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local poke = {'Poliwag', 'Poliwhirl', 'Seaking', 'Dewgong', 'Blastoise', 'Tentacruel', 'Lapras', 'Gyarados', 'Shiny Gyarados', 'Omastar', 'Kabutops', 'Vaporeon', 'Staryu', 'Starmie', 'Goldeen', 'Seadra', 'Golduck', 'Squirtle', 'Wartortle', 'Tentacool', 'Snorlax', 'Poliwrath'} local flie = {'4820', '4821', '4822', '4823', '4824', '4825'} local surf = { ["Poliwag"] = {lookType=278, speed = 320}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {lookType=137, speed = 480}, ["Seaking"] = {lookType=269, speed = 520}, ["Dewgong"] = {lookType=183, speed = 700}, ["Blastoise"] = {lookType=184, speed = 850}, ["Tentacruel"] = {lookType=185, speed = 750}, ["Lapras"] = {lookType=186, speed = 960}, ["Gyarados"] = {lookType=187, speed = 1050}, ["Omastar"] = {lookType=188, speed = 680}, ["Kabutops"] = {lookType=189, speed = 840}, ["Poliwrath"] = {lookType=190, speed = 680}, ["Vaporeon"] = {lookType=191, speed = 990}, ["Staryu"] = {lookType=266, speed = 385}, ["Starmie"] = {lookType=267, speed = 685}, ["Goldeen"] = {lookType=268, speed = 355}, ["Seadra"] = {lookType=270, speed = 655}, ["Golduck"] = {lookType=271, speed = 760}, ["Squirtle"] = {lookType=273, speed = 365}, ["Wartortle"] = {lookType=275, speed = 605}, ["Tentacool"] = {lookType=277, speed = 340}, ["Snorlax"] = {lookType=300, speed = 500}, ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {lookType=529, speed = 1500}, } function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if not isPlayer(cid) and not isPremium(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Only premium members are allowed to surf.") return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 316 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 136) end if not isPlayer(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false) return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) ~= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to surf.") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false) else if (not isInArray(poke, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon cannot surf.") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false) return true end end end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 and isInArray(poke, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) ~= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, surf[getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])], -1) doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", lets surf!", 1) doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid))) doChangeSpeed(cid, surf[getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])].speed) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) addEvent(setPlayerStorageValue, 100, cid, 63215, 1) end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) == 1 then if getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 0 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 33) elseif getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 49) elseif getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 2 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 30) elseif getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 3 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 51) end end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then if not isInArray(flie, getTileInfo(fromPosition).itemid) then return true end if getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 0 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 33) elseif getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 49) elseif getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 2 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 30) elseif getCreatureLookDir(cid) == 3 then doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, 51) end end return true end function onStepOut(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if not isInArray({4820, 4821, 4822, 4823, 4824, 4825}, getTileThingByPos(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then setPlayerGroupId(cid, 1) end return true end o surf ta ai -
Galera queria colocar surf por order ta ai o meu order,duvidas meu poke é o pokemon ex2.0 -- feito por brun123, editado por glugluguga local nao = {'4820', '4821', '4822', '4823', '4824', '4825', '1395', '1389', '1391', '1393', '460'} local direction = {'4', '5', '6', '7'} -- ridefly local ridefly = {'Shiny Charizard','Crystal Onix', 'Venusaur', 'Ninetales', 'Arcanine', 'Ponyta', 'Rapidash', 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Onix', 'Rhyhorn', 'Tauros', 'Porygon', 'Aerodactyl', 'Dragonite', 'Charizard', 'Pidgeot', 'Fearow', 'Moltres', 'Zapdos', 'Articuno', 'Mew', 'Mewtwo'} local ride = {'Crystal Onix', 'Venusaur', 'Ninetales', 'Arcanine', 'Ponyta', 'Rapidash', 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Onix', 'Rhyhorn', 'Tauros'} local fly = {'Shiny Charizard','Porygon', 'Aerodactyl', 'Dragonite', 'Charizard', 'Pidgeot', 'Fearow', 'Zapdos', 'Moltres', 'Articuno', 'Mew', 'Mewtwo'} local flys = { [265] = {229, 2300, 350}, -- moltres [283] = {230, 2100, 350}, -- artic [199] = {224, 2600, 350}, -- zapdos [9] = {232, 2200, 525}, -- 1000 [34] = {233, 2200, 525},-- two [210] = {221, 1300, 410},-- nite [80] = {222, 900, 375}, -- geot [17] = {226, 800, 400}, -- fearow [10] = {227, 1100, 410}, -- aero [67] = {216, 1000, 410}, -- chari [97] = {316, 600, 440}, -- porygon [294] = {295, 1500, 410}, -- shiny zard } local rides = { [93] = {128, 780, 400}, -- tauros [114] = {129, 800, 375}, -- kyuubi [220] = {130, 800, 395}, -- rapid [16] = {131, 410, 500}, -- ponyta [77] = {132, 400, 510}, -- rhyhorn [88] = {12, 900, 390}, -- arcan [493] = {492, 1000, 360}, -- shiny arca [496] = {494, 420, 420}, -- shiny vneu [292] = {293, 480, 430}, -- cristal onix [248] = {126, 450, 450}, -- onix [22] = {134, 390, 450}, -- venu [120] = {133, 750, 380}, -- dodrio [26] = {135, 420, 500}, -- doduo } local bolas = {'2222', '2223', '2224'} local ultra = {'2220', '2221', '2227'} local etudao = 9506 local mind = 9507 -- ROCK SMASH local rocksmash = {'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Diglett', 'Dugtrio', 'Primeape', 'Machop', 'Machoke', 'Machamp', 'Geodude', 'Graveler', 'Golem' , 'Onix', 'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Rhyhorn', 'Rhydon', 'Kangaskhan', 'Tauros', 'Snorlax', 'Poliwrath'} local erockmash = 9502 local cdrocksmash = 0 -- ROCK SMASH -- DIG local digholes = {'468', '481', '483'} local dig = {'Raticate', 'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Diglett', 'Dugtrio', 'Primeape', 'Machop', 'Machoke', 'Machamp', 'Geodude', 'Graveler', 'Golem' , 'Onix', 'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Rhyhorn', 'Rhydon', 'Kangaskhan', 'Tauros', 'Snorlax'} local edig = 9504 local cddig = 0 -- DIG -- CUT local cut = {'Raticate', 'Bulbasaur', 'Ivysaur', 'Venusaur', 'Charmeleon', 'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Gloom', 'Vileplume', 'Paras', 'Parasect', 'Meowth', 'Persian', 'Bellsprout', 'Weepinbell', 'Victreebel', 'Farfetchd', 'Krabby', 'Kingler', 'Exeggutor', 'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Tangela', 'Scyther', 'Pinsir'} local ecut = 9503 local cdcut = 0 -- CUT -- BLINK local blink = {'Abra', 'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Porygon'} local exhaustblink = 9501 local cdblink = 10 -- BLINK -- LIGHT local light = {'Abra', 'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Magnemite', 'Magneton', 'Drowzee', 'Hypno', 'Voltorb', 'Electrode', 'Mrmime', 'Electabuzz', 'Jolteon', 'Porygon', 'Pikachu', 'Raichu'} local exhautStorage = 9500 local time = 600 local cd = 5 -- LIGHT function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getPlayerItemCount(cid, item2.itemid) >= 1 then return false end if exhaustion.get(cid, etudao) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using order again!") return true end if isMonster(item2.uid) and item2.uid ~= getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] and item2.uid ~= cid then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order.") return true end if exhaustion.get(cid, mind) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is too exhausted from the last control, this ability has 2 minutes cooldown.") return true end if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cant control the mind of someone's else pokemon.") return true end if not isInArray({"Alakazam", "Tentacruel", "Gengar"}, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon cant control minds.") return true end exhaustion.set(cid, mind, 240) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "CONTROL MIND!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(item2.uid), 39) registerCreatureEvent(item2.uid, "Controled") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 136) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 134) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 133) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doConvinceCreature(cid, item2.uid) if getCreatureSpeed(item2.uid) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(item2.uid, 180) end doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", control "..string.lower(getCreatureName(item2.uid)).."'s mind!", 1) local cmed = item2.uid local cmname = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local cmpos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local cmzao = doSummonCreature(""..cmname.." cm", cmpos) doConvinceCreature(cid, cmzao) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888, 1) local function check(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(params.cid, 888) <= 0 then return true end if not isCreature(cmed) then local pkcmpos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local pk = doSummonCreature(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball."), pkcmpos) doConvinceCreature(cid, pk) doCreatureSetLookDir(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 2) registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888, 0) end if params.rod == 20 then local lifecmed = getCreatureMaxHealth(cmed) - getCreatureHealth(cmed) local poscmed = getThingPos(cmed) local cmeddir = getCreatureLookDir(cmed) local namecmed = getCreatureName(cmed) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local back = doSummonCreature(""..namecmed.." s", poscmed) if getCreatureSpeed(back) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(back, 180) end doCreatureSetLookDir(back, cmeddir) doCreatureAddHealth(back, -lifecmed) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local mynewpos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) pk = doSummonCreature(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball."), mynewpos) doConvinceCreature(cid, pk) doCreatureSetLookDir(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 2) registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888, 0) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 220) end end end for rod = 1, 20 do addEvent(check, rod*500, {cid = cid, rod = rod}) end return true end if item2.uid == cid then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888) >= 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cant fly neither ride pokemons being controled.") return true end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and not isInArray(ridefly, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't ride this pokemon nor fly with it.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and isInArray(ride, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then local pokemon = rides[getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).lookType] if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) >= 1 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end local function ride(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(cid)) <= params.d then doChangeSpeed(cid, -250) doChangeSpeed(cid, pokemon[2]) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 1) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1], lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0}, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) else dirh = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), getThingPos(params.cid)) if dirh == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = NORTH else dirh = WEST end elseif dirh == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = SOUTH else dirh = WEST end elseif dirh == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = SOUTH else dirh = EAST end elseif dirh == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = NORTH else dirh = EAST end end local dirh = dirh if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dirh, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dirh, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end end local function speed(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", let me ride you!", 1) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 6 then distanc = 1 else distanc = 0 end local distance = distanc for i=1,12 do addEvent(ride, pokemon[3]*i, {cid = cid, d = distance}) addEvent(speed, ((pokemon[3]*12)+100), {cid = cid}) end return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 0) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) ~= 6 then setPlayerGroupId(cid, 8) end doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, 2) doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid))) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 7 then doChangeSpeed(cid, 400*getPlayerGroupId(cid)) else doChangeSpeed(cid, 250) end doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doCreatureSay(cid, "" .. getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")..", let me get down!", 1) doSummonMonster(cid, getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) return true end if not isPremium(cid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry not premium.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then if isInArray({460, 1022, 1023}, getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying at this height!") return true end if getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid >= 4820 and getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid <= 4825 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying above the water!") return true end if getPlayerGroupId(cid) ~= 6 then setPlayerGroupId(cid, 8) end doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 0) doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid))) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 7 then doChangeSpeed(cid, 200*getPlayerGroupId(cid)) else doChangeSpeed(cid, 250) end doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doCreatureSay(cid, "" .. getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")..", let me get down!", 1) doSummonMonster(cid, getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and isInArray(fly, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then local pokemon = flys[getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).lookType] local function fly(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(cid)) <= params.dd then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27, "Type \"up\" or \"h1\" to fly higher and \"down\" or \"h2\" to fly lower." ) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 1) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Flying") doChangeSpeed(cid, -250) doChangeSpeed(cid, pokemon[2]) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1], lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0}, -1) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) else dir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), getThingPos(params.cid)) if dir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH else dir = WEST end elseif dir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH else dir = WEST end elseif dir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH else dir = EAST end elseif dir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH else dir = EAST end end local dir = dir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end end local function speed(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", lets fly!", 1) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 6 then distancc = 1 else distancc = 0 end local distancee = distancc for i=1,12 do addEvent(fly, pokemon[3]*i, {cid = cid, dd = distancee}) addEvent(speed, ((pokemon[3]*12)+100), {cid = cid}) end return true end return true end end -- ROCK SMASH if item2.itemid == 1285 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use rock smash.") return true end if not isInArray(rocksmash, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use rock smash.") return true end if isInArray(rocksmash, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, erocksmash) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using rock smash again!") return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) local function tocut(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 100) >= 1 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 118) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 1285).uid, 2257) exhaustion.set(cid, erocksmash, cdrocksmash) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 100, 1) local function detrans(params) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 2257).uid, 1285) if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1], 100, 0) end end addEvent(detrans, 5500, {ciddd = cid}) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "ROCK SMASH!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) local function nmr(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end addEvent(nmr, 400, {cid = cid}) else local badir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) if badir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = NORTH else badir = WEST end else badir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = WEST else badir = NORTH end end elseif badir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = SOUTH else badir = WEST end else badir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = WEST else badir = SOUTH end end elseif badir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = SOUTH else badir = EAST end else badir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = EAST else badir = SOUTH end end elseif badir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = NORTH else badir = EAST end else badir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = EAST else badir = NORTH end end end local badir = badir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], badir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], badir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", smash this rock!", 1) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) addEvent(tocut, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) for i = 1, getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) * 2 do addEvent(tocut, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) end return true end end -- ROCK SMASH END -- CUT if item2.itemid == 2767 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use cut.") return true end if not isInArray(cut, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use cut.") return true end if isInArray(cut, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, ecut) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using cut again!") return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) local function tocut(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 101) >= 1 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 141) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 2767).uid, 6216) exhaustion.set(cid, ecut, cdcut) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 101, 1) local function detrans(params) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 6216).uid, 2767) if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1], 101, 0) end end addEvent(detrans, 5500, {ciddd = cid}) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "CUT!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) local function nmr(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end addEvent(nmr, 400, {cid = cid}) else adir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) if adir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = NORTH else adir = WEST end else adir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = WEST else adir = NORTH end end elseif adir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = SOUTH else adir = WEST end else adir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = WEST else adir = SOUTH end end elseif adir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = SOUTH else adir = EAST end else adir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = EAST else adir = SOUTH end end elseif adir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = NORTH else adir = EAST end else adir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = EAST else adir = NORTH end end end local adir = adir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], adir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], adir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", cut this bush!", 1) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) addEvent(tocut, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) for i = 1, getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) * 2 do addEvent(tocut, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) end return true end end -- CUT END -- DIG if isInArray(digholes, item2.itemid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use dig.") return true end if not isInArray(dig, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use dig.") return true end if isInArray(dig, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, edig) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using dig again!") return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) local function tocut(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 99) >= 1 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 3) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 99, 1) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, item2.itemid).uid, item2.itemid+1) exhaustion.set(cid, edig, cddig) local function detrans(params) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, item2.itemid+1).uid, item2.itemid) if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1], 99, 0) end end addEvent(detrans, 5500, {ciddd = cid}) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "DIG!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) local function nmr(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end addEvent(nmr, 400, {cid = cid}) else local cdir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) if cdir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = NORTH else cdir = WEST end else cdir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = WEST else cdir = NORTH end end elseif cdir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = SOUTH else cdir = WEST end else cdir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = WEST else cdir = SOUTH end end elseif cdir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = SOUTH else cdir = EAST end else cdir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = EAST else cdir = SOUTH end end elseif cdir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = NORTH else cdir = EAST end else cdir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = EAST else cdir = NORTH end end end local cdir = cdir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], cdir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], cdir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", open this hole!", 1) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) addEvent(tocut, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) for i = 1, getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) * 2 do addEvent(tocut, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) end return true end end -- DIG END -- BLINK if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order.") return true end if not isMonster(item2.uid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then if isInArray(blink, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, exhaustblink) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t order your pokemon to move now.") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", move!", 1) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 12, 1) local function move(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12) == 0 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 0 then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then if getCreatureSpeed(params.sum) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end end addEvent(speeed, 600, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) return true end local edir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), params.topos) if edir >= 0 and edir <= 7 then if edir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = NORTH else edir = WEST end else edir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = WEST else edir = NORTH end end elseif edir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = SOUTH else edir = WEST end else edir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = WEST else edir = SOUTH end end elseif edir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = SOUTH else edir = EAST end else edir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = EAST else edir = SOUTH end end elseif edir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = NORTH else edir = EAST end else edir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = EAST else edir = NORTH end end end local edir = edir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], edir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], edir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end local function voltarnormal(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end addEvent(speeed, 0, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) end end end local pois = getThingPos(item2.uid) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) local SumPos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local travelx = math.abs((topos.x) - (SumPos.x)) local travely = math.abs((topos.y) - (SumPos.y)) local travel = ((travelx) + (travely)) addEvent(move, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) for i = 1, travel do addEvent(move, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) end addEvent(voltarnormal, temk * travel, {cid = cid}) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, travel) else if not isWalkable(topos, cid, 0, 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon cannot teleport there.") return true end if getItemName(item2.uid) == "shallow water" then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon cannot teleport there.") return true end doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos, 39) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 211) doTeleportThing(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos, false) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 134) doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", teleport there!", 1) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "BLINK!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) exhaustion.set(cid, exhaustblink, cdblink) return true end return true end end --- BLINK END -- LIGHT -- if isCreature(item2.uid) and getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) == cid and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and item2.uid ~= cid then if not isInArray(light, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use flash.") return true end if isInArray(light, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if not isMonster(item2.uid) and getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) ~= cid then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Please use flash on your pokemon.") end if exhaustion.get(cid, exhautStorage) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Please wait a few seconds before using flash again!") return true end exhaustion.set(cid, exhautStorage, cd) doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", use flash!", 1) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "FLASH!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 28) doSetCreatureLight(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 8, 215, time*1000) return true end end -- LIGHT END -- if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t order your pokemon to move now.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 12) == 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t order your pokemon to move now.") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", move!", 1) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 12, 1) local function move(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12) == 0 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 0 then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then if getCreatureSpeed(params.sum) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end end addEvent(speeed, 600, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, etudao, -1) return true end local dir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), params.topos) if dir >= 0 and dir <= 7 then if dir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = NORTH else dir = WEST end else dir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = WEST else dir = NORTH end end elseif dir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = SOUTH else dir = WEST end else dir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = WEST else dir = SOUTH end end elseif dir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = SOUTH else dir = EAST end else dir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = EAST else dir = SOUTH end end elseif dir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = NORTH else dir = EAST end else dir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = EAST else dir = NORTH end end end local dir = dir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end local function voltarnormal(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, etudao, -1) if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then if getCreatureSpeed(params.sum) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end end addEvent(speeed, 0, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) end end end local pois = getThingPos(item2.uid) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) local SummonPos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local travelx = math.abs((topos.x) - (SummonPos.x)) local travely = math.abs((topos.y) - (SummonPos.y)) local travel = ((travelx) + (travely)) addEvent(move, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) for i = 1, travel-1 do addEvent(move, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) end addEvent(voltarnormal, temk*travel, {cid = cid}) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, travel) return true end
[Encerrado] Galera Ajuda Ai Fast
tópico respondeu ao danilo98375017 de danilo98375017 em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Cara nem eu n so burro de passa meus sistems n deixa que eu ja arrumei tb. -
Alguem Me Ajuda A Colocar Fly So Para Premium?
tópico respondeu ao danilo98375017 de danilo98375017 em Lixeira Pública
vlw cara rep + -
[8.54]Naruto Open Wings V1.2 - Released!
tópico respondeu ao Uffox de danilo98375017 em OTServer Alternativo (ATS)
se desse para iniciar sem erro seria bom tenta arruma ai [30/07/2011 20:48:14] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) (2003) [30/07/2011 20:48:14] > ERROR: Couldn't estabilish connection to SQL database! -
pow mais umn que fala abaixa em vez de dowload ou baixa.
cara não funcionou passa o outro jeito ai de arrumar o erro sqlite3_step(): SQLITE ERROR: columns player_id, skillid are not unique
Alguem Me Ajuda A Colocar Fly So Para Premium?
tópico respondeu ao danilo98375017 de danilo98375017 em Lixeira Pública
funcionou não,desculpe o atraso eu estava de viagem . -
[Encerrado] Galera Ajuda Ai Fast
tópico respondeu ao danilo98375017 de danilo98375017 em Tópicos Sem Resposta
cara deu serto n passa o outr jeito ae e desculpa pela demora eu estava viajando -
Alguem Me Ajuda A Colocar Fly So Para Premium?
um tópico no fórum postou danilo98375017 Lixeira Pública
order -- feito por brun123, editado por glugluguga local nao = {'4820', '4821', '4822', '4823', '4824', '4825', '1395', '1389', '1391', '1393', '460'} local direction = {'4', '5', '6', '7'} -- ridefly local ridefly = {'Shiny Charizard','Crystal Onix', 'Venusaur', 'Ninetales', 'Arcanine', 'Ponyta', 'Rapidash', 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Onix', 'Rhyhorn', 'Tauros', 'Porygon', 'Aerodactyl', 'Dragonite', 'Charizard', 'Pidgeot', 'Fearow', 'Moltres', 'Zapdos', 'Articuno', 'Mew', 'Mewtwo'} local ride = {'Crystal Onix', 'Venusaur', 'Ninetales', 'Arcanine', 'Ponyta', 'Rapidash', 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Onix', 'Rhyhorn', 'Tauros'} local fly = {'Shiny Charizard','Porygon', 'Aerodactyl', 'Dragonite', 'Charizard', 'Pidgeot', 'Fearow', 'Zapdos', 'Moltres', 'Articuno', 'Mew', 'Mewtwo'} local flys = { [265] = {229, 2300, 350}, -- moltres [283] = {230, 2100, 350}, -- artic [199] = {224, 2600, 350}, -- zapdos [9] = {232, 2200, 525}, -- 1000 [34] = {233, 2200, 525},-- two [210] = {221, 1300, 410},-- nite [80] = {222, 900, 375}, -- geot [17] = {226, 800, 400}, -- fearow [10] = {227, 1100, 410}, -- aero [67] = {216, 1000, 410}, -- chari [97] = {316, 600, 440}, -- porygon [294] = {295, 1500, 410}, -- shiny zard } local rides = { [93] = {128, 780, 400}, -- tauros [114] = {129, 800, 375}, -- kyuubi [220] = {130, 800, 395}, -- rapid [16] = {131, 410, 500}, -- ponyta [77] = {132, 400, 510}, -- rhyhorn [88] = {12, 900, 390}, -- arcan [493] = {492, 1000, 360}, -- shiny arca [496] = {494, 420, 420}, -- shiny vneu [292] = {293, 480, 430}, -- cristal onix [248] = {126, 450, 450}, -- onix [22] = {134, 390, 450}, -- venu [120] = {133, 750, 380}, -- dodrio [26] = {135, 420, 500}, -- doduo } local bolas = {'2222', '2223', '2224'} local ultra = {'2220', '2221', '2227'} local etudao = 9506 local mind = 9507 -- ROCK SMASH local rocksmash = {'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Diglett', 'Dugtrio', 'Primeape', 'Machop', 'Machoke', 'Machamp', 'Geodude', 'Graveler', 'Golem' , 'Onix', 'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Rhyhorn', 'Rhydon', 'Kangaskhan', 'Tauros', 'Snorlax', 'Poliwrath'} local erockmash = 9502 local cdrocksmash = 0 -- ROCK SMASH -- DIG local digholes = {'468', '481', '483'} local dig = {'Raticate', 'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Diglett', 'Dugtrio', 'Primeape', 'Machop', 'Machoke', 'Machamp', 'Geodude', 'Graveler', 'Golem' , 'Onix', 'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Rhyhorn', 'Rhydon', 'Kangaskhan', 'Tauros', 'Snorlax'} local edig = 9504 local cddig = 0 -- DIG -- CUT local cut = {'Raticate', 'Bulbasaur', 'Ivysaur', 'Venusaur', 'Charmeleon', 'Sandshrew', 'Sandslash', 'Gloom', 'Vileplume', 'Paras', 'Parasect', 'Meowth', 'Persian', 'Bellsprout', 'Weepinbell', 'Victreebel', 'Farfetchd', 'Krabby', 'Kingler', 'Exeggutor', 'Cubone', 'Marowak', 'Tangela', 'Scyther', 'Pinsir'} local ecut = 9503 local cdcut = 0 -- CUT -- BLINK local blink = {'Abra', 'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Porygon'} local exhaustblink = 9501 local cdblink = 10 -- BLINK -- LIGHT local light = {'Abra', 'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Magnemite', 'Magneton', 'Drowzee', 'Hypno', 'Voltorb', 'Electrode', 'Mrmime', 'Electabuzz', 'Jolteon', 'Porygon', 'Pikachu', 'Raichu'} local exhautStorage = 9500 local time = 600 local cd = 5 -- LIGHT function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getPlayerItemCount(cid, item2.itemid) >= 1 then return false end if exhaustion.get(cid, etudao) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using order again!") return true end if isMonster(item2.uid) and item2.uid ~= getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] and item2.uid ~= cid then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order.") return true end if exhaustion.get(cid, mind) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is too exhausted from the last control, this ability has 2 minutes cooldown.") return true end if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cant control the mind of someone's else pokemon.") return true end if not isInArray({"Alakazam", "Tentacruel", "Gengar"}, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon cant control minds.") return true end exhaustion.set(cid, mind, 240) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "CONTROL MIND!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(item2.uid), 39) registerCreatureEvent(item2.uid, "Controled") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 136) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 134) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 133) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doConvinceCreature(cid, item2.uid) if getCreatureSpeed(item2.uid) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(item2.uid, 180) end doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", control "..string.lower(getCreatureName(item2.uid)).."'s mind!", 1) local cmed = item2.uid local cmname = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local cmpos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local cmzao = doSummonCreature(""..cmname.." cm", cmpos) doConvinceCreature(cid, cmzao) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888, 1) local function check(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(params.cid, 888) <= 0 then return true end if not isCreature(cmed) then local pkcmpos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local pk = doSummonCreature(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball."), pkcmpos) doConvinceCreature(cid, pk) doCreatureSetLookDir(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 2) registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888, 0) end if params.rod == 20 then local lifecmed = getCreatureMaxHealth(cmed) - getCreatureHealth(cmed) local poscmed = getThingPos(cmed) local cmeddir = getCreatureLookDir(cmed) local namecmed = getCreatureName(cmed) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local back = doSummonCreature(""..namecmed.." s", poscmed) if getCreatureSpeed(back) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(back, 180) end doCreatureSetLookDir(back, cmeddir) doCreatureAddHealth(back, -lifecmed) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local mynewpos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) pk = doSummonCreature(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball."), mynewpos) doConvinceCreature(cid, pk) doCreatureSetLookDir(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 2) registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888, 0) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 220) end end end for rod = 1, 20 do addEvent(check, rod*500, {cid = cid, rod = rod}) end return true end if item2.uid == cid then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 888) >= 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cant fly neither ride pokemons being controled.") return true end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and not isInArray(ridefly, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't ride this pokemon nor fly with it.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and isInArray(ride, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then local pokemon = rides[getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).lookType] if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) >= 1 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end local function ride(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(cid)) <= params.d then doChangeSpeed(cid, -250) doChangeSpeed(cid, pokemon[2]) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 1) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1], lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0}, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) else dirh = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), getThingPos(params.cid)) if dirh == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = NORTH else dirh = WEST end elseif dirh == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = SOUTH else dirh = WEST end elseif dirh == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = SOUTH else dirh = EAST end elseif dirh == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dirh = NORTH else dirh = EAST end end local dirh = dirh if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dirh, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dirh, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end end local function speed(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", let me ride you!", 1) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 6 then distanc = 1 else distanc = 0 end local distance = distanc for i=1,12 do addEvent(ride, pokemon[3]*i, {cid = cid, d = distance}) addEvent(speed, ((pokemon[3]*12)+100), {cid = cid}) end return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 0) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) ~= 6 then setPlayerGroupId(cid, 8) end doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, 2) doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid))) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 7 then doChangeSpeed(cid, 400*getPlayerGroupId(cid)) else doChangeSpeed(cid, 250) end doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doCreatureSay(cid, "" .. getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")..", let me get down!", 1) doSummonMonster(cid, getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then if isInArray({460, 1022, 1023}, getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying at this height!") return true end if getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid >= 4820 and getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid <= 4825 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying above the water!") return true end if getPlayerGroupId(cid) ~= 6 then setPlayerGroupId(cid, 8) end doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 0) doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid))) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 7 then doChangeSpeed(cid, 200*getPlayerGroupId(cid)) else doChangeSpeed(cid, 250) end doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doCreatureSay(cid, "" .. getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")..", let me get down!", 1) doSummonMonster(cid, getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("This is (.-)'s pokeball.")) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210))-(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209))) return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and isInArray(fly, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then local pokemon = flys[getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).lookType] local function fly(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(cid)) <= params.dd then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27, "Type \"up\" or \"h1\" to fly higher and \"down\" or \"h2\" to fly lower." ) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61209, getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61210, getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 1) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Flying") doChangeSpeed(cid, -250) doChangeSpeed(cid, pokemon[2]) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1], lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0}, -1) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) else dir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), getThingPos(params.cid)) if dir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH else dir = WEST end elseif dir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH else dir = WEST end elseif dir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH else dir = EAST end elseif dir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH else dir = EAST end end local dir = dir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end end local function speed(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) end end end end doCreatureSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", lets fly!", 1) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, 4) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 2 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 6 then distancc = 1 else distancc = 0 end local distancee = distancc for i=1,12 do addEvent(fly, pokemon[3]*i, {cid = cid, dd = distancee}) addEvent(speed, ((pokemon[3]*12)+100), {cid = cid}) end return true end return true end end -- ROCK SMASH if item2.itemid == 1285 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use rock smash.") return true end if not isInArray(rocksmash, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use rock smash.") return true end if isInArray(rocksmash, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, erocksmash) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using rock smash again!") return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) local function tocut(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 100) >= 1 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 118) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 1285).uid, 2257) exhaustion.set(cid, erocksmash, cdrocksmash) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 100, 1) local function detrans(params) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 2257).uid, 1285) if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1], 100, 0) end end addEvent(detrans, 5500, {ciddd = cid}) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "ROCK SMASH!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) local function nmr(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end addEvent(nmr, 400, {cid = cid}) else local badir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) if badir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = NORTH else badir = WEST end else badir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = WEST else badir = NORTH end end elseif badir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = SOUTH else badir = WEST end else badir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = WEST else badir = SOUTH end end elseif badir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = SOUTH else badir = EAST end else badir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = EAST else badir = SOUTH end end elseif badir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then badir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = NORTH else badir = EAST end else badir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), badir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then badir = EAST else badir = NORTH end end end local badir = badir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], badir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], badir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", smash this rock!", 1) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) addEvent(tocut, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) for i = 1, getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) * 2 do addEvent(tocut, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) end return true end end -- ROCK SMASH END -- CUT if item2.itemid == 2767 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use cut.") return true end if not isInArray(cut, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use cut.") return true end if isInArray(cut, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, ecut) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using cut again!") return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) local function tocut(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 101) >= 1 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 141) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 2767).uid, 6216) exhaustion.set(cid, ecut, cdcut) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 101, 1) local function detrans(params) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, 6216).uid, 2767) if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1], 101, 0) end end addEvent(detrans, 5500, {ciddd = cid}) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "CUT!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) local function nmr(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end addEvent(nmr, 400, {cid = cid}) else adir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) if adir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = NORTH else adir = WEST end else adir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = WEST else adir = NORTH end end elseif adir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = SOUTH else adir = WEST end else adir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = WEST else adir = SOUTH end end elseif adir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = SOUTH else adir = EAST end else adir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = EAST else adir = SOUTH end end elseif adir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then adir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = NORTH else adir = EAST end else adir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), adir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then adir = EAST else adir = NORTH end end end local adir = adir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], adir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], adir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", cut this bush!", 1) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) addEvent(tocut, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) for i = 1, getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) * 2 do addEvent(tocut, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) end return true end end -- CUT END -- DIG if isInArray(digholes, item2.itemid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use dig.") return true end if not isInArray(dig, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use dig.") return true end if isInArray(dig, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, edig) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please wait a few seconds before using dig again!") return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then return true end doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) local function tocut(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 99) >= 1 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 1 then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 3) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 99, 1) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, item2.itemid).uid, item2.itemid+1) exhaustion.set(cid, edig, cddig) local function detrans(params) doTransformItem(getTileItemById(topos, item2.itemid+1).uid, item2.itemid) if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.ciddd)[1], 99, 0) end end addEvent(detrans, 5500, {ciddd = cid}) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "DIG!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) local function nmr(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end addEvent(nmr, 400, {cid = cid}) else local cdir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) if cdir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = NORTH else cdir = WEST end else cdir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = WEST else cdir = NORTH end end elseif cdir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = SOUTH else cdir = WEST end else cdir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = WEST else cdir = SOUTH end end elseif cdir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = SOUTH else cdir = EAST end else cdir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = EAST else cdir = SOUTH end end elseif cdir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then cdir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = NORTH else cdir = EAST end else cdir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), cdir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then cdir = EAST else cdir = NORTH end end end local cdir = cdir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], cdir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], cdir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", open this hole!", 1) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) addEvent(tocut, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) for i = 1, getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos) * 2 do addEvent(tocut, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = topos}) end return true end end -- DIG END -- BLINK if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order.") return true end if not isMonster(item2.uid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 then if isInArray(blink, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if exhaustion.get(cid, exhaustblink) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t order your pokemon to move now.") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", move!", 1) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 12, 1) local function move(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12) == 0 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 0 then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then if getCreatureSpeed(params.sum) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end end addEvent(speeed, 600, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) return true end local edir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), params.topos) if edir >= 0 and edir <= 7 then if edir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = NORTH else edir = WEST end else edir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = WEST else edir = NORTH end end elseif edir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = SOUTH else edir = WEST end else edir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = WEST else edir = SOUTH end end elseif edir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = SOUTH else edir = EAST end else edir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = EAST else edir = SOUTH end end elseif edir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then edir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = NORTH else edir = EAST end else edir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), edir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then edir = EAST else edir = NORTH end end end local edir = edir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], edir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], edir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end local function voltarnormal(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end addEvent(speeed, 0, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) end end end local pois = getThingPos(item2.uid) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) local SumPos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local travelx = math.abs((topos.x) - (SumPos.x)) local travely = math.abs((topos.y) - (SumPos.y)) local travel = ((travelx) + (travely)) addEvent(move, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) for i = 1, travel do addEvent(move, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) end addEvent(voltarnormal, temk * travel, {cid = cid}) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, travel) else if not isWalkable(topos, cid, 0, 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon cannot teleport there.") return true end if getItemName(item2.uid) == "shallow water" then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon cannot teleport there.") return true end doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), topos, 39) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 211) doTeleportThing(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos, false) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 134) doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", teleport there!", 1) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "BLINK!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) exhaustion.set(cid, exhaustblink, cdblink) return true end return true end end --- BLINK END -- LIGHT -- if isCreature(item2.uid) and getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) == cid and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and item2.uid ~= cid then if not isInArray(light, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon can't use flash.") return true end if isInArray(light, getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) then if not isMonster(item2.uid) and getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) ~= cid then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Please use flash on your pokemon.") end if exhaustion.get(cid, exhautStorage) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Please wait a few seconds before using flash again!") return true end exhaustion.set(cid, exhautStorage, cd) doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", use flash!", 1) doCreatureSay(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], "FLASH!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 28) doSetCreatureLight(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 8, 215, time*1000) return true end end -- LIGHT END -- if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then return true end if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t order your pokemon to move now.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 12) == 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t order your pokemon to move now.") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", move!", 1) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 12, 1) local function move(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12) == 0 then return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), topos) == 0 then if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then if getCreatureSpeed(params.sum) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end end addEvent(speeed, 600, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, etudao, -1) return true end local dir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), params.topos) if dir >= 0 and dir <= 7 then if dir == NORTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = NORTH else dir = WEST end else dir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = WEST else dir = NORTH end end elseif dir == SOUTHWEST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = SOUTH else dir = WEST end else dir = WEST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = WEST else dir = SOUTH end end elseif dir == SOUTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = SOUTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = SOUTH else dir = EAST end else dir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = EAST else dir = SOUTH end end elseif dir == NORTHEAST then if math.random(1,100) >= 51 then dir = NORTH if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = NORTH else dir = EAST end else dir = EAST if isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), dir), params.ccid, 0, 0) then dir = EAST else dir = NORTH end end end local dir = dir if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) else doPushCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], dir, 1, 0) doChangeSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], -getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1])) end end end end end local function voltarnormal(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then if isCreature(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, etudao, -1) if getCreatureSpeed(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]) == 0 then local function speeed(params) if isCreature(params.sum) then if getCreatureSpeed(params.sum) == 0 then doChangeSpeed(params.sum, getCreatureBaseSpeed(params.sum)) end end end addEvent(speeed, 0, {sum = getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]}) end setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1], 12, 0) end end end local pois = getThingPos(item2.uid) local speed = getCreatureBaseSpeed(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local temk = 1000 -(2.3 * speed) local SummonPos = getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) local travelx = math.abs((topos.x) - (SummonPos.x)) local travely = math.abs((topos.y) - (SummonPos.y)) local travel = ((travelx) + (travely)) addEvent(move, 0, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) for i = 1, travel-1 do addEvent(move, temk*i, {cid = cid, ccid = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], topos = pois, item2 = item2.uid}) end addEvent(voltarnormal, temk*travel, {cid = cid}) exhaustion.set(cid, etudao, travel) return true end Para quem quiser saber o meu poke é o pokemon ex2.0 -
galera sei que nao deve estar da area serta por favor se ano tiver direcionen para la [21/07/2011 19:44:50] > Local ports: 7171 7172 [21/07/2011 19:44:50] >> All modules were loaded, server is starting up... [21/07/2011 19:44:50] >> Pokemon legends server Online! [21/07/2011 19:45:41] [GOD] Scizor has logged in. [21/07/2011 19:45:41] Account Manager has logged in. [21/07/2011 19:45:54] sqlite3_step(): SQLITE ERROR: columns player_id, skillid are not unique queria saber como arruma esse erro ai,o seerver nao deixa eu criar outro player. por favor tente arrumar ai,o serv é o pokemon ex2.0 rep+ para quem ajudar
parece maneiro mas o site nao entra
poketibia Pescar Mas Rapido Poketibia
tópico respondeu ao 611798 de danilo98375017 em Lixeira Pública
Vrafa faz o seguinte edita o config lua edite esta barra la em rates rateSkill =( pode colokar quanto vc quiser) rateSkill = 10.5 dai por diante -
Sistema Npc Gym Para Pokemon
tópico respondeu ao brun123 de danilo98375017 em Mods, funções e outros
velho muito bom rep+,tu salvo nois que estamos a procura de npc de batlle valeu veio,agora meu server está 95% completo te agradeço muito. -
eu tenhu m1 ao m12 aki em todos os pokes
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