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dúvida Como bloquear criação de nomes de monstros e de players com '
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Bom galera como o titulo já diz alguem poderia me dizer como bloquear criação de novos personagens com nome de monstro e com ' ?
Plataforma usada: Znote
<?php require_once 'engine/init.php';
include 'layout/overall/header.php';
if (empty($_POST) === false) {
// $_POST['']
$required_fields = array('name', 'selected_town');
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {
if (empty($value) && in_array($key, $required_fields) === true) {
$errors[] = 'You need to fill in all fields.';
break 1;
// check errors (= user exist, pass long enough
if (empty($errors) === true) {
if (!Token::isValid($_POST['token'])) {
$errors[] = 'Token is invalid.';
$_POST['name'] = validate_name($_POST['name']);
if ($_POST['name'] === false) {
$errors[] = 'Your name can not contain more than 2 words.';
} else {
if (user_character_exist($_POST['name']) === true) {
$errors[] = 'Sorry, that character name already exist.';
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_ ]+$/", $_POST['name'])) {
$errors[] = 'Your name may only contain a-z, A-Z and spaces.';
if (strlen($_POST['name']) < $config['minL'] || strlen($_POST['name']) > $config['maxL']) {
$errors[] = 'Your character name must be between 4 - 20 characters long.';
// name restriction
$resname = explode(" ", $_POST['name']);
foreach($resname as $res) {
if(in_array(strtolower($res), $config['invalidNameTags'])) {
$errors[] = 'Your username contains a restricted word.';
else if(strlen($res) == 1) {
$errors[] = 'Too short words in your name.';
// Validate vocation id
if (!in_array((int)$_POST['selected_vocation'], $config['available_vocations'])) {
$errors[] = 'Permission Denied. Wrong vocation.';
// Validate town id
if (!in_array((int)$_POST['selected_town'], $config['available_towns'])) {
$errors[] = 'Permission Denied. Wrong town.';
// Validate gender id
if (!in_array((int)$_POST['selected_gender'], array(0, 1))) {
$errors[] = 'Permission Denied. Wrong gender.';
if (vocation_id_to_name($_POST['selected_vocation']) === false) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to recognize that vocation, does it exist?';
if (town_id_to_name($_POST['selected_town']) === false) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to recognize that town, does it exist?';
if (gender_exist($_POST['selected_gender']) === false) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to recognize that gender, does it exist?';
// Char count
$char_count = user_character_list_count($session_user_id);
if ($char_count >= $config['max_characters']) {
$errors[] = 'Your account is not allowed to have more than '. $config['max_characters'] .' characters.';
if (validate_ip(getIP()) === false && $config['validate_IP'] === true) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to recognize your IP address. (Not a valid IPv4 address).';
<h1>Create Character</h1>
if (isset($_GET['success']) && empty($_GET['success'])) {
echo 'Congratulations! Your character has been created. See you in-game!';
} else {
if (empty($_POST) === false && empty($errors) === true) {
if ($config['log_ip']) {
$character_data = array(
'name' => format_character_name($_POST['name']),
'account_id'=> $session_user_id,
'vocation' => $_POST['selected_vocation'],
'town_id' => $_POST['selected_town'],
'sex' => $_POST['selected_gender'],
'lastip' => ip2long(getIP()),
'created' => time()
header('Location: createcharacter.php?success');
//End register
} else if (empty($errors) === false){
echo '<font color="red"><b>';
echo output_errors($errors);
echo '</b></font>';
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name">
<!-- Available vocations to select from when creating character -->
<select name="selected_vocation">
<?php foreach ($config['available_vocations'] as $id) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo vocation_id_to_name($id); ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<!-- Available genders to select from when creating character -->
<select name="selected_gender">
<option value="1">Male(boy)</option>
<option value="0">Female(girl)</option>
<!-- Available towns to select from when creating character -->
<select name="selected_town">
<?php foreach ($config['available_towns'] as $tid) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $tid; ?>"><?php echo town_id_to_name($tid); ?></option>
<?php } ?>
/* Form file */
<input type="submit" value="Create Character">
include 'layout/overall/footer.php'; ?>
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