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Aqui Citarei As Melhores Cervejas
tópico respondeu ao Henrique Moura de Jvchequer em Barzinho do Éks
Depois de 3 litros de cerveja até aquela Cintra quente desce de algum jeito ou de outro, hahahahaha -
Aqui Citarei As Melhores Cervejas
tópico respondeu ao Henrique Moura de Jvchequer em Barzinho do Éks
Para nego falar que Skol é melhor que Brahma tem que ser muito amador :3 No mais, os únicos que podem falar de cerva aqui sou eu, rodrigo e Negão cachaceiro, o resto é resto Minha lista, só de nacionais que eu me lembro de agora, seria mais ou menos assim. * Original * Bohemia * Devassa * Brahma * Antartica Claro que se o assunto for Chope, a coisa muda de lado, Devassa e Brahma > all E é lógico que se for incluir as importadas, eu nem conseguiria fazer um top5 porque é coisa boa demais, além que só conheço umas 4 ou 5 marcas, dentre ela, a Stella, a Bud e a Heineken, que aliás, nem curto tanto a Heineken, acho ela amarga demais, mas é bom para dias bem mais frios, na minha opinião, já a Stella cai bem em qualquer hora, assim como a Bud =D -
Soccers enthousiasts get your mugs of beer, because a new soccer tournament is here! The Premian guild Crusaders of Twilight is urging everyone to take out their favourite pair of shoes and kick that ball around the field for a few weeks in a row in May. They do still need around 10 to 20 competitive teams that feel like playing against one another. If you do not have an entire team at your side, you can also sign up on your own. And what's more; it is all for free! Veja Notícia Original
Today, the mighty wizard Ferumbras decided to pay a visit to his citadel on Aurea. A small crew of players turned up at his doorstep, but were smart enough to realise they were with too few to slay the warlock. So this time, he managed to escape with his life. Better luck next time Aurea! Veja Notícia Original
Senhoras e senhores, aguardem por grandes novidades! A equipe de redatores do blog esta planejando uma grande surpresa! E para ficar antenado, o blog entra em mais uma mídia social. Além de acompanhar o blog no twitter que é um mini-blog. O Facebook abriu as portas para o timeDSG e criamos uma pagina inteirinha para divulgar artigos, imagens exclusivas e discussões. Aproveite e acesse já nossa página no facebook, clicando aqui . Vire fã você também! View the full article
(Version 3) * Fixed server crash on killing monsters * Fixed debug on leave soft boots to all slot (movments.xml) * Added gamemaster look (show healthpoints and manapoints of creatures, itemiD, subtype, actionid, uniqueid and position) * Added new actions (machete and scythe) * Added /bc command (the chaos) * Removed stages system of version 2 and re-added of stage of version 1 * Removed /ghost (bugged) re-added /invisible * Removed playersCanChangeOutfit and added playersCannotChangeOutfit * Removed enforced system of config.lua (eperienceFromKillingPlayers and rateEnforcedExp) -- It's not work * Removed changegold action (bugged) * And more, more, more... (Version 2) * Added !changesex command, configurable in config.lua * Added /trace command (Kratos) * Added freePremium configurable in config.lua * Added randomization tiles, configurable in config.lua (randomizeTiles) * Re-Organized config.lua (Like TFS) * Added more configs for buyHouse system (levelToBuyHouse, housesOnlyPremiumAccounts, showHousesPrices) * Added option to players change outfit in config.lua (playersCanChangeOutfit) * Organixed actions folder and added actions (changegold.lua, quests.lua and more....) * Fixed crash in deEquipItems to ARROW_SLOT * Added config to enable/disabe cap system in config.lua (useCapSystem) * New stages system to enable/disable in config.lua (experienceStages - like TFS) * New creatureEvent (onAdvance(cid, type, oldlevel, newlevel)) * New interaces to actions and movements (fromid toid, fromuid touid, fromaid toaid) * Removed /invisible and added /ghost * And more, more, more... (Version 1) * Only MySQL support * Fixed chat channels * Added new channel Trade-Rookgaard * Added level and muted system to channels Trade and Trade-Rookgaard (not teted) * XML files in folder data/XML/ * Fixed stages system (NOTE: set <config enabled="0"/> to <config enabled="1"/> for active it) * Changed version database of 2 for 1 * Fixed charges from neclases * New groups to database (Player(0), Tutor(1), Senior Tutor(2), Gamemaster(3), Community Manager(4), GOD(5)) * Modified commands.xml * Added clean map (/clean command) * Modified NPC libs (data/npc/scripts/lib/npc.lua) * Removed old NPC's and added new NPC's * New save system (TFS) ::::::::::::::::: All Avesta 7.6 Features ::::::::::::::::: * Revnetsys * Redesigned IO model using asynchronous sockets * Revbattlesys * New Formula of Armor/Defense * Weapons configurable in XML and Lua * Wands, Rods, Burst Arrows and Poison Arrows * Drunk and Paralyze System * Creatures can move diagonally * New Lua Interface (Actions, NPCs) * Big Changes in Spells * New Decay System * Rings and Amulets * New Monster AI * Vocations configurable in XML * Players can summon monsters (utevo res) * Check if the player knows the spell * Soul Points * Last Writer of letters * Revdbsys * XML as database removed * Code cleaned up * Flexible interface for database drivers * Transparent database drivers * Speed up * Much less memory used (even 1000 times less for database queries!) * Code optimization * GCC 4.2 compatibility * Skull System * Party System * Bed System * Save System * Mute System * Rule Violations Report system [ctrl + r] * Bug report system [ctrl + z] * Violation window system [ctrl + y] * Walk to item * Push, death, walk delays * Magic effect displayed on air * Wildcard~ for spells with params * GM Invisible * Bursts missing target * many many more.... Veja Notícia Original
Damage Calculator (Real formulas from source code) XML injection and Backup. Full compability when creating the file. Newer Gui (See picture in previous post) Help Bar, Shows information when holding mouse over an object. Max Phase now editable. Placed Areas and Combats in main Form. Decimals now work on the damage formula (Use "," instead of "." ) Condition are still under progess. Special Properties are still waiting, To Do: Add Checks when saving. Create Special Properties System. Create Condition System. Drag Mouse over Area. Editable Center Position to Extend Directional Spells. Diagonal Area selection. Load Vocations From Vocations.xml and add in A listbox. >> Longer into the feature. Rune compability. Weapon Script binding. Project File Saving, With Load Function. Eventually Revscriptsys compability when more developed. Veja Notícia Original
Second view: How to make a container? 1. Click "add container" 2.Add container ID and chance (1987 = bag) and press + 3. Click "add item" 4. Enter item ID, countmax and chance, then press + 5. Click "Cloce container" 6. DONE! You have now made a bag with gold inside! Veja Notícia Original
With scripts ;-) Veja Notícia Original
This layout is based on the game template. The language is spanish but you can edit it in layout.php It have bugs but i cant fix it, only is my 4th layout. I'm noob on this. Layout ased on a game template. Language is spanish, changable in layout.php It have some bugs. Screenshot: Installing: In config.php change this: Code: $config['site']['layout'] = "XXXX"; // layout name And replace by: Code: $config['site']['layout'] = "Aeron Layout-4Story"; // layout nam Veja Notícia Original
[Time Dsg] 21 Casas de Perfeito Equilíbrio Arquitetônico
um tópico no fórum postou Jvchequer Lixeira Pública
Eu acho que nem consigo mais lembrar o período que nossas casas serviam apenas como abrigo, tudo por que a arquitetura, assim como o design, vive em constante evolução. Evolução essa que acaba proporcionando-nos essas belíssimas obras arquitetônicas que separei. Aproveitem e inspirem-se! </p> View the full article -
A Campanha é um grande manifesto nacional que tem como missão fundamental a inclusão sociocultural, educacional e digital, incentivando e disseminando arte, cultura e entretenimento de Norte a Sul do Brasil, tendo como base fundamental o Teatro! O Alessandro Martins me convidou para fazer parte da Blogagem Coletiva “Mais Teatro Brasil”. Meu artigo era pra estar pronto a horas atrás, então se você quiser saber mais sobre essa iniciative, dá uma olhada neste artigo ou visite o site do “Mais Teatro Brasil” e dê uma força à campanha. Espero que gostem do meu pequeno infográfico, com dados relevantes ao teatro brasileiro. Aproveite e siga o Design Blog no Twitter! Assim você fica por dentro das novidades no mundo do design, com links super interessantes. . Artigos relacionados Inspiração de segunda – parte 4 10 infográficos bonitos e bem-bolados </img> </img> </img> View the full article
Photoshopcreative edição 17Artigos relacionados Edição 14 - em Revista Edição 15 - em Revista Photoshop creative Edição 16 - em Revista Edição 16 - em Revista Edição 18 - em Revista View the full article
[TBR News] Encontro TibiaBR em Campinas e fotos de Volta Redonda!
um tópico no fórum postou Jvchequer Lixeira Pública
Postado por Admin em 26/04/2010 Tibianos, O TibiaBR está indo para CAMPINAS!!!! Dia 08/05/2010 Informações sobre o encontro em Campinas: http://forums.tibiabr.com/showthread.php?p=5335090 Volta Redonda está de parabéns pelo encontro! Quero mandar um Hail para: Lucera Menera Unitera Malvera Tinha muitosssss. Um abraço especial para BUBBA LUX, é nós irmão!!! Mais fotos do encontro em Volta Redonda: http://forums.tibiabr.com/showthread.php?p=5335115 TibiaBR.com Veja Notícia Original -
26/04/10 - Parabéns TibiaRP.com! O nosso promoted fansite de role players comemora o seu segundo aniversário hoje. Eles planejaram uma grande festa de aniversário no final deste mês. Interessado em alguns jogos legais e competições? Confira os detalhes sobre TibiaRP.com! Veja Notícia Original
[Tibianews] Most Helpful/Trustworthy Antican Contest
um tópico no fórum postou Jvchequer Lixeira Pública
You feel that Tibia is deteriorating due to all the cheating and powerabusing? You think no one can be trusted these days? Well, Nienna Telperien from Antica doesn't agree. She is trying to strengthen the spirits and get the hopes up with a little contest called: Antica's most helpful/trustworthy player. Inhabitants of Antica can vote for up to three players. And that's not all, there are great prizes for the three players with the most votes, and even a prize for one random voter. You always wanted to win stuff by simply posting on a thread? Then follow the link above, read the rules and vote for your three most trustworthy Antican player! Veja Notícia Original -
Players that logged in Tibia today could read the following Message of the Day: "Always keep your registration data and your e-mail address up-to-date! That is crucial in case you need a new password or a recovery key for your account." You can change your registration data and e-mail address on your account page on tibia.com. If you should need a new recovery key or a new password, you can get one through the Lost Account Interface. Please note that ordering a new recovery key will cost an additional fee of 5 Euros. Also, you need to know the name of at least one of the characters on the account for the Interface to work. Veja Notícia Original
Three days ago, the Turkish supported fansite TibiaTr.net turned three! The Tibianews team wishes them a belated happy birthday! May there be many more years to come, and may you have feasted for several days with lots of cakes! Veja Notícia Original
Just a custom ferumbras spawn that I made when I was bored, didnt take that much time, and I know that I wont work anything more on it so I might aswell contribute it here for other people to use it in their maps if possible Veja Notícia Original
Today, TibiaRP.com celebrates its second birthday! And as we all know, birthdays go along great with a smashing party. Just like last year, the Ameran guild Academy of Might and Magic will organise the party. It will take place on the 30th of April, 22:00 CEST near the Southern Thais Guildhall in Amera. Veja Notícia Original
Ever thought about drawing your Tibia character? This is your chance to do just that, and win some free stuff at the same time! Perana from Secura decided to organise a Character Art Contest. All you need to do is draw a picture of your character. So let's go and show everyone how you look! Veja Notícia Original
GC sempre fazendo o melhor pro usuário.
Fixado, mais do que merecido, ;3
Rpg #1 - Introdução E Apresentação
tópico respondeu ao Diogo de Jvchequer em Tutoriais para Iniciantes
Artigo fenomenal, ri litros, hahahah Fixado
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