Felipe Moraes 151 Postado Setembro 4, 2015 Share Postado Setembro 4, 2015 (editado) Esse script coloca o player em uma fila. Quando entrar outros 5 jogadores na fila, é criada uma party e todos são teleportados para a dungeon. Lembrando que a diferença de nível entre os jogadores é de no máximo 50 levels. Adicione uma nova tabela em seu banco de dados CREATE TABLE `dungeon_finder` (`id` INT(8) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `player_id` INT(255)) Talkactions function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == "join") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > os.time()) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue with deserter debuff.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.AREA) then if(not(isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), (CONFIG.AREA).FROMPOS, (CONFIG.AREA).TOPOS))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in required area to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.PZ_REQUIRED) then if(not(getTilePzInfo(getPlayerPosition(cid)))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in protection zone to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then if(getPlayerLevel(cid) < CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You don't have required level to join the queue. The minimum level to join the queue is " .. CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL .. ".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.SKULL) then if(getPlayerSkullType(cid) >= CONFIG.SKULL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Murderers are not allowed to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.IN_FIGHT) then if(getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't be in combat in order to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(isInParty(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue while you are in party group.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end if(query:getID() == 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are already listed in queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `dungeon_finder` SET `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed queued in dungeon finder - random mode.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) elseif(param == "remove") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(query:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not listed in the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed removed from queue.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end return true end GlobalEvents local DUNGEONS = { [1] = {NAME = "Test dungeon", LEVEL = 30, POS = {x = 450, y = 357, z = 15}}, } local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000) function onThink(cid, interval) DUNGEON = DUNGEONS[math.random(1, table.maxn(DUNGEONS))] players = {} for i = 1, 1000 do if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then break end query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `id` = " .. i .. ";") if(query:getID() > -1) then pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id"))) if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then return true end if(getPlayerLevel(pid) > DUNGEON.LEVEL and getPlayerLevel(pid) < DUNGEON.LEVEL + 50) then table.insert(players, getPlayerGUID(pid)) end query:free() end end if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then for i = 1, 5 do pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players)) if(i == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You were chosen to be a dungeon guide.") addEvent(doCreatureSay, 15200, pid, "You and your team were teleported to the " .. DUNGEON.NAME .. ".", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) for j = 2, 5 do lid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[j])) doPlayerInviteToParty(pid, lid) end else doPlayerJoinParty(pid, getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[1]))) end delay = 0 for i = 1, 15 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, delay + 1000, pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "A dungeon group for you has been found. You'll be teleported to the dungeon in " .. 15 - i .. " seconds.") delay = delay + 1000 end doAddCondition(pid, condition) addEvent(doTeleportThing, 15000, pid, DUNGEON.POS) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 15000, DUNGEON.POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. players .. ";") if(CONFIG.QUIT_POS) then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9001, getPlayerPosition(pid).x) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9002, getPlayerPosition(pid).y) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9003, getPlayerPosition(pid).z) end setPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, 1) end end return true end CreatureEvents function onLogout(cid) query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") if(query:getID() == -1) then return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") return true end function onLeaveParty(cid) if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, -1) if(CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, os.time() + CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You've been marked with deserter debuff for " .. CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME / 3600 .. " hour/s. For this time you can't join the queue again.") end TMP_POS = CONFIG.QUIT_POS and {x = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9001), y = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9002), z = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9003)} or getPlayerMasterPos(cid) doTeleportThing(cid, TMP_POS) doSendMagicEffect(TMP_POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) for i = 9001, 9003 do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, -1) end end return true end lib: CONFIG = { AREA = false, -- if false then everyone can join queue everywhere, if you want certain area add AREA = {FROMPOS = {}, TOPOS = {}} PZ_REQUIRED = false, -- requirement of standing in pz, if you don't want it just set PZ_REQUIRED = false REQUIRED_LEVEL = 30, -- required level to join the queue, if you don't want it just set REQUIRED_LEVEL = false SKULL = 1, -- skull that is not acceptable while joining queue, if you want players join with skulls just set SKULL = false IN_FIGHT = true, -- if player is in fight he can't join the queue, IN_FIGHT = false to disable QUIT_POS = false, -- if you want player to go back to his previous position (from which he got teleported to the dungeon) set QUIT_POS = true, if set to false it'll teleport player to his temple DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME = 1800, -- 60 = 1 min, 3600 = 1h DUNGEON_STORAGE = 9005 } Agora nas sources (c++)luascript.cppProcure por: //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerJoinParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty); E insira isto depois: //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerInviteToParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty); E procure por: int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerJoinParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } E insira isto depois: int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerInviteToParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } Agora em creatureevent.h Procure por: CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH, E insira isto depois CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY Procure por: bool playerLogout(Player* player, bool forceLogout); E insira isto depois: uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); Procure por: uint32_t executePrepareDeath(Creature* creature, DeathList deathList); E insira isto depois: uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); creatureevent.cppProcure por: else if(tmpStr == "preparedeath") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH; Insira isto logo em seguida: else if(tmpStr == "leaveparty") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY; Procure por: case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "onPrepareDeath"; E insira isto logo após: case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "onLeaveParty"; Busque por: case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "cid, deathList"; Insira isto logo em seguida: case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "cid"; Busque essa função: uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeFollow(Creature* creature, Creature* target)... E insira isso, após a função acima: uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeLeaveParty(Player* player) { //onLeaveParty(cid) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ std::stringstream desc; desc << player->getName(); env->setEventDesc(desc.str()); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(1); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { std::cout << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeAdvance] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } } game.cppAltere esse bloco bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Para esse: bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; CreatureEventList leavePartyEvents = player->getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = leavePartyEvents.begin(); it != leavePartyEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeLeaveParty(player); return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Todos os créditos vão para Tekman, pela autoria do código. Editado Setembro 4, 2015 por pekeboi nociam reagiu a isso 1 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Mudrock 326 Postado Setembro 4, 2015 Share Postado Setembro 4, 2015 Recomendo deixar os codes em Spoiler para não gerar uma pagina gigante de post Abraçoss Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Felipe Moraes 151 Postado Setembro 4, 2015 Autor Share Postado Setembro 4, 2015 (editado) Realmente, ficou mais legível.Obrigado pela dica.Abraços Editado Setembro 5, 2015 por pekeboi Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Clarym 2 Postado Outubro 15, 2015 Share Postado Outubro 15, 2015 Quais são as tags que coloca em global, talk e creature? E como modifica o script, o básico. Fala mais sobre ele =/ Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 Share Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 Em 04/09/2015 em 08:26, Felipe Moraes disse: Esse script coloca o player em uma fila. Quando entrar outros 5 jogadores na fila, é criada uma party e todos são teleportados para a dungeon. Lembrando que a diferença de nível entre os jogadores é de no máximo 50 levels. Adicione uma nova tabela em seu banco de dados Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATE TABLE `dungeon_finder` (`id` INT(8) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `player_id` INT(255)) Talkactions Mostrar conteúdo oculto function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == "join") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > os.time()) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue with deserter debuff.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.AREA) then if(not(isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), (CONFIG.AREA).FROMPOS, (CONFIG.AREA).TOPOS))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in required area to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.PZ_REQUIRED) then if(not(getTilePzInfo(getPlayerPosition(cid)))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in protection zone to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then if(getPlayerLevel(cid) < CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You don't have required level to join the queue. The minimum level to join the queue is " .. CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL .. ".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.SKULL) then if(getPlayerSkullType(cid) >= CONFIG.SKULL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Murderers are not allowed to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.IN_FIGHT) then if(getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't be in combat in order to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(isInParty(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue while you are in party group.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end if(query:getID() == 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are already listed in queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `dungeon_finder` SET `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed queued in dungeon finder - random mode.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) elseif(param == "remove") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(query:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not listed in the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed removed from queue.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end return true end GlobalEvents Mostrar conteúdo oculto local DUNGEONS = { [1] = {NAME = "Test dungeon", LEVEL = 30, POS = {x = 450, y = 357, z = 15}}, } local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000) function onThink(cid, interval) DUNGEON = DUNGEONS[math.random(1, table.maxn(DUNGEONS))] players = {} for i = 1, 1000 do if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then break end query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `id` = " .. i .. ";") if(query:getID() > -1) then pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id"))) if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then return true end if(getPlayerLevel(pid) > DUNGEON.LEVEL and getPlayerLevel(pid) < DUNGEON.LEVEL + 50) then table.insert(players, getPlayerGUID(pid)) end query:free() end end if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then for i = 1, 5 do pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players)) if(i == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You were chosen to be a dungeon guide.") addEvent(doCreatureSay, 15200, pid, "You and your team were teleported to the " .. DUNGEON.NAME .. ".", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) for j = 2, 5 do lid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[j])) doPlayerInviteToParty(pid, lid) end else doPlayerJoinParty(pid, getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[1]))) end delay = 0 for i = 1, 15 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, delay + 1000, pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "A dungeon group for you has been found. You'll be teleported to the dungeon in " .. 15 - i .. " seconds.") delay = delay + 1000 end doAddCondition(pid, condition) addEvent(doTeleportThing, 15000, pid, DUNGEON.POS) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 15000, DUNGEON.POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. players .. ";") if(CONFIG.QUIT_POS) then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9001, getPlayerPosition(pid).x) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9002, getPlayerPosition(pid).y) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9003, getPlayerPosition(pid).z) end setPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, 1) end end return true end CreatureEvents Mostrar conteúdo oculto function onLogout(cid) query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") if(query:getID() == -1) then return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") return true end function onLeaveParty(cid) if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, -1) if(CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, os.time() + CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You've been marked with deserter debuff for " .. CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME / 3600 .. " hour/s. For this time you can't join the queue again.") end TMP_POS = CONFIG.QUIT_POS and {x = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9001), y = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9002), z = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9003)} or getPlayerMasterPos(cid) doTeleportThing(cid, TMP_POS) doSendMagicEffect(TMP_POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) for i = 9001, 9003 do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, -1) end end return true end lib: CONFIG = { AREA = false, -- if false then everyone can join queue everywhere, if you want certain area add AREA = {FROMPOS = {}, TOPOS = {}} PZ_REQUIRED = false, -- requirement of standing in pz, if you don't want it just set PZ_REQUIRED = false REQUIRED_LEVEL = 30, -- required level to join the queue, if you don't want it just set REQUIRED_LEVEL = false SKULL = 1, -- skull that is not acceptable while joining queue, if you want players join with skulls just set SKULL = false IN_FIGHT = true, -- if player is in fight he can't join the queue, IN_FIGHT = false to disable QUIT_POS = false, -- if you want player to go back to his previous position (from which he got teleported to the dungeon) set QUIT_POS = true, if set to false it'll teleport player to his temple DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME = 1800, -- 60 = 1 min, 3600 = 1h DUNGEON_STORAGE = 9005 } Agora nas sources (c++) luascript.cpp Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerJoinParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerInviteToParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty); E procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerJoinParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerInviteToParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } Agora em creatureevent.h Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH, E insira isto depois Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool playerLogout(Player* player, bool forceLogout); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executePrepareDeath(Creature* creature, DeathList deathList); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); creatureevent.cpp Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "preparedeath") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "leaveparty") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY; Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "onPrepareDeath"; E insira isto logo após: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "onLeaveParty"; Busque por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "cid, deathList"; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "cid"; Busque essa função: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeFollow(Creature* creature, Creature* target)... E insira isso, após a função acima: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeLeaveParty(Player* player) { //onLeaveParty(cid) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ std::stringstream desc; desc << player->getName(); env->setEventDesc(desc.str()); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(1); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { std::cout << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeAdvance] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } } game.cpp Altere esse bloco Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Para esse: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; CreatureEventList leavePartyEvents = player->getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = leavePartyEvents.begin(); it != leavePartyEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeLeaveParty(player); return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Todos os créditos vão para Tekman, pela autoria do código. tenhe como ajudar n base cyan? pokecyan? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
boxxer321 67 Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 Share Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 Testado em que versão? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
mister17 10 Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 Share Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 44 minutos atrás, KaboFlow disse: tenhe como ajudar n base cyan? pokecyan? manda link da base e os erros disro Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 Share Postado Janeiro 27, 2020 1 hora atrás, boxxer321 disse: Testado em que versão? n minha base qe to trabahando.. eu teste aqi mais nao tenho como fazar. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
boxxer321 67 Postado Janeiro 28, 2020 Share Postado Janeiro 28, 2020 Que seria qual versão amigo kkkkk tfs 0.4? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Abril 13, 2020 Share Postado Abril 13, 2020 Em 28/01/2020 em 14:55, boxxer321 disse: Que seria qual versão amigo kkkkk tfs 0.4? sim Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Maio 8, 2020 Share Postado Maio 8, 2020 Em 04/09/2015 em 08:26, Felipe Moraes disse: Esse script coloca o player em uma fila. Quando entrar outros 5 jogadores na fila, é criada uma party e todos são teleportados para a dungeon. Lembrando que a diferença de nível entre os jogadores é de no máximo 50 levels. Adicione uma nova tabela em seu banco de dados Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATE TABLE `dungeon_finder` (`id` INT(8) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `player_id` INT(255)) Talkactions Mostrar conteúdo oculto function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == "join") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > os.time()) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue with deserter debuff.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.AREA) then if(not(isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), (CONFIG.AREA).FROMPOS, (CONFIG.AREA).TOPOS))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in required area to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.PZ_REQUIRED) then if(not(getTilePzInfo(getPlayerPosition(cid)))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in protection zone to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then if(getPlayerLevel(cid) < CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You don't have required level to join the queue. The minimum level to join the queue is " .. CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL .. ".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.SKULL) then if(getPlayerSkullType(cid) >= CONFIG.SKULL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Murderers are not allowed to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.IN_FIGHT) then if(getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't be in combat in order to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(isInParty(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue while you are in party group.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end if(query:getID() == 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are already listed in queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `dungeon_finder` SET `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed queued in dungeon finder - random mode.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) elseif(param == "remove") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(query:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not listed in the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed removed from queue.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end return true end GlobalEvents Mostrar conteúdo oculto local DUNGEONS = { [1] = {NAME = "Test dungeon", LEVEL = 30, POS = {x = 450, y = 357, z = 15}}, } local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000) function onThink(cid, interval) DUNGEON = DUNGEONS[math.random(1, table.maxn(DUNGEONS))] players = {} for i = 1, 1000 do if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then break end query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `id` = " .. i .. ";") if(query:getID() > -1) then pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id"))) if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then return true end if(getPlayerLevel(pid) > DUNGEON.LEVEL and getPlayerLevel(pid) < DUNGEON.LEVEL + 50) then table.insert(players, getPlayerGUID(pid)) end query:free() end end if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then for i = 1, 5 do pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players)) if(i == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You were chosen to be a dungeon guide.") addEvent(doCreatureSay, 15200, pid, "You and your team were teleported to the " .. DUNGEON.NAME .. ".", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) for j = 2, 5 do lid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[j])) doPlayerInviteToParty(pid, lid) end else doPlayerJoinParty(pid, getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[1]))) end delay = 0 for i = 1, 15 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, delay + 1000, pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "A dungeon group for you has been found. You'll be teleported to the dungeon in " .. 15 - i .. " seconds.") delay = delay + 1000 end doAddCondition(pid, condition) addEvent(doTeleportThing, 15000, pid, DUNGEON.POS) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 15000, DUNGEON.POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. players .. ";") if(CONFIG.QUIT_POS) then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9001, getPlayerPosition(pid).x) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9002, getPlayerPosition(pid).y) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9003, getPlayerPosition(pid).z) end setPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, 1) end end return true end CreatureEvents Mostrar conteúdo oculto function onLogout(cid) query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") if(query:getID() == -1) then return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") return true end function onLeaveParty(cid) if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, -1) if(CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, os.time() + CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You've been marked with deserter debuff for " .. CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME / 3600 .. " hour/s. For this time you can't join the queue again.") end TMP_POS = CONFIG.QUIT_POS and {x = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9001), y = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9002), z = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9003)} or getPlayerMasterPos(cid) doTeleportThing(cid, TMP_POS) doSendMagicEffect(TMP_POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) for i = 9001, 9003 do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, -1) end end return true end lib: CONFIG = { AREA = false, -- if false then everyone can join queue everywhere, if you want certain area add AREA = {FROMPOS = {}, TOPOS = {}} PZ_REQUIRED = false, -- requirement of standing in pz, if you don't want it just set PZ_REQUIRED = false REQUIRED_LEVEL = 30, -- required level to join the queue, if you don't want it just set REQUIRED_LEVEL = false SKULL = 1, -- skull that is not acceptable while joining queue, if you want players join with skulls just set SKULL = false IN_FIGHT = true, -- if player is in fight he can't join the queue, IN_FIGHT = false to disable QUIT_POS = false, -- if you want player to go back to his previous position (from which he got teleported to the dungeon) set QUIT_POS = true, if set to false it'll teleport player to his temple DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME = 1800, -- 60 = 1 min, 3600 = 1h DUNGEON_STORAGE = 9005 } Agora nas sources (c++) luascript.cpp Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerJoinParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerInviteToParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty); E procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerJoinParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerInviteToParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } Agora em creatureevent.h Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH, E insira isto depois Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool playerLogout(Player* player, bool forceLogout); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executePrepareDeath(Creature* creature, DeathList deathList); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); creatureevent.cpp Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "preparedeath") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "leaveparty") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY; Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "onPrepareDeath"; E insira isto logo após: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "onLeaveParty"; Busque por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "cid, deathList"; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "cid"; Busque essa função: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeFollow(Creature* creature, Creature* target)... E insira isso, após a função acima: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeLeaveParty(Player* player) { //onLeaveParty(cid) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ std::stringstream desc; desc << player->getName(); env->setEventDesc(desc.str()); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(1); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { std::cout << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeAdvance] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } } game.cpp Altere esse bloco Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Para esse: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; CreatureEventList leavePartyEvents = player->getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = leavePartyEvents.begin(); it != leavePartyEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeLeaveParty(player); return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Todos os créditos vão para Tekman, pela autoria do código. sim sources (c++) nao se compilar :S Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Junho 7, 2020 Share Postado Junho 7, 2020 Em 04/09/2015 em 08:26, Felipe Moraes disse: Esse script coloca o player em uma fila. Quando entrar outros 5 jogadores na fila, é criada uma party e todos são teleportados para a dungeon. Lembrando que a diferença de nível entre os jogadores é de no máximo 50 levels. Adicione uma nova tabela em seu banco de dados Ocultar conteúdo CREATE TABLE `dungeon_finder` (`id` INT(8) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `player_id` INT(255)) Talkactions Ocultar conteúdo function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == "join") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > os.time()) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue with deserter debuff.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.AREA) then if(not(isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), (CONFIG.AREA).FROMPOS, (CONFIG.AREA).TOPOS))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in required area to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.PZ_REQUIRED) then if(not(getTilePzInfo(getPlayerPosition(cid)))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in protection zone to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then if(getPlayerLevel(cid) < CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You don't have required level to join the queue. The minimum level to join the queue is " .. CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL .. ".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.SKULL) then if(getPlayerSkullType(cid) >= CONFIG.SKULL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Murderers are not allowed to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.IN_FIGHT) then if(getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't be in combat in order to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(isInParty(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue while you are in party group.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end if(query:getID() == 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are already listed in queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `dungeon_finder` SET `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed queued in dungeon finder - random mode.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) elseif(param == "remove") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(query:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not listed in the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed removed from queue.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end return true end GlobalEvents Ocultar conteúdo local DUNGEONS = { [1] = {NAME = "Test dungeon", LEVEL = 30, POS = {x = 450, y = 357, z = 15}}, } local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000) function onThink(cid, interval) DUNGEON = DUNGEONS[math.random(1, table.maxn(DUNGEONS))] players = {} for i = 1, 1000 do if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then break end query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `id` = " .. i .. ";") if(query:getID() > -1) then pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id"))) if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then return true end if(getPlayerLevel(pid) > DUNGEON.LEVEL and getPlayerLevel(pid) < DUNGEON.LEVEL + 50) then table.insert(players, getPlayerGUID(pid)) end query:free() end end if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then for i = 1, 5 do pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players)) if(i == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You were chosen to be a dungeon guide.") addEvent(doCreatureSay, 15200, pid, "You and your team were teleported to the " .. DUNGEON.NAME .. ".", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) for j = 2, 5 do lid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[j])) doPlayerInviteToParty(pid, lid) end else doPlayerJoinParty(pid, getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[1]))) end delay = 0 for i = 1, 15 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, delay + 1000, pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "A dungeon group for you has been found. You'll be teleported to the dungeon in " .. 15 - i .. " seconds.") delay = delay + 1000 end doAddCondition(pid, condition) addEvent(doTeleportThing, 15000, pid, DUNGEON.POS) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 15000, DUNGEON.POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. players .. ";") if(CONFIG.QUIT_POS) then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9001, getPlayerPosition(pid).x) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9002, getPlayerPosition(pid).y) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9003, getPlayerPosition(pid).z) end setPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, 1) end end return true end CreatureEvents Ocultar conteúdo function onLogout(cid) query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") if(query:getID() == -1) then return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") return true end function onLeaveParty(cid) if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, -1) if(CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, os.time() + CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You've been marked with deserter debuff for " .. CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME / 3600 .. " hour/s. For this time you can't join the queue again.") end TMP_POS = CONFIG.QUIT_POS and {x = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9001), y = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9002), z = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9003)} or getPlayerMasterPos(cid) doTeleportThing(cid, TMP_POS) doSendMagicEffect(TMP_POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) for i = 9001, 9003 do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, -1) end end return true end lib: CONFIG = { AREA = false, -- if false then everyone can join queue everywhere, if you want certain area add AREA = {FROMPOS = {}, TOPOS = {}} PZ_REQUIRED = false, -- requirement of standing in pz, if you don't want it just set PZ_REQUIRED = false REQUIRED_LEVEL = 30, -- required level to join the queue, if you don't want it just set REQUIRED_LEVEL = false SKULL = 1, -- skull that is not acceptable while joining queue, if you want players join with skulls just set SKULL = false IN_FIGHT = true, -- if player is in fight he can't join the queue, IN_FIGHT = false to disable QUIT_POS = false, -- if you want player to go back to his previous position (from which he got teleported to the dungeon) set QUIT_POS = true, if set to false it'll teleport player to his temple DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME = 1800, -- 60 = 1 min, 3600 = 1h DUNGEON_STORAGE = 9005 } Agora nas sources (c++) luascript.cpp Procure por: Ocultar conteúdo //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerJoinParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty); E insira isto depois: Ocultar conteúdo //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerInviteToParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty); E procure por: Ocultar conteúdo int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerJoinParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } E insira isto depois: Ocultar conteúdo int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerInviteToParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } Agora em creatureevent.h Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH, E insira isto depois Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool playerLogout(Player* player, bool forceLogout); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executePrepareDeath(Creature* creature, DeathList deathList); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); creatureevent.cpp Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "preparedeath") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "leaveparty") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY; Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "onPrepareDeath"; E insira isto logo após: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "onLeaveParty"; Busque por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "cid, deathList"; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "cid"; Busque essa função: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeFollow(Creature* creature, Creature* target)... E insira isso, após a função acima: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeLeaveParty(Player* player) { //onLeaveParty(cid) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ std::stringstream desc; desc << player->getName(); env->setEventDesc(desc.str()); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(1); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { std::cout << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeAdvance] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } } game.cpp Altere esse bloco Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Para esse: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; CreatureEventList leavePartyEvents = player->getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = leavePartyEvents.begin(); it != leavePartyEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeLeaveParty(player); return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Todos os créditos vão para Tekman, pela autoria do código. algem ajuda aqui ta dando error C:\Users\carlos\Desktop\PXM 0.1\Projecto PDA\PxT Sources\luascript.cpp:2161: error: 'luaDoPlayerInviteToParty' is not a member of 'LuaScriptInterface' C:\Users\carlos\Desktop\PXM 0.1\Projecto PDA\PxT Sources\luascript.cpp: At global scope: C:\Users\carlos\Desktop\PXM 0.1\Projecto PDA\PxT Sources\luascript.cpp:8398: error: no 'int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State*)' member function declared in class 'LuaScriptInterface' Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Junho 11, 2020 Share Postado Junho 11, 2020 Em 04/09/2015 em 08:26, Felipe Moraes disse: Esse script coloca o player em uma fila. Quando entrar outros 5 jogadores na fila, é criada uma party e todos são teleportados para a dungeon. Lembrando que a diferença de nível entre os jogadores é de no máximo 50 levels. Adicione uma nova tabela em seu banco de dados Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATE TABLE `dungeon_finder` (`id` INT(8) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `player_id` INT(255)) Talkactions Mostrar conteúdo oculto function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == "join") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > os.time()) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue with deserter debuff.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.AREA) then if(not(isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), (CONFIG.AREA).FROMPOS, (CONFIG.AREA).TOPOS))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in required area to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.PZ_REQUIRED) then if(not(getTilePzInfo(getPlayerPosition(cid)))) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not in protection zone to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then if(getPlayerLevel(cid) < CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You don't have required level to join the queue. The minimum level to join the queue is " .. CONFIG.REQUIRED_LEVEL .. ".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.SKULL) then if(getPlayerSkullType(cid) >= CONFIG.SKULL) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Murderers are not allowed to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(CONFIG.IN_FIGHT) then if(getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't be in combat in order to join the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end end if(isInParty(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't join queue while you are in party group.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end if(query:getID() == 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are already listed in queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `dungeon_finder` SET `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed queued in dungeon finder - random mode.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) elseif(param == "remove") then query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "") if(query:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not listed in the queue.") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doCreatureSay(cid, "You've beed removed from queue.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end return true end GlobalEvents Mostrar conteúdo oculto local DUNGEONS = { [1] = {NAME = "Test dungeon", LEVEL = 30, POS = {x = 450, y = 357, z = 15}}, } local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 15000) function onThink(cid, interval) DUNGEON = DUNGEONS[math.random(1, table.maxn(DUNGEONS))] players = {} for i = 1, 1000 do if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then break end query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `id` = " .. i .. ";") if(query:getID() > -1) then pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id"))) if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) > 1) then return true end if(getPlayerLevel(pid) > DUNGEON.LEVEL and getPlayerLevel(pid) < DUNGEON.LEVEL + 50) then table.insert(players, getPlayerGUID(pid)) end query:free() end end if(table.maxn(players) == 5) then for i = 1, 5 do pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players)) if(i == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You were chosen to be a dungeon guide.") addEvent(doCreatureSay, 15200, pid, "You and your team were teleported to the " .. DUNGEON.NAME .. ".", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) for j = 2, 5 do lid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[j])) doPlayerInviteToParty(pid, lid) end else doPlayerJoinParty(pid, getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(players[1]))) end delay = 0 for i = 1, 15 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, delay + 1000, pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "A dungeon group for you has been found. You'll be teleported to the dungeon in " .. 15 - i .. " seconds.") delay = delay + 1000 end doAddCondition(pid, condition) addEvent(doTeleportThing, 15000, pid, DUNGEON.POS) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 15000, DUNGEON.POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. players .. ";") if(CONFIG.QUIT_POS) then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9001, getPlayerPosition(pid).x) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9002, getPlayerPosition(pid).y) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 9003, getPlayerPosition(pid).z) end setPlayerStorageValue(pid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, 1) end end return true end CreatureEvents Mostrar conteúdo oculto function onLogout(cid) query = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") if(query:getID() == -1) then return true end db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `dungeon_finder` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") return true end function onLeaveParty(cid) if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE) == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, -1) if(CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, CONFIG.DUNGEON_STORAGE, os.time() + CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You've been marked with deserter debuff for " .. CONFIG.DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME / 3600 .. " hour/s. For this time you can't join the queue again.") end TMP_POS = CONFIG.QUIT_POS and {x = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9001), y = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9002), z = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9003)} or getPlayerMasterPos(cid) doTeleportThing(cid, TMP_POS) doSendMagicEffect(TMP_POS, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) for i = 9001, 9003 do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, -1) end end return true end lib: CONFIG = { AREA = false, -- if false then everyone can join queue everywhere, if you want certain area add AREA = {FROMPOS = {}, TOPOS = {}} PZ_REQUIRED = false, -- requirement of standing in pz, if you don't want it just set PZ_REQUIRED = false REQUIRED_LEVEL = 30, -- required level to join the queue, if you don't want it just set REQUIRED_LEVEL = false SKULL = 1, -- skull that is not acceptable while joining queue, if you want players join with skulls just set SKULL = false IN_FIGHT = true, -- if player is in fight he can't join the queue, IN_FIGHT = false to disable QUIT_POS = false, -- if you want player to go back to his previous position (from which he got teleported to the dungeon) set QUIT_POS = true, if set to false it'll teleport player to his temple DESERTER_DEBUFF_TIME = 1800, -- 60 = 1 min, 3600 = 1h DUNGEON_STORAGE = 9005 } Agora nas sources (c++) luascript.cpp Procure por: Ocultar conteúdo //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerJoinParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty); E insira isto depois: Ocultar conteúdo //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerInviteToParty", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty); E procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerJoinParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerJoinParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L) { //doPlayerInviteToParty(cid, pid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerInviteToParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } Agora em creatureevent.h Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH, E insira isto depois Mostrar conteúdo oculto CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool playerLogout(Player* player, bool forceLogout); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executePrepareDeath(Creature* creature, DeathList deathList); E insira isto depois: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t executeLeaveParty(Player* player); creatureevent.cpp Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "preparedeath") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto else if(tmpStr == "leaveparty") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY; Procure por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "onPrepareDeath"; E insira isto logo após: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "onLeaveParty"; Busque por: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "cid, deathList"; Insira isto logo em seguida: Mostrar conteúdo oculto case CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY: return "cid"; Busque essa função: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeFollow(Creature* creature, Creature* target)... E insira isso, após a função acima: Mostrar conteúdo oculto uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeLeaveParty(Player* player) { //onLeaveParty(cid) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ std::stringstream desc; desc << player->getName(); env->setEventDesc(desc.str()); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(1); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { std::cout << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeAdvance] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } } game.cpp Altere esse bloco Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Para esse: Mostrar conteúdo oculto bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t playerId) { Player* player = getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!player || player->isRemoved()) return false; if(!player->getParty() || player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) return false; CreatureEventList leavePartyEvents = player->getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_LEAVEPARTY); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = leavePartyEvents.begin(); it != leavePartyEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeLeaveParty(player); return player->getParty()->leave(player); } Todos os créditos vão para Tekman, pela autoria do código. meu source ta asim ajuda Spoiler //doPlayerJoinParty(cid, lid) ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv(); Player* leader = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!leader) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)); if(!player) { errorEx(getError(LUA_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND)); lua_pushboolean(L, false); } g_game.playerJoinParty(player->getID(), leader->getID()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Hyaki 19 Postado Junho 11, 2020 Share Postado Junho 11, 2020 (editado) @KaboFlow Seu erro é o mais simples de todo, se soubesse interpretar o mesmo teria resolvido e não ficaria floodando (4 posts seguidos) no tópico! Mas resolvendo o erro em luascript.h procure por: static int32_t luaDoRemoveItem(lua_State* L); E adicione embaixo: static int32_t luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L); Editado Junho 11, 2020 por Henrique GOD Vitor reagiu a isso 1 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
KaboFlow 54 Postado Fevereiro 21, 2021 Share Postado Fevereiro 21, 2021 Em 11/06/2020 em 08:20, Little Berserk disse: @KaboFlow Seu erro é o mais simples de todo, se soubesse interpretar o mesmo teria resolvido e não ficaria floodando (4 posts seguidos) no tópico! Mas resolvendo o erro em luascript.h procure por: static int32_t luaDoRemoveItem(lua_State* L); E adicione embaixo: static int32_t luaDoPlayerInviteToParty(lua_State* L); error Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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