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Pokes selvagens ganhando XP



Quando poke do player morre os selvagens ganham exp, segue um GIF



Alguém que já teve o mesmo problema sabe como resolver isso?


Problema está no sistema de PASSIVE SYSTEM do Tony Araujo

troque todo código da função "void Creature::addDamagePoints(Creature* attacker, int32_t damagePoints)" em creature.cpp por essa

void Creature::addDamagePoints(Creature* attacker, int32_t damagePoints)
    uint32_t attackerId = 0;
        if(Creature* master = attacker->getMaster())
            attacker = master;

        attackerId = attacker->isPlayerSummon() ? attacker->getMaster()->getID() : attacker->getID();

        CountMap::iterator it = damageMap.find(attackerId);
        if(it != damageMap.end())
            it->second.ticks = OTSYS_TIME();
            if(damagePoints > 0)
                it-> += damagePoints;
            damageMap[attackerId] = CountBlock_t(damagePoints);

    if(damagePoints > 0)
        lastHitCreature = attackerId;


Editado por FlamesAdmin
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Aparentemente não é o exp2.0.lua, posta o script pokeexp.lua, e se der, poste dentro da tag código, fica mais fácil para o pessoal ajudar do que ter que acessar um link externo.


E esse problema começou a acontecer depois de alguma alteração específica sua?

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2 horas atrás, Yan18 disse:

E esse problema começou a acontecer depois de alguma alteração específica sua?

Não que eu me lembre


local function playerAddExp(cid, exp)
  doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), exp, 215)

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

  --if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
  if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return true end --alterado v1.8

  -------------Edited Golden Arena-------------------------
    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
       setGlobalStorageValue(22548, getGlobalStorageValue(22548)-1)
       doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "golden", 1)    --alterado v2.6
    end                                                                                                                  --alterado v2.4
    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 and (getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == -1 or getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1) and getGlobalStorageValue(22548) <= 0 then
       for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
           if getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545) == 1 then
              doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "Você finalizou a Golden Arena! Aqui está sua recompensa!")
              doPlayerAddItem(sid, 2152, 100)   --premio
              setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545, -1)
              doTeleportThing(sid, getClosestFreeTile(sid, posBackGolden), false)
  ---------------------------------------------------   /\/\
  local givenexp = getWildPokemonExp(cid)
  ---local killer = getItemAttribute(corpse.uid, "corpseowner")
  if givenexp > 0 then
    for a = 1, #deathList do
      local pk = deathList[a]
      local list = getSpectators(getThingPosWithDebug(pk), 30, 30, false)
      if isCreature(pk) then
        local expTotal = math.floor(givenexp)
        local party = getPartyMembers(pk)
        if isInParty(pk) and getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 4875498) <= -1 then
          expTotal = math.floor(expTotal/#party)         --alterado v1.6.1
          for i = 1, #party do
            if isInArray(list, party) then
              if getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 20 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 80)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 21 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 50 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 70)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 51 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 80 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 60)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 81 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 100 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 50)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 101 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 150 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 40)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 151 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 200 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 30)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 201 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 250 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 20)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 251 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 300 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 10)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 301 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 350 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 5)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 351 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 400 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 2)
              elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 401 then
                playerAddExp(party, expTotal * 1)
        elseif not isInParty(pk) then
          if getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 20 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(80 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 21 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 50 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(70 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 51 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 80 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(60 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 81 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 100 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(50 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 101 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 150 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(40 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 151 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 200 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(30 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 201 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 250 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(20 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 251 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 300 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(10 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 301 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 350 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(5 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 351 and getPlayerLevel(pk) <= 400 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(2 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
          elseif getPlayerLevel(pk) >= 401 then
            playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(1 * playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
            return true end

    if isNpcSummon(cid) then
      local master = getCreatureMaster(cid)
      doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10000))
      doCreatureSay(master, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10001), 1)
      return false
    if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then   --alterado v1.8
      doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "level", getPokemonLevel(cid))
    return true


Editado por FlamesAdmin
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@Yan18não sei se oq vc precisa vai ter ai pq eu organizei as libs, qlqer coisa só pedir

passivepokemons = {"Shiny Tangela", "Eevee", "Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", 'Pidgey', 'Clefairy', 'Jigglypuff', 'Oddish', 'Gloom', 'Paras', 'Psyduck', 'Bellsprout', 'Weepinbell', 'Slowpoke', 'Slowbro', "Farfetch'd", 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Kangaskhan', 'Chansey', 'Tangela', 'Mr. Mime', 'Tauros', 'Ditto', 'Lapras', 'Porygon', 'Omanyte', 'Hoppip', 'Shiny Horsea', 'Sunkern', 'Cleffa', 'Clefable', 'Wigglytuff', 'Nidoran Female', 'Nidoran Male', 'Nidorina', 'Nidorino', 'Parasect'}                                                        

hitmonchans = {
    ["Hitmonchan"] = {
      [0] = {out = 108, eff = 112, type = FIGHTINGDAMAGE},
      [1] = {out = 178, eff = 286, type = FIREDAMAGE},
      [2] = {out = 180, eff = 288, type = ELECTRICDAMAGE},
      [3] = {out = 181, eff = 285, type = ICEDAMAGE},
      [4] = {out = 179, eff = 287, type = GHOSTDAMAGE}

    ["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {
      [0] = {out = 256, eff = 112, type = FIGHTINGDAMAGE},
      [1] = {out = 302, eff = 286, type = FIREDAMAGE},
      [2] = {out = 303, eff = 288, type = ELECTRICDAMAGE},
      [3] = {out = 304, eff = 285, type = ICEDAMAGE},
      [4] = {out = 301, eff = 287, type = GHOSTDAMAGE}

flys = {
    ["Charizard"] = {154, 150},
    ["Pidgeot"] = {158, 150},
    ["Fearow"] = {159, 150},
    ["Venomoth"] = {161, 100},
    ["Farfetch'd"] = {171, 100},
    ["Gengar"] = {175, 150},
    ["Porygon"] = {195, 100},
    ["Aerodactyl"] = {198, 250},
    ["Articuno"] = {200, 300},
    ["Zapdos"] = {201, 300},
    ["Moltres"] = {202, 300},
    ["Dragonair"] = {203, 200},
    ["Dragonite"] = {204, 200},
    ["Mew"] = {205, 300},
    ["Mewtwo"] = {206, 300},
    ["Shiny Charizard"] = {277, 250},
    ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {281, 250},
    ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {282, 250},
    ["Shiny Fearow"] = {283, 250},
    ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {289, 250},
    ["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {293, 250},
    ["Shiny Gengar"] = {296, 200},
    ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {314, 250},
    ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {1020, 250},
    ["Shiny Crobat"] = {529, 750},
    ["Shiny Xatu"] = {777, 750},
    ["Porygon2"] = {499, 200},
    ["Skarmory"] = {500, 250},
    ["Crobat"] = {503, 150},
    ["Noctowl"] = {514, 100},
    ["Heracross"] = {524, 150},
    ["Xatu"] = {516, 150},
    ["Lugia"] = {778, 150},

rides = {
    ["Venusaur"] = {153, 100},
    ["Ninetales"] = {160, 800},
    ["Arcanine"] = {163, 900},
    ["Ponyta"] = {169, 410},
    ["Rapidash"] = {170, 800},
    ["Doduo"] = {172, 420},
    ["Dodrio"] = {173, 750},
    ["Onix"] = {176, 450},
    ["Rhyhorn"] = {182, 400},
    ["Tauros"] = {191, 580},
    ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {276, 390},
    ["Shiny Tauros"] = {310, 580},
    ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {290, 900},
    ["Shiny Onix"] = {297, 450},
    ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {287, 1000},
    ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {294, 750},
    ["Shiny Stantler"] = {527, 750},
    ["Shiny Meganium"] = {530, 750},
    ["Steelix"] = {497, 750},
    ["Girafarig"] = {507, 750},
    ["Meganium"] = {508, 720},
    ["Bayleef"] = {509, 555},
    ["Stantler"] = {510, 595},
    ["Houndoom"] = {498, 820},
    ["Piloswine"] = {512, 450},
    ["Mareep"] = {511, 400},

surfs = {
    ["Squirtle"] = {lookType=155, speed = 50},
    ["Blastoise"] = {lookType=156, speed = 150},
    ["Wartortle"] = {lookType=157, speed = 100},
    ["Golduck"] = {lookType=162, speed = 200},
    ["Poliwag"] = {lookType=164, speed = 50},
    ["Poliwhirl"] = {lookType=165, speed = 100},
    ["Poliwrath"] = {lookType=166, speed = 150},
    ["Tentacool"] = {lookType=167, speed = 50},
    ["Tentacruel"] = {lookType=168, speed = 150},
    ["Dewgong"] = {lookType=174, speed = 100},
    ["Seadra"] = {lookType=183, speed = 150},
    ["Goldeen"] = {lookType=184, speed = 50},
    ["Seaking"] = {lookType=185, speed = 100},
    ["Staryu"] = {lookType=186, speed = 100},
    ["Starmie"] = {lookType=187, speed = 150},
    ["Gyarados"] = {lookType=192, speed = 200},
    ["Lapras"] = {lookType=193, speed = 200},
    ["Vaporeon"] = {lookType=194, speed = 150},
    ["Omastar"] = {lookType=196, speed = 200},
    ["Kabutops"] = {lookType=197, speed = 200},
    ["Snorlax"] = {lookType=199, speed = 200},
    ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {lookType=279, speed = 935},
    ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {lookType=291, speed = 825},
    ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {lookType=312, speed = 1155},
    ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {lookType=313, speed = 880},
    ["Shiny Seadra"] = {lookType=305, speed = 720.5},
    ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {lookType=1013, speed = 374},
    ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {lookType=1035, speed = 550},
    ["Shiny Feraligatr"] = {lookType=531, speed = 550},
    ["Shiny Politoed"] = {lookType=532, speed = 550},
    ["Mantine"] = {lookType=487, speed = 820},
    ["Totodile"] = {lookType=488, speed = 360},
    ["Croconaw"] = {lookType=489, speed = 590},
    ["Feraligatr"] = {lookType=496, speed = 900},
    ["Marill"] = {lookType=490, speed = 340},
    ["Azumarill"] = {lookType=493, speed = 680},
    ["Quagsire"] = {lookType=494, speed = 740},
    ["Kingdra"] = {lookType=495, speed = 1020},
    ["Octillery"] = {lookType=492, speed = 600},
    ["Wooper"] = {lookType=491, speed = 315},
    ["Politoed"] = {lookType=519, speed = 315},

pokeballs = {
    ["magu"] =      {effect = 606, on = 58440, use = 58441, off = 58442, all = {58440, 58441, 58442}},
    ["sora"] =      {effect = 609, on = 58443, use = 58444, off = 58445, all = {58443, 58444, 58445}},
    ["yume"] =      {effect = 612, on = 58446, use = 58447, off = 58448, all = {58446, 58447, 58448}},
    ["dusk"] =      {effect = 615, on = 58449, use = 58450, off = 58451, all = {58449, 58450, 58451}},
    ["fast"] =      {effect = 618, on = 58452, use = 58453, off = 58454, all = {58452, 58453, 58454}},
    ["heavy"] =      {effect = 621, on = 58455, use = 58456, off = 58457, all = {58455, 58456, 58457}},
    ["tale"] =      {effect = 624, on = 58458, use = 58459, off = 58460, all = {58458, 58459, 58460}},
    ["moon"] =      {effect = 627, on = 58461, use = 58462, off = 58463, all = {58461, 58462, 58463}},
    ["net"] =      {effect = 630, on = 58464, use = 58465, off = 58466, all = {58464, 58465, 58466}},
    ["premier"] =      {effect = 636, on = 58470, use = 58471, off = 58472, all = {58470, 58471, 58472}},
    ["tinker"] =      {effect = 639, on = 58473, use = 58474, off = 58475, all = {58473, 58474, 58475}},
    ["janguru"] =      {effect = 633, on = 58467, use = 58468, off = 58469, all = {58467, 58468, 58469}},

    ["shinymagu"] =      {effect = 606, on = 58479, use = 58480, off = 58481, all = {58479, 58480, 58481}},
    ["shinysora"] =      {effect = 609, on = 58482, use = 58483, off = 58484, all = {58482, 58483, 58484}},
    ["shinyyume"] =      {effect = 612, on = 58485, use = 58486, off = 58487, all = {58485, 58486, 58487}},
    ["shinydusk"] =      {effect = 615, on = 58488, use = 58489, off = 58490, all = {58488, 58489, 58490}},
    ["shinyfast"] =      {effect = 618, on = 58491, use = 58492, off = 58493, all = {58491, 58492, 58493}},
    ["shinyheavy"] =      {effect = 621, on = 58494, use = 58495, off = 58496, all = {58494, 58495, 58496}},
    ["shinytale"] =      {effect = 624, on = 58497, use = 58498, off = 58499, all = {58497, 58498, 58499}},
    ["shinymoon"] =      {effect = 627, on = 58500, use = 58501, off = 58502, all = {58500, 58501, 58502}},
    ["shinynet"] =      {effect = 630, on = 58503, use = 58504, off = 58505, all = {58503, 58504, 58505}},
    ["shinypremier"] =      {effect = 636, on = 58509, use = 58510, off = 58511, all = {58509, 58510, 58511}},
    ["shinytinker"] =      {effect = 639, on = 58512, use = 58513, off = 58514, all = {58512, 58513, 58514}},
    ["shinyjanguru"] =      {effect = 633, on = 58506, use = 58507, off = 58508, all = {58506, 58507, 58508}},

    ["poke"] = {effect = 188, on = 11826, use = 11827, off = 11828, all = {11826, 11827, 11828}},
    ["great"] = {effect = 189, on = 11832, use = 11833, off = 11834, all = {11832, 11833, 11834}},
    ["super"] = {effect = 190, on = 11835, use = 11836, off = 11837, all = {11835, 11836, 11837}},
    ["ultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11829, use = 11830, off = 11831, all = {11829, 11830, 11831}},
    ["saffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 10975, use = 10976, off = 10977, all = {10975, 10976, 10977}},
    ["master"] = {effect = 641, on = 12826, use = 12827, off = 12828, all = {12826, 12827, 12828}},

    ["shinypoke"] = {effect = 188, on = 11737, use = 11738, off = 11739, all = {11737, 11738, 11739}},
    ["shinygreat"] = {effect = 189, on = 11740, use = 11741, off = 11742, all = {11740, 11741, 11742}},
    ["shinysuper"] = {effect = 190, on = 11743, use = 11744, off = 11745, all = {11743, 11744, 11745}},
    ["shinyultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11746, use = 11747, off = 11748, all = {11746, 11747, 11748}},
    ["shinysaffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 12621, use = 12622, off = 12623, all = {12621, 12622, 12623}},
    ["shinymaster"] =   {effect = 641, on = 12829, use = 12830, off = 12831, all = {12829, 12830, 12831}},
    ["bulbasaur"] =      {effect = 188, on = 58329, use = 58330, off = 58331, all = {58329, 58330, 58331}},

effectiveness = {
[WATERDAMAGE] = {super = {"rock", "ground", "fire"}, weak = {"water", "grass", "dragon"}},
[NORMALDAMAGE] = {weak = {"rock", "steel"}, non = {"ghost"}},
[FIGHTDAMAGE] = {super = {"normal", "rock", "steel", "ice", "dark"}, weak = {"fighting", "poison", "bug", "psychic"}, non = {"ghost"}},
[FLYINGDAMAGE] = {super = {"fighting", "bug", "grass"}, weak = {"rock", "steel", "electric"}},
[POISONDAMAGE] = {super = {"grass"}, weak = {"poison", "ground", "rock", "ghost"}, non = {"steel"}},
[POISONEDDAMAGE] = {super = {"grass"}, weak = {"poison", "ground", "rock", "ghost"}, non = {"steel"}},
[GROUNDDAMAGE] = {super = {"poison", "rock", "steel", "fire", "electric"}, weak = {"bug", "grass"}, non = {"flying"}},
[ROCKDAMAGE] = {super = {"flying", "bug", "fire", "ice"}, weak = {"fighting", "ground", "steel"}},
[BUGDAMAGE] = {super = {"grass", "psychic", "dark"}, weak = {"fighting", "flying", "poison", "ghost", "steel", "fire"}},  
[GHOSTDAMAGE] = {super = {"ghost", "psychic"}, weak = {"steel", "dark"}, non = {"normal"}},
[STEELDAMAGE] = {super = {"rock", "ice", "poison", "grass", "flying", "psychic", "bug", "ghost", "dragon", "dark", "steel"}, weak = {"fighting", "fire", "ground"}},
[FIREDAMAGE] = {super = {"bug", "grass", "ice", "steel"}, weak = {"rock", "fire", "water", "dragon"}},
[BURNEDDAMAGE] = {super = {"bug", "grass", "ice"}, weak = {"rock", "fire", "water"}},
[GRASSDAMAGE] = {super = {"ground", "rock", "water"}, weak = {"flying", "poison", "bug", "steel", "fire", "grass", "dragon"}},
[ELECTRICDAMAGE] = {super = {"flying", "water"}, weak = {"grass", "electric", "dragon"}, non = {"ground"}},
[PSYCHICDAMAGE] = {super = {"fighting", "poison"}, weak = {"steel", "psychic", "dark"}, non = {"dark"}},
[ICEDAMAGE] = {super = {"flying", "ground", "grass", "dragon"}, weak = {"steel", "fire", "water", "ice"}},
[DRAGONDAMAGE] = {super = {"dragon"}, weak = {"steel"}},
[DARKDAMAGE] = {super = {"ghost", "psychic"}, weak = {"fighting", "steel", "dark"}},
[MIRACLEDAMAGE] = {super = {"fighting", "poison"}, weak = {"steel", "psychic", "dark"}}, 
[DARK_EYEDAMAGE] = {super = {"ghost", "psychic"}, weak = {"steel", "dark", "normal"}},
[SEED_BOMBDAMAGE] = {super = {"ground", "rock", "water"}, weak = {"flying", "poison", "bug", "steel", "fire", "grass", "dragon"}},
[SACREDDAMAGE] = {super = {"bug", "grass", "ice"}, weak = {"rock", "fire", "water"}},
[MUDBOMBDAMAGE] = {super = {"poison", "rock", "steel", "fire", "electric"}, weak = {"bug", "grass"}, non = {"flying"}},

  leaf = 11441
  grass = 11441
  water = 11442
  venom = 11443
  thunder = 11444
  rock = 11445
  punch = 11446
  fire = 11447
  coccon = 11448
  crystal = 11449
  dark = 11450
  earth = 11451
  enigma = 11452
  heart = 11453
  ice = 11454
  boostStone = 12618

  metal = 12232
  sun = 12242
  king = 12244
  magma = 12245
  kicking = 29202
  punching = 29203
  spinning = 29204
  feather = 14614
  ancientStone = 29200
  metalStone = 29201

  sfire = 12401
  swater = 12402
  sleaf = 12403
  sheart = 12404
  senigma = 12405
  srock = 12406
  svenom = 12407
  sice = 12408
  sthunder = 12409
  scrystal = 12410
  scoccon = 12411
  sdarkness = 12412
  spunch = 12413
  searth = 12414
  dragon = 12417
  upgrade = 12419

gobackmsgs = {
    [1] = {go = "Go, doka!", back = "Come back, doka!"},
    [2] = {go = "Let's do it, doka!", back = "Thanks for helping, doka!"},
    [3] = {go = "I choose you, doka!", back = "That's enough, come back!"},
    [4] = {go = "I need your help, doka!", back = "You were great, doka!"},
    [5] = {go = "Let's fight, doka!", back = "Excellent work, doka!"},
    [6] = {go = "It's battle time, doka!", back = "Well done, doka!"},
    [7] = {go = "It's your turn, doka!", back = "You need to rest, doka!"},
    [8] = {go = "doka, let's battle!", back = "Hurry back, doka!"},
    [9] = {go = "Show your strength, doka!", back = "You did your best, doka!"}

specialabilities = {
    ["rock smash"] = {"Shiny Rhydon", "Nidoking", "Nidoqueen", "Dragonite", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Primeape", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem" , "Onix", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Kangaskhan", "Tauros", "Snorlax", "Poliwrath", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Aerodactyl", "Blastoise","Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Golem", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Blastoise", "Typhlosion", "Feraligatr", "Furret", "Ledian", "Ampharos", "Politoed", "Quagsire", "Forretress", "Steelix", "Snubbull", "Granbull", "Sudowoodo", "Gligar", "Scizor", "Heracross", "Sneasel", "Ursaring", "Teddiursa", "Slugma", "Magcargo", "Piloswine", "Swinub", "Corsola", "Phanpy", "Donphan", "Tyrogue", "Hitmontop", "Miltank", "Blissey", "Tyranitar", "Pupitar"},
    ["cut"] = {"Kabutops", "Raticate", "Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Paras", "Parasect", "Meowth", "Persian", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", "Victreebel", "Farfetch'd", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Exeggutor", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Tangela", "Scyther", "Pinsir", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Vileplume", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Parasect", "Shiny Farfetch'd", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Kingler", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Tangela", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Pinsir", "Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Meganium", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Furret", "Bellossom", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Jumpluff", "Sunkern", "Sunflora", "Scizor", "Heracross", "Sneasel", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring", "Gligar", "Skarmory"},
    ["light"] = {"Light Abra", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Electrode", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Magnemite", "Magneton", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Voltorb", "Electrode", "Mrmime", "Electabuzz", "Jolteon", "Porygon", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Alakazam", "Shiny Hypno", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Electrode", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Raichu", "Chinchou", "Lanturn", "Pichu", "Natu", "Xatu", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Ampharos", "Espeon", "Porygon2", "Elekid"},
    ["digholes"] = {"468", "481", "483"},
    ["ghostwalk"] = {"Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Shiny Gengar", "Misdreavus"},
    ["dig"] = {"Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Umbreon", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Rhydon", "Raticate", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Primeape", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem" , "Onix", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Kangaskhan", "Tauros", "Snorlax", "Eevee", "Flareon", "Jolteon", "Vaporeon", "Vulpix", "Ninetales", "Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Persian", "Arcanine", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Golem" , "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Flareon", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Vaporeon", "Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Arcanine", "Typhlosion", "Feraligatr", "Furret", "Espeon", "Umbreon", "Ledian", "Sudowoodo", "Politoed", "Quagsire", "Gligar", "Steelix", "Snubbull", "Granbull", "Heracross", "Dunsparce", "Sneasel", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring", "Piloswine", "Hitmontop", "Larvitar", "Pupitar", "Tyranitar"},
    ["blink"] = {"Light Abra", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Mr. Mime", "Jynx", "Shiny Jynx", "Hypno", "Shiny Hypno", "Slowking", "Natu", "Xatu", "Espeon", "Mew", "Mewtwo", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Porygon", "Shiny Alakazam", "Porygon2", "Mr. Mime"},
    ["teleport"] = {"Light Abra", "Shiny Mr. Mime", 'Mew', 'Mewtwo', 'Abra', 'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Drowzee', 'Hypno', 'Mr. Mime', 'Porygon', 'Shiny Abra', 'Shiny Alakazam', 'Shiny Hypno', 'Porygon2'},
    ["fly"] = {"Shiny Xatu", "Lugia", "Venomoth", "Shiny Butterfree", "Shiny Crobat", "Shiny Venomoth", "Xatu", "Heracross", "Farfetch'd", "Shiny Farfetch'd", "Noctowl", "Dragonair", "Shiny Dragonair", "Porygon", "Aerodactyl", "Dragonite", "Charizard", "Pidgeot", "Fearow", "Zapdos", "Moltres", "Articuno", "Mew", "Mewtwo", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Pidgeot", "Shiny Fearow", "Porygon2", "Skarmory", "Crobat"},
    ["ride"] = {"Shiny Tauros", "Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Stantler", "Shiny Meganium", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Onix", "Venusaur", "Girafarig", "Ninetales", "Arcanine", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Doduo", "Dodrio", "Onix", "Rhyhorn", "Tauros", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Arcanine", "Steelix", "Houndoom", "Meganium", "Bayleef", "Stantler", "Mareep", "Piloswine"},
    ["surf"] = {'Shiny Politoed', 'Politoed', 'Shiny Feraligatr', 'Poliwag', 'Poliwhirl', 'Seaking', 'Dewgong', 'Blastoise', 'Tentacruel', 'Lapras', 'Gyarados', 'Omastar', 'Kabutops', 'Vaporeon', 'Staryu', 'Starmie', 'Goldeen', 'Seadra', 'Golduck', 'Squirtle', 'Wartortle', 'Tentacool', 'Snorlax', 'Poliwrath', 'Shiny Blastoise', 'Shiny Tentacruel', 'Shiny Gyarados', 'Shiny Vaporeon', 'Shiny Seadra', 'Shiny Tentacool', 'Shiny Snorlax', "Mantine", "Totodile", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Marill", "Azumarill", "Quagsire", "Wooper", "Octillery", "Kingdra"},
    ["foresight"] = {"Machamp", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Hitmontop", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan"},
    ["counter"] = {"Machamp", "Machoke", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmonlee", "Magmar", "Electabuzz", "Scyther", "Snorlax", "Kangaskhan", "Arcanine", "Shiny Arcanine", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Hitmontop", "Shiny Hitmontop"},
    ["levitate"] = {"Gengar", "Haunter", "Gastly", "Misdreavus", "Weezing", "Koffing", "Unown", "Shiny Gengar"},
    ["evasion"] = {"Scyther", "Scizor", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop", "Tyrogue", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Ledian", "Ledyba", "Sneasel"},
    ["control mind"] = {'Haunter', 'Gengar', 'Tentacruel', 'Alakazam', 'Shiny Tentacruel', 'Shiny Gengar', 'Shiny Alakazam', 'Slowking'},
    ["transform"] = {"Ditto"},
    ["levitate_fly"] = {"Gengar", "Shiny Gengar"},
    ["lifesteal"] = {"Shiny Crobat", "Crobat", "Golbat", "Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Golbat", "Zubat"},
    ["Illusion"] = {"Misdreavus"},

auraSyst = {
    ["red"] = 19,
    ["blue"] = 40,
    ["green"] = 164,
    ["yellow"] = 207,
    ["white"] = 29,
    ["gray"] = 165,
    ["cyan"] = 177,
    ["purple"] = 208,
    ["orange"] = 219,

  ------------------- HEADBUTT ----------------------------- --alterado v1.6
  --[lvl] = {nome do poke, qnts vao vir}},
  --lvl = ate q lvl vai vir esses pokes... ate lvl 25 vira os pokes da 1* tabela.. do 26 ao 40 vira os pokes da 2* tabela...
headbutt = {
    [25] = {{"Metapod", 3}, {"Kakuna", 3}, {"Pidgey", 3}, {"Ekans", 1}, {"Sentret", 1}, {"Pineco", 1}, {"Spinarak", 2}},
    [40] = {{"Pineco", 2}, {"Pidgeotto", 1}, {"Hoothoot", 1}, {"Natu", 1}, {"Beedrill", 2}, {"Spearow", 3}},
    [60] = {{"Arbok", 1}, {"Beedrill", 4}, {"Furret", 1}, {"Ariados", 2}, {"Pidgeotto", 2}, {"Yanma", 1}, {"Pineco", 4}},
    [80] = {{"Beedrill", 5}, {"Forretress", 1}, {"Furret", 3}, {"Ariados", 3}, {"Pidgeotto", 4}, {"Yanma", 3}},
    [1000] = {{"Forretress", 3}, {"Noctowl", 2}, {"Xatu", 2}, {"Yanma", 4}, {"Beedrill", 6}, {"Furret", 6}},

  ------------- Posiçoes de entrada e saida do safari! ----------------------
  SafariEnter = {x = 1075, y = 1488, z = 7}    --alterado v1.8
  SafariOut = {x = 1089, y = 1489, z = 7}
  ------------- POS QUANDO O PLAYER MORRER NO PVP ---------------------------
  posBackPVP = {x = 371, y = 853, z = 8}  --alterado v1.7
useOTClient = true  -- coloque false caso n for usar o OTClient!!!  --alterado v1.7
useKpdoDlls = true -- coloque true pra usar as barras de cooldown.
intervalToRegrowBushAndStones = 15 -- this also affects dig (in seconds) / isso afeta dig também (em segundos)
nurseHealsOnlyInPZ = true -- true = precisa estar em pz pra falar com a nurse
accountManagerOutfit = {lookType = 304, lookHead = 1, lookBody = 1, lookLegs = 1, lookFeet = 1}
accountManagerRandomPokemonOutfit = false -- se true, quando o acc manager logar, vai ter uma outfit de pokemon aleatoria
reloadHighscoresWhenUsingPc = true -- talvez dê lag, lembrando que tem uma opção no config.lua que indica o intervalo do update das highscores
backupPos = {x = 4, y = 3, z = 10} -- alguma pos para criar monstros quando tentar sair do fly/ride/surf em lugares que não são muito espaçosos
nurseHealsPokemonOut = true
maximumBoost = 50
boost_rate = 1.8
catchMakesPokemonHappier = true
dittoCopiesStatusToo = false
dittoBonus = 0.85       --0.45
wildBeforeNames = false
hideBoost = true
showBoostSeparated = true
canFishWhileSurfingOrFlying = false
allEvolutionsCanBeInduzedByStone = true
evolutionByStoneRequireLevel = true
PlayerSpeed = 280
playerExperienceRate = 0.5
attackRate = 0.5
specialoffenseRate = 3.55
levelFactor = 1
defenseRate = 2
playerDamageReduction = 0.6
summonReduction = 1
generalSpecialAttackReduction = 1
summonSpecialDamageReduction = 0
vitReductionForWild = 1    -- 1 means that nothing will change, 0.5 means that wild pokemon hp will drop by half
speedRate = 1
wildEvolveChance = 999999
pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 6
baseExpRate = 0.2
generalExpRate = 0.8
HPperVITwild = 13
HPperVITsummon = 11
baseNurseryHappiness = 1
baseNurseryHunger = 9999
minHappyToEvolve = 9999
maxHappyToEvolve = 9999
happyLostOnDeath = 0
happyGainedOnEvolution = 9999
happinessRate = {
  [5] = {rate = 1.5, effect = 183, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageVeryHappy)},
  [4] = {rate = 1.2, effect = 170, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageHappy)},
  [3] = {rate = 1.0, effect = 182, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageOK)},
  [2] = {rate = 0.7, effect = 169, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageSad)},
  [1] = {rate = 0.4, effect = 168, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageMad)}}

passivepokemons = {"Eevee", "Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", 'Pidgey', 'Clefairy', 'Jigglypuff', 'Oddish', 'Gloom', 'Paras', 'Psyduck', 'Bellsprout', 'Weepinbell', 'Slowpoke', 'Slowbro', "Farfetch'd", 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Seel', 'Shellder', 'Kangaskhan', 'Chansey', 'Tangela', 'Mr. Mime', 'Tauros', 'Ditto', 'Lapras', 'Porygon', 'Omanyte'}

function getPortraitClientID(pokeName)
    local random_shinys = {
        ["Shiny Crobat"] = 12487,
        ["Shiny Magmar"] = 12027,
        ["Shiny Ampharos"] = 12074,
        ["Shiny Feraligatr"] = 12076,
        ["Shiny Larvitar"] = 12078,
        ["Shiny Machamp"] = 12080,
        ["Shiny Meganium"] = 12082,
        ["Shiny Pupitar"] = 12084,
        ["Shiny Tauros"] = 12086,
        ["Shiny Typhlosion"] = 12088,
        ["Shiny Xatu"] = 12090,

        ["Shiny Magcargo"] = 12790,
        ["Shiny Lanturn"] = 12791,
        ["Shiny Onix"] = 11427,
    local id = fotos[pokeName]
    if id >= 11989 and id <= 12139 then -- kanto
       return id - 928
    elseif id >= 11139 and id <= 11285 or id >= 11288 and id <= 11387 then -- shinys kanto e johto
       return id - 911
    elseif id >= 12607 and id <= 12616 then -- alguns shinys johto
       return id - 1178
    elseif id >= 14795 and id <= 14813 then
        return id - 997
    elseif id >= 14814 and id <= 14880 then
        return id - 996
    elseif id >= 19325 and id <= 19365 then
        return id - 866
    elseif random_shinys[pokeName] then
        return random_shinys[pokeName]

opcodes = {
        OPCODE_SKILL_BAR = 102,
        OPCODE_CATCH = 105,
        OPCODE_FIGHT_MODE = 107,

fightMode = {
[1] = {offense = 1.2, defense = 0.8},
[2] = {offense = 1.0, defense = 1.0},
[3] = {offense = 0.8, defense = 1.2},

storages = {
  playerKantoCatches = 8056,
  playerTotalCatches = 8057,
  fightMode = 8082,
  miniQuests = {
    storNpcTaskName = 8137,
    storPokeNameTask1 = 8138,
    storPokeCountTask1 = 8139,
    storDayTask1 = 8140,
    Paulo = 2000,

    storNpcTaskName2 = 8141,
    storPokeNameTask2 = 8142,
    storPokeCountTask2 = 8143,
    storDayTask2 = 8144,

    storNpcTaskName3 = 8145,
    storPokeNameTask3 = 8146,
    storPokeCountTask3 = 8147,
    storDayTask3 = 8148,

    storNpcTaskName4 = 8149,
    storPokeNameTask4 = 8150,
    storPokeCountTask4 = 8151,
    storDayTask4 = 8152,

    storNpcTaskName5 = 8153,
    storPokeNameTask5 = 8154,
    storPokeCountTask5 = 8155,
    storDayTask5 = 8156,

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Quais eventos estão registrados como kill e death no creaturescripts.xml?



<event type="kill" name="exemplo" event="script" value="exemplo.lua"/>
<event type="death" name="exemplo2" event="script" value="exemplo2.lua"/>

Infelizmente muita coisa do PDA é misturada, então é necessário investigar todas as possibilidades para descobrir onde localiza-se a atribuição da EXP.

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<event type="kill" name="task_count" script="task.lua"/>
<event type="kill" name="dropStone" script="dropStone.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="Experience" event="script" value="player/pokeexp.lua"/>
<event type="death" name="SummonDeath" event="script" value="goback.lua"/>


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3 horas atrás, FlamesAdmin disse:

@Yan18não sei se oq vc precisa vai ter ai pq eu organizei as libs, qlqer coisa só pedir


  Ocultar conteúdo



passivepokemons = {"Shiny Tangela", "Eevee", "Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", 'Pidgey', 'Clefairy', 'Jigglypuff', 'Oddish', 'Gloom', 'Paras', 'Psyduck', 'Bellsprout', 'Weepinbell', 'Slowpoke', 'Slowbro', "Farfetch'd", 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Kangaskhan', 'Chansey', 'Tangela', 'Mr. Mime', 'Tauros', 'Ditto', 'Lapras', 'Porygon', 'Omanyte', 'Hoppip', 'Shiny Horsea', 'Sunkern', 'Cleffa', 'Clefable', 'Wigglytuff', 'Nidoran Female', 'Nidoran Male', 'Nidorina', 'Nidorino', 'Parasect'}                                                        

hitmonchans = {
    ["Hitmonchan"] = {
      [0] = {out = 108, eff = 112, type = FIGHTINGDAMAGE},
      [1] = {out = 178, eff = 286, type = FIREDAMAGE},
      [2] = {out = 180, eff = 288, type = ELECTRICDAMAGE},
      [3] = {out = 181, eff = 285, type = ICEDAMAGE},
      [4] = {out = 179, eff = 287, type = GHOSTDAMAGE}

    ["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {
      [0] = {out = 256, eff = 112, type = FIGHTINGDAMAGE},
      [1] = {out = 302, eff = 286, type = FIREDAMAGE},
      [2] = {out = 303, eff = 288, type = ELECTRICDAMAGE},
      [3] = {out = 304, eff = 285, type = ICEDAMAGE},
      [4] = {out = 301, eff = 287, type = GHOSTDAMAGE}

flys = {
    ["Charizard"] = {154, 150},
    ["Pidgeot"] = {158, 150},
    ["Fearow"] = {159, 150},
    ["Venomoth"] = {161, 100},
    ["Farfetch'd"] = {171, 100},
    ["Gengar"] = {175, 150},
    ["Porygon"] = {195, 100},
    ["Aerodactyl"] = {198, 250},
    ["Articuno"] = {200, 300},
    ["Zapdos"] = {201, 300},
    ["Moltres"] = {202, 300},
    ["Dragonair"] = {203, 200},
    ["Dragonite"] = {204, 200},
    ["Mew"] = {205, 300},
    ["Mewtwo"] = {206, 300},
    ["Shiny Charizard"] = {277, 250},
    ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {281, 250},
    ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {282, 250},
    ["Shiny Fearow"] = {283, 250},
    ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {289, 250},
    ["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {293, 250},
    ["Shiny Gengar"] = {296, 200},
    ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {314, 250},
    ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {1020, 250},
    ["Shiny Crobat"] = {529, 750},
    ["Shiny Xatu"] = {777, 750},
    ["Porygon2"] = {499, 200},
    ["Skarmory"] = {500, 250},
    ["Crobat"] = {503, 150},
    ["Noctowl"] = {514, 100},
    ["Heracross"] = {524, 150},
    ["Xatu"] = {516, 150},
    ["Lugia"] = {778, 150},

rides = {
    ["Venusaur"] = {153, 100},
    ["Ninetales"] = {160, 800},
    ["Arcanine"] = {163, 900},
    ["Ponyta"] = {169, 410},
    ["Rapidash"] = {170, 800},
    ["Doduo"] = {172, 420},
    ["Dodrio"] = {173, 750},
    ["Onix"] = {176, 450},
    ["Rhyhorn"] = {182, 400},
    ["Tauros"] = {191, 580},
    ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {276, 390},
    ["Shiny Tauros"] = {310, 580},
    ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {290, 900},
    ["Shiny Onix"] = {297, 450},
    ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {287, 1000},
    ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {294, 750},
    ["Shiny Stantler"] = {527, 750},
    ["Shiny Meganium"] = {530, 750},
    ["Steelix"] = {497, 750},
    ["Girafarig"] = {507, 750},
    ["Meganium"] = {508, 720},
    ["Bayleef"] = {509, 555},
    ["Stantler"] = {510, 595},
    ["Houndoom"] = {498, 820},
    ["Piloswine"] = {512, 450},
    ["Mareep"] = {511, 400},

surfs = {
    ["Squirtle"] = {lookType=155, speed = 50},
    ["Blastoise"] = {lookType=156, speed = 150},
    ["Wartortle"] = {lookType=157, speed = 100},
    ["Golduck"] = {lookType=162, speed = 200},
    ["Poliwag"] = {lookType=164, speed = 50},
    ["Poliwhirl"] = {lookType=165, speed = 100},
    ["Poliwrath"] = {lookType=166, speed = 150},
    ["Tentacool"] = {lookType=167, speed = 50},
    ["Tentacruel"] = {lookType=168, speed = 150},
    ["Dewgong"] = {lookType=174, speed = 100},
    ["Seadra"] = {lookType=183, speed = 150},
    ["Goldeen"] = {lookType=184, speed = 50},
    ["Seaking"] = {lookType=185, speed = 100},
    ["Staryu"] = {lookType=186, speed = 100},
    ["Starmie"] = {lookType=187, speed = 150},
    ["Gyarados"] = {lookType=192, speed = 200},
    ["Lapras"] = {lookType=193, speed = 200},
    ["Vaporeon"] = {lookType=194, speed = 150},
    ["Omastar"] = {lookType=196, speed = 200},
    ["Kabutops"] = {lookType=197, speed = 200},
    ["Snorlax"] = {lookType=199, speed = 200},
    ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {lookType=279, speed = 935},
    ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {lookType=291, speed = 825},
    ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {lookType=312, speed = 1155},
    ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {lookType=313, speed = 880},
    ["Shiny Seadra"] = {lookType=305, speed = 720.5},
    ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {lookType=1013, speed = 374},
    ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {lookType=1035, speed = 550},
    ["Shiny Feraligatr"] = {lookType=531, speed = 550},
    ["Shiny Politoed"] = {lookType=532, speed = 550},
    ["Mantine"] = {lookType=487, speed = 820},
    ["Totodile"] = {lookType=488, speed = 360},
    ["Croconaw"] = {lookType=489, speed = 590},
    ["Feraligatr"] = {lookType=496, speed = 900},
    ["Marill"] = {lookType=490, speed = 340},
    ["Azumarill"] = {lookType=493, speed = 680},
    ["Quagsire"] = {lookType=494, speed = 740},
    ["Kingdra"] = {lookType=495, speed = 1020},
    ["Octillery"] = {lookType=492, speed = 600},
    ["Wooper"] = {lookType=491, speed = 315},
    ["Politoed"] = {lookType=519, speed = 315},

pokeballs = {
    ["magu"] =      {effect = 606, on = 58440, use = 58441, off = 58442, all = {58440, 58441, 58442}},
    ["sora"] =      {effect = 609, on = 58443, use = 58444, off = 58445, all = {58443, 58444, 58445}},
    ["yume"] =      {effect = 612, on = 58446, use = 58447, off = 58448, all = {58446, 58447, 58448}},
    ["dusk"] =      {effect = 615, on = 58449, use = 58450, off = 58451, all = {58449, 58450, 58451}},
    ["fast"] =      {effect = 618, on = 58452, use = 58453, off = 58454, all = {58452, 58453, 58454}},
    ["heavy"] =      {effect = 621, on = 58455, use = 58456, off = 58457, all = {58455, 58456, 58457}},
    ["tale"] =      {effect = 624, on = 58458, use = 58459, off = 58460, all = {58458, 58459, 58460}},
    ["moon"] =      {effect = 627, on = 58461, use = 58462, off = 58463, all = {58461, 58462, 58463}},
    ["net"] =      {effect = 630, on = 58464, use = 58465, off = 58466, all = {58464, 58465, 58466}},
    ["premier"] =      {effect = 636, on = 58470, use = 58471, off = 58472, all = {58470, 58471, 58472}},
    ["tinker"] =      {effect = 639, on = 58473, use = 58474, off = 58475, all = {58473, 58474, 58475}},
    ["janguru"] =      {effect = 633, on = 58467, use = 58468, off = 58469, all = {58467, 58468, 58469}},

    ["shinymagu"] =      {effect = 606, on = 58479, use = 58480, off = 58481, all = {58479, 58480, 58481}},
    ["shinysora"] =      {effect = 609, on = 58482, use = 58483, off = 58484, all = {58482, 58483, 58484}},
    ["shinyyume"] =      {effect = 612, on = 58485, use = 58486, off = 58487, all = {58485, 58486, 58487}},
    ["shinydusk"] =      {effect = 615, on = 58488, use = 58489, off = 58490, all = {58488, 58489, 58490}},
    ["shinyfast"] =      {effect = 618, on = 58491, use = 58492, off = 58493, all = {58491, 58492, 58493}},
    ["shinyheavy"] =      {effect = 621, on = 58494, use = 58495, off = 58496, all = {58494, 58495, 58496}},
    ["shinytale"] =      {effect = 624, on = 58497, use = 58498, off = 58499, all = {58497, 58498, 58499}},
    ["shinymoon"] =      {effect = 627, on = 58500, use = 58501, off = 58502, all = {58500, 58501, 58502}},
    ["shinynet"] =      {effect = 630, on = 58503, use = 58504, off = 58505, all = {58503, 58504, 58505}},
    ["shinypremier"] =      {effect = 636, on = 58509, use = 58510, off = 58511, all = {58509, 58510, 58511}},
    ["shinytinker"] =      {effect = 639, on = 58512, use = 58513, off = 58514, all = {58512, 58513, 58514}},
    ["shinyjanguru"] =      {effect = 633, on = 58506, use = 58507, off = 58508, all = {58506, 58507, 58508}},

    ["poke"] = {effect = 188, on = 11826, use = 11827, off = 11828, all = {11826, 11827, 11828}},
    ["great"] = {effect = 189, on = 11832, use = 11833, off = 11834, all = {11832, 11833, 11834}},
    ["super"] = {effect = 190, on = 11835, use = 11836, off = 11837, all = {11835, 11836, 11837}},
    ["ultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11829, use = 11830, off = 11831, all = {11829, 11830, 11831}},
    ["saffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 10975, use = 10976, off = 10977, all = {10975, 10976, 10977}},
    ["master"] = {effect = 641, on = 12826, use = 12827, off = 12828, all = {12826, 12827, 12828}},

    ["shinypoke"] = {effect = 188, on = 11737, use = 11738, off = 11739, all = {11737, 11738, 11739}},
    ["shinygreat"] = {effect = 189, on = 11740, use = 11741, off = 11742, all = {11740, 11741, 11742}},
    ["shinysuper"] = {effect = 190, on = 11743, use = 11744, off = 11745, all = {11743, 11744, 11745}},
    ["shinyultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11746, use = 11747, off = 11748, all = {11746, 11747, 11748}},
    ["shinysaffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 12621, use = 12622, off = 12623, all = {12621, 12622, 12623}},
    ["shinymaster"] =   {effect = 641, on = 12829, use = 12830, off = 12831, all = {12829, 12830, 12831}},
    ["bulbasaur"] =      {effect = 188, on = 58329, use = 58330, off = 58331, all = {58329, 58330, 58331}},

effectiveness = {
[WATERDAMAGE] = {super = {"rock", "ground", "fire"}, weak = {"water", "grass", "dragon"}},
[NORMALDAMAGE] = {weak = {"rock", "steel"}, non = {"ghost"}},
[FIGHTDAMAGE] = {super = {"normal", "rock", "steel", "ice", "dark"}, weak = {"fighting", "poison", "bug", "psychic"}, non = {"ghost"}},
[FLYINGDAMAGE] = {super = {"fighting", "bug", "grass"}, weak = {"rock", "steel", "electric"}},
[POISONDAMAGE] = {super = {"grass"}, weak = {"poison", "ground", "rock", "ghost"}, non = {"steel"}},
[POISONEDDAMAGE] = {super = {"grass"}, weak = {"poison", "ground", "rock", "ghost"}, non = {"steel"}},
[GROUNDDAMAGE] = {super = {"poison", "rock", "steel", "fire", "electric"}, weak = {"bug", "grass"}, non = {"flying"}},
[ROCKDAMAGE] = {super = {"flying", "bug", "fire", "ice"}, weak = {"fighting", "ground", "steel"}},
[BUGDAMAGE] = {super = {"grass", "psychic", "dark"}, weak = {"fighting", "flying", "poison", "ghost", "steel", "fire"}},  
[GHOSTDAMAGE] = {super = {"ghost", "psychic"}, weak = {"steel", "dark"}, non = {"normal"}},
[STEELDAMAGE] = {super = {"rock", "ice", "poison", "grass", "flying", "psychic", "bug", "ghost", "dragon", "dark", "steel"}, weak = {"fighting", "fire", "ground"}},
[FIREDAMAGE] = {super = {"bug", "grass", "ice", "steel"}, weak = {"rock", "fire", "water", "dragon"}},
[BURNEDDAMAGE] = {super = {"bug", "grass", "ice"}, weak = {"rock", "fire", "water"}},
[GRASSDAMAGE] = {super = {"ground", "rock", "water"}, weak = {"flying", "poison", "bug", "steel", "fire", "grass", "dragon"}},
[ELECTRICDAMAGE] = {super = {"flying", "water"}, weak = {"grass", "electric", "dragon"}, non = {"ground"}},
[PSYCHICDAMAGE] = {super = {"fighting", "poison"}, weak = {"steel", "psychic", "dark"}, non = {"dark"}},
[ICEDAMAGE] = {super = {"flying", "ground", "grass", "dragon"}, weak = {"steel", "fire", "water", "ice"}},
[DRAGONDAMAGE] = {super = {"dragon"}, weak = {"steel"}},
[DARKDAMAGE] = {super = {"ghost", "psychic"}, weak = {"fighting", "steel", "dark"}},
[MIRACLEDAMAGE] = {super = {"fighting", "poison"}, weak = {"steel", "psychic", "dark"}}, 
[DARK_EYEDAMAGE] = {super = {"ghost", "psychic"}, weak = {"steel", "dark", "normal"}},
[SEED_BOMBDAMAGE] = {super = {"ground", "rock", "water"}, weak = {"flying", "poison", "bug", "steel", "fire", "grass", "dragon"}},
[SACREDDAMAGE] = {super = {"bug", "grass", "ice"}, weak = {"rock", "fire", "water"}},
[MUDBOMBDAMAGE] = {super = {"poison", "rock", "steel", "fire", "electric"}, weak = {"bug", "grass"}, non = {"flying"}},

  leaf = 11441
  grass = 11441
  water = 11442
  venom = 11443
  thunder = 11444
  rock = 11445
  punch = 11446
  fire = 11447
  coccon = 11448
  crystal = 11449
  dark = 11450
  earth = 11451
  enigma = 11452
  heart = 11453
  ice = 11454
  boostStone = 12618

  metal = 12232
  sun = 12242
  king = 12244
  magma = 12245
  kicking = 29202
  punching = 29203
  spinning = 29204
  feather = 14614
  ancientStone = 29200
  metalStone = 29201

  sfire = 12401
  swater = 12402
  sleaf = 12403
  sheart = 12404
  senigma = 12405
  srock = 12406
  svenom = 12407
  sice = 12408
  sthunder = 12409
  scrystal = 12410
  scoccon = 12411
  sdarkness = 12412
  spunch = 12413
  searth = 12414
  dragon = 12417
  upgrade = 12419

gobackmsgs = {
    [1] = {go = "Go, doka!", back = "Come back, doka!"},
    [2] = {go = "Let's do it, doka!", back = "Thanks for helping, doka!"},
    [3] = {go = "I choose you, doka!", back = "That's enough, come back!"},
    [4] = {go = "I need your help, doka!", back = "You were great, doka!"},
    [5] = {go = "Let's fight, doka!", back = "Excellent work, doka!"},
    [6] = {go = "It's battle time, doka!", back = "Well done, doka!"},
    [7] = {go = "It's your turn, doka!", back = "You need to rest, doka!"},
    [8] = {go = "doka, let's battle!", back = "Hurry back, doka!"},
    [9] = {go = "Show your strength, doka!", back = "You did your best, doka!"}

specialabilities = {
    ["rock smash"] = {"Shiny Rhydon", "Nidoking", "Nidoqueen", "Dragonite", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Primeape", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem" , "Onix", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Kangaskhan", "Tauros", "Snorlax", "Poliwrath", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Aerodactyl", "Blastoise","Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Golem", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Blastoise", "Typhlosion", "Feraligatr", "Furret", "Ledian", "Ampharos", "Politoed", "Quagsire", "Forretress", "Steelix", "Snubbull", "Granbull", "Sudowoodo", "Gligar", "Scizor", "Heracross", "Sneasel", "Ursaring", "Teddiursa", "Slugma", "Magcargo", "Piloswine", "Swinub", "Corsola", "Phanpy", "Donphan", "Tyrogue", "Hitmontop", "Miltank", "Blissey", "Tyranitar", "Pupitar"},
    ["cut"] = {"Kabutops", "Raticate", "Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Paras", "Parasect", "Meowth", "Persian", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", "Victreebel", "Farfetch'd", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Exeggutor", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Tangela", "Scyther", "Pinsir", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Vileplume", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Parasect", "Shiny Farfetch'd", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Kingler", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Tangela", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Pinsir", "Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Meganium", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Furret", "Bellossom", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Jumpluff", "Sunkern", "Sunflora", "Scizor", "Heracross", "Sneasel", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring", "Gligar", "Skarmory"},
    ["light"] = {"Light Abra", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Electrode", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Magnemite", "Magneton", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Voltorb", "Electrode", "Mrmime", "Electabuzz", "Jolteon", "Porygon", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Alakazam", "Shiny Hypno", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Electrode", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Raichu", "Chinchou", "Lanturn", "Pichu", "Natu", "Xatu", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Ampharos", "Espeon", "Porygon2", "Elekid"},
    ["digholes"] = {"468", "481", "483"},
    ["ghostwalk"] = {"Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Shiny Gengar", "Misdreavus"},
    ["dig"] = {"Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Umbreon", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Rhydon", "Raticate", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Primeape", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem" , "Onix", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Kangaskhan", "Tauros", "Snorlax", "Eevee", "Flareon", "Jolteon", "Vaporeon", "Vulpix", "Ninetales", "Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Persian", "Arcanine", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Golem" , "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Flareon", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Vaporeon", "Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Arcanine", "Typhlosion", "Feraligatr", "Furret", "Espeon", "Umbreon", "Ledian", "Sudowoodo", "Politoed", "Quagsire", "Gligar", "Steelix", "Snubbull", "Granbull", "Heracross", "Dunsparce", "Sneasel", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring", "Piloswine", "Hitmontop", "Larvitar", "Pupitar", "Tyranitar"},
    ["blink"] = {"Light Abra", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Mr. Mime", "Jynx", "Shiny Jynx", "Hypno", "Shiny Hypno", "Slowking", "Natu", "Xatu", "Espeon", "Mew", "Mewtwo", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Porygon", "Shiny Alakazam", "Porygon2", "Mr. Mime"},
    ["teleport"] = {"Light Abra", "Shiny Mr. Mime", 'Mew', 'Mewtwo', 'Abra', 'Kadabra', 'Alakazam', 'Drowzee', 'Hypno', 'Mr. Mime', 'Porygon', 'Shiny Abra', 'Shiny Alakazam', 'Shiny Hypno', 'Porygon2'},
    ["fly"] = {"Shiny Xatu", "Lugia", "Venomoth", "Shiny Butterfree", "Shiny Crobat", "Shiny Venomoth", "Xatu", "Heracross", "Farfetch'd", "Shiny Farfetch'd", "Noctowl", "Dragonair", "Shiny Dragonair", "Porygon", "Aerodactyl", "Dragonite", "Charizard", "Pidgeot", "Fearow", "Zapdos", "Moltres", "Articuno", "Mew", "Mewtwo", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Pidgeot", "Shiny Fearow", "Porygon2", "Skarmory", "Crobat"},
    ["ride"] = {"Shiny Tauros", "Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Stantler", "Shiny Meganium", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Onix", "Venusaur", "Girafarig", "Ninetales", "Arcanine", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Doduo", "Dodrio", "Onix", "Rhyhorn", "Tauros", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Arcanine", "Steelix", "Houndoom", "Meganium", "Bayleef", "Stantler", "Mareep", "Piloswine"},
    ["surf"] = {'Shiny Politoed', 'Politoed', 'Shiny Feraligatr', 'Poliwag', 'Poliwhirl', 'Seaking', 'Dewgong', 'Blastoise', 'Tentacruel', 'Lapras', 'Gyarados', 'Omastar', 'Kabutops', 'Vaporeon', 'Staryu', 'Starmie', 'Goldeen', 'Seadra', 'Golduck', 'Squirtle', 'Wartortle', 'Tentacool', 'Snorlax', 'Poliwrath', 'Shiny Blastoise', 'Shiny Tentacruel', 'Shiny Gyarados', 'Shiny Vaporeon', 'Shiny Seadra', 'Shiny Tentacool', 'Shiny Snorlax', "Mantine", "Totodile", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Marill", "Azumarill", "Quagsire", "Wooper", "Octillery", "Kingdra"},
    ["foresight"] = {"Machamp", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Hitmontop", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan"},
    ["counter"] = {"Machamp", "Machoke", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmonlee", "Magmar", "Electabuzz", "Scyther", "Snorlax", "Kangaskhan", "Arcanine", "Shiny Arcanine", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Hitmontop", "Shiny Hitmontop"},
    ["levitate"] = {"Gengar", "Haunter", "Gastly", "Misdreavus", "Weezing", "Koffing", "Unown", "Shiny Gengar"},
    ["evasion"] = {"Scyther", "Scizor", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop", "Tyrogue", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Ledian", "Ledyba", "Sneasel"},
    ["control mind"] = {'Haunter', 'Gengar', 'Tentacruel', 'Alakazam', 'Shiny Tentacruel', 'Shiny Gengar', 'Shiny Alakazam', 'Slowking'},
    ["transform"] = {"Ditto"},
    ["levitate_fly"] = {"Gengar", "Shiny Gengar"},
    ["lifesteal"] = {"Shiny Crobat", "Crobat", "Golbat", "Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Golbat", "Zubat"},
    ["Illusion"] = {"Misdreavus"},

auraSyst = {
    ["red"] = 19,
    ["blue"] = 40,
    ["green"] = 164,
    ["yellow"] = 207,
    ["white"] = 29,
    ["gray"] = 165,
    ["cyan"] = 177,
    ["purple"] = 208,
    ["orange"] = 219,

  ------------------- HEADBUTT ----------------------------- --alterado v1.6
  --[lvl] = {nome do poke, qnts vao vir}},
  --lvl = ate q lvl vai vir esses pokes... ate lvl 25 vira os pokes da 1* tabela.. do 26 ao 40 vira os pokes da 2* tabela...
headbutt = {
    [25] = {{"Metapod", 3}, {"Kakuna", 3}, {"Pidgey", 3}, {"Ekans", 1}, {"Sentret", 1}, {"Pineco", 1}, {"Spinarak", 2}},
    [40] = {{"Pineco", 2}, {"Pidgeotto", 1}, {"Hoothoot", 1}, {"Natu", 1}, {"Beedrill", 2}, {"Spearow", 3}},
    [60] = {{"Arbok", 1}, {"Beedrill", 4}, {"Furret", 1}, {"Ariados", 2}, {"Pidgeotto", 2}, {"Yanma", 1}, {"Pineco", 4}},
    [80] = {{"Beedrill", 5}, {"Forretress", 1}, {"Furret", 3}, {"Ariados", 3}, {"Pidgeotto", 4}, {"Yanma", 3}},
    [1000] = {{"Forretress", 3}, {"Noctowl", 2}, {"Xatu", 2}, {"Yanma", 4}, {"Beedrill", 6}, {"Furret", 6}},

  ------------- Posiçoes de entrada e saida do safari! ----------------------
  SafariEnter = {x = 1075, y = 1488, z = 7}    --alterado v1.8
  SafariOut = {x = 1089, y = 1489, z = 7}
  ------------- POS QUANDO O PLAYER MORRER NO PVP ---------------------------
  posBackPVP = {x = 371, y = 853, z = 8}  --alterado v1.7
useOTClient = true  -- coloque false caso n for usar o OTClient!!!  --alterado v1.7
useKpdoDlls = true -- coloque true pra usar as barras de cooldown.
intervalToRegrowBushAndStones = 15 -- this also affects dig (in seconds) / isso afeta dig também (em segundos)
nurseHealsOnlyInPZ = true -- true = precisa estar em pz pra falar com a nurse
accountManagerOutfit = {lookType = 304, lookHead = 1, lookBody = 1, lookLegs = 1, lookFeet = 1}
accountManagerRandomPokemonOutfit = false -- se true, quando o acc manager logar, vai ter uma outfit de pokemon aleatoria
reloadHighscoresWhenUsingPc = true -- talvez dê lag, lembrando que tem uma opção no config.lua que indica o intervalo do update das highscores
backupPos = {x = 4, y = 3, z = 10} -- alguma pos para criar monstros quando tentar sair do fly/ride/surf em lugares que não são muito espaçosos
nurseHealsPokemonOut = true
maximumBoost = 50
boost_rate = 1.8
catchMakesPokemonHappier = true
dittoCopiesStatusToo = false
dittoBonus = 0.85       --0.45
wildBeforeNames = false
hideBoost = true
showBoostSeparated = true
canFishWhileSurfingOrFlying = false
allEvolutionsCanBeInduzedByStone = true
evolutionByStoneRequireLevel = true
PlayerSpeed = 280
playerExperienceRate = 0.5
attackRate = 0.5
specialoffenseRate = 3.55
levelFactor = 1
defenseRate = 2
playerDamageReduction = 0.6
summonReduction = 1
generalSpecialAttackReduction = 1
summonSpecialDamageReduction = 0
vitReductionForWild = 1    -- 1 means that nothing will change, 0.5 means that wild pokemon hp will drop by half
speedRate = 1
wildEvolveChance = 999999
pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 6
baseExpRate = 0.2
generalExpRate = 0.8
HPperVITwild = 13
HPperVITsummon = 11
baseNurseryHappiness = 1
baseNurseryHunger = 9999
minHappyToEvolve = 9999
maxHappyToEvolve = 9999
happyLostOnDeath = 0
happyGainedOnEvolution = 9999
happinessRate = {
  [5] = {rate = 1.5, effect = 183, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageVeryHappy)},
  [4] = {rate = 1.2, effect = 170, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageHappy)},
  [3] = {rate = 1.0, effect = 182, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageOK)},
  [2] = {rate = 0.7, effect = 169, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageSad)},
  [1] = {rate = 0.4, effect = 168, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageMad)}}

passivepokemons = {"Eevee", "Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", 'Pidgey', 'Clefairy', 'Jigglypuff', 'Oddish', 'Gloom', 'Paras', 'Psyduck', 'Bellsprout', 'Weepinbell', 'Slowpoke', 'Slowbro', "Farfetch'd", 'Doduo', 'Dodrio', 'Seel', 'Shellder', 'Kangaskhan', 'Chansey', 'Tangela', 'Mr. Mime', 'Tauros', 'Ditto', 'Lapras', 'Porygon', 'Omanyte'}

function getPortraitClientID(pokeName)
    local random_shinys = {
        ["Shiny Crobat"] = 12487,
        ["Shiny Magmar"] = 12027,
        ["Shiny Ampharos"] = 12074,
        ["Shiny Feraligatr"] = 12076,
        ["Shiny Larvitar"] = 12078,
        ["Shiny Machamp"] = 12080,
        ["Shiny Meganium"] = 12082,
        ["Shiny Pupitar"] = 12084,
        ["Shiny Tauros"] = 12086,
        ["Shiny Typhlosion"] = 12088,
        ["Shiny Xatu"] = 12090,

        ["Shiny Magcargo"] = 12790,
        ["Shiny Lanturn"] = 12791,
        ["Shiny Onix"] = 11427,
    local id = fotos[pokeName]
    if id >= 11989 and id <= 12139 then -- kanto
       return id - 928
    elseif id >= 11139 and id <= 11285 or id >= 11288 and id <= 11387 then -- shinys kanto e johto
       return id - 911
    elseif id >= 12607 and id <= 12616 then -- alguns shinys johto
       return id - 1178
    elseif id >= 14795 and id <= 14813 then
        return id - 997
    elseif id >= 14814 and id <= 14880 then
        return id - 996
    elseif id >= 19325 and id <= 19365 then
        return id - 866
    elseif random_shinys[pokeName] then
        return random_shinys[pokeName]

opcodes = {
        OPCODE_SKILL_BAR = 102,
        OPCODE_CATCH = 105,
        OPCODE_FIGHT_MODE = 107,

fightMode = {
[1] = {offense = 1.2, defense = 0.8},
[2] = {offense = 1.0, defense = 1.0},
[3] = {offense = 0.8, defense = 1.2},

storages = {
  playerKantoCatches = 8056,
  playerTotalCatches = 8057,
  fightMode = 8082,
  miniQuests = {
    storNpcTaskName = 8137,
    storPokeNameTask1 = 8138,
    storPokeCountTask1 = 8139,
    storDayTask1 = 8140,
    Paulo = 2000,

    storNpcTaskName2 = 8141,
    storPokeNameTask2 = 8142,
    storPokeCountTask2 = 8143,
    storDayTask2 = 8144,

    storNpcTaskName3 = 8145,
    storPokeNameTask3 = 8146,
    storPokeCountTask3 = 8147,
    storDayTask3 = 8148,

    storNpcTaskName4 = 8149,
    storPokeNameTask4 = 8150,
    storPokeCountTask4 = 8151,
    storDayTask4 = 8152,

    storNpcTaskName5 = 8153,
    storPokeNameTask5 = 8154,
    storPokeCountTask5 = 8155,
    storDayTask5 = 8156,




Nessa linha:

pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 6

mude o valor para 0, ficando assim:

pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 0

Testa ai e me fala se resolveu.

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Qual a base que você usa? Nunca vi esse problema antes, estou mexendo na minha base para ver se descubro o problema. E também não muda o valor do pokemonExpPerLevelRate, deixa 0 como te falei, pois como o Pokémon não upa, não tem porque colocar valor ali.

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Cara eu analisei todos os arquivos que te pedi para postar aqui com os que tenho ainda do PDA 1.9 do Slicer, e estão idênticos, muda poucas coisas que não é para dar problema em relação ao seu problema. Mas isso de source adaptada é meio problemático, eu recomendo a utilizar o Pokémon Mythology 2019 (o DXP mais recente postado aqui no fórum), eu estou usando ele e estou gostando bastante, e até agora foi um dos poucos que a distro não deu problema com anti-vírus. 


Mas podemos tentar descobrir, acho que pode ter haver com o que o amigo acima falou, algum evento do death ou kill está gerando esse problema. Poste o seu arquivo data/creaturescripts/goback.lua para eu comparar com o que tenho aqui.

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