Ztracker - MAP Tracker
Tracked area with spawns:
Save/Load project:the the map is stored as its read from memory, you have to export the map to .otx, this way the data is not modified, so tracked maps can be exported using diferent item definitions or have bugs fixed without having to re-track.
Scan All floors:All the visible floors will be tracked.
Ignore movable items:This will ignore any kind of item that you can move, most of this items are garbage so this helps to get a cleaner map.
Save monster spawns:this feature is still beta, it works by saving the monsters when first seen, the monsters ids are stored so it wont repeat the same monster (up to 10000) but keep in mind if a monster dies and respawn then the ID change and you will repeat the spawn, also this generates a single spawn for each monster, im not sure if this could affect OTs so i may improve this later.
Export global coords: The generated OTX map and spawns will use the real tibia coords.
spawn_times.txt file: You can edit this simple text file to set the spawn times of the monsters, the format is simple, you first write the monster name, and in the next line the spawn time (in seconds), please note that this is case sensitive, this means for example that "Dragon" is not the same as "DRAGON". Do not let blank lines.
-Reduced memory consumption (now takes about 5x less ram!)
-The tracker now exports to .otbm file format
NPC tracking support: A new file called npc_list.txt is included in the program folder, all the creatures listed on that file will be considered as npcs and saved with all its attributes (name/position/outfit), actually i made the npc list from the tibia wiki so its pretty complete. When you export your project the npc files will be generated (xml ones) and also a default lua script (npc_script.lua) assigned to each npc.
For example, if you export your map to c:\project\map.otbm the following files would be generated:
For each npc:
Then you just copy the npc folder to your OT (TFS only, not sure about others) data folder.
-Retrack screen
-Reset npc's option
-When exporting your project you may see a system console flashing, this is caused by using a "system()" call to create the folders.
This version introduced many changes to the program so you can expect new bugs!! Please report if you find any!!
Latest version:
zTracker 3.2:
Resumidamente, o que ele faz TIO JV:
É simplesmente um software que copia e recria o mapa por qual estás andando, pode ser de qualquer Tibia ou OTserv, ele faz tudo, de npcs até Spawns, é claro que não sai 100% perfeito, mas ajude para aqueles que querem ter parte X ou Y do mapa do Tibia ou coisa parecida.
Créditos pelo Tópico e Programa: zionz
PS: Depois traduzo, estou com preguiça :]~