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Sobre fstatk


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  1. fstatk

    Pokemon Portal [Teleports]

    Create acccount at website: 45+ Teleports! Including Shinys! Kanto Teleports = 95% Johto Teleports = 67% Shiny Event Exp Stage Start: 50x Systems Pokemon's Without Level: 100% Movements Effect System: 100% Gym/Duel Npc System: 100% Ditto System: 100% Pokemon Statistics System: 100% Passive/Agressive System: 100% Potions System: 100% Duel System: 90% Bike System: 100% Pokemon With Gender: 100% Catch System: 100% Boost System: 100% Go/Back System: 100% Nick Name: 100% Ride System: 100% Surf System: 100% Fly System: 100% Evolution System: 100% Level On Pokemon's ball System: 100% Pokedex System: 100% Pokemons Balanced: 90% Blink System: 100% Fishing System: 100% M1-M12 System: 100% Npc Nurse Joy System: 100% Portrait System: 100% Order System: 100% Cut System: 100% Dig System: 100% Rock Smash System: 100% Potion System: 100% Casino System: 95% Teleport System: 100% Flash System: 100% Limit 6 Pokemons System: 100% Poke-Look System: 100% Pokemon Have Feelings: 100%
  2. Alright, that is sad I wonder about his otclient, is it released?
  3. Hello Slicer, i just wondering are you still continue working on pda? waiting for 3.0/2.0 version xD Question, i saw your otclient which you havent released yet, will you release it? or its released but i havent find it? Thanks.
  4. Buy product here at Hello im Printer Aka Cyko from otland, Quests including Quest Log: 90-100% quests with missions: Annihilator Demon Helmet Pits of Inferno The Inquisition Quest In Service of Yalahar Isle of Evil The Djinn War The Ancient Tombs Banshee Quest Dreamer's Challenge The Travelling Trader Quest The Unnatural Selection Quest Full Real Tibia Addon System! Djinn in Thais Library that buys your items! (only 50% of price, for 100% you must complete the quest) 100% quests without missions: Demon Oak Svargrond Arena & Many other quests! Screenshots: Blessings can be gainable at every temple: Inquisition Quest: Arena Quest: Real Tibia Boat System: In Service Of Yalahar Quest: Demon Oak Quest: The Queen Of The Banshee Quest: The Djinn War Quest! [both Sides] Nahlesar selling 50% else for full price to those which has done the quest: Rashid, to trade with him, you have to complete his missions! Evil Of Isle Quest:
  5. Slicer, You have came so far You cant give up xD
  6. Selvagem ditto não tem transformar, mas os jogadores têm transformar. but will you make it slicer ?
  7. você pode corrigir selvagem ditto transformação.
  8. Hello Everyone, Sorry for not speaking your language. But we need to find solution to fix the lost pokemon. Slicer maybe make logs? Ive checked the attributes gain, which at phpmyadmin is max 64kib. Ive changed to from blob to longblob which is: BLOB - 65535 bytes - 64KB MEDIUMBLOB - 16,777,215 bytes (2^24 - 1) - 16MB LONGBLOB - 4G bytes (2^32 – 1) - 4GB So that is not the problem, we need find a solution. Help!
  9. I didnt do that, because i dont think om the only one which is excited about the update
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