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Aqui vão as 3 Potions Novas existentes no Tibia RL


Bullseye Potion:(Data\actions\scripts\bullseye potion.lua)

--Credits to Jiraiya and Special Forces

local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_DISTANCE, 10)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, -20)


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

var = numberToVariant(cid)

doTargetCombatCondition(0, cid, condition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)

return 1



Mastermind Potion:(Data\actions\scripts\mastermind potion.lua)

--Credits to Jiraiya and Special Forces thanks to Sapphire for the edit

local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_MAGICPOINTS, 7)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, -10)


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

if(isInArray({1,2,5,6}, getPlayerVocation(cid)) == TRUE) then

var = numberToVariant(cid)

doTargetCombatCondition(0, cid, condition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Only sorcerers and druids are allowed to use this potion")

return 1




Berserk Potion:(Data\actions\scripts\berserk potion.lua)

---Credits to Jiraiya and Special_Forces

local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_MELEE, 10)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_CLUB, 10)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SWORD, 10)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE, 10)

setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, -20)


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

var = numberToVariant(cid)

doTargetCombatCondition(0, cid, condition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)

return 1


***As Partes em Vermelho é a quantidade de skill que irá aumentar e irá diminuir, você pode editar a seu gosto.***


Colocar no Data\Actions\Actions.xml:

-- 8.1 Potions by Special Forces and Jiraya

<action itemid="7439" script="berserk potion.lua"/>

<action itemid="7443" script="bullseye potion.lua"/>

<action itemid="7440" script="mastermind potion.lua"/>

*** Seu Itens.otb pode ser desatualizado e não ter os nomes das potions, então outra hora colocarei meu itens.xml para download***


Stuffed Dragon(Dragon da POI) Igual Tibia RL:(Data\actions\scripts\dragon.lua)

function exhaust(cid, storevalue, exhausttime)

storevalue = 5791

exhausttime = 1

newExhaust = os.time()

oldExhaust = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storevalue)

if (lastexhaust == nil or lastexhaust < 0) then

lastexhaust = 0


if (exhausttime == nil or exhausttime < 0) then

exhausttime = 1


diffTime = os.difftime(newExhaust, oldExhaust)

if (diffTime >= exhausttime) then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storevalue, newExhaust)

return 1


return 0



function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

rand = math.random(1,1000)

if rand < 200 then


elseif rand >= 200 and rand < 400 then


elseif rand >= 400 and rand < 600 then


elseif rand >= 600 and rand < 800 then

doPlayerSay(cid,"Aaa... CHOO!",16)

elseif rand >= 800 and rand <= 1000 then

doPlayerSay(cid,"Grooaaaaar *cough*",16)



return 1



Colocar no Data\actions\actions.xml:

<action itemid="5791" script="dragon.lua" allowfaruse="1"/>

Ps: O Dragão está programado pra quando clicar nele ele falar Grooaaaaar *cough*, Aaa... CHOO!, Zchhhhhh!, GROOOOAAAAAAAAR. Você pode mudar a seu gosto.


Sistema para Trocar 100 Crystal Coins por Exp(exp regulável pelo .lua)

No lugar do data\actions\scripts\crystal.lua apague oque existe e troque por:

-- Made by seezam

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

if item.itemid == 2160 and item.type == 100 then


new_exp = math.random(500000, 500000)

doPlayerAddExp(cid, new_exp)

text = "500.000"

doPlayerSay(cid, text, 16)

doSendMagicEffect(topos, 12)

elseif item.itemid == 2160 and item.type < 100 then



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"You have changed 1 crystal to 100 platinum.")



***Em Vermelho você pode regular quanto de exp o player vai ganhar quando fizer a troca, é só trocar os 2 numeros pela quantidade de exp que deseja***

Editado por Special_Forces
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