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Otserver 8.22 [pvp-enf] [xml]



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baixando teu server.

dúvida: não tem como fazer ele não PVP-Enforced?


odeio servers assim ¬¬



não tá funcionando.

eu vou logar e diz: erro ¬¬

somente isso

e eu só 'configurei' o config.lua


deixei ele assim:

-------- config.lua --------
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- data directory location
datadir = "data/"

-- map location
map = "data/world/rookgaard.otbm"

-- mapkind
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- map store location (for XML only)
mapstore = "data/world/rookgaard-mapstore.xml"

-- house store location (for XML only)
housestore = "data/world/rookgaard-housestore.xml"

-- bans storage (for XML only)
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"

-- server name
servername = "Rook War"

-- server location
location = "Brasil"

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = ""

-- server port (the port that server listens on)
port = "7171"

-- server url
url = ""

-- server owner name
ownername = "Delton"

-- server owner email
owneremail = ""

-- world name
worldname = "Shenlon1s War"

-- world type
-- options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "no-pvp"

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for none-aggressive spells/weapons
exhausted = 900

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for aggressive spells/weapons
fightexhausted = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedadd = 0

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second)
pzlocked = 60*1000

-- set to 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled
enablehotkeys = 1

-- minimum amount of time between actions ('Use') (1000 = 1 second)
minactioninterval = 200

-- minimum amount of time between extended actions ('Use with...') (1000 = 1 second)
minactionexinterval = 200

-- house rent period
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "yearly"

-- rates (experience, skill, magic level, loot and spawn)
rate_exp = 70
rate_skill = 50
rate_mag = 30
rate_loot = 5
rate_spawn = 5

-- despawn configs
-- how many floors can a monster go from his spawn before despawning
despawnrange = 2

-- how many square metters can a monster be far from his spawn before despawning
despawnradius = 50

-- max number of messages a player can say before getting muted (default 4), set to 0 to disable muting
maxmessagebuffer = 4

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters)
motd = "welcome to rook war"
motdnum = "1"

-- login message
loginmsg = "Welcome To Rook War"

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled 
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 0

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip)
retrytimeout = 1000

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again
logintimeout = 60 * 1000

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char)
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
allowclones = 0

-- only one player online per account
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
checkaccounts = 0

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "25"

-- save client debug assertion reports
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
saveclientdebug = 0

-- md5 passwords for accounts
-- options: yes, no
md5passwords = "no"

-- SQL type
-- options: mysql, sqlite
sql_type = "mysql"

--- MySQL part (ignore if you are using SQLite)
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db   = "otserv"

--- SQLite part (ignore if you are using MySQL)
sqlite_db = "db.s3db"

---------------------------- War Server Basic Configuration ----------------------------

-- allow outfit change
outfitchange = "yes"

-- "no" for orginal  war server spells - "yes" for real tibia spells
RealTibiaSpells = "no"

-- allow players with same ip login twice
AllowMcers = "no"

--Auto clean(0 - off, 1 - one minute, 60 - one hour)
autoclean = 30


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Editado por ReenanHawk
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