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[serwer][8.1][up-lvl] B-fox 5.2


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OTS é baseado no DevLand 0.97b


So em SQL!


A 1ª Versao foi: 0.90


B-Fox 0.90


* all fatures 0.89

* Fixed spells (Again -.-)

* all new items from Tibia 8.0 (Hermes,Me)

* added all wand and rods (Me)

* added new npc soft man (Otfans)

* added scanting npc kapitan

* nice edit mape

* added morgaroth and wyvern (me,hermes)

* added traing monk spawns (me)

* change npc palladin (me)

* added addon system and npc! (Xidoazu)



B-Fox 0.90a


* fixed global.lua (Other)

* added pits of inferno monsters =) (Other0

* fixed bugs on map (me)

* added resps and npsc (me)

* fixed hydra (me)



B-Fox 0.90b


* added spell undead legion (Forgetten)

* added campain gems (

* added figure from ice (Azi)

* clean up in ots folders



B-Fox 0.91


added npc addoner like rl tibia 100% all works(Norsemna Outfit too) (Otfans,me)

* fixed wand and rods (me)

* fixed spells 8.0 (me)

* added npc teleporter (me)

* many plants (me)

* added svargrond arena (me)

* fixed map bugs (me)

* monsters like rl tibia (me,otfans)

* exhausted like rl tibia (me)

* fixed npcs (me)

* teleport system like rl tibia (Zorzin)

* added weapon (weapons.xml) (me)

* and a few fixed bugs



B-Fox 0.92


* all futures devlanda 0.95 by Dzojo

* fixed weapons.xml (me)

* fixed npc addon (Otfans)



B-Fox 0.92a


* all futures 0.96 by dzojo (Dzojo):

* fixed dead bug



B-Fox 0.92


* all futures 0.96b by dzojo (Dzojo):

* fixed distance atk (Dzojo)

* fixed npcs (me,thx report for Hermes)



B-Fox 0.92c


* fixed fast atk (thx nurgiel to raported)

* fixed hydras (me)

* fixed monsters (Hermes)

* fixed wand and rods (me)

* spell exori hur and exori con now taking 40 mana (me)



B-Fox 1.1b


* fixed doors system (me,evolutions)

* added widows system (me,Xidoazu)

* fixed global.lua (me)

* fixed obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake (again :/) (Ersiu)

* fixed change town (me)

* fixed houses (me)

* fixed some spells (me)

* fixed req level for paldins weapons and ammunations (me)



B-Fox 1.2


* crytical fixed global.lua (me)

* fixed pontions (me)

* fixed outfits (me)

* fixed doors and widows (me,zorzin)

* uptade monsters (me,forgettenserwer,otfans)

* fixed "use players monsters spells" (me)

* fixed manafluids (me)

* fixed req lvl for weapons (me)

* other fixed...



B-Fox 2.5


* change to evolutions npc system (xidoazu)

* Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo,)

* fixed NPC "changing addons items" (me)

* fixed gm block players msg (me)

* fixed command /openpacc (me)

* New Commands: (OTH,zorzin)

* /red ( BroadCast Red)

* /white ( BroadCast White)

* /blue ( BroadCast Blue)

* /green ( BroadCast Green



B-Fox 2.6


* uptade all npcs to system Jiddo (Jiddo)

* blue color of console (me)

* fixed players creatureevent (me)

* new icon (me)

* fixed change golds (me)

* fixed commend !online "now near nick writes for example Omen[141],GM Omen[49](GM)" (me)



B-Fox 2.7


* fixed premium and promotion system (me)

* added function isPremium (forgetten)

* added talkactions !version,!giveexp,!buypromote (Ersiu)

* fixed and changed ice rapier attack: 60 (me)

* fixed could use players spells of monsters (me)

* fixed doors (me,Hermes)

* Uptade 8.0 doors: (Hermes,fixed me)

* *skin doors

* Svargrond wooden door

* Barbiarian bone-doors

* Ice doors

* *Svargrond wood doors

* Svargrond doors




B-Fox 3.1


* new creaturescriptnKill (Svn)

* new script house tiles (svn)

* experience Stages (Xidaozu)

* added command "!leavehouse" (Xidoazu)

* new food system (me)

* SqLite Support (svn,me)



B-Fox 3.2


* fixed report system (Rafael Hamdan)

* added house rent system like global (Rafael Hamdan)

* added command_logs (zorzin)

* !online showing how many and who are the online players (Rafael Hamdan)

* Randomize Ground "configurable at config.lua" (zorzin)

* added command /addskill (Xidoazu)

* fixed bed system (me)

* players online list on logs "online.php" (Xidoazu)

* added pvp enforced things (Xidaozu)

* fixed crash for login,logout (svn,me)

* fixed server save (me)

* delete SqLite Support (me)

* fixed mysql support (me,svn)

* other bug fixed (svn,rafael hamdan,me)



B-Fox 4.0


* (change name of project for B-Fox)

* icon with logo B-Fox (me)

* fixed creatureevent (svn)

* npc santa in temple (otfans)

* script Dynamic fire (otfans,SuperGillis) info



B-Fox 4.0b


* othe last version 8.0

* bug fixed (me)



B-Fox 5.0 8.1


* protocol 8.1 (me)

* uptade items.otb (svn)

* all outfits 8.1 (me)

* system plywania (me,******)

* all new monster 8.1 (not done loot) (me,otfans)

* npc sell all addons 8.1

* all 8.1 spells (me)

* new wand&rods (me)

* action ice cube (Robertoo)

* fixed items.cpp,h (me,svn)



B-Fox 5.0b


* fixed new corpose (me)

* fixed magic npc (me)

* fixed wands&rods (me)

* fixed npc of addons (me)



B-Fox 5.1


* added ball for swimming game (me)

* fixed new corpeses (me)

* added squirrel (******)

* fixed few monsters 8.1 (me)

* share exp in party (me)


B-Fox 5.2


* new script of swimming 100%rl! (me)

* added cats

* fixed all monsters 8.1 (me,******)

* share exp in party (me)

* fixed database(sample).sql (me,thx report for zeu)

* many many more thats I didnt count!


Apena Test-o! :]




Engine for B-Fox:




OTmapEditor para Tibia 8,1 NOVOS OBJETCS E ITEMS!:



Alguem Pode Scanea Pra Mim? Vlw E Bora Sorte :>


PS: Faça Suas Modificaçoes



Creditos : Shaady

Editado por cvslalala
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esse server ai versao B-Fox 5.2 nao e original so eu baxei em outro site e era mesma coisa so q ele tem uma suspeita de virus quando eu abri ele apareceu services.exe em processos nao aconcelho baxa essa versao ai sendo q ela e a mesma coisa q a B-Fox 5.1 so q mas pesada e concertesa com virus

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Olá amigo, estou baixando.


Após o termino irei Escanear e postar para a galera.


Arquivo totalmente





Antivírus;Versão;Última Atualização;Resultado


































Informações adicionais

File size: 7424458 bytes

MD5: 56eb1a8b147171f274dd8298659d343b

SHA1: 564cf8d0b0e34c63ec0dfbf2b7a99568e1d997a7

PEiD: -



Sem maiS

Editado por elder720
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pessoal, olha baixei esse ot, pelo que eu ouvi é bom, mais na hora de abrir aparece na hora de carregar Error: nie mozna zaladowac bans! e nao carrega mais, alguem sabe pq aconteci isso se no de vcs que baixaram deu isso?

e tbm ond ve a acc do god, pq nao tem pasta players...vlw abração por favor esclaresam essa duvida...pls

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Esse 'Error: nie mozna zaladowac bans!', significa 'Error: Could not open bans!'

Veja se existe o documento bans.xml na pasta data do seu OT e veja se não está vazio.

E a pasta players provavelmente está oculta, vá em Ferramentas, Opções de Pastas, Modo de Exibição, Mostrar arquivos ou pastas ocultos, e de OK.

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pessoal quem baixou oot me responda pls, olha baixei esse ot, pelo que eu ouvi é bom, mais na hora de abrir aparece na hora de carregar Error: nie mozna zaladowac bans! e nao carrega mais, mais a pasta de bans esta certinho dentro....alguem sabe pq aconteci isso se no de vcs que baixaram deu isso?

e tbm ond ve a acc do god, pq nao tem pasta players. se a de vcs q baixaram tem..vlw abração por favor esclaresam essa duvida...pls

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por favor cara quando não tem nem idéia do que seja não de certa ideas insanas como essa.




Isso acontece porque voce não criou uma database... para saber melhor entra na area tutoriais e dps acha um tutorial dizendo como criar um servidor em SQL!

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alguem sabe pq na hora de abrir o ot aparacece error na pasta ban se ela esta tudo certinho e ai nao consigo abrir o ot, e as pastas estao xml, nao sei se tem algum coisa a ver mais queria abrir esse ot, alguem ai que conseguiu abrir esse ot, manda o msn para me ajuda a abrir esse ot..vlw ai.. espero alguma ajuda

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