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[8.1&8.11]ferots 0.61 Xml By Gesior


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[8.1&8.11]FerOTS 0.61 XML by Gesior



[8.1&8.11]FerOTS 0.61 XML by Gesior (War Lunara)


Foram modificadas FerOTS 0.6 (the best XML war server!) by me (Gesior).



Features OT



------- ORGINAL FerOTS 0.6 -------

* Map: Thais

* Characters: 120 from Lunara war

* Team mode - you can't attack/hit people from same account [Ferrus] - config

* You can't add vips [Ferrus] - config

* Death delay [Ferrus]

* Manafluids for hotkeys [Ferrus] - config

* Anti AFK [Ferrus] - config

* Record of Players online [LooS!k]

* Automatic team selection [Ferrus] - config

* Online/Offline in account box [Ferrus] - config

* Additional multipliers in vocations.xml [Ferrus, TFS]

* Map cleaning every X minutes [Nfries88, Xidaozu] - config

* Remove/don't remove runes and ammunition - config


----- added by Gesior -----

*Spawn posição por conta de todos os jogadores 1 e 2 carregadas de arquivo config, então você pode mudar mapa sem editando todos os caracteres:


Originally Posted by config.lua

--team1 spawn position

team1_spawn_x = 1347

team1_spawn_y = 1210

team1_spawn_z = 7

--team2 spawn position

team2_spawn_x = 1401

team2_spawn_y = 1251

team2_spawn_z = 7


(GMs and priv. você pode mudar a posição ao carregar o char.)


* Outfits para os jogadores a partir de 1 e 2 conta carregada de arquivo config, então você pode mudar todas as cores, sem caráter editando arquivos:


* Outfits para os jogadores a partir de 1 e 2 conta carregada de arquivo config, então você pode mudar todas as cores, sem precisar editar o arquivo "character":


(addons and outfit type load from character files)

* Experience rate for players loaded from config rate_exp_pvp

* Level Limit, after XX level (config) players will not gain levels

* Name of team 1 and 2 - config

* Infinity capacity -config

* New commands:



Originally Posted by NEW commands

!teams (for players) - show number of frags of team 1 and team 2

!restart (for GMs) - teleport all players to spawn position, reset team stats (showed by !teams), delete all conditions and PZ-lock


* Players can change outfit type and addons, but not colors!

* Server should accept Tibia Client 8.1 and 8.11

* Experience from lower levels -config


-get frags/exp for every kill (none, yellow, white, red, green skulls)

-hit your teammates for 0 not 10%


In attached file are sources (&DevC++ project!), data and binary file (.exe).




Download do OT FerOTS 0.61a by Gesior.rar (3.05 MB, 190 views)



OBS: O link para download (Você prescisa criar uma conta no para poder fazer o download)



Credits to Gesior :D

Editado por delton
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