> <li class="odd"> <input type='text' name='nickname' id="nickname" value='<?php echo set_value('nickname'); ?>' /> </li> <li class="even"> <input type="text" value="<?php echo set_value('email'); ?>" id="email" name="email"/> </li> <li class="odd"> <input type="password" class="keyboardInput" id="password" name="password"/> </li> <li class="even"> <input type="password" class="keyboardInput" id="repeat" name="repeat"/> </li> </ul> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Personagem</legend> <div class="table"> <ul style="width:30%"> <li class="even"> <label for="character_name">Nome</label> </li> <li class="odd"> <label for="sex">Sexo</label> </li> <li class="even"> <label for="vocation">Vocation</label> </li> <li class="odd"> <label for="city">Cidade</label> </li> <li class="even"> <label for="world">Serivor</label> </li> </ul> <ul style="width:70%"> <li class="even"> <input type="text" id="character_name" value="<?php echo set_value('character_name'); ?>" name="character_name"/> </li> <li class="odd"> <input name="sex" type="radio" id="sex" value="1" checked="checked" /> male <input type="radio" id="sex" name="sex" value="0" /> female </li> <li class="even"> <select name="vocation" class="keyboardInput" id="vocation"> <option value="1">Treinador</option> <option disabled="disabled">Treinador de Elite</option> </select> </li> <li class="odd"> <select name="city" id="city"> <?php foreach($config['cities'] as $city => $name) echo '<option value="'.$city.'">'.$name.'</option>'; ?> </select> </li> <li class="even"> <?php if(sizeof($config['worlds']) > 1) { ?> <select name="world" id="world"> <?php foreach($config['worlds'] as $world => $name) echo '<option value="'.$world.'">'.$name.'</option>'; ?> </select> <?php }else{ ?> <input type="hidden" name="world" value="0" /> <?php echo $config['worlds'][0]; ?> <?php } ?> </li> </ul> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Captcha</legend> <div class="table"> <ul style="width: 30%"> <li class="even"> </li> <li class="even"> <label>Captcha</label> </li> </ul> <ul style="width: 70%"> <li class="even"> <?php echo $captcha;?> </li> <li class="even"> <input type='text' name='captcha'/> </li> </ul> </div> </fieldset> <br/> <label> </label> <input class='sub' type="submit" value="Registrar"/> <?php echo loader(); ?> </form> </div> </div> [/spoiler]
  5. gostaria de adc no meu site aquele system na hora de criar conta de quem te indicou
  6. mesmo erro [03/02/2016 10:05:15] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:46: 'end' expected (to close 'if' at line 42) near 'selfSay' [03/02/2016 10:05:15] [Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua [03/02/2016 10:05:15] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:46: 'end' expected (to close 'if' at line 42) near 'selfSay'
  7. erro [02/02/2016 20:52:46] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:45: 'then' expected near 'selfSay' [02/02/2016 20:52:46] [Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua [02/02/2016 20:52:46] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:45: 'then' expected near 'selfSay' local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid --alterado v2.8 \/ peguem ele todo! local outs = { ["picachu"] = {66565}, } quant = 300 item = 5911 msg = string.lower(msg) if (msgcontains(msg, 'outfit') or msgcontains(msg, 'outfits')) then selfSay("I sell this outfits: {NOME}??", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 2 elseif outs[msg] and talkState[talkUser] == 2 then selfSay("Are you sure which want trade item for that outfit?", cid) outfit = outs[tostring(msg)] talkState[talkUser] = 3 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 3 then if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item, quant)then doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item, quant) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, outs[1], 1) else selfSay("You need "..quant.."x "..getItemNameById(item).." to get this outfit!", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 return false end else selfSay("You already have this outfit, so please, choose another outfit...", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 return false selfSay("So... Here is.", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 return true elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') and talkState[talkUser] == 3 then selfSay("So... Please choose another outfit...", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 end end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new())
  8. DEU ISSO AGR [02/02/2016 20:44:39] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:45: 'end' expected (to close 'if' at line 25) near 'selfSay' [02/02/2016 20:44:40] [Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua [02/02/2016 20:44:40] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:45: 'end' expected (to close 'if' at line 25) near 'selfSay'
  9. erro na linha 52 [02/02/2016 20:37:56] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:52: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 9) near 'elseif' [02/02/2016 20:37:56] [Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua [02/02/2016 20:37:56] data/npc/scripts/roupas.lua:52: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 9) near 'elseif'
  10. tipo o npc vai trocar tall item dropado por uma outfit tipo npc clothes porem em vez de dinheiro e item
  12. teria um pra server com icon system ?
  13. spr ta todo bugado de vcs nao da nem pra adc mais pokes
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