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[8.1]war Server, Auto Team Balance, ~150 Chars!


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*- "Congratulations! You pwned....." - Added

*- Utevo lux at login via CreatureScripts now

*- Push delay downgraded

*- Online / Offline shown in character list

*- Perfect Doors added

*- Attacking speed in XML

*- getplayerFrag added (in LUA)

*- doPlayerRemoveFrag added (to remove frags in LUA) example: doPlayerRemoveFrag(cid,-10)

*- doPlayerAddFrag added (to add frags in LUA) example: doPlayerAddFrag(cid,10)

*- If you dont have enough mana for a spell you will get the information how much mana it cost

*- doPlayerSaySpell added and works 100%

*- /clean added

*- /up and /down commands added for GMs

*- /check command added for GMs (it show list of [Cheat Retirado]/same IP players)

*- All 8.1 Outfits

*- 8.1 spells - animations

*- Auto Map Clean via Config.lua (remove dead humans included)

*- Anti MCer via Config.lua added


Adicionada Por Gesior:



*- Level limit in config.lua - after this level player will not gain levels.

*- Auto-balance teams - when you login on account number 1 - 9 with ANY password server will show you list of players from team with less players

*- Select teams in config.lua - you can select teams to war in config, when you set "team1 = 1" and "team2 = 3" there will be war Antica (account id 1) vs. Secura (account id 3). Don't set same id for both teams (or allow mutilple login in config)! You can select teams 1-7 (like in world war)!


Agora é bom e-pvp servidor com equipes equilibradas

Voce Pode Adiciona Char Na Acc 8 (E Depois Mudar No config.lua


Source & Binary (in directiory "War Server 8.1") - 5.05MB:


Source Only - 1.89MB:


Binary Only - 3.3MB:



-OTS team - OTS engine

-Danger II - War scripts and modifications

-Gesior - auto-balance and level limit


N sei c u link vaum funciona c n funcina copie e cola

e c n funciona desculpa

:withstupidsmiley: :weight_lift:

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FerNzin, desculpe se eu estiver errado, mas na maioria dos ots e topicos postados vc só diz "eh lek parece ser bom... parabens!" pra ganhar post?

Se for isso pode ser considerado flood, não?

Você não baixou, não jogou, deu opinião pra ganhar post.

Se eu estiver errado, desculpe. Mas me parece ser isto.

Editado por Henriqued
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