vudi 17 Postado Outubro 6, 2015 Share Postado Outubro 6, 2015 (editado) Bom dia XT's To com um probleminha no meu held iten elemental toda vez que a passive ativa da esse erro abaixo \/ Minha exp2.0 para conferirem : local combats = { --alterado v1.6 \/ [PSYCHICDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC}, [GRASSDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [POISONEDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [FIREDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [BURNEDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_BURN}, [WATERDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_WATER}, [ICEDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_ICE}, [NORMALDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_NORMAL}, [FLYDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FLYING}, [GHOSTDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GHOST}, [GROUNDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GROUND}, [ELECTRICDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_ELECTRIC}, [ROCKDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_ROCK}, [BUGDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_BUG}, [FIGHTDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FIGHTING}, [DRAGONDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_DRAGON}, [POISONDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_POISON}, [DARKDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_DARK}, [STEELDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_STEEL}, [MIRACLEDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC}, [DARK_EYEDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GHOST}, [SEED_BOMBDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [SACREDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [MUDBOMBDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GROUND} } --alterado v1.5 tabelas agora estao em lib/configuration.lua local function sendPlayerDmgMsg(cid, text) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, text) end local races = { [4] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [6] = {cor = COLOR_WATER}, [7] = {cor = COLOR_NORMAL}, [8] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [9] = {cor = COLOR_FIGHTING}, [10] = {cor = COLOR_FLYING}, [11] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [12] = {cor = COLOR_POISON}, [13] = {cor = COLOR_ELECTRIC}, [14] = {cor = COLOR_GROUND}, [15] = {cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC}, [16] = {cor = COLOR_ROCK}, [17] = {cor = COLOR_ICE}, [18] = {cor = COLOR_BUG}, [19] = {cor = COLOR_DRAGON}, [20] = {cor = COLOR_GHOST}, [21] = {cor = COLOR_STEEL}, [22] = {cor = COLOR_DARK}, [1] = {cor = 180}, [2] = {cor = 180}, [3] = {cor = 180}, [5] = {cor = 180}, } local damages = {GROUNDDAMAGE, ELECTRICDAMAGE, ROCKDAMAGE, FLYDAMAGE, BUGDAMAGE, FIGHTINGDAMAGE, DRAGONDAMAGE, POISONDAMAGE, DARKDAMAGE, STEELDAMAGE} local fixdmgs = {PSYCHICDAMAGE, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, GRASSDAMAGE, FIREDAMAGE, WATERDAMAGE, ICEDAMAGE, NORMALDAMAGE, GHOSTDAMAGE} local ignored = {POISONEDDAMAGE, BURNEDDAMAGE} --alterado v1.6 local cannotkill = {BURNEDDAMAGE, POISONEDDAMAGE} function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if combat == FLYSYSTEMDAMAGE then return false end if isPlayer(cid) and getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 814 then return false end -- TV if not isCreature(attacker) then --alterado v1.5 cid == attacker if not isInArray(fixdamages, combat) and combats[combat] then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), value, combats[combat].cor) end return true end local damageCombat = combat -------------------------------------------------- --alterado v1.6 retirado os combats sleep_powder e poison_powder daki! -------------------------------------------------- if type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHGAIN then if cid == attacker then return true end if isSummon(cid) and isSummon(attacker) and canAttackOther(cid, attacker) == "Cant" then return false end return true end -------------------------------------------------- if isMonster(cid) then local valor = value if not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] and damageCombat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then valor = getOffense(attacker) * playerDamageReduction doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -math.abs(valor), 3, races[7].cor) --alterado v1.6 dano nos npcs return false elseif not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] and damageCombat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -math.abs(valor), 3, combats[damageCombat].cor) return false end end -------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(attacker) then local valor = value if valor > getCreatureHealth(cid) then valor = getCreatureHealth(cid) end if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then return false end if combat == PHYSICALDAMAGE then if isSummon(cid) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid)) and getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "heldy") and getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "heldy") == 22 then return true else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 3) end doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), valor, races[getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).race].cor) end if combats[damageCombat] and not isInArray(fixdmgs, damageCombat) then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), valor, combats[damageCombat].cor) end if #getCreatureSummons(attacker) >= 1 and not isInArray({POISONEDDAMAGE, BURNEDDAMAGE}, combat) then --doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, cid, 20, "Seu "..getPokeName(getCreatureSummons(attacker)[1]).." causou "..valor.." de dano no "..getSomeoneDescription(cid)..".") end return true end -------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(cid) and #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then --if ehMonstro(attacker) and getClosestFreeTile(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) >= 1 then --doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(attacker), "Hmpfg!", 215) --doMonsterSetTarget(attacker, getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) --end return false end --if isPlayer(cid) and #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then --if ehMonstro(attacker) and getClosestFreeTile(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) <= 0 then --doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(attacker), "Grrr!", 215) --doMonsterSetTarget(attacker, cid) --end --return true --end -------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(cid) and #getCreatureSummons(cid) <= 0 and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then if isSummon(attacker) or isPlayer(attacker) then if canAttackOther(cid, attacker) == "Cant" then return false end end local valor = 0 if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then valor = getOffense(attacker) else valor = getSpecialAttack(attacker) end valor = valor * playerDamageReduction valor = valor * math.random(83, 117) / 100 if valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then valor = getCreatureHealth(cid) end valor = math.floor(valor) if valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755, -1) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 1001, y = 1026, z = 14}, false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) return false --alterado v1.8 elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 577869) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 577869, 0) doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 1009, y = 1084, z = 14}, false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) return false elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 20000) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 20000, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,30,0) doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 1172, y = 1366, z = 7}, false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Você morreu no Saffari por Favor volte mais tarde!") return false elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 20001) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,20001,0) doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 1371, y = 1240, z = 7}, false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "You are died in demon room, please come back!") return false end ------------------------------------------- --- if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 18) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,18,0) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) end ------------Saffari---------------------------------- if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215, -1) doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local btype = getPokeballType(item.itemid) if #getCreatureSummons(cid) <= 0 then if isInArray(pokeballs[btype].all, item.itemid) then doTransformItem(item.uid, pokeballs[btype].off) doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "hp", 0) end end end ------------Edited Golden Arena------------------ if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545) == 1 then if getGlobalStorageValue(22550) == 1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Você foi o último sobrevivente da Golden Arena! Tome sua recompensa!") doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2160, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22551)*30/4) doPlayerAddExperience(cid, 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22551)*30) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545, -1) doTeleportThing(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, posBackGolden)), false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid)) --setPlayerRecordWaves(cid) endGoldenArena() return false --alterado v1.8 else setGlobalStorageValue(22550, getGlobalStorageValue(22550)-1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545, -1) doTeleportThing(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, posBackGolden), false) doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22551)*5) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid)) --setPlayerRecordWaves(cid) return true end end ---------------------------------- if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then local corpse = doCreateItem(3058, 1, getThingPos(cid)) doDecayItem(corpse) doItemSetAttribute(corpse, "name", "dead human (Vol:8). You recognize ".. getCreatureName(cid) ..". He was killed by a ".. getCreatureName(attacker) .."") elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then local corpse = doCreateItem(3065, 1, getThingPos(cid)) doDecayItem(corpse) doItemSetAttribute(corpse, "name", "dead human (Vol:8). You recognize ".. getCreatureName(cid) ..". She was killed by a ".. getCreatureName(attacker) .."") end end doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -valor, 3, 180) if not isPlayer(cid) then addEvent(sendPlayerDmgMsg, 5, cid, "Você perdeu "..valor.." em pontos de vida por um attack de "..getSomeoneDescription(attacker)..".") end return false end -------------------------------------------------- --if isMonster(attacker) and getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 201) ~= -1 then -- if isPlayer(cid) then -- return false -- end -- if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(cid), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 201)].storage) ~= 1 then -- return false -- end --end --------------------------------------------------- --if isMonster(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201) ~= -1 then -- if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(attacker), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201)].storage) ~= 1 then -- return false -- end --end -------------------------------------------------- if ehMonstro(cid) and ehMonstro(attacker) then return false --edited monstro nao atacar monstro end -------------------------------------------------- --------------------REFLECT----------------------- if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21099) >= 1 and combat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if not isInArray({"Team Claw", "Team Slice"}, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102)) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), 135) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "REFLECT", COLOR_GRASS) addEvent(docastspell, 100, cid, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102)) if getCreatureName(cid) == "Wobbuffet" then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21099, -1) --alterado v1.6 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21100, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21101, attacker) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21103, getTableMove(attacker, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102)).f) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21104, getCreatureOutfit(attacker).lookType) return false end end ------------------------------------------------- local multiplier = 1 if isCreature(cid) then poketype1 = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type --alterado v1.6 poketype2 = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type2 end if not poketype1 or not poketype2 then return false end --alterado v1.6 if getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INVISIBLE) then return false end if damageCombat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE and not isInArray(ignored, damageCombat) then if isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].super, poketype1) then multiplier = multiplier + 0.5 end if isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].super, poketype2) then multiplier = multiplier + 0.5 end if isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].weak, poketype1) then --Edited effetivenes = pxg... ;p multiplier = multiplier - 0.25 end if isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].weak, poketype2) then multiplier = multiplier - 0.25 end if isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].non, poketype1) or isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].non, poketype2) then if isInArray(specialabilities["foresight"], getCreatureName(attacker)) then --alterado v1.5 multiplier = 0.5 end --alterado v1.6 end -- X-Attack -- if isSummon(attacker) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(attacker)) then local TierArray = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14} local Tiers = { [8] = {bonus = AtkBonus1}, [9] = {bonus = AtkBonus2}, [10] = {bonus = AtkBonus3}, [11] = {bonus = AtkBonus4}, [12] = {bonus = AtkBonus5}, [13] = {bonus = AtkBonus6}, [14] = {bonus = AtkBonus7}, } local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 8) local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") local bonusatk = {} if isInArray(TierArray, getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx")) then bonusatk = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusatk = 1 end multiplier = multiplier * bonusatk end if isSummon(cid) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid))then local TierEle = { [78] = {chance = Elemen1}, [79] = {chance = Elemen2}, [80] = {chance = Elemen3}, [81] = {chance = Elemen4}, [82] = {chance = Elemen5}, [83] = {chance = Elemen6}, [84] = {chance = Elemen7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 77 and Tier < 85 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666) ~= 5 then if math.random(1,100) <= TierEle[Tier].chance then docastspell(cid, "Elemental", -1000, -5000) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666, 5) addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666, 0) end, 1 * 1800) end end end -- X-Attack -- elseif combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if isGhostPokemon(cid) then --alterado v1.3 if not isInArray(specialabilities["foresight"], getCreatureName(attacker)) then --passiva Foresight!! doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 3) return false end end local cd = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Miss"]) local cd2 = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Confusion"]) local cd3 = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Stun"]) if cd >= 0 or cd2 >= 0 or cd3 >= 0 then if math.random(1, 100) > 50 then --Edited miss system -- 50% chance de da miss no atk fisico doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 211) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "MISS", 215) --alterado v1.5 return false end end end -------------------------------------------------- local valor = value if multiplier == 1.5 and poketype2 == "no type" then multiplier = 2 --alterado v1.6 elseif multiplier == 1.5 and poketype2 ~= "no type" then multiplier = 1.75 elseif multiplier == 1.25 then --edited effetivines = pxg multiplier = 1 end -------------------------------------------------- if isSummon(cid) and isSummon(attacker) then if getCreatureMaster(cid) == getCreatureMaster(attacker) then return false end if canAttackOther(cid, attacker) == "Cant" then return false end end valor = valor * multiplier if isSummon(attacker) then valor = valor * getHappinessRate(attacker) else valor = valor * summonReduction end valor = math.floor(valor) if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then block = 1 - (getDefense(cid) / (getOffense(attacker) + getDefense(cid))) valor = getOffense(attacker) * block if isInArray(specialabilities["counter"], getCreatureName(cid)) then if math.random(1, 100) <= 10 then doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, -valor, 3, 180) valor = 0 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "COUNTER", 215) end end -- Return -- if isSummon(cid) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid)) then local returnbonus = {} local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) local Tiers = { [15] = {bonus = DmgReturn1}, [16] = {bonus = DmgReturn2}, [17] = {bonus = DmgReturn3}, [18] = {bonus = DmgReturn4}, [19] = {bonus = DmgReturn5}, [20] = {bonus = DmgReturn6}, [21] = {bonus = DmgReturn7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 14 and Tier < 22 then returnbonus = math.floor((valor * Tiers[Tier].bonus)) elseif not isInArray(Tiers, Tier) then returnbonus = 0 end doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, -returnbonus) end -- Return -- else -- Return -- if isSummon(cid) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid)) then local returnbonus = {} local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) local Tiers = { [15] = {bonus = DmgReturn1}, [16] = {bonus = DmgReturn2}, [17] = {bonus = DmgReturn3}, [18] = {bonus = DmgReturn4}, [19] = {bonus = DmgReturn5}, [20] = {bonus = DmgReturn6}, [21] = {bonus = DmgReturn7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 14 and Tier < 22 then returnbonus = math.floor((valor * Tiers[Tier].bonus)) elseif not isInArray(Tiers, Tier) then returnbonus = 0 end doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, -returnbonus) end -- Return -- -- Critical -- if isSummon(attacker) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(attacker)) then local Tiers = { [85] = {chance = Critical1}, [86] = {chance = Critical2}, [87] = {chance = Critical3}, [88] = {chance = Critical4}, [89] = {chance = Critical5}, [90] = {chance = Critical6}, [91] = {chance = Critical7}, } local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 8) local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 84 and Tier < 92 then if math.random(1,100) <= Tiers[Tier].chance then valor = valor * 2 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "STK "..(valor * 0.25), 115) end end end -- Critical -- valor = valor / getDefense(cid) end -------------------------Edited CLAN SYSTEM----------------------------------- if isSummon(attacker) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 86228) >= 1 then valor = valor*getClanPorcent(getCreatureMaster(attacker), combat, "atk") --alterado v1.3 elseif isSummon(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(cid), 86228) >= 1 then valor = valor - (valor*getClanPorcent(getCreatureMaster(cid), combat, "def", pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type2)) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- FEAR / ROAR ------------------------------------ if getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Fear"]) >= 1 then --alterado!! return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if damageCombat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE and not isInArray(ignored, damageCombat) then if isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].non, poketype1) or isInArray(effectiveness[damageCombat].non, poketype2) then if not isInArray(specialabilities["foresight"], getCreatureName(attacker)) then --alterado v1.6 valor = valor * 0 --alterado v1.5 end end end if damageCombat == GROUNDDAMAGE then if isInArray(specialabilities["levitate"], getCreatureName(cid)) then valor = 0 --alterado v1.5 end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = getThingPos(cid) if p.x == 1 and p.y == 1 and p.z == 10 then return false end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9658783) == 1 then return false --imune end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local config = { sturdy = { --Pokémons que possuem a habilidade Sturdy. Configuração: ["nome_do_pokemon"] = lookType, ["Aggron"] = 1685, ["Mega Aggron"] = 1798, }, cd = 30, --Cooldown da habilidade. duration = 8, --Duração, em segundos, do Sturdy. storage = 8402, } if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, > -1 then return false end local hp = getCreatureHealth(cid) - valor if not isPlayer(cid) and hp <= 1 and config.sturdy[getCreatureName(cid)] then local b = true if isSummon(cid) then local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if ball and getCD(ball.uid, "sturdy") > 0 then b = false end end if b then if hp < 1 then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, hp < 0 and (hp * -1) + 1 or 1) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 1) if isSummon(cid) then local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if ball then setCD(ball.uid, "sturdy", config.duration + end end doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = config.sturdy[getCreatureName(cid)]}, config.duration * 1000) addEvent(function() if isCreature(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, > -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, -1) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -getCreatureHealth(cid)) end end, config.duration * 1000) end end if valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then if isInArray(cannotKill, combat) and isPlayer(cid) then valor = getCreatureHealth(cid) - 1 else valor = getCreatureHealth(cid) end end ------------------ SKILLs Q CURAM O ATTACKER --------------------------------- local function doHeal(cid, amount) if (getCreatureHealth(cid) + amount) >= getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) then amount = math.abs(getCreatureHealth(cid)-getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) end if getCreatureHealth(cid) ~= getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) then --alterado v1.6 doCreatureAddHealth(cid, amount) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "+"..amount.."", 65) end end if damageCombat == PSYCHICDAMAGE or damageCombat == MIRACLEDAMAGE then if getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 95487) >= 1 then doHeal(attacker, valor) setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 95487, -1) --alterado v1.6 end elseif damageCombat == SEED_BOMBDAMAGE then doHeal(attacker, valor) end -------------------------------------------- ----------SACRED FIRE----------------------- if combat == SACREDDAMAGE and not ehNPC(cid) then --alterado v1.6 local ret = {} = cid = 9 ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Silence"]) ret.eff = 39 ret.cond = "Silence" doCondition2(ret) end --------------------------------------------- --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Crobat" then --alterado v1.4 doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- --- X-Agility/X-Strafe/X-Rage/X-Harden --- if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then local TierAgi = { [43] = {chance = Agility1}, [44] = {chance = Agility2}, [45] = {chance = Agility3}, [46] = {chance = Agility4}, [47] = {chance = Agility5}, [48] = {chance = Agility6}, [49] = {chance = Agility7}, } local TierStra = { [50] = {chance = Strafe1}, [51] = {chance = Strafe2}, [52] = {chance = Strafe3}, [53] = {chance = Strafe4}, [54] = {chance = Strafe5}, [55] = {chance = Strafe6}, [56] = {chance = Strafe7}, } local TierRage = { [57] = {chance = Rage1}, [58] = {chance = Rage2}, [59] = {chance = Rage3}, [60] = {chance = Rage4}, [61] = {chance = Rage5}, [62] = {chance = Rage6}, [63] = {chance = Rage7}, } if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(attacker)) and isSummon(attacker) then local Tier = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 8).uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 42 and Tier < 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666) ~= 1 then if math.random(1,100) <= TierAgi[Tier].chance then docastspell(attacker, "Agility") setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666, 1) addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666, 0) end, 15 * 1000) end elseif Tier and Tier > 49 and Tier < 57 and getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666) ~= 2 then if math.random(1,100) <= TierStra[Tier].chance then docastspell(attacker, "Strafe") setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666, 2) addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666, 0) end, 15 * 1000) end elseif Tier and Tier > 56 and Tier < 64 and getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666) ~= 3 then if math.random(1,100) <= TierRage[Tier].chance then docastspell(attacker, "Rage") setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666, 3) addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 22666, 0) end, 15 * 1000) end end end if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid)) and isSummon(cid) then local TierHarden = { [64] = {chance = Harden1}, [65] = {chance = Harden2}, [66] = {chance = Harden3}, [67] = {chance = Harden4}, [68] = {chance = Harden5}, [69] = {chance = Harden6}, [70] = {chance = Harden7}, } local TierEle = { [78] = {chance = Elemen1}, [79] = {chance = Elemen2}, [80] = {chance = Elemen3}, [81] = {chance = Elemen4}, [82] = {chance = Elemen5}, [83] = {chance = Elemen6}, [84] = {chance = Elemen7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 63 and Tier < 71 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666) ~= 4 then if math.random(1,100) <= TierHarden[Tier].chance then docastspell(cid, "Harden") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666, 4) addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666, 0) end, 8 * 1000) end end end end --- X-Agility/Strafe/Rage/Harden --- if Tier and Tier > 77 and Tier < 85 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666) ~= 5 then if math.random(1,100) <= TierEle[Tier].chance then docastspell(cid, "Elemental", -1000, -5000) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666, 5) addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22666, 0) end, 1 * 1800) end end --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Golbat" then --alterado v1.4 doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Zubat" then --alterado v1.4 doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Shiny Crobat" then --alterado v1.4 doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Shiny Golbat" then --alterado v1.4 doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Shiny Zubat" then --alterado v1.4 doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- valor = math.abs(valor) --alterado v1.9 if isSummon(cid) and valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then onPokeHealthChange(getCreatureMaster(cid), true) elseif isSummon(cid) then onPokeHealthChange(getCreatureMaster(cid)) end if isSummon(attacker) then if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, PHYSICALDAMAGE, -valor, -valor, 255) addEvent(doDoubleHit, 1000, attacker, cid, valor, races) --alterado v1.6 else doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, damageCombat, -valor, -valor, 255) end else if combat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -math.abs(valor), 3, combats[damageCombat].cor) else doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -math.abs(valor), 3, races[getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).race].cor) addEvent(doDoubleHit, 1000, attacker, cid, valor, races) --alterado v1.6 end if isSummon(cid) and valor ~= 0 then --addEvent(sendPlayerDmgMsg, 5, getCreatureMaster(cid), "Seu "..getCreatureName(cid).." perdeu "..valor.." de vida pelo attack do "..getSomeoneDescription(attacker)..".") end end if damageCombat == FIREDAMAGE and not isBurning(cid) then -- Helfire -- local hellfire = {} if isSummon(attacker) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(attacker)) then local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 8) local TierArray = {22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28} local Tiers = { [22] = {bonus = HellBonus1}, [23] = {bonus = HellBonus2}, [24] = {bonus = HellBonus3}, [25] = {bonus = HellBonus4}, [26] = {bonus = HellBonus5}, [27] = {bonus = HellBonus6}, [28] = {bonus = HellBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 21 and Tier < 29 then hellfire = Tiers[Tier].bonus else hellfire = 1 end end -- Hellfire -- local ret = {} = cid = math.random(5, 12) ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Burn"]) ret.damage = isSummon(attacker) and (getMasterLevel(attacker)+getPokemonBoost(attacker)) * hellfire or getPokemonLevel(attacker) ret.cond = "Burn" doCondition2(ret) elseif damageCombat == POISONDAMAGE and not isPoisoned(cid) then -- Poison -- local xpoison = {} if isSummon(attacker) and isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(attacker)) then local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 8) local TierArray = {29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35} local Tiers = { [29] = {bonus = PoisonBonus1}, [30] = {bonus = PoisonBonus2}, [31] = {bonus = PoisonBonus3}, [32] = {bonus = PoisonBonus4}, [33] = {bonus = PoisonBonus5}, [34] = {bonus = PoisonBonus6}, [35] = {bonus = PoisonBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 28 and Tier < 36 then xpoison = Tiers[Tier].bonus elseif not isInArray(TierArray, getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx")) then xpoison = 1 end end -- Poison -- local ret = {} = cid = math.random(6, 15) ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Poison"]) local lvl = isSummon(attacker) and (getMasterLevel(attacker)) * xpoison or getPokemonLevel(attacker) ret.damage = math.floor((getPokemonLevel(attacker)+lvl)/2) ret.cond = "Poison" doCondition2(ret) end --[[---------------CD BAR----------------------- if isSummon(cid) then doCreatureExecuteTalkAction(getCreatureMaster(cid), "/pokeread") end ]] ------------------------------------POTIONS------------------------------------------- if isSummon(cid) and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 173) >= 1 then if damageCombat ~= BURNEDDAMAGE and damageCombat ~= POISONEDDAMAGE then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 173, -1) --alterado v1.6 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "LOST HEAL", 144) end end end ----------------------------------------PASSIVAS------------------------------------- --alterado v1.6 \/ todas as passivas agora estao em lib/pokemon moves.lua -------------------------------------------Counter Helix------------------------------------ if passivesChances["Helix"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Helix"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Counter Helix") end -------------------------------------------Lava-Counter---------------------------- if passivesChances["Lava"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Lava"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Lava-Counter") end -------------------------------------------Shock-Counter---------------------------- if passivesChances["Shock"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Shock"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Shock-Counter") end -------------------------------------------Bone Spin---------------------------- if passivesChances["Bone"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Bone"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Bone-Spin") end ---------------------------------------Stunning Confusion----------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Stunning"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Stunning"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Stunning Confusion") end --------------------------------------Electric Charge--------------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Electric Charge"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Electric Charge"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Electric Charge", 0, 0) end -------------------------------------Melody------------------------------------ if passivesChances["Melody"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Melody"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Melody") end ------------------------------------- Dragon Fury / Fury --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Dragon Fury"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Dragon Fury"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Dragon Fury", 0, 0) end ------------------------------------- Mega Drain --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Mega Drain"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Mega Drain"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Mega Drain") end ------------------------------------- Spores Reaction --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Spores Reaction"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Spores Reaction"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Spores Reaction") end ------------------------------------ Amnesia ---------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Amnesia"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Amnesia"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Amnesia", 0, 0) end ----------------------------------- Zen Mind ----------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Zen Mind"][getCreatureName(cid)] and isWithCondition(cid) and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Zen Mind"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Zen Mind", 0, 0) end ---------------------------------- Mirror Coat --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Mirror Coat"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 80) <= passivesChances["Mirror Coat"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Mirror Coat", 0, 0) end --------------------------------- Illusion ----------------------------------------- return false end [06/10/2015 05:57:22] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [06/10/2015 05:57:22] data/creaturescripts/scripts/exp2.0.lua:onStatsChange [06/10/2015 05:57:22] Description: [06/10/2015 05:57:22] (luaGetItemAttribute) Item not found up Editado Outubro 6, 2015 por vudi Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Stigal 584 Postado Abril 21, 2018 Share Postado Abril 21, 2018 A questão neste tópico de suporte foi encerrada por falta de respostas. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. + Caso a dúvida não tenha sido resolvida você poderá criar outro tópico solicitando ajuda. * Lembre-se que é permitido dar UP no tópico a cada 24 horas para assim o destacar e manter movimentado. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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