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Sobre JoseAngel18


  • Forma que conheci o xTibia
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  1. @ipostelaldia se debe pagar impuestos por un paquete pequeño que fue enviado por "envío gratis"?

  2. ¿Qué tienen en común la mayoría de los famosos? -La droga
  3. muito bom mano, você pode ajudar com esse código: é necessário pra order system o sistema de PDA
  4. Saudações pessoas, eu preciso getDirectionToWalk função é uma função que está no PDA, é nas fontes, alguém tem? Cumprimentos e obrigado antecipadamente bump bump
  5. as balls: vc tem que adicionar os sprites das pokeballs, depois configurar en go/back as container: vc tem que editar tibia pic
  6. Hi all I'm not br, sorry if you don't understand me... i made a code that it is really useful, in trade when the players say: "SELL DRATINI ALMOST 43" the another player can't know if that is true or not, sometimes that poke need 100% of its exp to evolve lol. With my feature the players can see that by this way: 11:36 That offered poke: Rattata[M] needs 96% of exp.Boost level: 0. it is onTradeRequest, when someone try to trade with you that message will be displayed here it is the revamped trade system, just remove all of the script creaturescripts/trade system.lua and replace for this: [/font][/color] function onTradeRequest(cid, target, item) for a, b in pairs (pokeballs) do if b.use == item.itemid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't trade this item.") return false elseif (b.on == item.itemid) then local pokename = getItemAttribute(item.uid , "poke") local nivel = getItemAttribute(item.uid , "level") local gender = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "gender") == 3 and "[F]" or "[M]" local boost = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") or 0 str = "That offered poke: "..pokename..""..gender if (nivel < 100) then local experiencia = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokename)[nivel + 1] - getPokemonExperienceTable(pokename)[nivel] local proxima = getItemAttribute(item.uid , "nextlevelexp") local xp = round(proxima/experiencia * 100) str = str.." needs "..xp.."% of exp." else str = str.." it has the maximum level. " end str = str.. "Boost level: "..boost doPlayerSendTextMessage(target, 19, str) end end return true end local function noCap(cid, sid) if isCreature(cid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't carry more than six pokemons, trade cancelled.") end if isCreature(sid) then doPlayerSendCancel(sid, "You can't carry more than six pokemons, trade cancelled.") end end function onTradeAccept(cid, target, item, targetItem) local pbs = #getPokeballsInContainer(item.uid) local cancel = false local p1 = 0 local p2 = 0 local itemPokeball = isPokeball(item.itemid) and 1 or 0 local targetItemPokeball = isPokeball(targetItem.itemid) and 1 or 0 if pbs > 0 and getCreatureMana(target) + pbs > 6 + targetItemPokeball then cancel = true p1 = target end pbs = #getPokeballsInContainer(targetItem.uid) if pbs > 0 and getCreatureMana(cid) + pbs > 6 + itemPokeball then cancel = true p2 = cid end if cancel then addEvent(noCap, 20, p1, p2) return false end if itemPokeball == 1 and targetItemPokeball == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 8900, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(target, 8900, 1) end return true end [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] i hope you like it ^^
  7. Oi galera, eu estou montando um servidor de Pokemon, mas eu tenho apenas as fontes de V.2 PDA, alguém sabe quais são as diferenças entre as versões V.2 e mais recente V.6? Refiro-me quais são as funções necessárias para tentar fazê-lo, Flws
  8. vlw mano isso no son as sources, eu quero e codigo fuente
  9. Oi galera, alguem tem as sources da Otal.dll? Flws
  10. alguem tem as sources? eu preciso fazer unos changes en el code I'm not br, sorry if you don't understand me... i made a code that it is really useful, in trade when the players say: "SELL DRATINI ALMOST 43" the another player can't know if that is true or not, sometimes that poke need 100% of its exp lol. With my feature the players can see that by this way: 11:36 That offered poke: Rattata[M] needs 96% of exp.Boost level: 0. it is onTradeRequest, when someone try to trade with you that message will be displayed here it is the revamped trade system: function onTradeRequest(cid, target, item) for a, b in pairs (pokeballs) do if b.use == item.itemid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't trade this item.") return false elseif (b.on == item.itemid) then local pokename = getItemAttribute(item.uid , "poke") local nivel = getItemAttribute(item.uid , "level") local gender = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "gender") == 3 and "[F]" or "[M]" local boost = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") or 0 str = "That offered poke: "..pokename..""..gender if (nivel < 100) then local experiencia = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokename)[nivel + 1] - getPokemonExperienceTable(pokename)[nivel] local proxima = getItemAttribute(item.uid , "nextlevelexp") local xp = round(proxima/experiencia * 100) str = str.." needs "..xp.."% of exp." else str = str.." it has the maximum level. " end str = str.. "Boost level: "..boost doPlayerSendTextMessage(target, 19, str) end end return true end local function noCap(cid, sid) if isCreature(cid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't carry more than six pokemons, trade cancelled.") end if isCreature(sid) then doPlayerSendCancel(sid, "You can't carry more than six pokemons, trade cancelled.") end end function onTradeAccept(cid, target, item, targetItem) local pbs = #getPokeballsInContainer(item.uid) local cancel = false local p1 = 0 local p2 = 0 local itemPokeball = isPokeball(item.itemid) and 1 or 0 local targetItemPokeball = isPokeball(targetItem.itemid) and 1 or 0 if pbs > 0 and getCreatureMana(target) + pbs > 6 + targetItemPokeball then cancel = true p1 = target end pbs = #getPokeballsInContainer(targetItem.uid) if pbs > 0 and getCreatureMana(cid) + pbs > 6 + itemPokeball then cancel = true p2 = cid end if cancel then addEvent(noCap, 20, p1, p2) return false end if itemPokeball == 1 and targetItemPokeball == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 8900, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(target, 8900, 1) end return true end i hope you like it
  11. "Si tú me ignoras, yo te ignoro" y así es como las personas salen de nuestras vidas sin que nosotros queramos realmente.
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