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Please Help Não Achei Nenhum Funcional! ( Unique Item ) " Pokemon "



Please Help Não achei nenhum funcional! ( Unique Item ).

Quero criar uma Poke Ball Unica, que não pode ser jogada no chão e nem comercializada ( trade ) e que só possa ser transferida da BP para o Centro Pokemon (DP).

para os jogadores que estão iniciando...

achei um script porém ele não funcionou...

vou postar ele aqui, mas gostaria de soluções!


PS: quem me ajudar vai ganhar Rep+ happy.png

PS²: o Item Editor não funciona... pelo menos nenhum que eu baixei ;X


Segue o código que eu achei e que não funcionou!


local uniqueitems =[XXXX,XXXX,XXXX]

function onDeEquip(cid, item)

if item.itemid == uniqueitems then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, this is an unique item.")





tag: <movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="XXXX,XXXX,XXXX " event="script" value="item.lua"/>


Depois na mesma pasta crie trade.lua e adicione:


function onTradeAccept(cid, target, item, targetItem)

if item.itemid == XXXX or targetItem.itemid == XXXX or targetItem.itemid == XXXX then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you cannot trade this item.")





tag: <movevent type="TradeAccept" itemid="XXXX,XXXX,XXXX" event="script" value="trade.lua"/>

Editado por DidoGunner
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Va em crie um item novo depois em seu propio itemeditor coloque a o item como not moveable que nao se mexer assim ela nao da trade e nem se joga no chao.

Para mover ao centro pokemon eu crio um talkations especializada para isso.

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Consegui man.... o Item não se mexe... porém ai se torna um grande problema ;X como o player vai usar o pokemon? e como ele pode guardar o pokemon no Centro pokémon? (DP )


se puder ajudar...


vlw ^^

Editado por DidoGunner
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Olha achei uma soluçao melhor ainda.


Se vc me passar seu go/back o script onde player ganha a pokeball


Eu faço uma pokeball que so o verdadeiro dono que pego a pokebal na quest pode usar.

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Não sei colocar como "spoiler" como faz? ;X





local pokes = {

["Bulbasaur"] = {level = 20, cons = 43, vida = 1200},

["Ivysaur"] = {level = 40, cons = 86, vida = 2600},

["Venusaur"] = {level = 85, cons = 189, vida = 5200},

["Charmander"] = {level = 20, cons = 30, vida = 970},

["Charmeleon"] = {level = 40, cons = 70, vida = 2900},

["Charizard"] = {level = 85, cons = 140, vida = 5200},

["Squirtle"] = {level = 20, cons = 47, vida = 1350},

["Wartortle"] = {level = 40, cons = 93, vida = 2800},

["Blastoise"] = {level = 85, cons = 194, vida = 5900},

["Caterpie"] = {level = 1, cons = 13, vida = 300},

["Metapod"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 1100},

["Butterfree"] = {level = 30, cons = 56, vida = 2000},

["Weedle"] = {level = 1, cons = 16, vida = 325},

["Kakuna"] = {level = 10, cons = 32, vida = 900},

["Beedrill"] = {level = 30, cons = 64, vida = 1900},

["Shiny Beedril"] = {level = 30, cons = 64, vida = 1900},

["Pidgey"] = {level = 1, cons = 22, vida = 380},

["Pidgeotto"] = {level = 20, cons = 47, vida = 1400},

["Pidgeot"] = {level = 65, cons = 101, vida = 3800},

["Rattata"] = {level = 1, cons = 19, vida = 350},

["Raticate"] = {level = 20, cons = 68, vida = 900},

["Spearow"] = {level = 5, cons = 22, vida = 450},

["Fearow"] = {level = 50, cons = 95, vida = 3300},

["Ekans"] = {level = 12, cons = 27, vida = 600},

["Arbok"] = {level = 30, cons = 87, vida = 2900},

["Pikachu"] = {level = 20, cons = 32, vida = 900},

["Raichu"] = {level = 50, cons = 99, vida = 3200},

["Sandshrew"] = {level = 18, cons = 30, vida = 700},

["Sandslash"] = {level = 55, cons = 96, vida = 3400},

["Nidoran Female"] = {level = 10, cons = 27, vida = 600},

["Nidorina"] = {level = 25, cons = 58, vida = 2000},

["Nidoqueen"] = {level = 65, cons = 146, vida = 4200},

["Nidoran Male"] = {level = 10, cons = 34, vida = 650},

["Nidorino"] = {level = 25, cons = 74, vida = 2500},

["Nidoking"] = {level = 65, cons = 169, vida = 4800},

["Shiny Nidoking"] = {level = 65, cons = 169, vida = 4800},

["Clefairy"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 600},

["Clefable"] = {level = 35, cons = 90, vida = 2400},

["Vulpix"] = {level = 20, cons = 32, vida = 680},

["Ninetales"] = {level = 65, cons = 121, vida = 3400},

["Jigglypuff"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 550},

["Wigglytuff"] = {level = 42, cons = 95, vida = 2900},

["Zubat"] = {level = 5, cons = 28, vida = 450},

["Golbat"] = {level = 30, cons = 70, vida = 1900},

["Oddish"] = {level = 5, cons = 21, vida = 340},

["Gloom"] = {level = 18, cons = 51, vida = 1400},

["Vileplume"] = {level = 50, cons = 96, vida = 3300},

["Paras"] = {level = 1, cons = 40, vida = 850},

["Parasect"] = {level = 50, cons = 110, vida = 3800},

["Venonat"] = {level = 18, cons = 50, vida = 1350},

["Venomoth"] = {level = 50, cons = 125, vida = 3850},

["Diglett"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 900},

["Dugtrio"] = {level = 35, cons = 110, vida = 3450},

["Meowth"] = {level = 12, cons = 52, vida = 2000},

["Persian"] = {level = 30, cons = 85, vida = 2250},

["Psyduck"] = {level = 12, cons = 50, vida = 950},

["Golduck"] = {level = 55, cons = 150, vida = 4000},

["Mankey"] = {level = 10, cons = 60, vida = 1050},

["Primeape"] = {level = 45, cons = 155, vida = 4500},

["Growlithe"] = {level = 20, cons = 60, vida = 1000},

["Arcanine"] = {level = 80, cons = 170, vida = 6800},

["Poliwag"] = {level = 5, cons = 20, vida = 400},

["Poliwhirl"] = {level = 20, cons = 44, vida = 1200},

["Poliwrath"] = {level = 65, cons = 138, vida = 4400},

["Abra"] = {level = 15, cons = 20, vida = 620},

["Kadabra"] = {level = 50, cons = 57, vida = 2500},

["Alakazam"] = {level = 80, cons = 94, vida = 4000},

["Shiny Alakazam"] = {level = 100, cons = 94, vida = 25000},

["Dark Alakazam"] = {level = 250, cons = 94, vida = 90000},

["Machop"] = {level = 18, cons = 60, vida = 1100},

["Machoke"] = {level = 40, cons = 110, vida = 3500},

["Machamp"] = {level = 70, cons = 185, vida = 7500},

["Bellsprout"] = {level = 5, cons = 24, vida = 420},

["Weepinbell"] = {level = 18, cons = 49, vida = 1100},

["Victreebel"] = {level = 50, cons = 117, vida = 4000},

["Shiny Victreebel"] = {level = 50, cons = 117, vida = 4000},

["Tentacool"] = {level = 12, cons = 52, vida = 1050},

["Tentacruel"] = {level = 80, cons = 165, vida = 7050},

["Geodude"] = {level = 15, cons = 30, vida = 700},

["Graveler"] = {level = 40, cons = 82, vida = 3000},

["Golem"] = {level = 70, cons = 111, vida = 6500},

["Shiny Golem"] = {level = 70, cons = 111, vida = 6500},

["Ponyta"] = {level = 20, cons = 60, vida = 1400},

["Rapidash"] = {level = 60, cons = 160, vida = 5500},

["Slowpoke"] = {level = 12, cons = 55, vida = 1200},

["Slowbro"] = {level = 45, cons = 110, vida = 4600},

["Magnemite"] = {level = 15, cons = 27, vida = 450},

["Magneton"] = {level = 40, cons = 67, vida = 1750},

["Farfetchd"] = {level = 40, cons = 95, vida = 3000},

["Doduo"] = {level = 12, cons = 31, vida = 600},

["Dodrio"] = {level = 45, cons = 78, vida = 2650},

["Seel"] = {level = 20, cons = 50, vida = 1000},

["Dewgong"] = {level = 65, cons = 135, vida = 5200},

["Grimer"] = {level = 12, cons = 30, vida = 600},

["Muk"] = {level = 30, cons = 85, vida = 2400},

["Shellder"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 800},

["Cloyster"] = {level = 65, cons = 155, vida = 5000},

["Gastly"] = {level = 18, cons = 50, vida = 1000},

["Haunter"] = {level = 45, cons = 105, vida = 3000},

["Gengar"] = {level = 80, cons = 175, vida = 7000},

["Onix"] = {level = 50, cons = 150, vida = 5300},

["Crystal Onix"] = {level = 50, cons = 150, vida = 8300},

["Drowzee"] = {level = 22, cons = 58, vida = 1150},

["Hypno"] = {level = 50, cons = 100, vida = 4600},

["Krabby"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 850},

["Kingler"] = {level = 35, cons = 100, vida = 3250},

["Voltorb"] = {level = 14, cons = 30, vida = 620},

["Electrode"] = {level = 38, cons = 76, vida = 2000},

["Exeggcute"] = {level = 8, cons = 42, vida = 800},

["Exeggutor"] = {level = 48, cons = 98, vida = 4000},

["Cubone"] = {level = 18, cons = 58, vida = 1200},

["Marowak"] = {level = 45, cons = 105, vida = 3900},

["Hitmonlee"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Hitmonchan"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Lickitung"] = {level = 45, cons = 100, vida = 4800},

["Koffing"] = {level = 15, cons = 60, vida = 900},

["Weezing"] = {level = 30, cons = 100, vida = 2800},

["Rhyhorn"] = {level = 35, cons = 80, vida = 3800},

["Rhydon"] = {level = 65, cons = 175, vida = 7000},

["Chansey"] = {level = 60, cons = 130, vida = 7500},

["Tangela"] = {level = 40, cons = 85, vida = 3500},

["Kangaskhan"] = {level = 60, cons = 160, vida = 7000},

["Horsea"] = {level = 5, cons = 19, vida = 300},

["Seadra"] = {level = 45, cons = 68, vida = 2500},

["Goldeen"] = {level = 10, cons = 50, vida = 950},

["Seaking"] = {level = 25, cons = 80, vida = 2000},

["Staryu"] = {level = 15, cons = 55, vida = 1050},

["Starmie"] = {level = 45, cons = 95, vida = 3800},

["MrMime"] = {level = 60, cons = 110, vida = 5500},

["Scyther"] = {level = 70, cons = 145, vida = 6500},

["Jynx"] = {level = 65, cons = 125, vida = 6000},

["Elekid"] = {level = 30, cons = 150, vida = 1800},

["Elekid carga max"] = {level = 40, cons = 150, vida = 5500},

["Electabuzz"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 6800},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 9500},

["Magmar"] = {level = 70, cons = 160, vida = 7200},

["Pinsir"] = {level = 42, cons = 95, vida = 4000},

["Tauros"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4200},

["Magikarp"] = {level = 1, cons = 5, vida = 120},

["Gyarados"] = {level = 75, cons = 195, vida = 7800},

["Lapras"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 7000},

["Ditto"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4000},

["Shiny Ditto"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4000},

["Eevee"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1500},

["Vaporeon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500},

["Jolteon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500},

["Flareon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500},

["Porygon"] = {level = 45, cons = 10, vida = 4500},

["Omanyte"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1300},

["Omastar"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Kabuto"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1300},

["Kabutops"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 6500},

["Aerodactyl"] = {level = 100, cons = 190, vida = 8000},

["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {level = 100, cons = 190, vida = 8000},

["Snorlax"] = {level = 85, cons = 200, vida = 9500},

["Shiny Snorlax"] = {level = 85, cons = 200, vida = 9500},

["Articuno"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000},

["Zapdos"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000},

["Moltres"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000},

["Dratini"] = {level = 10, cons = 55, vida = 1200},

["Dragonair"] = {level = 70, cons = 165, vida = 5600},

["Shiny Dragonair"] = {level = 70, cons = 165, vida = 5600},

["Dragonite"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 10800},

["Shiny Dragonite"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 10800},

["Mew"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 7200},

["Mewtwo"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 7200},



["Shiny Charizard"] = {level = 100, cons = 10, vida = 7200},

["Shiny Magikarp"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 2000},

["Shiny Paras"] = {level = 15, cons = 120, vida = 2850},

["Shiny Oddish"] = {level = 15, cons = 65, vida = 1340},

["Shiny Tentacool"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3725},

["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 12050},

["Shiny Raticate"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 2900},

["Shiny Krabby"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 1271},

["Shiny Kingler"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 6750},

["Shiny Horsea"] = {level = 15, cons = 140, vida = 104080},

["Shiny Seadra"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 7500},

["Shiny Gyarados"] = {level = 100, cons = 200, vida = 14600},

["Shiny Parasect"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 6800},

["Shiny Scyther"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 11500},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 10500},

["Shiny Jynx"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 11000},

["Shiny Electrode"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 8000},

["Shiny Voltorb"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 2620},

["Shiny Raichu"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 8200},

["Shiny Venomoth"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 8850},

["Shiny Venonat"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 8850},

["Shiny Beedril"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 5900},

["Shiny Butterfree"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 11000},

["Shiny Venusaur"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 10200},

["Shiny Blastoise"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 16000},

["Shiny Farfetchd"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 7000},

["Shiny Grimer"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 2600},

["Shiny Muk"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 7400},

["Shiny Growlithe"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Shiny Arcanine"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 17000},

["Shiny Dratini"] = {level = 10, cons = 55, vida = 5400},

["Shiny Abra"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3620},

["Elite Hitmonlee"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 16500},

["Elite Hitmonchan"] = {level = 100, cons = 240, vida = 17500},

["Shiny Rattata"] = {level = 10, cons = 28, vida = 900},

["Shiny Zubat"] = {level = 40, cons = 28, vida = 3000},

["Shiny Gengar"] = {level = 85, cons = 140, vida = 14000},


["Aipom"] = {level = 10, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ampharos"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Ariados"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Azumarill"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Bayleef"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Bellossom"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Blissey"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Celebi"] = {level = 300, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Chikorita"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Chinchou"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Cleffa"] = {level = 5, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Corsola"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Crobat"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Croconaw"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Cyndaquil"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Delibird"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Donphan"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Dunsparce"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Elekid"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Entei"] = {level = 300, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Espeon"] = {level = 55, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Feraligatr"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Flaaffy"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Forretress"] ={level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Furret"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Gallade"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Girafarig"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Gligar"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Granbull"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Heracross"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Hitmontop"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ho oh"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Hoothoot"] = {level = 10, cons = 140, vida = 2500},

["Hoppip"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Houndoom"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Houndor"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Igglybuff"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Jumpluff"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Kingdra"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Lanturn"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Larvitar"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ledian"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ledyba"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Lugia"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Magby"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Magcarbo"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Mantine"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Mareep"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Marill"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Meganium"] ={level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Miltank"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Misdreavus"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Murkrow"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Natu"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Noctowl"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Octillery"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Phanpy"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Pichu"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Piloswine"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Pineco"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Politoed"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Porygon2"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Pupitar"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Quaqsire"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Quilava"] ={level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Qwilfish"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Raikou"] ={level = 300, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Remoraid"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Scizor"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Shuckle"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Skarmory"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Skiploom"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Slowking"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Slugma"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Smeargle"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Smoochum"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sneasel"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sentret"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Snubbull"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Spinarak"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Stantler"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Steelix"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sudowoodo"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Suicune"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sunflora"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sunkern"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Swinub"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Teddiursa"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Togepi"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Togetic"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Totodile"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 1000},

["Typhlosion"] ={level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Tyranitar"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Tyrogue"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Umbreon"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown a"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown b"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown c"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown e"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown f"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown g"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown h"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown i"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown j"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown k"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown l"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown m"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown n"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown o"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown p"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown q"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown r"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown s"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown t"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown u"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown v"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown w"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown x"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown y"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ursaring"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Wobbuffet"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Wooper"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Xatu"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Yanma"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Giratina"] = {level = 1, cons = 250, vida = 15000},

["Palkia"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},

["Rayquaza"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},

["Primal Dialga"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},

["Dialga"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},



local msgunica = true

local msgunicago1, msgunicaback1 = "Vai, doka!", "Volte, doka!"

local msgunicago2, msgunicaback2 = "Vamos fazer isso, doka!", "Obrigado pela ajuda, doka!"

local msgunicago3, msgunicaback3 = "doka,Eu escolho voce!!", "Isso é tudo!Volte!!"

local msgunicago4, msgunicaback4 = "Eu presiso de sua ajuda, doka!", "Voce me ajudou muito, doka!"

local msgunicago5, msgunicaback5 = "Vamos lutar, doka!", "Exelente trabalho, doka!"

local msgunicago6, msgunicaback6 = "Hora de lutar, doka!", "Muito bem doka!"


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

for a, b in pairs(ginasios) do

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, == 1 then -- GYM

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't return your pokemon during gym battles.")

return true



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 33) >= 1 then

return true


local random2 = math.random(1,6)

if random2 == 1 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback1

elseif random2 == 2 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback2

elseif random2 == 3 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback3

elseif random2 == 4 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback4

elseif random2 == 5 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback5

elseif random2 == 6 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback6


local random = math.random(1,6)

if random == 1 then

msgunicago = msgunicago1

elseif random == 2 then

msgunicago = msgunicago2

elseif random == 3 then

msgunicago = msgunicago3

elseif random == 4 then

msgunicago = msgunicago4

elseif random == 5 then

msgunicago = msgunicago5

elseif random == 6 then

msgunicago = msgunicago6



if item.itemid == 2222 or item.itemid == 2223 then

gobackeff = 10

elseif item.itemid == 2220 or item.itemid == 2221 then

gobackeff = 191

elseif item.itemid == 2651 or item.itemid == 2652 then

gobackeff = 189

elseif item.itemid == 2653 or item.itemid == 2654 then

gobackeff = 190

elseif item.itemid == 2655 or item.itemid == 2656 then

gobackeff = 195

elseif item.itemid == 11618 or item.itemid == 11619 then

gobackeff = 196

elseif item.itemid == 11621 or item.itemid == 11622 then

gobackeff = 194

elseif item.itemid == 11624 or item.itemid == 11625 then

gobackeff = 192

elseif item.itemid == 11627 or item.itemid == 11628 then

gobackeff = 193


local effect = gobackeff


if item.itemid == 2223 or item.itemid == 2221 or item.itemid == 2652 or item.itemid == 2654 or item.itemid == 2656 or item.itemid == 11619 or item.itemid == 11622 or item.itemid == 11625 or item.itemid == 11628 then


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

local z = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

local pokename = getCreatureName(z)

local mbk = msgunicaback:gsub("doka", pokename)

if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):find(getCreatureName(z)) then

doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid-1)

doCreatureSay(cid, mbk, TALKTYPE_SAY)

local summom = getCreatureSummons(cid)

local maxh = pokes[getCreatureName(summom[1])].vida

local pct2 = ((getCreatureHealth(summom[1])) / (getCreatureMaxHealth(summom[1])))

local vids = ((getCreatureHealth(summom[1])) - 2)

doCreatureAddHealth(summom[1], -vids)

setCreatureMaxHealth(summom[1], maxh)

doCreatureAddHealth(summom[1], ((maxh) * (pct2)))

doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "poke", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(1, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), ".")) .. " HP = ["..getCreatureHealth(z).."/"..getCreatureMaxHealth(z).."]")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61204, 0)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 2, 0)

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(z), effect)


return true




elseif item.itemid == 2222 or item.itemid == 2220 or item.itemid == 2651 or item.itemid == 2653 or item.itemid == 2655 or item.itemid == 11618 or item.itemid == 11621 or item.itemid == 11624 or item.itemid == 11627 then


if item.uid ~= getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You must put your pokeball in the correct place!")

return TRUE




if not canSummon(cid) then

return doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_NOTENOUGHROOM)



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while surfing.")



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 62314) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while flying.")



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You have already summoned a pokemon.")



for i,x in pairs(pokes) do

if i == getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(9, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), "'")-1) then


if getPlayerLevel(cid) < x.level then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need level "..x.level.." or higher to use this pokemon.")

return true


local removed = doCreateItem(1285, 1, getThingPos(cid))

doSummonMonster(cid, i)

local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

doTeleportThing(pk, getClosestFreeTile(pk, getThingPos(cid)), false)

doRemoveItem(removed, 1)

doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, 2)

local maxh = pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vida

local levellife = ((getPlayerLevel(cid)) * (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].cons))

local health = tonumber(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("%[(.-)/"))

doConvinceCreature(cid, pk)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, health-maxh)

local pct = ((getCreatureHealth(pk)) / (getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)))

local vidis = (getCreatureHealth(pk))

setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ((maxh) + (levellife)))

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, 2)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -vidis)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, ((getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) * (pct)) - 2)

doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid+1)

local pokename = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])

local mgo = msgunicago:gsub("doka", pokename)

doCreatureSay(cid, mgo, TALKTYPE_SAY)

doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "poke", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(1, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), ".")))

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pk), effect)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61204, 1)

registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke")

registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp")





return TRUE



Quest Inicial



function onUse (cid,item,frompos,item2,topos)

pos = {x=1391, y=1844, z=7}


UID_DO_BAU = 7860





if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 1 then

if item.uid == UID_DO_BAU then

queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,STORAGE_VALUE)

if queststatus == -1 then


doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Tome algumas poké bolas")




doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Você ja pegou suas poké bolas")






return 1




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local pokes = {

["Flareon"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 6059, health = 5300, maxhealth = 5300},

["Crystal Onix"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 6320, health = 5300, maxhealth = 5300},

["Porygon"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 5963, health = 14000, maxhealth = 4000},

["porygon2"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 2809, health = 14000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Ditto"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 2817, health = 14000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Shiny Ditto"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 2816, health = 14000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Magikarp"] = {chance = 20, corpse = 2818, health = 120, maxhealth = 120},

["Eevee"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 6364, health = 1500, maxhealth = 1500},

["Abra"] = {chance = 900, corpse = 2905, health = 620, maxhealth = 620},

["Kadabra"] = {chance = 5500, corpse = 6060, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500},

["Alakazam"] = {chance = 10705, corpse = 6057, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Shiny Alakazam"] = {chance = 10705, corpse = 6022, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Dark Alakazam"] = {chance = 10705, corpse = 2927, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Rattata"] = {chance = 30, corpse = 5974, health = 350, maxhealth = 350},

["Raticate"] = {chance = 1300, corpse = 6007, health = 900, maxhealth = 900},

["Pidgey"] = {chance = 40.25, corpse = 5961, health = 380, maxhealth = 380},

["Pidgeotto"] = {chance = 1407.5, corpse = 5966, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400},

["Pidgeot"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 6020, health = 3800, maxhealth = 3800},

["Zubat"] = {chance = 75, corpse = 5989, health = 450, maxhealth = 450},

["Golbat"] = {chance = 1090, corpse = 6053, health = 1900, maxhealth = 1900},

["Bellsprout"] = {chance = 82.5, corpse = 2806, health = 420, maxhealth = 420},

["Weepinbell"] = {chance = 1550, corpse = 2928, health = 1100, maxhealth = 1100},

["Victreebel"] = {chance = 7012.5, corpse = 6332, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Shiny Victreebel"] = {chance = 7012.5, corpse = 6333, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Poliwag"] = {chance = 73.75, corpse = 6042, health = 400, maxhealth = 400},

["Poliwhirl"] = {chance = 2012.5, corpse = 6054, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200},

["Poliwrath"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 6033, health = 4400, maxhealth = 4400},

["Oddish"] = {chance = 90, corpse = 3008, health = 340, maxhealth = 340},

["Gloom"] = {chance = 1050, corpse = 6017, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400},

["Vileplume"] = {chance = 7012.5, corpse = 6025, health = 3300, maxhealth = 3300},

["Horsea"] = {chance = 105, corpse = 2973, health = 300, maxhealth = 300},

["Seadra"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 2872, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500},

["Grimer"] = {chance = 605, corpse = 6055, health = 600, maxhealth = 600},

["Weedle"] = {chance = 20, corpse = 5964, health = 325, maxhealth = 325},

["Kakuna"] = {chance = 201.25, corpse = 6000, health = 900, maxhealth = 900},

["Beedrill"] = {chance = 2012.5, corpse = 5990, health = 1900, maxhealth = 1900},

["Muk"] = {chance = 1075, corpse = 2845, health = 2400, maxhealth = 2400},

["Doduo"] = {chance = 701.25, corpse = 2842, health = 600, maxhealth = 600},

["Dodrio"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 6047, health = 2650, maxhealth = 2650},

["Magnemite"] = {chance = 605, corpse = 6056, health = 450, maxhealth = 450},

["Magneton"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 6076, health = 1750, maxhealth = 1750},

["Voltorb"] = {chance = 406.25, corpse = 6049, health = 620, maxhealth = 620},

["Electrode"] = {chance = 2075, corpse = 6051, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000},

["Geodude"] = {chance = 302.5, corpse = 6071, health = 700, maxhealth = 700},

["Graveler"] = {chance = 2012.5, corpse = 6516, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Golem"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 6043, health = 6500, maxhealth = 6500},

["Sandshrew"] = {chance = 906.25, corpse = 5988, health = 700, maxhealth = 700},

["Sandslash"] = {chance = 7075, corpse = 6041, health = 3400, maxhealth = 3400},

["Charmander"] = {chance = 2075, corpse = 5983, health = 970, maxhealth = 970},

["Charmeleon"] = {chance = 5087.5, corpse = 5981, health = 2900, maxhealth = 2900},

["Charizard"] = {chance = 9687.5, corpse = 6005, health = 5200, maxhealth = 5200},

["Vulpix"] = {chance = 950, corpse = 6003, health = 680, maxhealth = 680},

["Ninetales"] = {chance = 9062.5, corpse = 6040, health = 2650, maxhealth = 2650},

["Bulbasaur"] = {chance = 2705, corpse = 5969, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200},

["Ivysaur"] = {chance = 5870.5, corpse = 5982, health = 2600, maxhealth = 2600},

["Venusaur"] = {chance = 14087.5, corpse = 5962, health = 5200, maxhealth = 5200},

["Squirtle"] = {chance = 2705, corpse = 6008, health = 1350, maxhealth = 1350},

["Wartortle"] = {chance = 5807.5, corpse = 5978, health = 2800, maxhealth = 2800},

["Blastoise"] = {chance = 14087.5, corpse = 5999, health = 5900, maxhealth = 5900},

["Growlithe"] = {chance = 3037.5, corpse = 6036, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000},

["Arcanine"] = {chance = 9250, corpse = 6031, health = 6800, maxhealth = 6800},

["Psyduck"] = {chance = 925, corpse = 6029, health = 950, maxhealth = 950},

["Golduck"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 6028, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000},

["Pikachu"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 6001, health = 900, maxhealth = 900},

["Raichu"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 5996, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500},

["Ekans"] = {chance = 406,25, corpse = 5979, health = 600, maxhealth = 600},

["Arbok"] = {chance = 2012.5, corpse = 5984, health = 2900, maxhealth = 2900},

["Cubone"] = {chance = 925, corpse = 6050, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200},

["Marowak"] = {chance = 5025, corpse = 6072, health = 3900, maxhealth = 3900},

["Caterpie"] = {chance = 20, corpse = 5971, health = 300, maxhealth = 300},

["Metapod"] = {chance = 201.25, corpse = 5970, health = 1100, maxhealth = 1100},

["Butterfree"] = {chance = 2102.5, corpse = 5985, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000},

["Goldeen"] = {chance = 72.5, corpse = 2970, health = 950, maxhealth = 950},

["Seaking"] = {chance = 2075, corpse = 3038, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000},

["Spearow"] = {chance = 88.75, corpse = 5968, health = 200, maxhealth = 200},

["Fearow"] = {chance = 6050, corpse = 5992, health = 3300, maxhealth = 3300},

["Drowzee"] = {chance = 937.5, corpse = 6026, health = 1150, maxhealth = 1150},

["Hypno"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 6046, health = 4600, maxhealth = 4600},

["Diglett"] = {chance = 400, corpse = 6023, health = 900, maxhealth = 900},

["Dugtrio"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 6024, health = 3450, maxhealth = 3450},

["Krabby"] = {chance = 86.875, corpse = 6039, health = 850, maxhealth = 850},

["Kingler"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 6340, health = 3250, maxhealth = 3250},

["Paras"] = {chance = 40.25, corpse = 3007, health = 850, maxhealth = 850},

["Parasect"] = {chance = 2012.5, corpse = 6027, health = 3800, maxhealth = 3800},

["Dratini"] = {chance = 3037.5, corpse = 2879, health = 520, maxhealth = 520},

["Dragonair"] = {chance = 9425, corpse = 6002, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Shiny Dragonair"] = {chance = 9425, corpse = 6080, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Dragonite"] = {chance = 35000, corpse = 4295, health = 17000, maxhealth = 17000},

["Shiny Dragonite"] = {chance = 35000, corpse = 6081, health = 17000, maxhealth = 17000},

["Ponyta"] = {chance = 906.25, corpse = 5975, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400},

["Rapidash"] = {chance = 4602.5, corpse = 4323, health = 5500, maxhealth = 5500},

["Pinsir"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 7282, health = 55, maxhealth = 55},

["Seel"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 6030, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000},

["Dewgong"] = {chance = 900, corpse = 6038, health = 5200, maxhealth = 5200},

["Exeggcute"] = {chance = 300, corpse = 2982, health = 800, maxhealth = 800},

["Exeggutor"] = {chance = 7075, corpse = 3005, health = 450, maxhealth = 4000},

["Koffing"] = {chance = 502.5, corpse = 2936, health = 900, maxhealth = 900},

["Weezing"] = {chance = 1605, corpse = 6306, health = 2800, maxhealth = 2800},

["Staryu"] = {chance = 405, corpse = 5987, health = 1050, maxhealth = 1050},

["Starmie"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 7320, health = 3800, maxhealth = 3800},

["Rhyhorn"] = {chance = 1007.5, corpse = 3035, health = 3800, maxhealth = 3800},

["Rhydon"] = {chance = 5500, corpse = 2858, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000},

["Shellder"] = {chance = 505, corpse = 2837, health = 800, maxhealth = 800},

["Snorlax"] = {chance = 33705, corpse = 6016, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000},

["Shiny Snorlax"] = {chance = 33705, corpse = 6304, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000},

["Gyarados"] = {chance = 30000, corpse = 6331, health = 7800, maxhealth = 7800},

["Machop"] = {chance = 906.25, corpse = 6045, health = 1100, maxhealth = 1100},

["Machoke"] = {chance = 5205, corpse = 4251, health = 2850, maxhealth = 3500},

["Machamp"] = {chance = 11500, corpse = 6048, health = 6100, maxhealth = 7500},

["Clefairy"] = {chance = 1075, corpse = 2968, health = 600, maxhealth = 600},

["Clefable"] = {chance = 5050, corpse = 6006, health = 2400, maxhealth = 2400},

["Jigglypuff"] = {chance = 987.5, corpse = 6011, health = 550, maxhealth = 550},

["Wigglytuff"] = {chance = 5025, corpse = 6012, health = 2900, maxhealth = 2900},

["Venonat"] = {chance = 925, corpse = 5997, health = 1350, maxhealth = 1350},

["Venomoth"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 2925, health = 3850, maxhealth = 3850},

["Meowth"] = {chance = 900, corpse = 6034, health = 2000, maxhealth = 950},

["Persian"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 6009, health = 2250, maxhealth = 2250},

["Mankey"] = {chance = 605, corpse = 6035, health = 1050, maxhealth = 1050},

["Primeape"] = {chance = 5205, corpse = 6032, health = 4500, maxhealth = 4500},

["Tentacool"] = {chance = 303.75, corpse = 2961, health = 1050, maxhealth = 1050},

["Tentacruel"] = {chance = 6500, corpse = 6037, health = 7050, maxhealth = 7050},

["Slowpoke"] = {chance = 906.25, corpse = 2926, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200},

["Slowbro"] = {chance = 7102.5, corpse = 5986, health = 4600, maxhealth = 4600},

["Cloyster"] = {chance = 5807.5, corpse = 2932, health = 120, maxhealth = 5000},

["Gastly"] = {chance = 3307.5, corpse = 5993, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000},

["Haunter"] = {chance = 7705, corpse = 6004, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Gengar"] = {chance = 39075, corpse = 6336, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000},

["Onix"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 2990, health = 5300, maxhealth = 5300},

["Hitmonlee"] = {chance = 6500, corpse = 6067, health = 9250, maxhealth = 9250},

["Hitmonchan"] = {chance = 6500, corpse = 5977, health = 10500, maxhealth = 10500},

["Lickitung"] = {chance = 9875, corpse = 2953, health = 4800, maxhealth = 4800},

["Chansey"] = {chance = 40000, corpse = 6010, health = 7500, maxhealth = 7500},

["Tangela"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 5976, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500},

["Kangaskhan"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 6073, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000},

["Scyther"] = {chance = 14075, corpse = 3002, health = 6500, maxhealth = 6500},

["Electabuzz"] = {chance = 14075, corpse = 6065, health = 6800, maxhealth = 6800},

["Magmar"] = {chance = 14075, corpse = 7283, health = 7200, maxhealth = 7200},

["Jynx"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 5765, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000},

["Nidoran Male"] = {chance = 500, corpse = 6015, health = 650, maxhealth = 650},

["Nidoran Female"] = {chance = 500, corpse = 6013, health = 600, maxhealth = 600},

["Nidoking"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 5995, health = 4800, maxhealth = 4800},

["Shiny Nidoking"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 5991, health = 4800, maxhealth = 4800},

["Nidoqueen"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 3004, health = 4200, maxhealth = 4200},

["Nidorina"] = {chance = 2500, corpse = 6014, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000},

["Nidorino"] = {chance = 2500, corpse = 6019, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500},

["Farfetchd"] = {chance = 5205, corpse = 2836, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500},

["MrMime"] = {chance = 8307.5, corpse = 6069, health = 5500, maxhealth = 5500},

["Tauros"] = {chance = 2102.5, corpse = 6302, health = 4200, maxhealth = 4200},

["Lapras"] = {chance = 58075, corpse = 6018, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000},

["Omanyte"] = {chance = 9025, corpse = 5998, health = 1300, maxhealth = 1300},

["Omastar"] = {chance = 30125, corpse = 5994, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000},

["Kabuto"] = {chance = 11025, corpse = 5972, health = 1375, maxhealth = 1375},

["Kabutops"] = {chance = 31205, corpse = 6345, health = 6920, maxhealth = 6920},

["Aerodactyl"] = {chance = 122050, corpse = 6338, health = 7100, maxhealth = 7100},

["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {chance = 122050, corpse = 6337, health = 7100, maxhealth = 7100},

["Articuno"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 7256, health = 12000, maxhealth = 12000},

["Zapdos"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 6074, health = 11000, maxhealth = 11000},

["Moltres"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 7330, health = 11000, maxhealth = 11000},

["Mewtwo"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 5973, health = 8500, maxhealth = 8500},

["Mew"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 2939, health = 7200, maxhealth = 7200},


["Shiny Charizard"] = {chance = 8000, corpse = 2954, health = 7200, maxhealth = 7200},

["Shiny Magikarp"] = {chance = 1000, corpse = 105, health = 920, maxhealth = 920},

["Shiny Rattata"] = {chance = 1000, corpse = 110, health = 900, maxhealth = 900},

["Shiny Paras"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 116, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400},

["Shiny Oddish"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 115, health = 990, maxhealth = 990},

["Shiny Zubat"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 114, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1600},

["Shiny Tentacool"] = {chance = 2000, corpse = 122, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {chance = 7500, corpse = 128, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Raticate"] = {chance = 2000, corpse = 136, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Krabby"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 126, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Kingler"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 138, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Horsea"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 139, health = 4080, maxhealth = 4080},

["Shiny Seadra"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 131, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Gyarados"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 144, health = 18000, maxhealth = 18000},

["Shiny Parasect"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 127, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Scyther"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 142, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 143, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Jynx"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 129, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Electrode"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 124, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Voltorb"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 125, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Raichu"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 140, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Venonat"] = {chance = 2000, corpse = 130, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Venomoth"] = {chance = 4500, corpse = 132, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Beedril"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 137, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Butterfree"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 133, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Venusaur"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 135, health = 10200, maxhealth = 10200},

["Shiny Blastoise"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 134, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Farfetchd"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 119, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Grimer"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 123, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Muk"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 121, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Growlithe"] = {chance = 2500, corpse = 117, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Arcanine"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 120, health = 0, maxhealth = 17000},

["Shiny Dratini"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 118, health = 0, maxhealth = 0},

["Shiny Abra"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 141, health = 0, maxhealth = 3620},

["Shiny Golem"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 2995, health = 0, maxhealth = 3620},



["Aipom"] = {chance = 910, corpse = 11391, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Ampharos"] = {chance = 14100, corpse = 11393, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Ariados"] = {chance = 2200, corpse = 11394, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Azumarill"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 11395, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Bayleef"] = {chance = 5900, corpse = 11396, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Bellossom"] = {chance = 7100, corpse = 11397, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Blissey"] = {chance = 14100, corpse = 11398, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Celebi"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11399, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Chikorita"] = {chance = 2800, corpse = 11400, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Chinchou"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 11401, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Cleffa"] = {chance = 2000, corpse = 11402, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Corsola"] = {chance = 5900, corpse = 11403, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Crobat"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 11404, health = 5500, maxhealth = 5500},

["Croconaw"] = {chance = 5900, corpse = 11405, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Cyndaquil"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11406, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Delibird"] = {chance = 6000, corpse = 11407, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Donphan"] = {chance = 4500, corpse = 11408, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Dunsparce"] = {chance = 210, corpse = 11409, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Elekid"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11410, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Entei"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11411, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Espeon"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11412, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Feraligatr"] = {chance = 14100, corpse = 11413, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Flaaffy"] = {chance = 5800, corpse = 11414, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Forretress"] = {chance = 500, corpse = 11415, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Furret"] = {chance = 5100, corpse = 11416, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Gallade"] = {chance = 6000, corpse = 11630, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Girafarig"] = {chance = 6000, corpse = 11417, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Gligar"] = {chance = 1100, corpse = 11418, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Granbull"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11419, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Heracross"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11420, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Hitmontop"] = {chance = 6500, corpse = 11421, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Ho oh"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11422, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Hoothoot"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 11423, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Hoppip"] = {chance = 200, corpse = 11424, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Houndoom"] = {chance = 9200, corpse = 11425, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Houndor"] = {chance = 3100, corpse = 11426, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Igglybuff"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 11427, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Jumpluff"] = {chance = 7200, corpse = 11428, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Kingdra"] = {chance = 8500, corpse = 11429, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Lanturn"] = {chance = 4200, corpse = 11430, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Larvitar"] = {chance = 4500, corpse = 11431, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Ledian"] = {chance = 2200, corpse = 11432, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Ledyba"] = {chance = 1000, corpse = 11433, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Lugia"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11434, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Magby"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11435, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Magcarbo"] = {chance = 4500, corpse = 11436, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Mantine"] = {chance = 4200, corpse = 11437, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Mareep"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11438, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Marill"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11439, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Meganium"] = {chance = 14100, corpse = 11440, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Miltank"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11441, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Misdreavus"] = {chance = 7800, corpse = 11442, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Murkrow"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11443, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Natu"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 11444, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Noctowl"] = {chance = 6100, corpse = 11445, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Octillery"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11446, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Phanpy"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11447, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Pichu"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11448, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Piloswine"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11449, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Pineco"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 11450, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Politoed"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11451, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Porygon2"] = {chance = 9000, corpse = 11452, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Pupitar"] = {chance = 7000, corpse = 11453, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Quaqsire"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11454, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Quilava"] = {chance = 5900, corpse = 11455, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Qwilfish"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11456, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Raikou"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11457, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Remoraid"] = {chance = 3000, corpse = 11458, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Scizor"] = {chance = 9500, corpse = 11459, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Shuckle"] = {chance = 4500, corpse = 11460, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Skarmory"] = {chance = 4500, corpse = 11462, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Skiploom"] = {chance = 3400, corpse = 11463, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Slowking"] = {chance = 4400, corpse = 11464, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Slugma"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11465, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Smeargle"] = {chance = 3200, corpse = 11466, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Smoochum"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11467, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Sneasel"] = {chance = 4600, corpse = 11468, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Sentret"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 11461, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Snubbull"] = {chance = 1500, corpse = 11469, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Spinarak"] = {chance = 800, corpse = 11470, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Stantler"] = {chance = 3500, corpse = 11471, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Steelix"] = {chance = 8500, corpse = 11472, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Sudowoodo"] = {chance = 7500, corpse = 11473, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Suicune"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11474, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Sunflora"] = {chance = 4200, corpse = 11475, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Sunkern"] = {chance = 1000, corpse = 11476, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Swinub"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11477, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Teddiursa"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11478, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Togepi"] = {chance = 5500, corpse = 11479, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Togetic"] = {chance = 9500, corpse = 11480, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Totodile"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11481, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Typhlosion"] = {chance = 14100, corpse = 11482, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Tyranitar"] = {chance = 10000, corpse = 11483, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Tyrogue"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11484, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Umbreon"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11485, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown a"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11486, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown b"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11487, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown c"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11488, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown d"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11489, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown e"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11490, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown f"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11491, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown g"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11492, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown h"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11493, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown i"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11494, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown j"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11495, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown k"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11496, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown l"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11497, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown m"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11498, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown n"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11499, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown o"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11500, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown p"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11501, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown q"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11502, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown r"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11503, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown s"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11504, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown t"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11505, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown u"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11506, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown v"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11507, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown w"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11508, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown x"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11509, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Unown y"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11510, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Ursaring"] = {chance = 8000, corpse = 11512, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Wobbuffet"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11513, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Wooper"] = {chance = 2100, corpse = 11514, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Xatu"] = {chance = 4000, corpse = 11515, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Yanma"] = {chance = 5000, corpse = 11516, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000},

["Giratina"] = {chance = 20000, corpse = 11633, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000},

["Palkia"] = {chance = 20000, corpse = 11635, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000},

["Rayquaza"] = {chance = 20000, corpse = 11637, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000},

["Primal Dialga"] = {chance = 22000, corpse = 11638, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000},

["Dialga"] = {chance = 20000, corpse = 11640, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000},






local description = "Contains a %pokename."


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

local name = getItemNameById(item2.itemid)

if item.itemid == 2147 then -- POKEBALL

catchrate = 500

oncatch = 24

onfail = 23

bolabola = 2222

elseif item.itemid == 2642 then -- GREATBALL

catchrate = 700

oncatch = 198

onfail = 197

bolabola = 2651

elseif item.itemid == 2645 then -- SUPERBALL

catchrate = 1000

oncatch = 202

onfail = 201

bolabola = 2653

elseif item.itemid == 2146 then -- ULTRABALL

catchrate = 1200

oncatch = 200

onfail = 199

bolabola = 2220

elseif item.itemid == 2149 then -- MEGABALL

catchrate = 1500000

oncatch = 24

onfail = 23

bolabola = 11624

elseif item.itemid == 2644 then -- EXBALL(Saffari)

catchrate = 850

oncatch = 204

onfail = 203

bolabola = 2655


local rate = (catchrate)

local catch = oncatch

local fail = onfail

local newid = bolabola

for i,x in pairs(pokes) do

if getItemNameById(item2.itemid):find(i:lower()) then

if getItemIdByName(name) == pokes.corpse then

if cid ~= getItemAttribute(item2.uid, "corpseowner") and isInArray({1,8}, getPlayerGroupId(cid)) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not allowed to catch this pokemon.")

return true


doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)

doRemoveItem(item2.uid, 1)

local pegar = math.random(1, x.chance)

if pegar <= 1*(rate) then

doSendMagicEffect(topos, catch)


local nas = {

["%%pokename"] = i


for i,x in pairs(nas) do

if description:find(i) then

description = description:gsub(i, x)




local function capturou(params)

if not isCreature(params.cid) then

return true


if not string.find(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842), ""..i..",") then

doPlayerAddSoul(cid, 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842)..""..i..", ")


if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) <= 0.99 then

item = doCreateItemEx(newid-1)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", params.poke)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "nome", params.nome)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", params.description)

doPlayerSendMailByName(getCreatureName(params.cid), item, 1)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations, you caught a "..i.."!")

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Since you are already holding six pokemons, this pokeball has been sent to your depot.")


item = doCreateItemEx(params.ball)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", params.poke)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "nome", params.nome)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", params.description)

doPlayerAddItemEx(params.cid, item, true)

doTransformItem(item, newid)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations, you caught a "..i.."!")


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 178)


doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 178)




local description = "Contains a "..i.."."

local poke1 = "This is "..i.."'s pokeball. HP = [""/"..x.maxhealth.."]"

addEvent(capturou, 4000, {cid = cid, poke = poke1, nome = i, description = description, ball = 2219, letter = 2597})


function ruim(params)

if not isCreature(params.cid) then

return true


doPlayerSendTextMessage(params.cid, 27, "Sorry, you didn\'t catch that pokemon.")

if #getCreatureSummons(params.cid) >= 1 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), 166)


doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(params.cid), 166)



addEvent(ruim, 4000, {cid = cid})

doSendMagicEffect(topos, fail)





return TRUE





Editado por Vilden
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  • 0

Eu pensei que ia precisar do catch sytem so que nao preciso retardice minha so foi uma falta de atençao

Coloque isso no go/back



local pokes = {

["Bulbasaur"] = {level = 20, cons = 43, vida = 1200},

["Ivysaur"] = {level = 40, cons = 86, vida = 2600},

["Venusaur"] = {level = 85, cons = 189, vida = 5200},

["Charmander"] = {level = 20, cons = 30, vida = 970},

["Charmeleon"] = {level = 40, cons = 70, vida = 2900},

["Charizard"] = {level = 85, cons = 140, vida = 5200},

["Squirtle"] = {level = 20, cons = 47, vida = 1350},

["Wartortle"] = {level = 40, cons = 93, vida = 2800},

["Blastoise"] = {level = 85, cons = 194, vida = 5900},

["Caterpie"] = {level = 1, cons = 13, vida = 300},

["Metapod"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 1100},

["Butterfree"] = {level = 30, cons = 56, vida = 2000},

["Weedle"] = {level = 1, cons = 16, vida = 325},

["Kakuna"] = {level = 10, cons = 32, vida = 900},

["Beedrill"] = {level = 30, cons = 64, vida = 1900},

["Shiny Beedril"] = {level = 30, cons = 64, vida = 1900},

["Pidgey"] = {level = 1, cons = 22, vida = 380},

["Pidgeotto"] = {level = 20, cons = 47, vida = 1400},

["Pidgeot"] = {level = 65, cons = 101, vida = 3800},

["Rattata"] = {level = 1, cons = 19, vida = 350},

["Raticate"] = {level = 20, cons = 68, vida = 900},

["Spearow"] = {level = 5, cons = 22, vida = 450},

["Fearow"] = {level = 50, cons = 95, vida = 3300},

["Ekans"] = {level = 12, cons = 27, vida = 600},

["Arbok"] = {level = 30, cons = 87, vida = 2900},

["Pikachu"] = {level = 20, cons = 32, vida = 900},

["Raichu"] = {level = 50, cons = 99, vida = 3200},

["Sandshrew"] = {level = 18, cons = 30, vida = 700},

["Sandslash"] = {level = 55, cons = 96, vida = 3400},

["Nidoran Female"] = {level = 10, cons = 27, vida = 600},

["Nidorina"] = {level = 25, cons = 58, vida = 2000},

["Nidoqueen"] = {level = 65, cons = 146, vida = 4200},

["Nidoran Male"] = {level = 10, cons = 34, vida = 650},

["Nidorino"] = {level = 25, cons = 74, vida = 2500},

["Nidoking"] = {level = 65, cons = 169, vida = 4800},

["Shiny Nidoking"] = {level = 65, cons = 169, vida = 4800},

["Clefairy"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 600},

["Clefable"] = {level = 35, cons = 90, vida = 2400},

["Vulpix"] = {level = 20, cons = 32, vida = 680},

["Ninetales"] = {level = 65, cons = 121, vida = 3400},

["Jigglypuff"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 550},

["Wigglytuff"] = {level = 42, cons = 95, vida = 2900},

["Zubat"] = {level = 5, cons = 28, vida = 450},

["Golbat"] = {level = 30, cons = 70, vida = 1900},

["Oddish"] = {level = 5, cons = 21, vida = 340},

["Gloom"] = {level = 18, cons = 51, vida = 1400},

["Vileplume"] = {level = 50, cons = 96, vida = 3300},

["Paras"] = {level = 1, cons = 40, vida = 850},

["Parasect"] = {level = 50, cons = 110, vida = 3800},

["Venonat"] = {level = 18, cons = 50, vida = 1350},

["Venomoth"] = {level = 50, cons = 125, vida = 3850},

["Diglett"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 900},

["Dugtrio"] = {level = 35, cons = 110, vida = 3450},

["Meowth"] = {level = 12, cons = 52, vida = 2000},

["Persian"] = {level = 30, cons = 85, vida = 2250},

["Psyduck"] = {level = 12, cons = 50, vida = 950},

["Golduck"] = {level = 55, cons = 150, vida = 4000},

["Mankey"] = {level = 10, cons = 60, vida = 1050},

["Primeape"] = {level = 45, cons = 155, vida = 4500},

["Growlithe"] = {level = 20, cons = 60, vida = 1000},

["Arcanine"] = {level = 80, cons = 170, vida = 6800},

["Poliwag"] = {level = 5, cons = 20, vida = 400},

["Poliwhirl"] = {level = 20, cons = 44, vida = 1200},

["Poliwrath"] = {level = 65, cons = 138, vida = 4400},

["Abra"] = {level = 15, cons = 20, vida = 620},

["Kadabra"] = {level = 50, cons = 57, vida = 2500},

["Alakazam"] = {level = 80, cons = 94, vida = 4000},

["Shiny Alakazam"] = {level = 100, cons = 94, vida = 25000},

["Dark Alakazam"] = {level = 250, cons = 94, vida = 90000},

["Machop"] = {level = 18, cons = 60, vida = 1100},

["Machoke"] = {level = 40, cons = 110, vida = 3500},

["Machamp"] = {level = 70, cons = 185, vida = 7500},

["Bellsprout"] = {level = 5, cons = 24, vida = 420},

["Weepinbell"] = {level = 18, cons = 49, vida = 1100},

["Victreebel"] = {level = 50, cons = 117, vida = 4000},

["Shiny Victreebel"] = {level = 50, cons = 117, vida = 4000},

["Tentacool"] = {level = 12, cons = 52, vida = 1050},

["Tentacruel"] = {level = 80, cons = 165, vida = 7050},

["Geodude"] = {level = 15, cons = 30, vida = 700},

["Graveler"] = {level = 40, cons = 82, vida = 3000},

["Golem"] = {level = 70, cons = 111, vida = 6500},

["Shiny Golem"] = {level = 70, cons = 111, vida = 6500},

["Ponyta"] = {level = 20, cons = 60, vida = 1400},

["Rapidash"] = {level = 60, cons = 160, vida = 5500},

["Slowpoke"] = {level = 12, cons = 55, vida = 1200},

["Slowbro"] = {level = 45, cons = 110, vida = 4600},

["Magnemite"] = {level = 15, cons = 27, vida = 450},

["Magneton"] = {level = 40, cons = 67, vida = 1750},

["Farfetchd"] = {level = 40, cons = 95, vida = 3000},

["Doduo"] = {level = 12, cons = 31, vida = 600},

["Dodrio"] = {level = 45, cons = 78, vida = 2650},

["Seel"] = {level = 20, cons = 50, vida = 1000},

["Dewgong"] = {level = 65, cons = 135, vida = 5200},

["Grimer"] = {level = 12, cons = 30, vida = 600},

["Muk"] = {level = 30, cons = 85, vida = 2400},

["Shellder"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 800},

["Cloyster"] = {level = 65, cons = 155, vida = 5000},

["Gastly"] = {level = 18, cons = 50, vida = 1000},

["Haunter"] = {level = 45, cons = 105, vida = 3000},

["Gengar"] = {level = 80, cons = 175, vida = 7000},

["Onix"] = {level = 50, cons = 150, vida = 5300},

["Crystal Onix"] = {level = 50, cons = 150, vida = 8300},

["Drowzee"] = {level = 22, cons = 58, vida = 1150},

["Hypno"] = {level = 50, cons = 100, vida = 4600},

["Krabby"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 850},

["Kingler"] = {level = 35, cons = 100, vida = 3250},

["Voltorb"] = {level = 14, cons = 30, vida = 620},

["Electrode"] = {level = 38, cons = 76, vida = 2000},

["Exeggcute"] = {level = 8, cons = 42, vida = 800},

["Exeggutor"] = {level = 48, cons = 98, vida = 4000},

["Cubone"] = {level = 18, cons = 58, vida = 1200},

["Marowak"] = {level = 45, cons = 105, vida = 3900},

["Hitmonlee"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Hitmonchan"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Lickitung"] = {level = 45, cons = 100, vida = 4800},

["Koffing"] = {level = 15, cons = 60, vida = 900},

["Weezing"] = {level = 30, cons = 100, vida = 2800},

["Rhyhorn"] = {level = 35, cons = 80, vida = 3800},

["Rhydon"] = {level = 65, cons = 175, vida = 7000},

["Chansey"] = {level = 60, cons = 130, vida = 7500},

["Tangela"] = {level = 40, cons = 85, vida = 3500},

["Kangaskhan"] = {level = 60, cons = 160, vida = 7000},

["Horsea"] = {level = 5, cons = 19, vida = 300},

["Seadra"] = {level = 45, cons = 68, vida = 2500},

["Goldeen"] = {level = 10, cons = 50, vida = 950},

["Seaking"] = {level = 25, cons = 80, vida = 2000},

["Staryu"] = {level = 15, cons = 55, vida = 1050},

["Starmie"] = {level = 45, cons = 95, vida = 3800},

["MrMime"] = {level = 60, cons = 110, vida = 5500},

["Scyther"] = {level = 70, cons = 145, vida = 6500},

["Jynx"] = {level = 65, cons = 125, vida = 6000},

["Elekid"] = {level = 30, cons = 150, vida = 1800},

["Elekid carga max"] = {level = 40, cons = 150, vida = 5500},

["Electabuzz"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 6800},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 9500},

["Magmar"] = {level = 70, cons = 160, vida = 7200},

["Pinsir"] = {level = 42, cons = 95, vida = 4000},

["Tauros"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4200},

["Magikarp"] = {level = 1, cons = 5, vida = 120},

["Gyarados"] = {level = 75, cons = 195, vida = 7800},

["Lapras"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 7000},

["Ditto"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4000},

["Shiny Ditto"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4000},

["Eevee"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1500},

["Vaporeon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500},

["Jolteon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500},

["Flareon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500},

["Porygon"] = {level = 45, cons = 10, vida = 4500},

["Omanyte"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1300},

["Omastar"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Kabuto"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1300},

["Kabutops"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 6500},

["Aerodactyl"] = {level = 100, cons = 190, vida = 8000},

["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {level = 100, cons = 190, vida = 8000},

["Snorlax"] = {level = 85, cons = 200, vida = 9500},

["Shiny Snorlax"] = {level = 85, cons = 200, vida = 9500},

["Articuno"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000},

["Zapdos"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000},

["Moltres"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000},

["Dratini"] = {level = 10, cons = 55, vida = 1200},

["Dragonair"] = {level = 70, cons = 165, vida = 5600},

["Shiny Dragonair"] = {level = 70, cons = 165, vida = 5600},

["Dragonite"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 10800},

["Shiny Dragonite"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 10800},

["Mew"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 7200},

["Mewtwo"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 7200},



["Shiny Charizard"] = {level = 100, cons = 10, vida = 7200},

["Shiny Magikarp"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 2000},

["Shiny Paras"] = {level = 15, cons = 120, vida = 2850},

["Shiny Oddish"] = {level = 15, cons = 65, vida = 1340},

["Shiny Tentacool"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3725},

["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 12050},

["Shiny Raticate"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 2900},

["Shiny Krabby"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 1271},

["Shiny Kingler"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 6750},

["Shiny Horsea"] = {level = 15, cons = 140, vida = 104080},

["Shiny Seadra"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 7500},

["Shiny Gyarados"] = {level = 100, cons = 200, vida = 14600},

["Shiny Parasect"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 6800},

["Shiny Scyther"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 11500},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 10500},

["Shiny Jynx"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 11000},

["Shiny Electrode"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 8000},

["Shiny Voltorb"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 2620},

["Shiny Raichu"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 8200},

["Shiny Venomoth"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 8850},

["Shiny Venonat"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 8850},

["Shiny Beedril"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 5900},

["Shiny Butterfree"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 11000},

["Shiny Venusaur"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 10200},

["Shiny Blastoise"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 16000},

["Shiny Farfetchd"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 7000},

["Shiny Grimer"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 2600},

["Shiny Muk"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 7400},

["Shiny Growlithe"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Shiny Arcanine"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 17000},

["Shiny Dratini"] = {level = 10, cons = 55, vida = 5400},

["Shiny Abra"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3620},

["Elite Hitmonlee"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 16500},

["Elite Hitmonchan"] = {level = 100, cons = 240, vida = 17500},

["Shiny Rattata"] = {level = 10, cons = 28, vida = 900},

["Shiny Zubat"] = {level = 40, cons = 28, vida = 3000},

["Shiny Gengar"] = {level = 85, cons = 140, vida = 14000},


["Aipom"] = {level = 10, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ampharos"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Ariados"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Azumarill"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Bayleef"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Bellossom"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Blissey"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Celebi"] = {level = 300, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Chikorita"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Chinchou"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Cleffa"] = {level = 5, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Corsola"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Crobat"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Croconaw"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Cyndaquil"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Delibird"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Donphan"] = {level = 50, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Dunsparce"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Elekid"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Entei"] = {level = 300, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Espeon"] = {level = 55, cons = 140, vida = 5500},

["Feraligatr"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Flaaffy"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Forretress"] ={level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Furret"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Gallade"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Girafarig"] = {level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Gligar"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Granbull"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Heracross"] = {level = 35, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Hitmontop"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ho oh"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Hoothoot"] = {level = 10, cons = 140, vida = 2500},

["Hoppip"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Houndoom"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Houndor"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Igglybuff"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Jumpluff"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Kingdra"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Lanturn"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Larvitar"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ledian"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ledyba"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Lugia"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Magby"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Magcarbo"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Mantine"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Mareep"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Marill"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Meganium"] ={level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Miltank"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Misdreavus"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Murkrow"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Natu"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Noctowl"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 5000},

["Octillery"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Phanpy"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Pichu"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Piloswine"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Pineco"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Politoed"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Porygon2"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Pupitar"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Quaqsire"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Quilava"] ={level = 40, cons = 140, vida = 6000},

["Qwilfish"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Raikou"] ={level = 300, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Remoraid"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Scizor"] = {level = 100, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Shuckle"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Skarmory"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Skiploom"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Slowking"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Slugma"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Smeargle"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Smoochum"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sneasel"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sentret"] = {level = 25, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Snubbull"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Spinarak"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Stantler"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Steelix"] = {level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sudowoodo"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Suicune"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sunflora"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Sunkern"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Swinub"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Teddiursa"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Togepi"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Togetic"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Totodile"] = {level = 20, cons = 140, vida = 1000},

["Typhlosion"] ={level = 80, cons = 140, vida = 9000},

["Tyranitar"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Tyrogue"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Umbreon"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown a"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown b"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown c"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown e"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown f"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown g"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown h"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown i"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown j"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown k"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown l"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown m"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown n"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown o"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown p"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown q"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown r"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown s"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown t"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown u"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown v"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown w"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown x"] ={level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Unown y"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Ursaring"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Wobbuffet"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Wooper"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Xatu"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Yanma"] = {level = 30, cons = 140, vida = 3000},

["Giratina"] = {level = 1, cons = 250, vida = 15000},

["Palkia"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},

["Rayquaza"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},

["Primal Dialga"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},

["Dialga"] = {level = 1, cons = 251, vida = 15000},



local msgunica = true

local msgunicago1, msgunicaback1 = "Vai, doka!", "Volte, doka!"

local msgunicago2, msgunicaback2 = "Vamos fazer isso, doka!", "Obrigado pela ajuda, doka!"

local msgunicago3, msgunicaback3 = "doka,Eu escolho voce!!", "Isso é tudo!Volte!!"

local msgunicago4, msgunicaback4 = "Eu presiso de sua ajuda, doka!", "Voce me ajudou muito, doka!"

local msgunicago5, msgunicaback5 = "Vamos lutar, doka!", "Exelente trabalho, doka!"

local msgunicago6, msgunicaback6 = "Hora de lutar, doka!", "Muito bem doka!"


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

for a, b in pairs(ginasios) do

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, == 1 then -- GYM

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't return your pokemon during gym battles.")

return true



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], 33) >= 1 then

return true


local random2 = math.random(1,6)

if random2 == 1 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback1

elseif random2 == 2 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback2

elseif random2 == 3 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback3

elseif random2 == 4 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback4

elseif random2 == 5 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback5

elseif random2 == 6 then

msgunicaback = msgunicaback6


local random = math.random(1,6)

if random == 1 then

msgunicago = msgunicago1

elseif random == 2 then

msgunicago = msgunicago2

elseif random == 3 then

msgunicago = msgunicago3

elseif random == 4 then

msgunicago = msgunicago4

elseif random == 5 then

msgunicago = msgunicago5

elseif random == 6 then

msgunicago = msgunicago6



if item.itemid == 2222 or item.itemid == 2223 then

gobackeff = 10

elseif item.itemid == 2220 or item.itemid == 2221 then

gobackeff = 191

elseif item.itemid == 2651 or item.itemid == 2652 then

gobackeff = 189

elseif item.itemid == 2653 or item.itemid == 2654 then

gobackeff = 190

elseif item.itemid == 2655 or item.itemid == 2656 then

gobackeff = 195

elseif item.itemid == 11618 or item.itemid == 11619 then

gobackeff = 196

elseif item.itemid == 11621 or item.itemid == 11622 then

gobackeff = 194

elseif item.itemid == 11624 or item.itemid == 11625 then

gobackeff = 192

elseif item.itemid == 11627 or item.itemid == 11628 then

gobackeff = 193


local effect = gobackeff


if item.itemid == 2223 or item.itemid == 2221 or item.itemid == 2652 or item.itemid == 2654 or item.itemid == 2656 or item.itemid == 11619 or item.itemid == 11622 or item.itemid == 11625 or item.itemid == 11628 then


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

local z = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

local pokename = getCreatureName(z)

local mbk = msgunicaback:gsub("doka", pokename)

if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):find(getCreatureName(z)) then

doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid-1)

doCreatureSay(cid, mbk, TALKTYPE_SAY)

local summom = getCreatureSummons(cid)

local maxh = pokes[getCreatureName(summom[1])].vida

local pct2 = ((getCreatureHealth(summom[1])) / (getCreatureMaxHealth(summom[1])))

local vids = ((getCreatureHealth(summom[1])) - 2)

doCreatureAddHealth(summom[1], -vids)

setCreatureMaxHealth(summom[1], maxh)

doCreatureAddHealth(summom[1], ((maxh) * (pct2)))

doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "poke", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(1, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), ".")) .. " HP = ["..getCreatureHealth(z).."/"..getCreatureMaxHealth(z).."]")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61204, 0)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 2, 0)

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(z), effect)


return true




elseif item.itemid == 2222 or item.itemid == 2220 or item.itemid == 2651 or item.itemid == 2653 or item.itemid == 2655 or item.itemid == 11618 or item.itemid == 11621 or item.itemid == 11624 or item.itemid == 11627 then


if item.uid ~= getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You must put your pokeball in the correct place!")

return TRUE




if not canSummon(cid) then

return doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_NOTENOUGHROOM)



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while surfing.")



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 62314) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while flying.")



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You have already summoned a pokemon.")




if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "one") == 1 then

if not getItemAttribute(item.uid, "first") == getPlayerName(cid) then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Voce nao pode soltar o pokemon pois essa ball pertence ao dono que pego a primeira pokeball.")



for i,x in pairs(pokes) do

if i == getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(9, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), "'")-1) then


if getPlayerLevel(cid) < x.level then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need level "..x.level.." or higher to use this pokemon.")

return true


local removed = doCreateItem(1285, 1, getThingPos(cid))

doSummonMonster(cid, i)

local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

doTeleportThing(pk, getClosestFreeTile(pk, getThingPos(cid)), false)

doRemoveItem(removed, 1)

doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, 2)

local maxh = pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vida

local levellife = ((getPlayerLevel(cid)) * (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].cons))

local health = tonumber(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("%[(.-)/"))

doConvinceCreature(cid, pk)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, health-maxh)

local pct = ((getCreatureHealth(pk)) / (getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)))

local vidis = (getCreatureHealth(pk))

setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ((maxh) + (levellife)))

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, 2)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -vidis)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, ((getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) * (pct)) - 2)

doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid+1)

local pokename = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])

local mgo = msgunicago:gsub("doka", pokename)

doCreatureSay(cid, mgo, TALKTYPE_SAY)

doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "poke", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(1, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), ".")))

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pk), effect)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61204, 1)

registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke")

registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp")





return TRUE





Coloque isso na sua quest:

function onUse (cid,item,frompos,item2,topos)
pos = {x=1391, y=1844, z=7}

UID_DO_BAU = 7860

if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 1 then
if item.uid == UID_DO_BAU then
queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,STORAGE_VALUE)
if queststatus == -1 then
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Tome algumas poké bolas")
local firstpokeball = doPlayerAddItem(cid,ID_DO_PREMIO,1)
doItemSetAttribute(firstpokeball, "first", ""..getPlayerName(cid).."")
doItemSetAttribute(firstpokeball, "one", "1")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Você ja pegou suas poké bolas")
return 1

Editado por caotic
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Ocorre um erro no go/back e a poke ball normal esta inutilizável, os Pokémon que eu tenho não pode ser invocado! ;(( Help


E ele continua podendo ser jogado no chão e sendo negociado! ;(


[Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:457: 'then' expected near 'return'

[27/04/2012 19:10:52] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/actions/scripts/goback.lua)

[27/04/2012 19:10:52] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:457: 'then' expected near 'return'

Editado por DidoGunner
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Desliguei o server, troquei o script, criei um novo char abri o server cliquei na quest, veio 1 ball normal... ai capturei um Magikarp e ele mexia normal... ;( e a poke ball esta com o nome normal, como se fosse uma qualquer...

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