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[8.1]quickly Otserv V2.3

Admistrador Nw

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Ola galerinha do Xtibia :icon1:


Hoje to trazendo la do Otfans um ot que acho que e dos deuses OmG ! xD


Bem...Vamos ao que interessa


O server foi baseado no ultimo Sql da SVN !


Extras do 8.1...

-Swimming system100%

-Novas runas 100%

-Novas Potions100%

-Exp Sharing 100%


E outras coisas...


Vamos la...

---V 2.0---


- Auto Clean (Nfries88)

- Protocol messages can be configured in config.lua (password not correct, ...)

- Fixed Bugs

: jiddo warning (Rafael Hamdan)

: login error window (SVN, Rafael Hamdan)

: safe mode activate you could cast UE and no kill players now you'll kill (Rafael Hamdan)

- Outfit / Rules windows at first login (Rafael Hamdan)

- Party exp sharing (SVN AVESTA)

- Swimming system (with map example) (dzojo)

- New spells, runes, potions, all 100% global (Rafael Hamdan, Aries, etc)

- Thrown window system to deactivate noobs to throw items if windows of house are closed (Rafael Hamdan)

- Spears does not miss a lot anymore (Rafael Hamdan)

- Items that gamemaster makes description: IT WAS MADE BY XXX (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed bed system (aceita novas) (SVN AVESTA)

- Auto configured beds (SVN AVESTA)

- Anti Loot 100% with global message: You are not the owner (Rafael Hamdan, dzojo)

- Fixed "you are already logged in" (Rafael Hamdan, SVN)

- !rules to see rules (Zorzin)

- ZZzZZ at sleep (Rafael Hamdan)

- Spells / monsters 100% Global except UH AND GRAN - to balance knights/paladin -(Rafael Hamdan)

- Percentage death at voc.xml (Xidaozu)

- Fixed all possible crashes (Rafael Hamdan, SVN)

- Suppor for SHA1 and MD5 passwords (SVN AVESTA)


---V 2.1---


- Fixed anti-loot system (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added new monsters with right corpses (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added new items (Aries TEAM)

- Added Rook System (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added account manager - add/delete chars - (Fenix Sources)

- Turn works to take off AFK (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added protect level system (Rafael Hamdan)

- Distance in spears (Rafael Hamdan)

- Breakchance and range at items.xml (Avesta SVN)


---V 2.2---


- Added !premium command to see how many premium days left (Rafael Hamdan)

- Auto server save if the server crashes (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed /addskill use at command logs (Rafael Hamdan)

- You can choice if you wanna refresh online.php always someone log in or log out - can cause vry little lags - (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added /saveonline command to force online list saving (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added warning at login if player has a house, saying to use !houseinfo to see things about house (Rafael Hamdan)

- Command !houseinfo shows price, next payment, etc (Rafael Hamdan)

- Can put on/off HOUSE RENT SYSTEM (Rafael Hamdan)

- Just get warning if house rent is activated (Rafael Hamdan)

- Just get information with !houseinfo if house rent is activated (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed attackspeed (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added SQLite supoort - acc man. not working for now (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed Account manager - registers at database.sql - (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added absorbs like: Ice, Death and Holy (SVN)

- Fixed a bug that would crash the server if a summon could not be placed with lua script function doPlayerSummonCreature (SVN)

- Fixed some things in items.xml (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed Bed System that wasn't working cause of items.xml changes (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed exori flam with new effect (Rafael Hamdan)

- New Groups: (Rafael Hamdan)

: GM - ID group_id = 3

: GOD - ID group_id = 5

- Gms / GODs can't attack players and do not gain experience (Rafael Hamdan)

- Accept lvl 350+ (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added Experience Stages (Xidaozu system)


---V 2.2b---

- Fixed Blue Robe - 10% increase magic - (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed Amulet Of Loss - preventLoss = 1 - (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added some default configs at stages.xml / config.lua (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed some fields (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed possible crash with monsters (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed all possible crashes (Rafael Hamdan)

- A lot of SVN CHANGES (Rafael Hamdan)


: LVL 350+


: SQLite Support



---V 2.3---


- Fixed a problem with delete/add character with acc manager would remove p.a (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed problems using /changesex or account manager to create chars - MAX OUTFIT NUMBER 19 - females don't wear male outfit anymore (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed database.sql problems for some webserver programs (Rafael Hamdan)

- Added new groups: GM, GOD and Players (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed skill saving problems (deleting and then inserting instead updating if you did not insert) (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed crash whena attacking players with summons (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed Beds System again - cause of items.xml - (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed follow system, monsters, and other that were laggy (SVN)

- Can configure to not remove amunation but remove ice rapier (Rafael Hamdan)

- If remove_ammunation = "no", change breakchance of all items to 0 (Rafael Hamdan)

- Teleport to free town id if player premium ends (Rafael Hamdan)

- Cleanning online player list - online.php - when starting server (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed starting players' id by database.sql (Rafael Hamdan)

- Fixed statues to change town (Bastogne)

- Fixed all npcs with bug and changed some of them to jiddo (Rafael Hamdan, Bastogne)



- Fixed serious problem with saving that was teleporting no pa players to temple (Rafael Hamdan)


Bem...Ainda naofoi concertado a Arena..E o account manager só estara funcionando em MySql..Na proxima versao se possivel concertarei a arena !







Quickly V2.0 Binarie -

Quickly V2.0 Sources -




Binarie V2.1:

Sources + Project V2.1:



Binarie V2.2:

Sources V2.2:



Binarie V2.2b:

Sources V2.2b:



Binarie V2.3:"

Sources V2.3:






5% Night Walker (Por ter trazido pro Xtibia :D)

100% rafaelhamdan (Por ter feito o Ot)


Qualquer bug gente poste aqui que irei estar falando para ele :)


Ta aew scan da versao mais atual (Binaries Link ali)...



Editado por Night Walker
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que lindo, sem XML não rola.


Pq SQL é uma [vcs sabem].


Bem, valeu assim mesmo por ter trazido aki pro XTibia!!


é pra você que nao sabe mexe em SQL... pq sao inumeras as vantagens sobre um sistema em XML




valew u post ae irmao... atualmente to usando esse Server mas to ralando D+++++ pra arruma os bug dele.. vamo ve se essa versaum me ajuda um poko... x]



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