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Sobre Ground

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Ground's Achievements

  1. Como posso pegar um numero que está entra [] na descriçao de um item? eu ja tentei assim: nome1 = getDescription(item.uid) local nome4 = string.match(nome1,'[%d+*]') mas ele só pega 1 numero que está no [], exemplo, se tiver [85], ele pega apenas o 8. Se alguem souber, help me abraçoos
  2. Ground


    nao poderia capturar npc , captura apenas qnd o bixo estiver morto , e qnd capturado morrer voltar para pokebola automaticamente, para versao 8.4. se alguem poder ajudar flws. ;s
  3. Ground

    Mu Nittrox

    Mu Nittrox • Versão: 97D+99i • Experiencia: 3.000x • Drop: 100% • Bug Bless: Online • Reset Free: Level: 1000 - 300 Pontos • Reset Vip Normal: Level: 650 - 600 Pontos • Reset Vip Master: Level: 350 - 1000 Pontos • Horario: 24/7 • Conexão: 1mb • Site • 3 dias Vip Gratis • Inaugurado dia 24/02/2009 ☺Entre e confira☺
  4. tentei coloca script de forja e quando abro aparece isso tem como arrumar? vlw -- Smithing System -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants of smithing Const_Array_Forja = { {count1 = 10, count2 = 0, need = 2467, domade = 2465, chance = 100, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 20, count2 = 0, need = 2465, domade = 2463, chance = 90, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 60, count2 = 5, need = 2463, domade = 2487, chance = 50, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 80, count2 = 5, need = 2487, domade = 2466, chance = 30, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 100, count2 = 10, need = 2466, domade = 2472, chance = 8, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 10, count2 = 0, need = 2461, domade = 2457, chance = 100, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 20, count2 = 5, need = 2457, domade = 2491, chance = 50, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 60, count2 = 10, need = 2491, domade = 2498, chance = 40, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 10, count2 = 0, need = 2649, domade = 2478, chance = 100, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 30, count2 = 0, need = 2478, domade = 2647, chance = 90, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 60, count2 = 5, need = 2647, domade = 2488, chance = 50, skillFail = 0}, {count1 = 10, count2 = 0, need = 2376, domade = 2383, chance = 100, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 20, count2 = 0, need = 2383, domade = 8602, chance = 90, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 20, count2 = 0, need = 8602, domade = 7869, chance = 90, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 50, count2 = 5, need = 7869, domade = 2392, chance = 50, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 60, count2 = 10, need = 2392, domade = 7384, chance = 30, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 10, count2 = 0, need = 2386, domade = 8601, chance = 100, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 20, count2 = 0, need = 8601, domade = 4635, chance = 90, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 50, count2 = 5, need = 4635, domade = 2432, chance = 50, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 60, count2 = 10, need = 2432, domade = 7389, chance = 30, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 10, count2 = 0, need = 2382, domade = 2439, chance = 100, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 20, count2 = 0, need = 2439, domade = 7754, chance = 90, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 50, count2 = 5, need = 7754, domade = 7755, chance = 50, skillFail = 0} {count1 = 60, count2 = 10, need = 7755, domade = 7756, chance = 40, skillFail = 0} } Const_Fire_Bug_Id = 5468 Const_Anvil_Id = 2555 Const_item_Easy = 1294 -- Easy Item Const_item_Hard = 2157 -- Hard Item const_storageId = 6660 const_storageTr = 6661 const_upSklMsg = 'You advanced in smithing. (' const_failMsg = 'Try again...' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Variants of smithing local lv_Count1 = 0 local lv_Count2 = 0 local lv_Chance = 0 local lv_Mading = 0 local lv_toMake = 0 local lv_domade = 0 local lv_failup = 0 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) Index = 1 lvGetPos1 = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=1} -- Fire bug lvGetPos2 = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=2} -- Easy lvGetPos3 = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=3} -- Hard lvGetPos4 = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=4} -- need lvAnvil = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=5} -- Anvil for Index = 1, #Const_Array_Forja do lv_Count1 = Const_Array_Forja[index].count1 lv_Count2 = Const_Array_Forja[index].count2 lv_Chance = Const_Array_Forja[index].chance lv_toMake = Const_Array_Forja[index].need lv_failup = Const_Array_Forja[index].skillFail lv_domade = Const_Array_Forja[index].domade lvItem1 = getThingfromPos(lvGetPos1) lvItem2 = getThingfromPos(lvGetPos2) lvItem3 = getThingfromPos(lvGetPos3) lvItem4 = getThingfromPos(lvGetPos4) lvAnvil = getThingfromPos(lvAnvil) if Const_Fire_Bug_Id == lvItem1.itemid and Const_item_Easy == lvItem2.itemid and Const_item_Hard == lvItem3.itemid and lv_toMake == lvItem4.itemid and Const_Anvil_Id == lvAnvil.itemid and lvItem2.type >= lv_Count1 and lvItem3.type >= lv_Count2 then doRemoveItem(lvItem1.uid, 1) doRemoveItem(lvItem2.uid, lv_Count1) doRemoveItem(lvItem3.uid, lv_Count1) doRemoveItem(lvItem4.uid, 1) lvRet = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, const_storageId) lvRet = math.ceil(lvRet) if (lvRet >= 01 and lvRet <= 19) then lvChance = math.random(01, 100) elseif (lvRet >= 20 and lvRet <= 29) then lvChance = math.random(01, 95) elseif (lvRet >= 30 and lvRet <= 39) then lvChance = math.random(01, 90) elseif (lvRet >= 40 and lvRet <= 49) then lvChance = math.random(01, 87) elseif (lvRet >= 50 and lvRet <= 59) then lvChance = math.random(01, 75) elseif (lvRet >= 60 and lvRet <= 69) then lvChance = math.random(01, 70) elseif (lvRet >= 70 and lvRet <= 79) then lvChance = math.random(01, 61) elseif (lvRet >= 80 and lvRet <= 89) then lvChance = math.random(01, 56) elseif (lvRet >= 90 and lvRet <= 99) then lvChance = math.random(01, 50) elseif (lvRet >= 100 and lvRet <= 110) then lvChance = math.random(01, 45) else lvChance = math.random(01, 040) end if item.itemid == 4846 then lvChance = lvChance - 10 end if lvChance <= lv_Chance then doSendMagicEffect(topos, 6) new_item = doCreateItem(lv_domade, 1, topos) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, 'You have made a ' .. getItemName(lv_domade) .. '.') doSetItemSpecialDescription(new_item, "It was made by ".. getPlayerName(cid) ..".") rSkillUp(cid) else doSendMagicEffect(topos, 5) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, const_failMsg) if (lv_failup == 1) then rSkillUp(cid) end end else doSendMagicEffect(topos, 2) end end end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rAddMaisUm(cid, pStorage) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, pStorage, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, pStorage) + 1) return 1 end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rSkillUp(cid) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, const_storageTr) <= 4) then rAddMaisUm(cid, const_storageTr) else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, const_storageTr, 0) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, const_storageId) < 10) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, const_storageId, 10) end rAddMaisUm(cid, const_storageId) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, const_upSklMsg.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, const_storageId)..")") end end
  5. Ground


    Muito bom...muito bem feito, parabens :smile_positivo:
  6. e pra salva? quando eu salvo nao fica o icone do tibia... ai eu abro mais n da =X ajda ae
  7. Ai cara parece que ta bom to baixando vo v c tem Bugs e te falo flwww
  8. Nossa d+ cara continue assim que vc vai pra frente asuhashu flws :hi:
  9. Cara vlws vo v c ta rox depois posto denovo mais deve ta manu xD postem mais ai pessoal flws....
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