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Tudo que Shinokuk postou

  1. No config dele ta meio incompleto mas a maioria tem um trteco assim: -- do you want to give premium account to all players? (yes/no)freepremmy = "no" <<< yes ou no dã xD e o exhausted e akele tempo q fika com pz unlocked depois de atakar bixu pode ser configurado assim: Em vez de por 30000 << 30 segundos vc pode por assim 30*1000 q significa 30x1000 flwz
  2. Bem gente,muita gente ja me pediu no mirc e avisei q ia fazer um topic,entao aqui estou: Editando o preço das runas no Dark Rodo: Primeiro vá em data\npc\scripts e ache runes.xml Clike com o botao direito e depois em editar: Obs: Vou só tirar uma parte para n dar flood vc verá algo assim focus = 0talk_start = 0target = 0following = falseattacking = falsefunction onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)endfunction onCreatureAppear(creature)endfunction onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then selfSay('Good bye then.') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 endendfunction onCreatureTurn(creature)endfunction msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))endfunction onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) msg = string.lower(msg) if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Hello ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! I sell runes, wands and rods.') focus = cid talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Sorry, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! I talk to you in a minute.') elseif focus == cid then talk_start = os.clock() if msgcontains(msg, 'runes') then selfSay('I sell hmms (40gps), uhs (40gps), gfbs (60gps), explosions (60gps), sds (90gps) and blank runes (5gps). To buy more runes say "10 uh" or "100 sd".') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'wands') then selfSay('I sell wand of inferno (15k), plague (5k), cosmic energy (10k), vortex (500gp) and dragonbreath (1k).') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'rods') then selfSay('I sell quagmire (10k), snakebite (500gp), tempest (15k), volcanic (5k) and moonlight rod (1k).') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'inferno') then buy(cid,2187,1,15000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'plague') then buy(cid,2188,1,5000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'cosmic energy') then buy(cid,2189,1,10000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'vortex') then buy(cid,2190,1,500) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'dragonbreath') then buy(cid,2191,1,1000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'quagmire') then buy(cid,2181,1,10000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'snakebite') then buy(cid,2182,1,500) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'tempest') then buy(cid,2183,1,15000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'volcanic') then buy(cid,2185,1,5000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'moonlight') then buy(cid,2186,1,1000) elseif msgcontains(msg, '100 hmm') then buy(cid,2311,100,800) elseif msgcontains(msg, '10 hmm') then buy(cid,2311,10,80) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hmm') then buy(cid,2311,5,40) elseif msgcontains(msg, '100 uh') then buy(cid,2273,100,4000) elseif msgcontains(msg, '10 uh') then buy(cid,2273,10,400) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'uh') then buy(cid,2273,1,40) Agora vamos la. observe elseif msgcontains(msg, '100 hmm') then buy(cid,2311,100,800) Bem,vc pode ver que varias linhas apareceem assim,sendo assim,vc pode modificar qualquer otra runa ou wand(rod) Que esplicarei logo ali na frente, observando a mensagem: elseif msgcontains(msg, '100 hmm') then <<<<<< Que nesse caso estaria comprando uma hmm 100x buy(cid,2311,100,800) Note o numero(2311) é o id do item q vai ser vendido,neste caso a hmm. Agora olhe o numero seguinte (100),será as cargas da runa,ou a quantidade de itens(akeles que n se misturam ao tentar juntar um a outrto) E finalmente o ultimo numero (800) Que é o preço da runa,vc pode modificar a vontade. Espero ter ajudado Fuiz
  3. 1º Eu n copiei do itens.xml do meu ot. 2º eu n vejo nenhuma lista de ids o.0 3º A minha tem ids 7.6 e 7.5
  4. Bem,pra n dar aquele flood imenso n vo passa ID dos tiles etc n,c precisarem das ids só fala tipo: Container...Doors,ai eu acrescento. Vo passa dos itens que é + comum que precisam: Os numeros a esquerda saum 7.6 e da direita 7.5 2941 2120 rope 2942 2121 wedding ring 2943 2122 brooches 2944 2123 ring of the skies 2945 2124 crystal ring 2946 2125 crystal necklace 2947 2126 bronzen necklace 2948 2127 emerald bangle 2949 2128 crown 2950 2129 wolves teeth chain 2951 2130 golden amulet 2952 2131 star amulet 2953 2132 silver necklace 2954 2133 ruby necklace 2955 2134 silver brooch 2956 2135 scarab amulet 2957 2136 plate amulet 2958 2137 egipcian present 2959 2138 starlight 2960 2139 egipcian amulet 2961 2140 holy scarab 2962 2141 eagle amulet 2963 2142 ancient amulet 2964 2143 white pearl 2965 2144 black pearl 2966 2145 small diamond 2967 2146 small sapphire 2968 2147 small ruby 2969 2148 gold coin 2970 2149 small emerald 2971 2150 small amethyst 2972 2151 talon 2973 2152 platinum coin 2974 2153 violet gem 2975 2154 yellow gem 2976 2155 big emerald 2977 2156 big ruby 2978 2157 gold nugget 2979 2158 blue gem 2980 2159 scarab coin 2981 2160 crystal coin 2983 2161 strange talisman 2984 2162 magic lightwand 2985 2163 magic lightwand 2986 2164 mightring 2987 2165 stealthring 2988 2166 powerring 2989 2167 energyring 2990 2168 lifering 2991 2169 timering 2992 2170 silver amulet 2993 2171 platinum amulet 2994 2172 bronze amulet 2995 2173 amulet of loss 2996 2174 strange symbol 2997 2175 spellbook 2998 2176 orb 2999 2177 life crystal 3000 2178 mind stone 3001 2179 gold ring 3002 2180 orb of nature 3003 2181 wooden wand 3004 2182 golden wand 3005 2183 elfish wand 3006 2184 crystal wand 3007 2185 wand of might 3008 2186 conjure wand 3009 2187 ritual wand 3010 2188 green spellwand 3011 2189 yellow spellwand 3012 2190 blue spellwand 3013 2191 red spellwand 3014 2192 crystal ball 3015 2193 ankh 3016 2194 mysterious fetish 3017 2195 boots of haste 3018 2196 broken amulet 3019 2197 stone skin amulet 3020 2198 elven amulet 3021 2199 garlic necklace 3022 2200 protection amulet 3023 2201 dragon necklace 3024 2202 stealthring 3025 2203 powerring 3026 2204 energyring 3027 2205 lifering 3028 2206 timering 3029 2207 swordring 3030 2208 axering 3031 2209 clubring 3032 2210 swordring 3033 2211 axering 3034 2212 clubring 3035 2213 dwarfenring 3036 2214 ring of healing 3037 2215 dwarfenring 3038 2216 ring of healing 3039 2217 book 3040 2218 hand monk amulet 3042 2219 banana skin 3043 2220 dirty fur 3044 2221 old twig 3045 2222 some wood 3046 2223 rubbish 3047 2224 rubbish 3048 2225 pieces of iron 3049 2226 fishbone 3050 2227 rotten meat 3051 2228 broken pottery 3052 2229 skull 3053 2230 bone 3054 2231 big bone 3055 2232 broken brown glas 3056 2233 broken green glas 3057 2234 broken sword 3058 2235 moldy cheese 3059 2236 torn book 3060 2237 dirty cape 3061 2238 broken boots 3062 2239 burnt scroll 3063 2240 fishremains 3064 2241 rubbish 3065 2242 rubbish 3066 2243 rubbish 3067 2244 leaves 3068 2245 leaves 3069 2246 burnt down firewood 3070 2247 skull 3071 2248 skull 3072 2249 smoke 3073 2250 wooden trash 3074 2251 wooden trash 3075 2252 wooden trash 3076 2253 wooden trash 3077 2254 wooden trash 3078 2255 wooden trash 3079 2256 metal trash 3080 2257 metal trash 3081 2258 golden trash 3082 2259 stone rubbish 3085 2260 blank rune 3086 2261 adito grav 3087 2262 adevo mas vis 3088 2263 adori vita vis 3089 2264 rune 3090 2265 adura gran 3091 2266 adana pox 3092 2267 rune 3093 2268 adori vita vis 3094 2269 rune 3095 2270 rune 3096 2271 adito grav 3097 2272 rune 3098 2273 adura vita 3099 2274 rune 3100 2275 rune 3101 2276 rune 3102 2277 adevo grav vis 3103 2278 adana ani 3104 2279 adevo mas grav vis 3105 2280 rune 3106 2281 rune 3107 2282 rune 3108 2283 rune 3109 2284 rune 3110 2285 adevo grav pox 3111 2286 adevo mas pox 3112 2287 adori 3113 2288 rune 3114 2289 adevo mas grav pox 3115 2290 adeta sio 3116 2291 adevo ina 3117 2292 adevo res pox 3118 2293 adevo grav tera 3119 2294 rune 3120 2295 rune 3121 2296 rune 3122 2297 rune 3123 2298 rune 3124 2299 rune 3125 2300 GMblock 3126 2301 adevo grav flam 3127 2302 adori flam 3128 2303 adevo mas grav flam 3129 2304 adori gran flam 3130 2305 adevo mas flam 3131 2306 rune 3132 2307 rune 3133 2308 adevo res flam 3134 2309 rune 3135 2310 annikilator rune 3136 2311 adori gran 3137 2312 rune 3138 2313 adevo mas hur 3139 2314 rune 3140 2315 rune 3141 2316 adana mort 3142 2317 dead human 3143 2318 broch 3144 2319 strange symbol 3145 2320 skull 3146 2321 anniquilator battlehammer 3147 2322 doll 3148 2323 magician hat 3149 2324 broom 3150 2325 book 3151 2326 annihilation teddy bear 3152 2327 ankh 3153 2328 dragon egg 3154 2329 document 3155 2330 bag 3156 2331 present 3157 2332 horn 3158 2333 stamped letter 3159 2334 mailbox 3160 2335 piece of helmet of the ancient 3161 2336 piece of helmet of the ancient 3162 2337 piece of helmet of the ancient 3163 2338 piece of helmet of the ancient 3164 2339 piece of helmet of the ancient 3165 2340 piece of helmet of the ancient 3166 2341 piece of helmet of the ancient 3167 2342 helmet of the ancients 3168 2343 helmet of the ancients 3169 2344 oil lamp 3170 2345 spy report 3171 2346 tear of daraman 3172 2347 cookbook 3173 2348 ancient rune 3174 2349 music piece 3175 2350 broken hilt 3176 2351 cobrafang dagger 3177 2352 crystal arrow 3178 2353 burning heart 3179 2354 ornamented ankh 3180 2355 rabbit present 3181 2356 small oil lamp 3183 2357 ring of the skies 3184 2358 boots of waterwalking 3185 2359 small oil lamp 3186 2360 portable hole 3187 2361 frozen starlight 3188 2362 carrot 3189 2363 red apple 3190 2364 post horn 3191 2365 backpack 3192 2366 plume 3193 2367 drum 3194 2368 simple fanfare 3195 2369 horn 3196 2370 lute 3197 2371 post horn 3198 2372 lyre 3199 2373 panpipes 3200 2374 flute 3201 2375 gemmed lamp 3202 2376 sword 3203 2377 two-handed sword 3204 2378 battle axe 3205 2379 dagger 3206 2380 hand axe 3207 2381 halberd 3208 2382 club 3209 2383 spikesword 3210 2384 rapier 3211 2385 sabre 3212 2386 axe 3213 2387 double axe 3214 2388 hatchet 3215 2389 spear 3216 2390 magic longsword 3217 2391 club hammer 3218 2392 fire sword 3219 2393 giantsword 3220 2394 morning star 3221 2395 carlinsword 3222 2396 ice rapier 3223 2397 longsword 3224 2398 mace 3225 2399 throwing star 3226 2400 magic sword 3227 2401 staff 3228 2402 silver dagger 3229 2403 knife 3230 2404 combat knife 3231 2405 sickle 3232 2406 short sword 3233 2407 bright sword 3234 2408 warlord sword 3235 2409 serpent sword 3236 2410 throwing knife 3237 2411 poison dagger 3238 2412 katana 3239 2413 broad sword 3240 2414 dragon lance 3241 2415 great axe 3242 2416 crowbar 3243 2417 battlehammer 3244 2418 golden sickle 3245 2419 scimitar 3246 2420 machete 3247 2421 thunder hammer 3248 2422 iron hammer 3249 2423 clerical mace 3250 2424 silver mace 3251 2425 obsidian lance 3252 2426 naginata 3253 2427 guardian halberd 3254 2428 orcish axe 3255 2429 barbarian axe 3256 2430 knight axe 3257 2431 stonecutter's axe 3258 2432 fire axe 3259 2433 magic staff 3260 2434 dragon hammer 3261 2435 dwarfish axe 3262 2436 skull staff 3263 2437 golden mace 3264 2438 apocalipsis 3265 2439 daramanian mace 3266 2440 daramanian waraxe 3267 2441 small axe 3268 2442 heavy machete 3269 2443 guardian halberd 3270 2444 hammer of wrath 3271 2445 crystal mace 3272 2446 the pharao sword 3273 2447 Twin axe 3274 2448 studded club 3275 2449 bone club 3276 2450 bone sword 3277 2451 djinn blade 3278 2452 uknown mace 3279 2453 sprite wand 3280 2454 war axe 3287 2455 crossbow 3288 2456 bow 3289 2457 steel helmet 3290 2458 chain helmet 3291 2459 iron helmet 3292 2460 brass helmet 3293 2461 leather helmet 3294 2462 devil helmet 3295 2463 plate armor 3296 2464 chain armor 3297 2465 brass armor 3298 2466 golden armor 3299 2467 leather armor 3300 2468 studded legs 3301 2469 dragon scale legs 3302 2470 golden legs 3303 2471 golden helmet 3304 2472 magic plate armor 3305 2473 viking helmet 3306 2474 winged helmet 3307 2475 warrior helmet 3308 2476 knight armor 3309 2477 knight legs 3310 2478 brass legs 3311 2479 strange helmet 3312 2480 legion helmet 3313 2481 soldier helmet 3314 2482 studded helmet 3315 2483 scale armor 3316 2484 studded armor 3317 2485 doublet 3318 2486 noble armor 3319 2487 crown armor 3320 2488 crown legs 3321 2489 dark armor 3322 2490 dark helmet 3323 2491 crown helmet 3324 2492 dragon scale mail 3325 2493 demon helmet 3326 2494 demon armor 3327 2495 demon legs 3328 2496 horned helmet 3329 2497 crusader helmet 3330 2498 royal helmet 3331 2499 lady helmet 3332 2500 lady armor 3333 2501 mask 3334 2502 dwarven helmet 3335 2503 dwarven armor 3336 2504 dwarven legs 3337 2505 elven armor 3338 2506 dragon scale helmet 3339 2507 elven legs 3340 2508 native armor 3347 2509 steel shield 3348 2510 plate shield 3349 2511 brass shield 3350 2512 wooden shield 3351 2513 battle shield 3352 2514 mastermind shield 3353 2515 guardians shield 3354 2516 dragon shield 3355 2517 shield of honour 3356 2518 beholder shield 3357 2519 crown shield 3358 2520 demon shield 3359 2521 dark shield 3360 2522 great shield 3361 2523 blessed shield 3362 2524 ornamented shield 3363 2525 dwarfish shield 3364 2526 studded shield 3365 2527 rose shield 3366 2528 tower shield 3367 2529 black shield 3368 2530 copper shield 3369 2531 viking shield 3370 2532 ancient shield 3371 2533 griffin shield 3372 2534 vampire shield 3373 2535 castle shield 3374 2536 medusa shield 3375 2537 amazon shield 3376 2538 eagle shield 3377 2539 phoenix shield 3378 2540 scarab shield 3379 2541 bone shield 3380 2542 plasma shield 3384 2543 bolt 3385 2544 arrow 3386 2545 poison arrow 3387 2546 burst arrow 3388 2547 power bolt 3389 2548 pitch fork 3390 2549 rake 3391 2550 scythe 3392 2551 broom 3393 2552 hacket 3394 2553 pick 3395 2554 shovel Bem,se precisarem de uma ID especifica,manda um post ai q eu passo. MOSNTRO NOVO Eh um tipo de super badger,aconselhado para eventos ou guests de + de 3 pessoas xD Eh o seguinte,copie um arquivo de um monstro qualquer e delete tudo dentro e adicione: <?xml version="1.0"?><monster name="Badger" level="200" maglevel="45" experience="0" pushable="0" armor="90" defense="85" canpushitems="1" staticattack="50" changetarget="400"> <health now="25000" max="25000"/> <look type="105" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="3043"/> <combat targetdistance="3" runonhealth="2000"/><attacks> <attack type="melee" mindamage="900" maxdamage="2000" probability="100"/> <attack type="rune" name="arca sudden death" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="7000" probability="160"/> <attack type="rune" name="arca sudden death" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="3500" probability="90"/> <attack type="instant" name="exura vita" cycleticks="4000" probability="90"/> <attack type="instant" name="exevo gran mas pox" cycleticks="4000" probability="80"/> <attack type="instant" name="hydra_poisonwave" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="85"/></attacks><defenses> <defense immunity="poison"/> <defense immunity="paralyze"/> <defense immunity="invisible"/> <defense immunity="drunk"/> <defense immunity="energy"/></defenses><loot> <item id="2671" countmax="2" chance1="50000" chancemax="1"/> <item id="2152" countmax="7" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2393" chance="1000"/> <item id="2470" chance="2000"/> <item id="2522" chance="1333"/> <item id="2158" chance="10000"/> <item id="2319" chance="9000"/> <item id="2462" chance="50000"/> <item id="2153" chance="50000"/> <item id="2472" chance="1857"/></loot><summons maxSummons="8"> <summon name="Badger PX" chance="600"/></summons></monster> Faça a mesma coisa com otro monstro (summon dele) <?xml version="1.0"?><monster name="Badger" level="50" maglevel="30" experience="0" pushable="1" armor="15" defense="20" canpushitems="0" staticattack="50" changetarget="200"> <health now="1500" max="1500"/> <look type="105" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="3043"/> <combat targetdistance="3" runonhealth="300"/><attacks> <attack type="melee" mindamage="150" maxdamage="300" probability="100"/> <attack type="instant" name="exura gran" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="6000" probability="150"/></attacks><defenses> <defense immunity="poison"/></defenses><loot> <item id="2671" countmax="2" chance1="50000" chancemax="1"/> </loot></monster> Bem,isso é tudo. COMENTEM PLX
  5. Sir Pirralhos,notei uma coisa em vc,vc costuma copiar outras coisas,vendo cada parte ai vc edita ids,e talz,mas isso n o possibilita de continuar fazendo Nesse caso ai vc copiou o do conjure arrows mudou a id do item (arrow) e aumentou a quantidade Sabuxo aki plx
  6. Sim o meu tbm,eh diferente do que ele postou. O nosso é assim: Bem,Ai o nosso em vez de virtual server,devemos ir em Port Fowarding sei la oq xD Mas ai da pra preenche e talz,mas quando vc vai da apply,da um erro q ainda n descobri... Fala que: The port range is overllaped <<< algo assim
  7. Boa,mas tambem no simone editor,ainda não testei direito,se vc clikar com o botao direito na placa e ir em propriedades da pra colokar o que vai aparecer quando dar look mas eu ainda n testei isso n,mas acho q funfa,vlwz bom tuto
  8. Tuto legalzim Vc tirou copia do action q muda platinum por crystal certo ? Deu pra perceber Mas pra qm n sabe,ta bom. vlws
  9. Shinokuk

    Pescando Na Lava!

    Me passa a action feita para 7.6 plz to precisando muito.vlwz
  10. Eu achu q esse tutorial c eu n me engano eh pra criar runas pra 7.40+ Editado: Ah eskeci de flar. --Fixed--
  11. Don O meu Windows eh xp e... Tentei fazer issu 3x !! Todas vezes q fiz meu PC travou !!!
  12. Mas ai na parte do: -- drawblood: determina se o ataque deixa poça de sangue. eu coloko 0 ou 1 ?
  13. Divia criar um tópic... <_< Mas do q vc esta flanu ???
  14. Gente descobri uma coisa,para os gamemasters do tibia n forem hackeds por noobs,usanu o tibia 7.4 normal,os gamemaster fazem isso q o gusbronha disse,tanto q quandu fui logar aparece: You can only login with a Gamemaster Account. Traduzindu: Vc só pode logar com uma conta de Gamemaster
  15. Kralhowwwwwwwwww Vlwwwwwww, no tibia 7.5 tbm ta dando ! Só coloka um espaço depois das aspas e escrever gamemaster !!!!!!
  16. Mas o BPK, o meu avast! n conseguiu deletar,aí fiko alertandu direto,usei o Ad-Aware e deu certo,ele escaneia todo seu disco em menos d 10 min
  17. Tbm existe um antivirus bom e um removedor d keylogger caso n tenha. Procura Achar: Avast Antivírus. Ele detecta keylogger tbm mas n da pra tirá-lo Ad-aware 6 : Apenas clika em Start q ele verifika seu pc todo contra keylogger. Lembre-se Os keyloggers a maioria tem em seu nome: Bpk.
  18. Pegandu coisa do ######/forums neh ?? Safadu hein...
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