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Novos Ids 8.0

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Olá Xtibia,

Aqui estão os Novos IDS do Tibia 8.0.



Espero que gostem :]~


248 - Frost Dragon
249 - Chakoya Windcaller
250 - Penguin
251 - New Outfit
252 - New Outfit
253 - Barbarian Headsplitter
254 - Barbarian Skullhunter
255 - Barbarian Bloodwalker
256 - Braindeath
257 - Frost Giantess
258 - Husky
259 - Chakoya Tribewarden
260 - Chakoya Toolshaper
261 - Ice Golem
262 - Silver Rabbit
263 - Crystal Spider
264 - Barbarian Brutetamer
265 - Frost Giant
266 - CM Outfit
267 - Seems to be a bloodhit 
268 - And this seems to be the fishing animation
269 - Poof '
270 - Sparkles :|
271 - Explosion
272 - Fire-Explosion
273 - Another Fire-Explosion(GFB one)
274 - Yellow Rings
275 - Poisen Rings -.-'
276 - Hit area(exori)
277 - Energy Area
278 - Energy Damage
279 - Blue stars animation(exura)
280 - Red Stars
281 - Green Stars
282 - Hit by fire
283 - Hit by Poison
284 - Mort Area(SD)
285 - Green Sound
286 - Red Sound
287 - Poison Poff
288 - Yellow Sound
289 - Purple Sound
290 - Blue Sound
291 - White Sound
292 - Bubbles
293 - Dice
294 - Gift Wraps
295 - Yellow fireworks
296 - Red Fireworks
297 - Blue Fireworks
298 - Some stars? o_õ
299 - "ZzZzZzZz"
300 - A Blue Water Monster O_O
301 - Whirlwind animation
302 - A spear...
303 - A bolt(wtf?)
304 - An arrow
305 - Fire-shoot
306 - Frozen Starlight(or energy shoot)
307 - A poison arrow
308 - A burst arrow
309 - A throwing star
310 - A throwing knife
311 - A small stone
312 - SD-shoot
313 - A stone(the one that behemoths and juggernauts shoots)
314 - A snowball
315 - A power bolt
316 - Poison-shoot
317 - Infernal Bolt
318 - Seems to be a hunting spear
319 - that new enchanted spear
320 - A red&dark throwing star()
321 - A green throwing star(perhaps a poison one?)
322 - another spear, with a few more details
323 - Some kind of red-blue arrow
324 - A dark arrow(and cool also =D)
325 - Some kind of red bolt(wtf?)
326 - A enchanted sword, maybe? Perhaps the one the knights will throw on their new spell?
327 - Some sort of double-bladed weapon... beeing throw(the axe on their whirlwind spell?)
328 - Looks like a stone... or the head of the 7415 club
329 - "exori con" spear's spell


Créditos: Pedro B.



Aproveitem :]~



Atenciosamente, JV

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