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[Beta] Duel System V1.1


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Segue abaixo a mensagem de erro ao tentar compilar. ( atualizei pro novo download o msmo erro continua ).



Pelo que entendi o problema esta aqui ( player->getId() )


ele nao encontra o getid... comentei essa linha e compilo porem sei q é necessario corrigir isso, de alguma

forma é necessario pegar o ID do player, segue abaixo meu script player.





// OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#ifndef __PLAYER__
#define __PLAYER__
#include "otsystem.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "creature.h"
#include "cylinder.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "depot.h"
#include "outfit.h"
#include "vocation.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "protocolgame.h"
#include "ioguild.h"
#include "party.h"
#include "npc.h"
class House;
class NetworkMessage;
class Weapon;
class ProtocolGame;
class Npc;
class Party;
class SchedulerTask;
class Quest;
enum skillsid_t
enum playerinfo_t
enum freeslot_t
enum chaseMode_t
enum fightMode_t
enum secureMode_t
enum tradestate_t
enum AccountManager_t
enum GamemasterCondition_t
enum Exhaust_t
typedef std::set<uint32_t> VIPListSet;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, Container*> > ContainerVector;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::pair<Depot*, bool> > DepotMap;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> MuteCountMap;
typedef std::list<std::string> LearnedInstantSpellList;
typedef std::list<uint32_t> InvitedToGuildsList;
typedef std::list<Party*> PartyList;
#define SPEED_MAX 1500
#define SPEED_MIN 10
#define STAMINA_MAX (42 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
#define STAMINA_MULTIPLIER (60 * 1000)
class Player : public Creature, public Cylinder
 static uint32_t playerCount;
 Player(const std::string& name, ProtocolGame* p);
 virtual ~Player();
 virtual Player* getPlayer() {return this;}
 virtual const Player* getPlayer() const {return this;}
 static MuteCountMap muteCountMap;
 virtual const std::string& getName() const {return name;}
 virtual const std::string& getNameDescription() const {return nameDescription;}
 virtual std::string getDescription(int32_t lookDistance) const;
 const std::string& getSpecialDescription() const {return specialDescription;}
 void setSpecialDescription(const std::string& desc) {specialDescription = desc;}
 void manageAccount(const std::string& text);
 bool isAccountManager() const {return (accountManager != MANAGER_NONE);}
 void kickPlayer(bool displayEffect, bool forceLogout);
 void setGUID(uint32_t _guid) {guid = _guid;}
 uint32_t getGUID() const {return guid;}
 static AutoList<Player> autoList;
 virtual uint32_t rangeId() {return 0x10000000;}
 void addList();
 void removeList();
 static uint64_t getExpForLevel(uint32_t lv)
  return ((50ULL * lv * lv * lv) - (150ULL * lv * lv) + (400ULL * lv)) / 3ULL;
 uint32_t getPromotionLevel() const {return promotionLevel;}
 void setPromotionLevel(uint32_t pLevel);
 bool changeOutfit(Outfit_t outfit, bool checkList);
 void hasRequestedOutfit(bool v) {requestedOutfit = v;}
 Vocation* getVocation() const {return vocation;}
 int32_t getPlayerInfo(playerinfo_t playerinfo) const;
 void setParty(Party* _party) {party = _party;}
 Party* getParty() const {return party;}
 PartyShields_t getPartyShield(const Creature* creature) const;
 bool isInviting(const Player* player) const;
 bool isPartner(const Player* player) const;
 void sendPlayerPartyIcons(Player* player);
 bool addPartyInvitation(Party* party);
 bool removePartyInvitation(Party* party);
 void clearPartyInvitations();
 uint32_t getGuildId() const {return guildId;}
 void setGuildId(uint32_t newId) {guildId = newId;}
 uint32_t getRankId() const {return rankId;}
 void setRankId(uint32_t newId) {rankId = newId;}
 GuildLevel_t getGuildLevel() const {return guildLevel;}
 bool setGuildLevel(GuildLevel_t newLevel, uint32_t rank = 0);
 const std::string& getGuildName() const {return guildName;}
 void setGuildName(const std::string& newName) {guildName = newName;}
 const std::string& getRankName() const {return rankName;}
 void setRankName(const std::string& newName) {rankName = newName;}
 const std::string& getGuildNick() const {return guildNick;}
 void setGuildNick(const std::string& newNick) {guildNick = newNick;}
 bool isGuildInvited(uint32_t guildId) const;
 void leaveGuild();
 void setFlags(uint64_t flags) {if(group) group->setFlags(flags);}
 bool hasFlag(PlayerFlags value) const {return group != NULL && group->hasFlag(value);}
 void setCustomFlags(uint64_t flags) {if(group) group->setCustomFlags(flags);}
 bool hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlags value) const {return group != NULL && group->hasCustomFlag(value);}
 void addBlessing(int16_t blessing) {blessings += blessing;}
 bool hasBlessing(int16_t value) const {return (blessings & ((int16_t)1 << value));}
 uint16_t getBlessings() const;
 OperatingSystem_t getOperatingSystem() const {return operatingSystem;}
 void setOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem_t clientOs) {operatingSystem = clientOs;}
 uint32_t getClientVersion() const {return clientVersion;}
 void setClientVersion(uint32_t version) {clientVersion = version;}
 bool hasClient() const {return client;}
 bool isVirtual() const {return (getID() == 0);}
 void disconnect() {if(client) client->disconnect();}
 uint32_t getIP() const;
 bool canOpenCorpse(uint32_t ownerId);
 Container* getContainer(uint32_t cid);
 int32_t getContainerID(const Container* container) const;
 void addContainer(uint32_t cid, Container* container);
 void closeContainer(uint32_t cid);
 virtual bool setStorage(const uint32_t key, const std::string& value);
 virtual void eraseStorage(const uint32_t key);
 void generateReservedStorage();
 bool transferMoneyTo(const std::string& name, uint64_t amount);
 void increaseCombatValues(int32_t& min, int32_t& max, bool useCharges, bool countWeapon);
 void setGroupId(int32_t newId);
 int32_t getGroupId() const {return groupId;}
 void setGroup(Group* newGroup);
 Group* getGroup() const {return group;}
 virtual bool isGhost() const {return hasCondition(CONDITION_GAMEMASTER, GAMEMASTER_INVISIBLE) || hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeSeen);}
 void switchSaving() {saving = !saving;}
 bool isSaving() const {return saving;}
 uint32_t getIdleTime() const {return idleTime;}
 void setIdleTime(uint32_t amount) {idleTime = amount;}
 bool checkLoginDelay(uint32_t playerId) const;
 bool isTrading() const {return tradePartner;}
 uint32_t getAccount() const {return accountId;}
 std::string getAccountName() const {return account;}
 uint16_t getAccess() const {return group ? group->getAccess() : 0;}
 uint16_t getGhostAccess() const {return group ? group->getGhostAccess() : 0;}
 bool isPremium() const;
 int32_t getPremiumDays() const {return premiumDays;}
 uint32_t getLevel() const {return level;}
 uint64_t getExperience() const {return experience;}
 uint32_t getMagicLevel() const {return getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVEL);}
 uint64_t getSpentMana() const {return manaSpent;}
 uint32_t getVocationId() const {return vocation_id;}
 void setVocation(uint32_t vocId);
 uint16_t getSex(bool full) const {return full ? sex : sex % 2;}
 void setSex(uint16_t);
 uint64_t getStamina() const {return hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteStamina) ? STAMINA_MAX : stamina;}
 void setStamina(uint64_t value) {stamina = std::min((uint64_t)STAMINA_MAX, (uint64_t)std::max((uint64_t)0, value));}
 uint32_t getStaminaMinutes() const {return (uint32_t)(getStamina() / (uint64_t)STAMINA_MULTIPLIER);}
 void setStaminaMinutes(uint32_t value) {setStamina((uint64_t)(value * STAMINA_MULTIPLIER));}
 void useStamina(int64_t value) {stamina = std::min((int64_t)STAMINA_MAX, (int64_t)std::max((int64_t)0, ((int64_t)stamina + value)));}
 uint64_t getSpentStamina() {return (uint64_t)STAMINA_MAX - stamina;}
 int64_t getLastLoad() const {return lastLoad;}
 time_t getLastLogin() const {return lastLogin;}
 time_t getLastLogout() const {return lastLogout;}
 Position getLoginPosition() const {return loginPosition;}
 uint32_t getTown() const {return town;}
 void setTown(uint32_t _town) {town = _town;}
 virtual bool isPushable() const;
 virtual int32_t getThrowRange() const {return 1;}
 bool isMuted(uint16_t channelId, SpeakClasses type, uint32_t& time);
 void addMessageBuffer();
 void removeMessageBuffer();
 double getCapacity() const {return capacity;}
 void setCapacity(double newCapacity) {capacity = newCapacity;}
 double getFreeCapacity() const
return 0.00;
  else if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteCapacity))
return 10000.00;
  return std::max(0.00, capacity - inventoryWeight);
 virtual int32_t getSoul() const {return getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_SOUL);}
 virtual int32_t getMaxHealth() const {return getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAXHEALTH);}
 virtual int32_t getMaxMana() const {return getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAXMANA);}
 int32_t getSoulMax() const {return soulMax;}
 Item* getInventoryItem(slots_t slot) const;
 Item* getEquippedItem(slots_t slot) const;
 bool isItemAbilityEnabled(slots_t slot) const {return inventoryAbilities[slot];}
 void setItemAbility(slots_t slot, bool enabled) {inventoryAbilities[slot] = enabled;}
 int32_t getVarSkill(skills_t skill) const {return varSkills[skill];}
 void setVarSkill(skills_t skill, int32_t modifier) {varSkills[skill] += modifier;}
 int32_t getVarStats(stats_t stat) const {return varStats[stat];}
 void setVarStats(stats_t stat, int32_t modifier);
 int32_t getDefaultStats(stats_t stat);
 void setConditionSuppressions(uint32_t conditions, bool remove);
 uint32_t getLossPercent(lossTypes_t lossType) const {return lossPercent[lossType];}
 void setLossPercent(lossTypes_t lossType, uint32_t newPercent) {lossPercent[lossType] = newPercent;}
 Depot* getDepot(uint32_t depotId, bool autoCreateDepot);
 bool addDepot(Depot* depot, uint32_t depotId);
 void useDepot(uint32_t depotId, bool value);
 virtual bool canSee(const Position& pos) const;
 virtual bool canSeeCreature(const Creature* creature) const;
 virtual bool canWalkthrough(const Creature* creature) const;
 virtual bool canSeeInvisibility() const {return hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CanSenseInvisibility);}
 virtual RaceType_t getRace() const {return RACE_BLOOD;}
 //safe-trade functions
 void setTradeState(tradestate_t state) {tradeState = state;}
 tradestate_t getTradeState() {return tradeState;}
 Item* getTradeItem() {return tradeItem;}
 //shop functions
 void setShopOwner(Npc* owner, int32_t onBuy, int32_t onSell, ShopInfoList offer)
  shopOwner = owner;
  purchaseCallback = onBuy;
  saleCallback = onSell;
  shopOffer = offer;
 Npc* getShopOwner(int32_t& onBuy, int32_t& onSell)
  onBuy = purchaseCallback;
  onSell = saleCallback;
  return shopOwner;
 const Npc* getShopOwner(int32_t& onBuy, int32_t& onSell) const
  onBuy = purchaseCallback;
  onSell = saleCallback;
  return shopOwner;
 //V.I.P. functions
 void notifyLogIn(Player* loginPlayer);
 void notifyLogOut(Player* logoutPlayer);
 bool removeVIP(uint32_t guid);
 bool addVIP(uint32_t guid, std::string& name, bool isOnline, bool internal = false);
 //follow functions
 virtual bool setFollowCreature(Creature* creature, bool fullPathSearch = false);
 //follow events
 virtual void onFollowCreature(const Creature* creature);
 //walk events
 virtual void onWalk(Direction& dir);
 virtual void onWalkAborted();
 virtual void onWalkComplete();
 void stopWalk();
 void openShopWindow();
 void closeShopWindow(Npc* npc = NULL, int32_t onBuy = -1, int32_t onSell = -1);
 bool canShopItem(uint16_t itemId, uint8_t subType, ShopEvent_t event);
 void setChaseMode(chaseMode_t mode);
 void setFightMode(fightMode_t mode) {fightMode = mode;}
 void setSecureMode(secureMode_t mode) {secureMode = mode;}
 secureMode_t getSecureMode() const {return secureMode;}
 //combat functions
 virtual bool setAttackedCreature(Creature* creature);
 bool isImmune(CombatType_t type) const;
 bool isImmune(ConditionType_t type) const;
 bool hasShield() const;
 virtual bool isAttackable() const;
 virtual void changeHealth(int32_t healthChange);
 virtual void changeMana(int32_t manaChange);
 void changeSoul(int32_t soulChange);
 bool isPzLocked() const {return pzLocked;}
 void setPzLocked(bool v) {pzLocked = v;}
 virtual BlockType_t blockHit(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t& damage,
  bool checkDefense = false, bool checkArmor = false);
 virtual void doAttacking(uint32_t interval);
 virtual bool hasExtraSwing() {return lastAttack > 0 && ((OTSYS_TIME() - lastAttack) >= getAttackSpeed());}
 int32_t getShootRange() const {return shootRange;}
 int32_t getSkill(skills_t skilltype, skillsid_t skillinfo) const;
 bool getAddAttackSkill() const {return addAttackSkillPoint;}
 BlockType_t getLastAttackBlockType() const {return lastAttackBlockType;}
 Item* getWeapon(bool ignoreAmmo = false);
 virtual WeaponType_t getWeaponType();
 int32_t getWeaponSkill(const Item* item) const;
 void getShieldAndWeapon(const Item* &shield, const Item* &weapon) const;
 virtual void drainHealth(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage);
 virtual void drainMana(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage);
 void addExperience(uint64_t exp);
 void removeExperience(uint64_t exp, bool updateStats = true);
 void addManaSpent(uint64_t amount, bool useMultiplier = true);
 void addSkillAdvance(skills_t skill, uint32_t count, bool useMultiplier = true);
 bool addUnjustifiedKill(const Player* attacked);
 virtual int32_t getArmor() const;
 virtual int32_t getDefense() const;
 virtual float getAttackFactor() const;
 virtual float getDefenseFactor() const;
 void addExhaust(uint32_t ticks, Exhaust_t type);
 void addInFightTicks(bool pzLock = false);
 void addDefaultRegeneration(uint32_t addTicks);
 virtual double getGainedExperience(Creature* attacker) const;
 //combat event functions
 virtual void onAddCondition(ConditionType_t type, bool hadCondition);
 virtual void onAddCombatCondition(ConditionType_t type, bool hadCondition);
 virtual void onEndCondition(ConditionType_t type);
 virtual void onCombatRemoveCondition(const Creature* attacker, Condition* condition);
 virtual void onTickCondition(ConditionType_t type, int32_t interval, bool& _remove);
 virtual void onAttackedCreature(Creature* target);
 virtual void onSummonAttackedCreature(Creature* summon, Creature* target);
 virtual void onAttacked();
 virtual void onAttackedCreatureDrain(Creature* target, int32_t points);
 virtual void onSummonAttackedCreatureDrain(Creature* summon, Creature* target, int32_t points);
 virtual void onTargetCreatureGainHealth(Creature* target, int32_t points);
 virtual bool onKilledCreature(Creature* target, uint32_t& flags);
 virtual void onGainExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster, bool multiplied);
 virtual void onGainSharedExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster, bool multiplied);
 virtual void onAttackedCreatureBlockHit(Creature* target, BlockType_t blockType);
 virtual void onBlockHit(BlockType_t blockType);
 virtual void onChangeZone(ZoneType_t zone);
 virtual void onAttackedCreatureChangeZone(ZoneType_t zone);
 virtual void onIdleStatus();
 virtual void onPlacedCreature();
 virtual void getCreatureLight(LightInfo& light) const;
 Skulls_t getSkull() const;
 Skulls_t getSkullClient(const Creature* creature) const;
 bool hasAttacked(const Player* attacked) const;
 void addAttacked(const Player* attacked);
 void clearAttacked() {attackedSet.clear();}
 time_t getSkullEnd() const {return skullEnd;}
 void setSkullEnd(time_t _time, bool login, Skulls_t _skull);
 bool addOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint32_t addons);
 bool removeOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint32_t addons);
 bool canWearOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint32_t addons);
 bool canLogout(bool checkInfight);
 //send methods
 void sendAddTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* item)
  {if(client) client->sendAddTileItem(tile, pos, tile->getClientIndexOfThing(this, item), item);}
 void sendUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* oldItem, const Item* newItem)
  {if(client) client->sendUpdateTileItem(tile, pos, tile->getClientIndexOfThing(this, oldItem), newItem);}
 void sendRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item)
  {if(client) client->sendRemoveTileItem(tile, pos, stackpos);}
 void sendUpdateTile(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos)
  {if(client) client->sendUpdateTile(tile, pos);}
 void sendChannelMessage(std::string author, std::string text, SpeakClasses type, uint8_t channel)
  {if(client) client->sendChannelMessage(author, text, type, channel);}
 void sendCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature)
  {if(client) client->sendAddCreature(creature, creature->getPosition(), creature->getTile()->getClientIndexOfThing(
this, creature));}
 void sendCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, uint32_t stackpos)
  {if(client) client->sendRemoveCreature(creature, creature->getPosition(), stackpos);}
 void sendCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos,
  const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos, bool teleport)
  {if(client) client->sendMoveCreature(creature, newTile, newPos, newTile->getClientIndexOfThing(
this, creature), oldTile, oldPos, oldStackpos, teleport);}
 void sendCreatureTurn(const Creature* creature)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureTurn(creature, creature->getTile()->getClientIndexOfThing(this, creature));}
 void sendCreatureSay(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text, Position* pos = NULL)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureSay(creature, type, text, pos);}
 void sendCreatureSquare(const Creature* creature, SquareColor_t color)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureSquare(creature, color);}
 void sendCreatureChangeOutfit(const Creature* creature, const Outfit_t& outfit)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureOutfit(creature, outfit);}
 void sendCreatureChangeVisible(const Creature* creature, Visible_t visible);
 void sendCreatureLight(const Creature* creature)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureLight(creature);}
 void sendCreatureShield(const Creature* creature)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureShield(creature);}
 void sendAddContainerItem(const Container* container, const Item* item);
 void sendUpdateContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot, const Item* oldItem, const Item* newItem);
 void sendRemoveContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot, const Item* item);
 void sendContainer(uint32_t cid, const Container* container, bool hasParent)
  {if(client) client->sendContainer(cid, container, hasParent);}
 void sendAddInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* item)
  {if(client) client->sendAddInventoryItem(slot, item);}
 void sendUpdateInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* oldItem, const Item* newItem)
  {if(client) client->sendUpdateInventoryItem(slot, newItem);}
 void sendRemoveInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* item)
  {if(client) client->sendRemoveInventoryItem(slot);}
 //event methods
 virtual void onUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* oldItem,
  const ItemType& oldType, const Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType);
 virtual void onRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos,
  const ItemType& iType, const Item* item);
 virtual void onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature);
 virtual void onCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, bool isLogout);
 virtual void onCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos,
  const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, bool teleport);
 virtual void onAttackedCreatureDisappear(bool isLogout);
 virtual void onFollowCreatureDisappear(bool isLogout);
 //cylinder implementations
 virtual Cylinder* getParent() {return Creature::getParent();}
 virtual const Cylinder* getParent() const {return Creature::getParent();}
 virtual bool isRemoved() const {return Creature::isRemoved();}
 virtual Position getPosition() const {return Creature::getPosition();}
 virtual Tile* getTile() {return Creature::getTile();}
 virtual const Tile* getTile() const {return Creature::getTile();}
 virtual Item* getItem() {return NULL;}
 virtual const Item* getItem() const {return NULL;}
 virtual Creature* getCreature() {return this;}
 virtual const Creature* getCreature() const {return this;}
 void onAddContainerItem(const Container* container, const Item* item);
 void onUpdateContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot,
  const Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType, const Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType);
 void onRemoveContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot, const Item* item);
 void onCloseContainer(const Container* container);
 void onSendContainer(const Container* container);
 void autoCloseContainers(const Container* container);
 void onAddInventoryItem(slots_t slot, Item* item) {}
 void onUpdateInventoryItem(slots_t slot, Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType,
  Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType);
 void onRemoveInventoryItem(slots_t slot, Item* item);
 void sendAnimatedText(const Position& pos, uint8_t color, std::string text) const
  {if(client) client->sendAnimatedText(pos,color,text);}
 void sendCancel(const std::string& msg) const
  {if(client) client->sendCancel(msg);}
 void sendCancelMessage(ReturnValue message) const;
 void sendCancelTarget() const
  {if(client) client->sendCancelTarget();}
 void sendCancelWalk() const
  {if(client) client->sendCancelWalk();}
 void sendChangeSpeed(const Creature* creature, uint32_t newSpeed) const
  {if(client) client->sendChangeSpeed(creature, newSpeed);}
 void sendCreatureHealth(const Creature* creature) const
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureHealth(creature);}
 void sendDistanceShoot(const Position& from, const Position& to, uint8_t type) const
  {if(client) client->sendDistanceShoot(from, to, type);}
 void sendHouseWindow(House* house, uint32_t listId) const;
 void sendOutfitWindow() const {if(client) client->sendOutfitWindow();}
 void sendQuests() const {if(client) client->sendQuests();}
 void sendQuestInfo(Quest* quest) const {if(client) client->sendQuestInfo(quest);}
 void sendCreatureSkull(const Creature* creature) const
  {if(client) client->sendCreatureSkull(creature);}
 void sendFYIBox(std::string message)
  {if(client) client->sendFYIBox(message);}
 void sendCreatePrivateChannel(uint16_t channelId, const std::string& channelName)
  {if(client) client->sendCreatePrivateChannel(channelId, channelName);}
 void sendClosePrivate(uint16_t channelId) const
  {if(client) client->sendClosePrivate(channelId);}
 void sendIcons() const;
 void sendMagicEffect(const Position& pos, uint8_t type) const
  {if(client) client->sendMagicEffect(pos, type);}
 void sendStats();
 void sendSkills() const
  {if(client) client->sendSkills();}
 void sendTextMessage(MessageClasses type, const std::string& message) const
  {if(client) client->sendTextMessage(type, message);}
 void sendReLoginWindow() const
  {if(client) client->sendReLoginWindow();}
 void sendTextWindow(Item* item, uint16_t maxLen, bool canWrite) const
  {if(client) client->sendTextWindow(windowTextId, item, maxLen, canWrite);}
 void sendTextWindow(uint32_t itemId, const std::string& text) const
  {if(client) client->sendTextWindow(windowTextId, itemId, text);}
 void sendToChannel(Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text, uint16_t channelId, uint32_t time = 0) const
  {if(client) client->sendToChannel(creature, type, text, channelId, time);}
 void sendShop() const
  {if(client) client->sendShop(shopOffer);}
 void sendGoods() const
  {if(client) client->sendGoods(shopOffer);}
 void sendCloseShop() const
  {if(client) client->sendCloseShop();}
 void sendTradeItemRequest(const Player* player, const Item* item, bool ack) const
  {if(client) client->sendTradeItemRequest(player, item, ack);}
 void sendTradeClose() const
  {if(client) client->sendCloseTrade();}
 void sendWorldLight(LightInfo& lightInfo)
  {if(client) client->sendWorldLight(lightInfo);}
 void sendChannelsDialog()
  {if(client) client->sendChannelsDialog();}
 void sendOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string& receiver)
  {if(client) client->sendOpenPrivateChannel(receiver);}
 void sendOutfitWindow()
  {if(client) client->sendOutfitWindow();}
 void sendCloseContainer(uint32_t cid)
  {if(client) client->sendCloseContainer(cid);}
 void sendChannel(uint16_t channelId, const std::string& channelName)
  {if(client) client->sendChannel(channelId, channelName);}
 void sendRuleViolationsChannel(uint16_t channelId)
  {if(client) client->sendRuleViolationsChannel(channelId);}
 void sendRemoveReport(const std::string& name)
  {if(client) client->sendRemoveReport(name);}
 void sendLockRuleViolation()
  {if(client) client->sendLockRuleViolation();}
 void sendRuleViolationCancel(const std::string& name)
  {if(client) client->sendRuleViolationCancel(name);}
 void sendTutorial(uint8_t tutorialId)
  {if(client) client->sendTutorial(tutorialId);}
 void sendAddMarker(const Position& pos, MapMarks_t markType, const std::string& desc)
  {if (client) client->sendAddMarker(pos, markType, desc);}
 void sendCritical() const;
 void receivePing() {lastPong = OTSYS_TIME();}
 virtual void onThink(uint32_t interval);
 uint32_t getAttackSpeed();
 virtual void postAddNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* oldParent,
  int32_t index, cylinderlink_t link = LINK_OWNER);
 virtual void postRemoveNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* newParent,
  int32_t index, bool isCompleteRemoval, cylinderlink_t link = LINK_OWNER);
 void setNextAction(int64_t time) {if(time > nextAction) {nextAction = time;}}
 bool canDoAction() const {return nextAction <= OTSYS_TIME();}
 uint32_t getNextActionTime() const;
 Item* getWriteItem(uint32_t& _windowTextId, uint16_t& _maxWriteLen);
 void setWriteItem(Item* item, uint16_t _maxWriteLen = 0);
 House* getEditHouse(uint32_t& _windowTextId, uint32_t& _listId);
 void setEditHouse(House* house, uint32_t listId = 0);
 void learnInstantSpell(const std::string& name);
 void unlearnInstantSpell(const std::string& name);
 bool hasLearnedInstantSpell(const std::string& name) const;
 VIPListSet VIPList;
 ContainerVector containerVec;
 InvitedToGuildsList invitedToGuildsList;
 ConditionList storedConditionList;
 DepotMap depots;
 uint32_t marriage;
 uint64_t balance;
 double rates[sKILL__LAST + 1];
 Container transferContainer;
 void checkTradeState(const Item* item);
 bool gainExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster);
 bool rateExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster);
 void updateBaseSpeed()
baseSpeed = vocation->getBaseSpeed() + (2 * (level - 1));
baseSpeed = SPEED_MAX;
 void updateInventoryWeight();
 void updateInventoryGoods(uint32_t itemId);
 void updateItemsLight(bool internal = false);
 void setNextWalkActionTask(SchedulerTask* task);
 void setNextWalkTask(SchedulerTask* task);
 void setNextActionTask(SchedulerTask* task);
 virtual bool onDeath();
 virtual Item* createCorpse(DeathList deathList);
 virtual void dropCorpse(DeathList deathList);
 virtual void dropLoot(Container* corpse);
 //cylinder implementations
 virtual ReturnValue __queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count,
  uint32_t flags) const;
 virtual ReturnValue __queryMaxCount(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t& maxQueryCount,
  uint32_t flags) const;
 virtual ReturnValue __queryRemove(const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const;
 virtual Cylinder* __queryDestination(int32_t& index, const Thing* thing, Item** destItem,
  uint32_t& flags);
 virtual void __addThing(Creature* actor, Thing* thing);
 virtual void __addThing(Creature* actor, int32_t index, Thing* thing);
 virtual void __updateThing(Thing* thing, uint16_t itemId, uint32_t count);
 virtual void __replaceThing(uint32_t index, Thing* thing);
 virtual void __removeThing(Thing* thing, uint32_t count);
 virtual Thing* __getThing(uint32_t index) const;
 virtual int32_t __getIndexOfThing(const Thing* thing) const;
 virtual int32_t __getFirstIndex() const;
 virtual int32_t __getLastIndex() const;
 virtual uint32_t __getItemTypeCount(uint16_t itemId, int32_t subType = -1,
  bool itemCount = true) const;
 virtual std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& __getAllItemTypeCount(std::map<uint32_t,
  uint32_t>& countMap, bool itemCount = true) const;
 virtual void __internalAddThing(Thing* thing);
 virtual void __internalAddThing(uint32_t index, Thing* thing);
 uint32_t getVocAttackSpeed() const {return vocation->getAttackSpeed();}
 virtual int32_t getStepSpeed() const
  if(getSpeed() > SPEED_MAX)
return SPEED_MAX;
  if(getSpeed() < SPEED_MIN)
return SPEED_MIN;
  return getSpeed();
 virtual uint32_t getDamageImmunities() const {return damageImmunities;}
 virtual uint32_t getConditionImmunities() const {return conditionImmunities;}
 virtual uint32_t getConditionSuppressions() const {return conditionSuppressions;}
 virtual uint16_t getLookCorpse() const;
 virtual uint64_t getLostExperience() const;
 virtual void getPathSearchParams(const Creature* creature, FindPathParams& fpp) const;
 static uint32_t getPercentLevel(uint64_t count, uint64_t nextLevelCount);
 bool isPromoted(uint32_t pLevel = 1) const {return promotionLevel >= pLevel;}
 bool hasCapacity(const Item* item, uint32_t count) const;
 bool talkState[13];
 bool inventoryAbilities[11];
 bool pzLocked;
 bool saving;
 bool isConnecting;
 bool requestedOutfit;
 bool outfitAttributes;
 bool addAttackSkillPoint;
 OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem;
 AccountManager_t accountManager;
 PlayerSex_t managerSex;
 BlockType_t lastAttackBlockType;
 chaseMode_t chaseMode;
 fightMode_t fightMode;
 secureMode_t secureMode;
 tradestate_t tradeState;
 GuildLevel_t guildLevel;
 int16_t blessings;
 uint16_t maxWriteLen;
 uint16_t sex;
 int32_t premiumDays;
 int32_t soul;
 int32_t soulMax;
 int32_t vocation_id;
 int32_t groupId;
 int32_t managerNumber, managerNumber2;
 int32_t purchaseCallback;
 int32_t saleCallback;
 int32_t varSkills[sKILL_LAST + 1];
 int32_t varStats[sTAT_LAST + 1];
 int32_t messageBuffer;
 int32_t bloodHitCount;
 int32_t shieldBlockCount;
 int32_t shootRange;
 uint32_t clientVersion;
 uint32_t messageTicks;
 uint32_t idleTime;
 uint32_t accountId;
 uint32_t lastIP;
 uint32_t level;
 uint32_t levelPercent;
 uint32_t magLevel;
 uint32_t magLevelPercent;
 uint32_t damageImmunities;
 uint32_t conditionImmunities;
 uint32_t conditionSuppressions;
 uint32_t condition; //?
 uint32_t nextStepEvent;
 uint32_t actionTaskEvent;
 uint32_t walkTaskEvent;
 uint32_t lossPercent[LOSS_LAST + 1];
 uint32_t skills[sKILL_LAST + 1][3];
 uint32_t guid;
 uint32_t editListId;
 uint32_t windowTextId;
 uint32_t guildId;
 uint32_t rankId;
 uint32_t promotionLevel;
 uint32_t town;
 time_t skullEnd;
 time_t lastLogin;
 time_t lastLogout;
 int64_t lastLoad;
 int64_t lastPong;
 int64_t lastPing;
 int64_t nextAction;
 uint64_t stamina;
 uint64_t experience;
 uint64_t manaSpent;
 uint64_t lastAttack;
 double inventoryWeight;
 double capacity;
 char managerChar[100];
 std::string managerString, managerString2;
 std::string account, password;
 std::string name, nameDescription, specialDescription;
 std::string guildName, rankName, guildNick;
 Position loginPosition;
 LightInfo itemsLight;
 Vocation* vocation;
 ProtocolGame* client;
 SchedulerTask* walkTask;
 Party* party;
 Group* group;
 Item* inventory[11];
 Player* tradePartner;
 Item* tradeItem;
 Item* writeItem;
 House* editHouse;
 Npc* shopOwner;
 typedef std::set<uint32_t> AttackedSet;
 AttackedSet attackedSet;
 ShopInfoList shopOffer;
 PartyList invitePartyList;
 OutfitMap outfits;
 LearnedInstantSpellList learnedInstantSpellList;
 friend class Game;
 friend class LuaScriptInterface;
 friend class Npc;
 friend class Map;
 friend class Actions;
 friend class IOLoginData;
 friend class ProtocolGame;







////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or// (at your option) any later version.//// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the// GNU General Public License for more details.//// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License// along with this program.  If not, see <>.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "otpch.h"#include <iostream>#include "player.h"#include "iologindata.h"#include "ioban.h"#include "town.h"#include "house.h"#include "beds.h"#include "combat.h"#if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__)#include "gui.h"#endif#include "movement.h"#include "weapons.h"#include "creatureevent.h"#include "configmanager.h"#include "game.h"#include "chat.h"extern ConfigManager g_config;extern Game g_game;extern Chat g_chat;extern MoveEvents* g_moveEvents;extern Weapons* g_weapons;extern CreatureEvents* g_creatureEvents;AutoList<Player> Player::autoList;#ifdef __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__uint32_t Player::playerCount = 0;#endifMuteCountMap Player::muteCountMap;Player::Player(const std::string& _name, ProtocolGame* p):Creature(), transferContainer(ITEM_LOCKER), name(_name), nameDescription(_name), client(p){if(client)  client->setPlayer(this);pzLocked = isConnecting = addAttackSkillPoint = requestedOutfit = false;saving = true;lastAttackBlockType = BLOCK_NONE;chaseMode = CHASEMODE_STANDSTILL;fightMode = FIGHTMODE_ATTACK;tradeState = TRADE_NONE;accountManager = MANAGER_NONE;guildLevel = GUILDLEVEL_NONE;promotionLevel = walkTaskEvent = actionTaskEvent = nextStepEvent = bloodHitCount = shieldBlockCount = 0;lastAttack = idleTime = marriage = blessings = balance = premiumDays = mana = manaMax = manaSpent = 0;soul = guildId = levelPercent = magLevelPercent = magLevel = experience = damageImmunities = 0;conditionImmunities = conditionSuppressions = groupId = vocation_id = managerNumber2 = town = skullEnd = 0;lastLogin = lastLogout = lastIP = messageTicks = messageBuffer = nextAction = 0;editListId = maxWriteLen = windowTextId = rankId = 0;purchaseCallback = saleCallback = -1;level = shootRange = 1;rates[sKILL__MAGLEVEL] = rates[sKILL__LEVEL] = 1.0f;soulMax = 100;capacity = 400.00;stamina = STAMINA_MAX;lastLoad = lastPing = lastPong = OTSYS_TIME();writeItem = NULL;group = NULL;editHouse = NULL;shopOwner = NULL;tradeItem = NULL;tradePartner = NULL;walkTask = NULL;setVocation(0);setParty(NULL);transferContainer.setParent(NULL);for(int32_t i = 0; i < 11; i++){  inventory[i] = NULL;  inventoryAbilities[i] = false;}for(int32_t i = SKILL_FIRST; i <= SKILL_LAST; ++i){  skills[i][sKILL_LEVEL] = 10;  skills[i][sKILL_TRIES] = skills[i][sKILL_PERCENT] = 0;  rates[i] = 1.0f;}for(int32_t i = SKILL_FIRST; i <= SKILL_LAST; ++i)  varSkills[i] = 0;for(int32_t i = STAT_FIRST; i <= STAT_LAST; ++i)  varStats[i] = 0;for(int32_t i = LOSS_FIRST; i <= LOSS_LAST; ++i)  lossPercent[i] = 100;for(int8_t i = 0; i <= 13; i++)  talkState[i] = false;#ifdef __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__playerCount++;#endif}Player::~Player(){#ifdef __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__playerCount--;#endifsetWriteItem(NULL);for(int32_t i = 0; i < 11; i++){  if(inventory[i])  {   inventory[i]->setParent(NULL);   inventory[i]->unRef();   inventory[i] = NULL;   inventoryAbilities[i] = false;  }}setNextWalkActionTask(NULL);transferContainer.setParent(NULL);for(DepotMap::iterator it = depots.begin(); it != depots.end(); it++)  it->second.first->unRef();}void Player::setVocation(uint32_t vocId){vocation_id = vocId;vocation = Vocations::getInstance()->getVocation(vocId);soulMax = vocation->getGain(GAIN_SOUL);if(Condition* condition = getCondition(CONDITION_REGENERATION, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT)){  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_HEALTHGAIN, vocation->getGainAmount(GAIN_HEALTH));  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_HEALTHTICKS, (vocation->getGainTicks(GAIN_HEALTH) * 1000));  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_MANAGAIN, vocation->getGainAmount(GAIN_MANA));  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_MANATICKS, (vocation->getGainTicks(GAIN_MANA) * 1000));}}bool Player::isPushable() const{return accountManager == MANAGER_NONE && !hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBePushed) && Creature::isPushable();}std::string Player::getDescription(int32_t lookDistance) const{std::stringstream s;if(lookDistance == -1){  s << "yourself.";  if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_ShowGroupNameInsteadOfVocation))   s << " You are " << group->getName();  else if(vocation_id != 0)   s << " You are " << vocation->getDescription();  else   s << " You have no vocation";}else{  s << nameDescription;  if(!hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HideLevel))   s << " (Level " << level << ")";  s << ". " << (sex % 2 ? "He" : "She");  if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_ShowGroupNameInsteadOfVocation))   s << " is " << group->getName();  else if(vocation_id != 0)   s << " is " << vocation->getDescription();  else   s << " has no vocation";  s << getSpecialDescription();}std::string tmp;if(marriage && IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid(marriage, tmp)){  s << ", ";  if(vocation_id == 0)  {   if(lookDistance == -1)	s << "and you are";   else	s << "and is";   s << " ";  }  s << (sex % 2 ? "husband" : "wife") << " of " << tmp;}s << ".";if(guildId){  if(lookDistance == -1)   s << " You are ";  else   s << " " << (sex % 2 ? "He" : "She") << " is ";  s << (rankName.empty() ? "a member" : rankName)<< " of the " << guildName;  if(!guildNick.empty())   s << " (" << guildNick << ")";  s << ".";}return s.str();}Item* Player::getInventoryItem(slots_t slot) const{if(slot > SLOT_PRE_FIRST && slot < SLOT_LAST)  return inventory[slot];if(slot == SLOT_HAND)  return inventory[sLOT_LEFT] ? inventory[sLOT_LEFT] : inventory[sLOT_RIGHT];return NULL;}Item* Player::getEquippedItem(slots_t slot) const{Item* item = getInventoryItem(slot);if(!item)  return NULL;switch(slot){  case SLOT_LEFT:  case SLOT_RIGHT:   return item->getWieldPosition() == SLOT_HAND ? item : NULL;  default:   break;}return item->getWieldPosition() == slot ? item : NULL;}void Player::setConditionSuppressions(uint32_t conditions, bool remove){if(!remove)  conditionSuppressions |= conditions;else  conditionSuppressions &= ~conditions;}Item* Player::getWeapon(bool ignoreAmmo /*= false*/){Item* item;for(uint32_t slot = SLOT_RIGHT; slot <= SLOT_LEFT; slot++){  item = getEquippedItem((slots_t)slot);  if(!item)   continue;  switch(item->getWeaponType())  {   case WEAPON_SWORD:   case WEAPON_AXE:   case WEAPON_CLUB:   case WEAPON_WAND:   case WEAPON_FIST:   {	const Weapon* weapon = g_weapons->getWeapon(item);	if(weapon)	 return item;	break;   }   case WEAPON_DIST:   {	if(!ignoreAmmo && item->getAmmoType() != AMMO_NONE)	{	 Item* ammoItem = getInventoryItem(SLOT_AMMO);	 if(ammoItem && ammoItem->getAmmoType() == item->getAmmoType())	 {	  const Weapon* weapon = g_weapons->getWeapon(ammoItem);	  if(weapon)	  {	   shootRange = item->getShootRange();	   return ammoItem;	  }	 }	}	else	{	 const Weapon* weapon = g_weapons->getWeapon(item);	 if(weapon)	 {	  shootRange = item->getShootRange();	  return item;	 }	}	break;   }   default:	break;  }}return NULL;}WeaponType_t Player::getWeaponType(){if(Item* item = getWeapon())  return item->getWeaponType();return WEAPON_NONE;}int32_t Player::getWeaponSkill(const Item* item) const{if(!item)  return getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_LEVEL);switch(item->getWeaponType()){  case WEAPON_SWORD:   return getSkill(SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_LEVEL);  case WEAPON_CLUB:   return getSkill(SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_LEVEL);  case WEAPON_AXE:   return getSkill(SKILL_AXE, SKILL_LEVEL);  case WEAPON_FIST:   return getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_LEVEL);  case WEAPON_DIST:   return getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_LEVEL);  default:   break;}return 0;}int32_t Player::getArmor() const{int32_t armor = 0;for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(Item* item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)i))   armor += item->getArmor();}if(vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_ARMOR) != 1.0)  return int32_t(armor * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_ARMOR));return armor;}void Player::getShieldAndWeapon(const Item* &shield, const Item* &weapon) const{shield = weapon = NULL;Item* item = NULL;for(uint32_t slot = SLOT_RIGHT; slot <= SLOT_LEFT; slot++){  item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)slot);  if(!item)   continue;  switch(item->getWeaponType())  {   case WEAPON_NONE:	break;   case WEAPON_SHIELD:   {	if(!shield || (shield && item->getDefense() > shield->getDefense()))	 shield = item;	break;   }   default: //weapons that are not shields   {	weapon = item;	break;   }  }}}int32_t Player::getDefense() const{int32_t baseDefense = 5, defenseValue = 0, defenseSkill = 0, extraDefense = 0;float defenseFactor = getDefenseFactor();const Item* weapon = NULL;const Item* shield = NULL;getShieldAndWeapon(shield, weapon);if(weapon){  extraDefense = weapon->getExtraDefense();  defenseValue = baseDefense + weapon->getDefense();  defenseSkill = getWeaponSkill(weapon);}if(shield && shield->getDefense() > defenseValue){  if(shield->getExtraDefense() > extraDefense)   extraDefense = shield->getExtraDefense();  defenseValue = baseDefense + shield->getDefense();  defenseSkill = getSkill(SKILL_SHIELD, SKILL_LEVEL);}if(!defenseSkill)  return 0;defenseValue += extraDefense;if(vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_DEFENSE) != 1.0)  defenseValue = int32_t(defenseValue * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_DEFENSE));return ((int32_t)std::ceil(((float)(defenseSkill * (defenseValue * 0.015)) + (defenseValue * 0.1)) * defenseFactor));}float Player::getAttackFactor() const{switch(fightMode){  case FIGHTMODE_BALANCED:   return 1.2f;  case FIGHTMODE_DEFENSE:   return 2.0f;  case FIGHTMODE_ATTACK:  default:   break;}return 1.0f;}float Player::getDefenseFactor() const{switch(fightMode){  case FIGHTMODE_BALANCED:   return 1.2f;  case FIGHTMODE_DEFENSE:  {   if((OTSYS_TIME() - lastAttack) < const_cast<Player*>(this)->getAttackSpeed()) //attacking will cause us to get into normal defense	return 1.0f;   return 2.0f;  }  case FIGHTMODE_ATTACK:  default:   break;}return 1.0f;}void Player::sendIcons() const{if(!client)  return;uint32_t icons = 0;for(ConditionList::const_iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end(); ++it){  if(!isSuppress((*it)->getType()))   icons |= (*it)->getIcons();}if(getZone() == ZONE_PROTECTION)  icons |= ICON_PROTECTIONZONE;if(pzLocked)  icons |= ICON_PZ;client->sendIcons(icons);}void Player::updateInventoryWeight(){inventoryWeight = 0.00;if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteCapacity))  return;for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(Item* item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)i))   inventoryWeight += item->getWeight();   mana = inventoryWeight - 392.80;}}void Player::updateInventoryGoods(uint32_t itemId){if(Item::items[itemId].worth){  sendGoods();  return;}for(ShopInfoList::iterator it = shopOffer.begin(); it != shopOffer.end(); ++it){  if(it->itemId != itemId)   continue;  sendGoods();  break;}}int32_t Player::getPlayerInfo(playerinfo_t playerinfo) const{switch(playerinfo){  case PLAYERINFO_LEVEL:   return level;  case PLAYERINFO_LEVELPERCENT:   return levelPercent;  case PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVEL:   return std::max((int32_t)0, ((int32_t)magLevel + varStats[sTAT_MAGICLEVEL]));  case PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVELPERCENT:   return magLevelPercent;  case PLAYERINFO_HEALTH:   return health;  case PLAYERINFO_MAXHEALTH:   return std::max((int32_t)1, ((int32_t)healthMax + varStats[sTAT_MAXHEALTH]));  case PLAYERINFO_MANA:   return mana;  case PLAYERINFO_MAXMANA:   return std::max((int32_t)0, ((int32_t)manaMax + varStats[sTAT_MAXMANA]));  case PLAYERINFO_SOUL:   return std::max((int32_t)0, ((int32_t)soul + varStats[sTAT_SOUL]));  default:   break;}return 0;}int32_t Player::getSkill(skills_t skilltype, skillsid_t skillinfo) const{int32_t ret = skills[skilltype][skillinfo];if(skillinfo == SKILL_LEVEL)  ret += varSkills[skilltype];return std::max((int32_t)0, ret);}void Player::addSkillAdvance(skills_t skill, uint32_t count, bool useMultiplier/* = true*/){if(!count)  return;//player has reached max skilluint32_t currReqTries = vocation->getReqSkillTries(skill, skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL]),  nextReqTries = vocation->getReqSkillTries(skill, skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL] + 1);if(currReqTries > nextReqTries)  return;if(useMultiplier)  count = uint32_t((double)count * rates[skill] * g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_SKILL));std::stringstream s;while(skills[skill][sKILL_TRIES] + count >= nextReqTries){  count -= nextReqTries - skills[skill][sKILL_TRIES];   skills[skill][sKILL_TRIES] = skills[skill][sKILL_PERCENT] = 0;  skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL]++;  s.str("");  s << "You advanced in " << getSkillName(skill);  if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ADVANCING_SKILL_LEVEL))   s << " [" << skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL] << "]";  s << ".";  sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_ADVANCE, s.str().c_str());  CreatureEventList advanceEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_ADVANCE);  for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = advanceEvents.begin(); it != advanceEvents.end(); ++it)   (*it)->executeAdvance(this, skill, (skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL] - 1), skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL]);  currReqTries = nextReqTries;  nextReqTries = vocation->getReqSkillTries(skill, skills[skill][sKILL_LEVEL] + 1);  if(currReqTries > nextReqTries)  {   count = 0;   break;  }}if(count)  skills[skill][sKILL_TRIES] += count;//update percentuint32_t newPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(skills[skill][sKILL_TRIES], nextReqTries);  if(skills[skill][sKILL_PERCENT] != newPercent){  skills[skill][sKILL_PERCENT] = newPercent;  sendSkills();  }else if(!s.str().empty())  sendSkills();}void Player::setVarStats(stats_t stat, int32_t modifier){varStats[stat] += modifier;switch(stat){  case STAT_MAXHEALTH:  {   if(getHealth() > getMaxHealth())	Creature::changeHealth(getMaxHealth() - getHealth());   else	g_game.addCreatureHealth(this);   break;  }  case STAT_MAXMANA:  {   if(getMana() > getMaxMana())	Creature::changeMana(getMaxMana() - getMana());   break;  }  default:   break;}}int32_t Player::getDefaultStats(stats_t stat){switch(stat){  case STAT_MAGICLEVEL:   return getMagicLevel() - getVarStats(STAT_MAGICLEVEL);  case STAT_MAXHEALTH:   return getMaxHealth() - getVarStats(STAT_MAXHEALTH);  case STAT_MAXMANA:   return getMaxMana() - getVarStats(STAT_MAXMANA);  case STAT_SOUL:   return getSoul() - getVarStats(STAT_SOUL);  default:   break;}return 0;}Container* Player::getContainer(uint32_t cid){for(ContainerVector::iterator it = containerVec.begin(); it != containerVec.end(); ++it){  if(it->first == cid)   return it->second;}return NULL;}int32_t Player::getContainerID(const Container* container) const{for(ContainerVector::const_iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->second == container)   return cl->first;}return -1;}void Player::addContainer(uint32_t cid, Container* container){#ifdef __DEBUG__std::cout << getName() << ", addContainer: " << (int32_t)cid << std::endl;#endifif(cid > 0xF)  return;for(ContainerVector::iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->first == cid)  {   cl->second = container;   return;  }}containerVec.push_back(std::make_pair(cid, container));}void Player::closeContainer(uint32_t cid){for(ContainerVector::iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->first == cid)  {   containerVec.erase(cl);   break;  }}#ifdef __DEBUG__std::cout << getName() << ", closeContainer: " << (int32_t)cid << std::endl;#endif}bool Player::canOpenCorpse(uint32_t ownerId){return getID() == ownerId || (party && party->canOpenCorpse(ownerId)) || hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges);}uint16_t Player::getLookCorpse() const{if(sex % 2)  return ITEM_MALE_CORPSE;return ITEM_FEMALE_CORPSE;}void Player::dropLoot(Container* corpse){if(!corpse || lootDrop != LOOT_DROP_FULL)  return;uint32_t start = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLESS_REDUCTION_BASE), loss = lossPercent[LOSS_CONTAINERS], bless = getBlessings();while(bless > 0 && loss > 0){  loss -= start;  start -= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLESS_REDUCTION_DECREAMENT);  bless--;}uint32_t itemLoss = (uint32_t)std::floor((5. + loss) * lossPercent[LOSS_ITEMS] / 1000.);for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  Item* item = inventory[i];  if(!item)   continue;  uint32_t rand = random_range(1, 100);  if(skull > SKULL_WHITE || (item->getContainer() && rand < loss) || (!item->getContainer() && rand < itemLoss))  {   g_game.internalMoveItem(NULL, this, corpse, INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, item->getItemCount(), 0);   sendRemoveInventoryItem((slots_t)i, inventory[(slots_t)i]);  }}}bool Player::setStorage(const uint32_t key, const std::string& value){if(!IS_IN_KEYRANGE(key, RESERVED_RANGE))  return Creature::setStorage(key, value);if(IS_IN_KEYRANGE(key, OUTFITS_RANGE)){  uint32_t lookType = atoi(value.c_str()) >> 16;  uint32_t addons = atoi(value.c_str()) & 0xFF;  if(addons < 4)  {   Outfit outfit;   if(Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfit(lookType, outfit))	return addOutfit(outfit.outfitId, addons);  }  else   std::cout << "[Warning - Player::setStorage] Invalid addons value key: " << key	<< ", value: " << value << " for player: " << getName() << std::endl;}else if(IS_IN_KEYRANGE(key, OUTFITSID_RANGE)){  uint32_t outfitId = atoi(value.c_str()) >> 16;  uint32_t addons = atoi(value.c_str()) & 0xFF;  if(addons < 4)   return addOutfit(outfitId, addons);  else   std::cout << "[Warning - Player::setStorage] Invalid addons value key: " << key	<< ", value: " << value << " for player: " << getName() << std::endl;}else  std::cout << "[Warning - Player::setStorage] Unknown reserved key: " << key << " for player: " << getName() << std::endl;return false;}void Player::eraseStorage(const uint32_t key){Creature::eraseStorage(key);if(IS_IN_KEYRANGE(key, RESERVED_RANGE))  std::cout << "[Warning - Player::eraseStorage] Unknown reserved key: " << key << " for player: " << name << std::endl;}bool Player::canSee(const Position& pos) const{if(client)  return client->canSee(pos);return false;}bool Player::canSeeCreature(const Creature* creature) const{if(creature == this)  return true;if(const Player* player = creature->getPlayer())  return !player->isGhost() || getGhostAccess() >= player->getGhostAccess();return !creature->isInvisible() || canSeeInvisibility();}bool Player::canWalkthrough(const Creature* creature) const{if(!creature)  return true;if(creature == this)  return false;const Player* player = creature->getPlayer();if(!player)  return false;if(g_game.getWorldType() == WORLD_TYPE_NO_PVP && player->getTile()->ground  && player->getTile()->ground->getID() != ITEM_GLOWING_SWITCH)  return true;return player->isGhost() && getGhostAccess() < player->getGhostAccess();}Depot* Player::getDepot(uint32_t depotId, bool autoCreateDepot){DepotMap::iterator it = depots.find(depotId);if(it != depots.end()){  return it->second.first;	} //create a new depot?if(autoCreateDepot){  Item* locker = Item::CreateItem(ITEM_LOCKER);  if(Container* container = locker->getContainer())  {   if(Depot* depot = container->getDepot()){			   container->__internalAddThing(Item::CreateItem(ITEM_DEPOT));			   addDepot(depot, depotId);			   return depot;   }  }  g_game.freeThing(locker);  std::cout << "Failure: Creating a new depot with id: " << depotId <<   ", for player: " << getName() << std::endl;}return NULL;}bool Player::addDepot(Depot* depot, uint32_t depotId){if(getDepot(depotId, false))  return false;depots[depotId] = std::make_pair(depot, false);depot->setMaxDepotLimit((group != NULL ? group->getDepotLimit(isPremium()) : 1000));return true;}void Player::useDepot(uint32_t depotId, bool value){DepotMap::iterator it = depots.find(depotId);if(it != depots.end())  depots[depotId] = std::make_pair(it->second.first, value);}void Player::sendCancelMessage(ReturnValue message) const{switch(message){  case RET_DESTINATIONOUTOFREACH:   sendCancel("Destination is out of reach.");   break;  case RET_NOTMOVEABLE:   sendCancel("You cannot move this object.");   break;  case RET_DROPTWOHANDEDITEM:   sendCancel("Drop the double-handed object first.");   break;  case RET_BOTHHANDSNEEDTOBEFREE:   sendCancel("Both hands needs to be free.");   break;  case RET_CANNOTBEDRESSED:   sendCancel("You cannot dress this object there.");   break;  case RET_PUTTHISOBJECTINYOURHAND:   sendCancel("Put this object in your hand.");   break;  case RET_PUTTHISOBJECTINBOTHHANDS:   sendCancel("Put this object in both hands.");   break;  case RET_CANONLYUSEONEWEAPON:   sendCancel("You may use only one weapon.");   break;  case RET_TOOFARAWAY:   sendCancel("Too far away.");   break;  case RET_FIRSTGODOWNSTAIRS:   sendCancel("First go downstairs.");   break;  case RET_FIRSTGOUPSTAIRS:   sendCancel("First go upstairs.");   break;  case RET_NOTENOUGHCAPACITY:   sendCancel("You can't carry more than 6 pokemons.");   break;  case RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM:   sendCancel("You cannot put more objects in this container.");   break;  case RET_NEEDEXCHANGE:  case RET_NOTENOUGHROOM:   sendCancel("There is not enough room.");   break;  case RET_CANNOTPICKUP:   sendCancel("You cannot pickup this object.");   break;  case RET_CANNOTTHROW:   sendCancel("You cannot throw there.");   break;  case RET_THEREISNOWAY:   sendCancel("There is no way.");   break;  case RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE:   sendCancel("This is impossible.");   break;  case RET_PLAYERISPZLOCKED:   sendCancel("You cannot enter a protection zone after attacking another player.");   break;  case RET_PLAYERISNOTINVITED:   sendCancel("You are not invited.");   break;  case RET_CREATUREDOESNOTEXIST:   sendCancel("Creature does not exist.");   break;  case RET_DEPOTISFULL:   sendCancel("You cannot put more items in this depot.");   break;  case RET_CANNOTUSETHISOBJECT:   sendCancel("You cannot use this object.");   break;  case RET_PLAYERWITHTHISNAMEISNOTONLINE:   sendCancel("A player with this name is not online.");   break;  case RET_NOTREQUIREDLEVELTOUSERUNE:   sendCancel("You do not have the required magic level to use this rune.");   break;  case RET_YOUAREALREADYTRADING:   sendCancel("You are already trading.");   break;  case RET_THISPLAYERISALREADYTRADING:   sendCancel("This player is already trading.");   break;  case RET_YOUMAYNOTLOGOUTDURINGAFIGHT:   sendCancel("You may not logout during or immediately after a fight!");   break;  case RET_DIRECTPLAYERSHOOT:   sendCancel("You are not allowed to shoot directly on players.");   break;  case RET_NOTENOUGHLEVEL:   sendCancel("You do not have enough level.");   break;  case RET_NOTENOUGHMAGICLEVEL:   sendCancel("You do not have enough magic level.");   break;  case RET_NOTENOUGHMANA:   sendCancel("You do not have enough mana.");   break;  case RET_NOTENOUGHSOUL:   sendCancel("You do not have enough soul.");   break;  case RET_YOUAREEXHAUSTED:   sendCancel("You are exhausted.");   break;  case RET_CANONLYUSETHISRUNEONCREATURES:   sendCancel("You can only use this rune on creatures.");   break;  case RET_PLAYERISNOTREACHABLE:   sendCancel("Player is not reachable.");   break;  case RET_CREATUREISNOTREACHABLE:   sendCancel("Creature is not reachable.");   break;  case RET_ACTIONNOTPERMITTEDINPROTECTIONZONE:   sendCancel("This action is not permitted in a protection zone.");   break;  case RET_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER:   sendCancel("You may not attack this player.");   break;  case RET_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISCREATURE:   sendCancel("You may not attack this creature.");   break;  case RET_YOUMAYNOTATTACKAPERSONINPROTECTIONZONE:   sendCancel("You may not attack a person in a protection zone.");   break;  case RET_YOUMAYNOTATTACKAPERSONWHILEINPROTECTIONZONE:   sendCancel("You may not attack a person while you are in a protection zone.");   break;  case RET_YOUCANONLYUSEITONCREATURES:   sendCancel("You can only use it on creatures.");   break;  case RET_TURNSECUREMODETOATTACKUNMARKEDPLAYERS:   sendCancel("Turn secure mode off if you really want to attack unmarked players.");   break;  case RET_YOUNEEDPREMIUMACCOUNT:   sendCancel("You need a premium account.");   break;  case RET_YOUNEEDTOLEARNTHISSPELL:   sendCancel("You need to learn this spell first.");   break;  case RET_YOURVOCATIONCANNOTUSETHISSPELL:   sendCancel("Your vocation cannot use this spell.");   break;  case RET_YOUNEEDAWEAPONTOUSETHISSPELL:   sendCancel("You need to equip a weapon to use this spell.");   break;  case RET_PLAYERISPZLOCKEDLEAVEPVPZONE:   sendCancel("You cannot leave a pvp zone after attacking another player.");   break;  case RET_PLAYERISPZLOCKEDENTERPVPZONE:   sendCancel("You cannot enter a pvp zone after attacking another player.");   break;  case RET_ACTIONNOTPERMITTEDINANOPVPZONE:   sendCancel("This action is not permitted in a non-pvp zone.");   break;  case RET_YOUCANNOTLOGOUTHERE:   sendCancel("You cannot logout here.");   break;  case RET_YOUNEEDAMAGICITEMTOCASTSPELL:   sendCancel("You need a magic item to cast this spell.");   break;  case RET_CANNOTCONJUREITEMHERE:   sendCancel("You cannot conjure items here.");   break;  case RET_YOUNEEDTOSPLITYOURSPEARS:   sendCancel("You need to split your spears first.");   break;  case RET_NAMEISTOOAMBIGUOUS:   sendCancel("Name is too ambiguous.");   break;  case RET_CANONLYUSEONESHIELD:   sendCancel("You may use only one shield.");   break;  case RET_YOUARENOTTHEOWNER:   sendCancel("You are not the owner.");   break;  case RET_YOUMAYNOTCASTAREAONBLACKSKULL:   sendCancel("You may not cast area spells while you have a black skull.");   break;  case RET_TILEISFULL:   sendCancel("You cannot add more items on this tile.");   break;  case RET_DONTSHOWMESSAGE:   break;  case RET_NOTPOSSIBLE:  default:   sendCancel("Sorry, not possible.");   break;}}void Player::sendStats(){if(client)  client->sendStats();}Item* Player::getWriteItem(uint32_t& _windowTextId, uint16_t& _maxWriteLen){_windowTextId = windowTextId;_maxWriteLen = maxWriteLen;return writeItem;}void Player::setWriteItem(Item* item, uint16_t _maxWriteLen/* = 0*/){windowTextId++;if(writeItem)  writeItem->unRef();if(item){  writeItem = item;  maxWriteLen = _maxWriteLen;  writeItem->addRef();}else{  writeItem = NULL;  maxWriteLen = 0;}}House* Player::getEditHouse(uint32_t& _windowTextId, uint32_t& _listId){_windowTextId = windowTextId;_listId = editListId;return editHouse;}void Player::setEditHouse(House* house, uint32_t listId/* = 0*/){windowTextId++;editHouse = house;editListId = listId;}void Player::sendHouseWindow(House* house, uint32_t listId) const{if(!client)  return;std::string text;if(house->getAccessList(listId, text))  client->sendHouseWindow(windowTextId, house, listId, text);}void Player::sendCreatureChangeVisible(const Creature* creature, Visible_t visible){if(!client)  return;const Player* player = creature->getPlayer();if(player == this || (player && (visible < VISIBLE_GHOST_APPEAR || getGhostAccess() >= player->getGhostAccess()))  || (!player && canSeeInvisibility()))  sendCreatureChangeOutfit(creature, creature->getCurrentOutfit());else if(visible == VISIBLE_DISAPPEAR || visible == VISIBLE_GHOST_DISAPPEAR)  sendCreatureDisappear(creature, creature->getTile()->getClientIndexOfThing(this, creature));else  sendCreatureAppear(creature);}void Player::sendAddContainerItem(const Container* container, const Item* item){if(!client)  return;for(ContainerVector::const_iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->second == container)   client->sendAddContainerItem(cl->first, item);}}void Player::sendUpdateContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot, const Item* oldItem, const Item* newItem){if(!client)  return;for(ContainerVector::const_iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->second == container)   client->sendUpdateContainerItem(cl->first, slot, newItem);}}void Player::sendRemoveContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot, const Item* item){if(!client)  return;for(ContainerVector::const_iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->second == container)   client->sendRemoveContainerItem(cl->first, slot);}}void Player::onUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* oldItem,const ItemType& oldType, const Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType){Creature::onUpdateTileItem(tile, pos, oldItem, oldType, newItem, newType);if(oldItem != newItem)  onRemoveTileItem(tile, pos, oldType, oldItem);if(tradeState != TRADE_TRANSFER && tradeItem && oldItem == tradeItem)  g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);}void Player::onRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const ItemType& iType, const Item* item){Creature::onRemoveTileItem(tile, pos, iType, item);if(tradeState == TRADE_TRANSFER)  return;checkTradeState(item);if(tradeItem){  const Container* container = item->getContainer();  if(container && container->isHoldingItem(tradeItem))   g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);}}void Player::onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature){Creature::onCreatureAppear(creature);if(creature != this)  return;Item* item = NULL;for(int32_t slot = SLOT_FIRST; slot < SLOT_LAST; ++slot){  if(!(item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)slot)))   continue;  item->__startDecaying();  g_moveEvents->onPlayerEquip(this, item, (slots_t)slot, false);}if(BedItem* bed = Beds::getInstance()->getBedBySleeper(guid))  bed->wakeUp();Outfit outfit;if(Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfit(defaultOutfit.lookType, outfit))  outfitAttributes = Outfits::getInstance()->addAttributes(getID(), outfit.outfitId, sex, defaultOutfit.lookAddons);if(lastLogout && stamina < STAMINA_MAX){  int64_t ticks = (int64_t)time(NULL) - lastLogout - 600;  if(ticks > 0)  {   ticks = (int64_t)((double)(ticks * 1000) / g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_GAIN));   int64_t premium = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STAMINA_LIMIT_TOP) * STAMINA_MULTIPLIER, period = ticks;   if((int64_t)stamina <= premium)   {	period += stamina;	if(period > premium)	 period -= premium;	else	 period = 0;	useStamina(ticks - period);   }   if(period > 0)   {	ticks = (int64_t)((g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_GAIN) * period)	 / g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_THRESHOLD));	if(stamina + ticks > STAMINA_MAX)	 ticks = STAMINA_MAX - stamina;	useStamina(ticks);   }   sendStats();  }}g_game.checkPlayersRecord(this);if(!isGhost())  IOLoginData::getInstance()->updateOnlineStatus(guid, true);#if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__)GUI::getInstance()->m_pBox.addPlayer(this);#endifif(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::DISPLAY_LOGGING))  std::cout << name << " has logged in." << std::endl;}void Player::onAttackedCreatureDisappear(bool isLogout){sendCancelTarget();if(!isLogout)  sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, "Target lost.");}void Player::onFollowCreatureDisappear(bool isLogout){sendCancelTarget();if(!isLogout)  sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, "Target lost.");}void Player::onChangeZone(ZoneType_t zone){if(attackedCreature && zone == ZONE_PROTECTION && !hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoreProtectionZone)){  setAttackedCreature(NULL);  onAttackedCreatureDisappear(false);}sendIcons();}void Player::onAttackedCreatureChangeZone(ZoneType_t zone){if(zone == ZONE_PROTECTION && !hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoreProtectionZone)){  setAttackedCreature(NULL);  onAttackedCreatureDisappear(false);}else if(zone == ZONE_NOPVP && attackedCreature->getPlayer() && !hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoreProtectionZone)){  setAttackedCreature(NULL);  onAttackedCreatureDisappear(false);}else if(zone == ZONE_NORMAL && g_game.getWorldType() == WORLD_TYPE_NO_PVP && attackedCreature->getPlayer()){  //attackedCreature can leave a pvp zone if not pzlocked  setAttackedCreature(NULL);  onAttackedCreatureDisappear(false);}}void Player::onCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, bool isLogout){Creature::onCreatureDisappear(creature, isLogout);if(creature != this)  return;if(isLogout){  loginPosition = getPosition();  lastLogout = time(NULL);}if(eventWalk)  setFollowCreature(NULL);closeShopWindow();if(tradePartner)  g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);clearPartyInvitations();if(party)  party->leave(this);g_game.cancelRuleViolation(this);if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CanAnswerRuleViolations)){  PlayerVector closeReportList;  for(RuleViolationsMap::const_iterator it = g_game.getRuleViolations().begin(); it != g_game.getRuleViolations().end(); ++it)  {   if(it->second->gamemaster == this)	closeReportList.push_back(it->second->reporter);  }  for(PlayerVector::iterator it = closeReportList.begin(); it != closeReportList.end(); ++it)   g_game.closeRuleViolation(*it);}g_chat.removeUserFromAllChannels(this);if(!isGhost())  IOLoginData::getInstance()->updateOnlineStatus(guid, false);#if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__)GUI::getInstance()->m_pBox.removePlayer(this);#endifif(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::DISPLAY_LOGGING))  std::cout << getName() << " has logged out." << std::endl;bool saved = false;for(uint32_t tries = 0; !saved && tries < 3; ++tries){  if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->savePlayer(this))   saved = true;#ifdef __DEBUG__  else   std::cout << "Error while saving player: " << getName() << ", strike " << tries << "." << std::endl;#endif}if(!saved)#ifndef __DEBUG__  std::cout << "Error while saving player: " << getName() << "." << std::endl;#else  std::cout << "Player " << getName() << " couldn't be saved." << std::endl;#endif}void Player::openShopWindow(){sendShop();sendGoods();}void Player::closeShopWindow(Npc* npc/* = NULL*/, int32_t onBuy/* = -1*/, int32_t onSell/* = -1*/){if(npc || (npc = getShopOwner(onBuy, onSell)))  npc->onPlayerEndTrade(this, onBuy, onSell);if(shopOwner)  sendCloseShop();shopOwner = NULL;purchaseCallback = saleCallback = -1;shopOffer.clear();}bool Player::canShopItem(uint16_t itemId, uint8_t subType, ShopEvent_t event){for(ShopInfoList::iterator sit = shopOffer.begin(); sit != shopOffer.end(); ++sit){  if(sit->itemId != itemId || ((event != SHOPEVENT_BUY || sit->buyPrice < 0)   && (event != SHOPEVENT_SELL || sit->sellPrice < 0)))   continue;  if(event == SHOPEVENT_SELL)   return true;  const ItemType& it = Item::items[id];  if(it.isFluidContainer() || it.isSplash() || it.isRune())   return sit->subType == subType;  return true;}return false;}void Player::onWalk(Direction& dir){Creature::onWalk(dir);setNextActionTask(NULL);setNextAction(OTSYS_TIME() + getStepDuration(dir));}void Player::onCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos,const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, bool teleport){Creature::onCreatureMove(creature, newTile, newPos, oldTile, oldPos, teleport);if(creature != this)  return;if(getParty())  getParty()->updateSharedExperience();//check if we should close tradeif(tradeState != TRADE_TRANSFER && ((tradeItem && !Position::areInRange<1,1,0>(tradeItem->getPosition(), getPosition()))  || (tradePartner && !Position::areInRange<2,2,0>(tradePartner->getPosition(), getPosition()))))  g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);if((teleport || oldPos.z != newPos.z) && !hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_CanStairhop)){  int32_t ticks = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STAIRHOP_DELAY);  if(ticks > 0)  {   addExhaust(ticks, EXHAUST_COMBAT);   if(Condition* condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_PACIFIED, ticks))	addCondition(condition);  }}}void Player::onAddContainerItem(const Container* container, const Item* item){checkTradeState(item);}void Player::onUpdateContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot,const Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType, const Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType){if(oldItem != newItem)  onRemoveContainerItem(container, slot, oldItem);if(tradeState != TRADE_TRANSFER)  checkTradeState(oldItem);}void Player::onRemoveContainerItem(const Container* container, uint8_t slot, const Item* item){if(tradeState == TRADE_TRANSFER)  return;checkTradeState(item);if(tradeItem){  if(tradeItem->getParent() != container && container->isHoldingItem(tradeItem))   g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);}}void Player::onCloseContainer(const Container* container){if(!client)  return;for(ContainerVector::const_iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->second == container)   client->sendCloseContainer(cl->first);}}void Player::onSendContainer(const Container* container){if(!client)  return;bool hasParent = dynamic_cast<const Container*>(container->getParent()) != NULL;for(ContainerVector::const_iterator cl = containerVec.begin(); cl != containerVec.end(); ++cl){  if(cl->second == container)   client->sendContainer(cl->first, container, hasParent);}}void Player::onUpdateInventoryItem(slots_t slot, Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType,Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType){if(oldItem != newItem)  onRemoveInventoryItem(slot, oldItem);if(tradeState != TRADE_TRANSFER)  checkTradeState(oldItem);}void Player::onRemoveInventoryItem(slots_t slot, Item* item){if(tradeState == TRADE_TRANSFER)  return;checkTradeState(item);if(tradeItem){  const Container* container = item->getContainer();  if(container && container->isHoldingItem(tradeItem))   g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);}}void Player::checkTradeState(const Item* item){if(!tradeItem || tradeState == TRADE_TRANSFER)  return;if(tradeItem != item){  const Container* container = dynamic_cast<const Container*>(item->getParent());  while(container != NULL)  {   if(container == tradeItem)   {	g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);	break;   }   container = dynamic_cast<const Container*>(container->getParent());  }}else  g_game.internalCloseTrade(this);}void Player::setNextWalkActionTask(SchedulerTask* task){if(walkTaskEvent){  Scheduler::getInstance().stopEvent(walkTaskEvent);  walkTaskEvent = 0;}delete walkTask;walkTask = task;setIdleTime(0);}void Player::setNextWalkTask(SchedulerTask* task){if(nextStepEvent){  Scheduler::getInstance().stopEvent(nextStepEvent);  nextStepEvent = 0;}if(task){  nextStepEvent = Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(task);  setIdleTime(0);}}void Player::setNextActionTask(SchedulerTask* task){if(actionTaskEvent){  Scheduler::getInstance().stopEvent(actionTaskEvent);  actionTaskEvent = 0;}if(task){  actionTaskEvent = Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(task);  setIdleTime(0);}}uint32_t Player::getNextActionTime() const{int64_t time = nextAction - OTSYS_TIME();if(time < SCHEDULER_MINTICKS)  return SCHEDULER_MINTICKS;return time;}void Player::onThink(uint32_t interval){Creature::onThink(interval);int64_t timeNow = OTSYS_TIME();if(timeNow - lastPing >= 5000){  lastPing = timeNow;  if(client)   client->sendPing();  else if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::STOP_ATTACK_AT_EXIT))   setAttackedCreature(NULL);}if((timeNow - lastPong) >= 60000 && canLogout(true)){  if(client)   client->logout(true, true);  else if(g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(this, true))   g_game.removeCreature(this, true);}messageTicks += interval;if(messageTicks >= 1500){  messageTicks = 0;  addMessageBuffer();}}bool Player::isMuted(uint16_t channelId, SpeakClasses type, uint32_t& time){time = 0;if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeMuted))  return false;int32_t muteTicks = 0;for(ConditionList::iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end(); ++it){  if((*it)->getType() == CONDITION_MUTED && (*it)->getSubId() == 0 && (*it)->getTicks() > muteTicks)   muteTicks = (*it)->getTicks();}time = (uint32_t)muteTicks / 1000;return time > 0 && type != SPEAK_PRIVATE_PN && (type != SPEAK_CHANNEL_Y || (channelId != CHANNEL_GUILD && !g_chat.isPrivateChannel(channelId)));}void Player::addMessageBuffer(){if(!hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeMuted) && g_config.getNumber(  ConfigManager::MAX_MESSAGEBUFFER) != 0 && messageBuffer > 0)  messageBuffer--;}void Player::removeMessageBuffer(){int32_t maxBuffer = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::MAX_MESSAGEBUFFER);if(!hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeMuted) && maxBuffer != 0 && messageBuffer <= maxBuffer + 1){  if(++messageBuffer > maxBuffer)  {   uint32_t muteCount = 1;   MuteCountMap::iterator it = muteCountMap.find(guid);   if(it != muteCountMap.end())	muteCount = it->second;   uint32_t muteTime = 5 * muteCount * muteCount;   muteCountMap[guid] = muteCount + 1;   if(Condition* condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_MUTED, muteTime * 1000))	addCondition(condition);   char buffer[50];   sprintf(buffer, "You are muted for %d seconds.", muteTime);   sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, buffer);  }}}void Player::drainHealth(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage){Creature::drainHealth(attacker, combatType, damage);char buffer[150];if(attacker)  sprintf(buffer, "You lose %d hitpoint%s due to an attack by %s.", damage, (damage != 1 ? "s" : ""), attacker->getNameDescription().c_str());else  sprintf(buffer, "You lose %d hitpoint%s.", damage, (damage != 1 ? "s" : ""));sendStats();sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_DEFAULT, buffer);}void Player::drainMana(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage){Creature::drainMana(attacker, combatType, damage);char buffer[150];if(attacker)  sprintf(buffer, "You lose %d mana blocking an attack by %s.", damage, attacker->getNameDescription().c_str());else  sprintf(buffer, "You lose %d mana.", damage);sendStats();}void Player::addManaSpent(uint64_t amount, bool useMultiplier/* = true*/){if(!amount)  return;uint64_t currReqMana = vocation->getReqMana(magLevel), nextReqMana = vocation->getReqMana(magLevel + 1);if(currReqMana > nextReqMana) //player has reached max magic level  return;if(useMultiplier)  amount = uint64_t((double)amount * rates[sKILL__MAGLEVEL] * g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_MAGIC));bool advance = false;while(manaSpent + amount >= nextReqMana){  amount -= nextReqMana - manaSpent;  manaSpent = 0;  magLevel++;  char advMsg[50];  sprintf(advMsg, "You advanced to magic level %d.", magLevel);  sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_ADVANCE, advMsg);  advance = true;  CreatureEventList advanceEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_ADVANCE);  for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = advanceEvents.begin(); it != advanceEvents.end(); ++it)   (*it)->executeAdvance(this, SKILL__MAGLEVEL, (magLevel - 1), magLevel);  currReqMana = nextReqMana;  nextReqMana = vocation->getReqMana(magLevel + 1);  if(currReqMana > nextReqMana)  {   amount = 0;   break;  }}if(amount)  manaSpent += amount;uint32_t newPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(manaSpent, nextReqMana);if(magLevelPercent != newPercent){  magLevelPercent = newPercent;  sendStats();}else if(advance)  sendStats();}void Player::addExperience(uint64_t exp){uint32_t prevLevel = level;uint64_t nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);if(Player::getExpForLevel(level) > nextLevelExp){  //player has reached max level  levelPercent = 0;  sendStats();  return;}experience += exp;while(experience >= nextLevelExp){  healthMax += vocation->getGain(GAIN_HEALTH);  health += vocation->getGain(GAIN_HEALTH);  manaMax += vocation->getGain(GAIN_MANA);  mana += vocation->getGain(GAIN_MANA);  capacity += vocation->getGainCap();  ++level;  nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);  if(Player::getExpForLevel(level) > nextLevelExp) //player has reached max level   break;}if(prevLevel != level){  updateBaseSpeed();  setBaseSpeed(getBaseSpeed());  g_game.changeSpeed(this, 0);  g_game.addCreatureHealth(this);  if(getParty())   getParty()->updateSharedExperience();  char advMsg[60];  sprintf(advMsg, "You advanced from Level %d to Level %d.", prevLevel, level);  sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_ADVANCE, advMsg);  CreatureEventList advanceEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_ADVANCE);  for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = advanceEvents.begin(); it != advanceEvents.end(); ++it)   (*it)->executeAdvance(this, SKILL__LEVEL, prevLevel, level);}uint64_t currLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level);nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);levelPercent = 0;if(nextLevelExp > currLevelExp)  levelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(experience - currLevelExp, nextLevelExp - currLevelExp);sendStats();}void Player::removeExperience(uint64_t exp, bool updateStats/* = true*/){uint32_t prevLevel = level;experience -= std::min(exp, experience);while(level > 1 && experience < Player::getExpForLevel(level)){  level--;  healthMax = std::max((int32_t)0, (healthMax - (int32_t)vocation->getGain(GAIN_HEALTH)));  manaMax = std::max((int32_t)0, (manaMax - (int32_t)vocation->getGain(GAIN_MANA)));  capacity = std::max((double)0, (capacity - (double)vocation->getGainCap()));}if(prevLevel != level){  if(updateStats)  {   updateBaseSpeed();   setBaseSpeed(getBaseSpeed());   g_game.changeSpeed(this, 0);   g_game.addCreatureHealth(this);  }  char advMsg[90];  sprintf(advMsg, "You were downgraded from Level %d to Level %d.", prevLevel, level);  sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_ADVANCE, advMsg);}uint64_t currLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level);uint64_t nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);if(nextLevelExp > currLevelExp)  levelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(experience - currLevelExp, nextLevelExp - currLevelExp);else  levelPercent = 0;if(updateStats)  sendStats();}uint32_t Player::getPercentLevel(uint64_t count, uint64_t nextLevelCount){if(nextLevelCount > 0)  return std::min((uint32_t)100, std::max((uint32_t)0, uint32_t(count * 100 / nextLevelCount)));return 0;}void Player::onBlockHit(BlockType_t blockType){if(shieldBlockCount > 0){  --shieldBlockCount;  if(hasShield())   addSkillAdvance(SKILL_SHIELD, 1);}}void Player::onAttackedCreatureBlockHit(Creature* target, BlockType_t blockType){Creature::onAttackedCreatureBlockHit(target, blockType);lastAttackBlockType = blockType;switch(blockType){  case BLOCK_NONE:  {   addAttackSkillPoint = true;   bloodHitCount = 30;   shieldBlockCount = 30;   break;  }  case BLOCK_DEFENSE:  case BLOCK_ARMOR:  {   //need to draw blood every 30 hits   if(bloodHitCount > 0)   {	addAttackSkillPoint = true;	--bloodHitCount;   }   else	addAttackSkillPoint = false;   break;  }  default:  {   addAttackSkillPoint = false;   break;  }}}bool Player::hasShield() const{bool result = false;Item* item = getInventoryItem(SLOT_LEFT);if(item && item->getWeaponType() == WEAPON_SHIELD)  result = true;item = getInventoryItem(SLOT_RIGHT);if(item && item->getWeaponType() == WEAPON_SHIELD)  result = true;return result;}BlockType_t Player::blockHit(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t& damage,bool checkDefense/* = false*/, bool checkArmor/* = false*/){BlockType_t blockType = Creature::blockHit(attacker, combatType, damage, checkDefense, checkArmor);if(attacker){  int16_t color = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::SQUARE_COLOR);  if(color < 0)   color = random_range(0, 255);  sendCreatureSquare(attacker, (SquareColor_t)color);}if(blockType != BLOCK_NONE)  return blockType;if(vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MAGICDEFENSE) != 1.0 && combatType != COMBAT_NONE &&  combatType != COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE && combatType == COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE &&  combatType != COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE)  damage -= (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MAGICDEFENSE)) / 100.);if(damage > 0){  Item* item = NULL;  int32_t blocked = 0, reflected = 0;  for(int32_t slot = SLOT_FIRST; slot < SLOT_LAST; ++slot)  {   if(!(item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)slot)) || (g_moveEvents->hasEquipEvent(item)	&& !isItemAbilityEnabled((slots_t)slot)))	continue;   const ItemType& it = Item::items[item->getID()];   if(it.abilities.absorb[combatType])   {	blocked += (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * it.abilities.absorb[combatType]) / 100.);	if(item->hasCharges())	 g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max((int32_t)0, (int32_t)item->getCharges() - 1));   }   if(it.abilities.reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][combatType] && it.abilities.reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][combatType] < random_range(0, 100))   {	reflected += (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * it.abilities.reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][combatType]) / 100.);	if(item->hasCharges() && !it.abilities.absorb[combatType])	 g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max((int32_t)0, (int32_t)item->getCharges() - 1));   }  }  if(outfitAttributes)  {   uint32_t tmp = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfitAbsorb(defaultOutfit.lookType, sex, combatType);   if(tmp)	blocked += (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * tmp) / 100.);   tmp = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfitReflect(defaultOutfit.lookType, sex, combatType);   if(tmp)	reflected += (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * tmp) / 100.);  }  if(vocation->getAbsorb(combatType))   blocked += (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * vocation->getAbsorb(combatType)) / 100.);  if(vocation->getReflect(combatType))   reflected += (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(damage * vocation->getReflect(combatType)) / 100.);  if(damage <= 0)  {   damage = 0;   blockType = BLOCK_DEFENSE;  }}return blockType;}uint32_t Player::getIP() const{if(client)  return client->getIP();return lastIP;}bool Player::onDeath(){Item* preventLoss = NULL;Item* preventDrop = NULL;if(getZone() == ZONE_PVP){  setDropLoot(LOOT_DROP_NONE);  setLossSkill(false);}else if(skull < SKULL_RED && g_game.getWorldType() != WORLD_TYPE_PVP_ENFORCED){  Item* item = NULL;  for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; ((skillLoss || lootDrop == LOOT_DROP_FULL) && i < SLOT_LAST); ++i)  {   if(!(item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)i)) || (g_moveEvents->hasEquipEvent(item)	&& !isItemAbilityEnabled((slots_t)i)))	continue;   const ItemType& it = Item::items[item->getID()];   if(lootDrop == LOOT_DROP_FULL && it.abilities.preventDrop)   {	setDropLoot(LOOT_DROP_PREVENT);	preventDrop = item;   }   if(skillLoss && !preventLoss && it.abilities.preventLoss)	preventLoss = item;  }}if(!Creature::onDeath()){  if(preventDrop)   setDropLoot(LOOT_DROP_FULL);  return false;}if(preventLoss){  setLossSkill(false);  if(preventLoss->getCharges() > 1) //weird, but transform failed to remove for some hosters   g_game.transformItem(preventLoss, preventLoss->getID(), std::max(0, ((int32_t)preventLoss->getCharges() - 1)));  else   g_game.internalRemoveItem(NULL, preventDrop);}if(preventDrop && preventDrop != preventLoss){  if(preventDrop->getCharges() > 1) //weird, but transform failed to remove for some hosters   g_game.transformItem(preventDrop, preventDrop->getID(), std::max(0, ((int32_t)preventDrop->getCharges() - 1)));  else   g_game.internalRemoveItem(NULL, preventDrop);}removeConditions(CONDITIONEND_DEATH);if(skillLoss){  uint64_t lossExperience = getLostExperience();  removeExperience(lossExperience, false);  double percent = 1. - ((double)(experience - lossExperience) / experience);  //Magic level loss  uint32_t sumMana = 0;  uint64_t lostMana = 0;  for(uint32_t i = 1; i <= magLevel; ++i)   sumMana += vocation->getReqMana(i);  sumMana += manaSpent;  lostMana = (uint64_t)std::ceil(sumMana * ((double)(percent * lossPercent[LOSS_MANA]) / 100.));  while(lostMana > manaSpent && magLevel > 0)  {   lostMana -= manaSpent;   manaSpent = vocation->getReqMana(magLevel);   magLevel--;  }  manaSpent -= std::max((int32_t)0, (int32_t)lostMana);  uint64_t nextReqMana = vocation->getReqMana(magLevel + 1);  if(nextReqMana > vocation->getReqMana(magLevel))   magLevelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(manaSpent, nextReqMana);  else   magLevelPercent = 0;  //Skill loss  uint32_t lostSkillTries, sumSkillTries;  for(int16_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i) //for each skill  {   lostSkillTries = sumSkillTries = 0;   for(uint32_t c = 11; c <= skills[i][sKILL_LEVEL]; ++c) //sum up all required tries for all skill levels	sumSkillTries += vocation->getReqSkillTries(i, c);   sumSkillTries += skills[i][sKILL_TRIES];   lostSkillTries = (uint32_t)std::ceil(sumSkillTries * ((double)(percent * lossPercent[LOSS_SKILLS]) / 100.));   while(lostSkillTries > skills[i][sKILL_TRIES])   {	lostSkillTries -= skills[i][sKILL_TRIES];	skills[i][sKILL_TRIES] = vocation->getReqSkillTries(i, skills[i][sKILL_LEVEL]);	if(skills[i][sKILL_LEVEL] < 11)	{	 skills[i][sKILL_LEVEL] = 10;	 skills[i][sKILL_TRIES] = lostSkillTries = 0;	 break;	}	else	 skills[i][sKILL_LEVEL]--;   }   skills[i][sKILL_TRIES] = std::max((int32_t)0, (int32_t)(skills[i][sKILL_TRIES] - lostSkillTries));  }  blessings = 0;  loginPosition = masterPosition;  if(!inventory[sLOT_BACKPACK])   __internalAddThing(SLOT_BACKPACK, Item::CreateItem(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::DEATH_CONTAINER)));  sendIcons();  sendStats();  sendSkills();  sendReLoginWindow();  g_game.removeCreature(this, false);}else{  setLossSkill(true);  if(preventLoss)  {   loginPosition = masterPosition;   sendReLoginWindow();   g_game.removeCreature(this, false);  }}return true;}void Player::dropCorpse(DeathList deathList){if(lootDrop == LOOT_DROP_NONE){  pzLocked = false;  if(health <= 0)  {   health = healthMax;   mana = manaMax;  }  setDropLoot(LOOT_DROP_FULL);  sendStats();  sendIcons();  onIdleStatus();  g_game.addCreatureHealth(this);  g_game.internalTeleport(this, masterPosition, true);}else{  Creature::dropCorpse(deathList);  if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::DEATH_LIST))   IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerDeath(this, deathList);}}Item* Player::createCorpse(DeathList deathList){Item* corpse = Creature::createCorpse(deathList);if(!corpse)  return NULL;std::stringstream ss;ss << "You recognize " << getNameDescription() << ". " << (sex % 2 ? "He" : "She") << " was killed by ";if(deathList[0].isCreatureKill()){  ss << deathList[0].getKillerCreature()->getNameDescription();  if(deathList[0].getKillerCreature()->getMaster())   ss << " summoned by " << deathList[0].getKillerCreature()->getMaster()->getNameDescription();}else  ss << deathList[0].getKillerName();if(deathList.size() > 1){  if(deathList[0].getKillerType() != deathList[1].getKillerType())  {   if(deathList[1].isCreatureKill())   {	ss << " and by " << deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getNameDescription();	if(deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getMaster())	 ss << " summoned by " << deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getMaster()->getNameDescription();   }   else	ss << " and by " << deathList[1].getKillerName();  }  else if(deathList[1].isCreatureKill())  {   if(deathList[0].getKillerCreature()->getName() != deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getName())   {	ss << " and by " << deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getNameDescription();	if(deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getMaster())	 ss << " summoned by " << deathList[1].getKillerCreature()->getMaster()->getNameDescription();   }  }  else if(asLowerCaseString(deathList[0].getKillerName()) != asLowerCaseString(deathList[1].getKillerName()))   ss << " and by " << deathList[1].getKillerName();}ss << ".";corpse->setSpecialDescription(ss.str().c_str());return corpse;}void Player::addExhaust(uint32_t ticks, Exhaust_t type){if(Condition* condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_EXHAUST, ticks, 0, false, type))  addCondition(condition);}void Player::addInFightTicks(bool pzLock/* = false*/){if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight))  return;if(pzLock)  pzLocked = true;if(Condition* condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT,  CONDITION_INFIGHT, g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::PZ_LOCKED)))  addCondition(condition);}void Player::addDefaultRegeneration(uint32_t addTicks){Condition* condition = getCondition(CONDITION_REGENERATION, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT);if(condition)  condition->setTicks(condition->getTicks() + addTicks);else if((condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_REGENERATION, addTicks))){  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_HEALTHGAIN, vocation->getGainAmount(GAIN_HEALTH));  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_HEALTHTICKS, vocation->getGainTicks(GAIN_HEALTH) * 1000);  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_MANAGAIN, vocation->getGainAmount(GAIN_MANA));  condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_MANATICKS, vocation->getGainTicks(GAIN_MANA) * 1000);  addCondition(condition);}}void Player::removeList(){autoList.erase(id);if(!isGhost()){  for(AutoList<Player>::iterator it = autoList.begin(); it != autoList.end(); ++it)   it->second->notifyLogOut(this);}else{  for(AutoList<Player>::iterator it = autoList.begin(); it != autoList.end(); ++it)  {   if(it->second->canSeeCreature(this))	it->second->notifyLogOut(this);  }}}void Player::addList(){if(!isGhost()){  for(AutoList<Player>::iterator it = autoList.begin(); it != autoList.end(); ++it)   it->second->notifyLogIn(this);}else{  for(AutoList<Player>::iterator it = autoList.begin(); it != autoList.end(); ++it)  {   if(it->second->canSeeCreature(this))	it->second->notifyLogIn(this);  }}autoList[id] = this;}void Player::kickPlayer(bool displayEffect, bool forceLogout){if(!client){  if(g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(this, forceLogout))   g_game.removeCreature(this);}else  client->logout(displayEffect, forceLogout);}void Player::notifyLogIn(Player* loginPlayer){if(!client)  return;VIPListSet::iterator it = VIPList.find(loginPlayer->getGUID());if(it != VIPList.end())  client->sendVIPLogIn(loginPlayer->getGUID());}void Player::notifyLogOut(Player* logoutPlayer){if(!client)  return;VIPListSet::iterator it = VIPList.find(logoutPlayer->getGUID());if(it != VIPList.end())  client->sendVIPLogOut(logoutPlayer->getGUID());}bool Player::removeVIP(uint32_t _guid){VIPListSet::iterator it = VIPList.find(_guid);if(it == VIPList.end())  return false;VIPList.erase(it);return true;}bool Player::addVIP(uint32_t _guid, std::string& name, bool isOnline, bool internal/* = false*/){if(guid == _guid){  if(!internal)   sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, "You cannot add yourself.");  return false;}if(VIPList.size() > (group ? group->getMaxVips(isPremium()) : 20)){  if(!internal)   sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, "You cannot add more buddies.");  return false;}VIPListSet::iterator it = VIPList.find(_guid);if(it != VIPList.end()){  if(!internal)   sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, "This player is already in your list.");  return false;}VIPList.insert(_guid);if(client && !internal)  client->sendVIP(_guid, name, isOnline);return true;}//close container and its child containersvoid Player::autoCloseContainers(const Container* container){typedef std::vector<uint32_t> CloseList;CloseList closeList;for(ContainerVector::iterator it = containerVec.begin(); it != containerVec.end(); ++it){  Container* tmp = it->second;  while(tmp != NULL)  {   if(tmp->isRemoved() || tmp == container)   {	closeList.push_back(it->first);	break;   }   tmp = dynamic_cast<Container*>(tmp->getParent());  }}for(CloseList::iterator it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); ++it){  closeContainer(*it);  if(client)   client->sendCloseContainer(*it);}}bool Player::hasCapacity(const Item* item, uint32_t count) const{if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotPickupItem))  return false;if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteCapacity) || item->getTopParent() == this)  return true;double itemWeight = 0;if(item->isStackable())  itemWeight = Item::items[item->getID()].weight * count;else  itemWeight = item->getWeight();return (itemWeight < getFreeCapacity());}ReturnValue Player::__queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const{const Item* item = thing->getItem();if(!item)  return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;bool childIsOwner = ((flags & FLAG_CHILDISOWNER) == FLAG_CHILDISOWNER), skipLimit = ((flags & FLAG_NOLIMIT) == FLAG_NOLIMIT);if(childIsOwner){  //a child container is querying the player, just check if enough capacity  if(skipLimit || hasCapacity(item, count))   return RET_NOERROR;  return RET_NOTENOUGHCAPACITY;}if(!item->isPickupable())  return RET_CANNOTPICKUP;ReturnValue ret = RET_NOERROR;if((item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_HEAD) || (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_NECKLACE) ||  (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_BACKPACK) || (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_ARMOR) ||  (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_LEGS) || (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_FEET) ||  (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_RING))  ret = RET_CANNOTBEDRESSED;else if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_TWO_HAND)  ret = RET_PUTTHISOBJECTINBOTHHANDS;else if((item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_RIGHT) || (item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_LEFT))  ret = RET_PUTTHISOBJECTINYOURHAND;switch(index){  case SLOT_HEAD:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_HEAD)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_NECKLACE:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_NECKLACE)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_BACKPACK:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_BACKPACK)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_ARMOR:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_ARMOR)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_RIGHT:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_RIGHT)   {	//check if we already carry an item in the other hand	if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_TWO_HAND)	{	 if(inventory[sLOT_LEFT] && inventory[sLOT_LEFT] != item)	  ret = RET_BOTHHANDSNEEDTOBEFREE;	 else	  ret = RET_NOERROR;	}	else if(inventory[sLOT_LEFT])	{	 const Item* leftItem = inventory[sLOT_LEFT];	 WeaponType_t type = item->getWeaponType(), leftType = leftItem->getWeaponType();	 if(leftItem->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_TWO_HAND)	  ret = RET_DROPTWOHANDEDITEM;	 else if(item == leftItem && count == item->getItemCount())	  ret = RET_NOERROR;	 else if(leftType == WEAPON_SHIELD && type == WEAPON_SHIELD)	  ret = RET_CANONLYUSEONESHIELD;	 else if(!leftItem->isWeapon() || !item->isWeapon() ||	  leftType == WEAPON_SHIELD || leftType == WEAPON_AMMO	  || type == WEAPON_SHIELD || type == WEAPON_AMMO)	  ret = RET_NOERROR;	 else	  ret = RET_CANONLYUSEONEWEAPON;	}	else	 ret = RET_NOERROR;   }   break;  case SLOT_LEFT:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_LEFT)   {	//check if we already carry an item in the other hand	if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_TWO_HAND)	{	 if(inventory[sLOT_RIGHT] && inventory[sLOT_RIGHT] != item)	  ret = RET_BOTHHANDSNEEDTOBEFREE;	 else	  ret = RET_NOERROR;	}	else if(inventory[sLOT_RIGHT])	{	 const Item* rightItem = inventory[sLOT_RIGHT];	 WeaponType_t type = item->getWeaponType(), rightType = rightItem->getWeaponType();	 if(rightItem->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_TWO_HAND)	  ret = RET_DROPTWOHANDEDITEM;	 else if(item == rightItem && count == item->getItemCount())	  ret = RET_NOERROR;	 else if(rightType == WEAPON_SHIELD && type == WEAPON_SHIELD)	  ret = RET_CANONLYUSEONESHIELD;	 else if(!rightItem->isWeapon() || !item->isWeapon() ||	  rightType == WEAPON_SHIELD || rightType == WEAPON_AMMO	  || type == WEAPON_SHIELD || type == WEAPON_AMMO)	  ret = RET_NOERROR;	 else	  ret = RET_CANONLYUSEONEWEAPON;	}	else	 ret = RET_NOERROR;   }   break;  case SLOT_LEGS:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_LEGS)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_FEET:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_FEET)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_RING:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_RING)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_AMMO:   if(item->getSlotPosition() & SLOTP_AMMO)	ret = RET_NOERROR;   break;  case SLOT_WHEREEVER:  case -1:   ret = RET_NOTENOUGHROOM;   break;  default:   ret = RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;   break;}if(ret == RET_NOERROR || ret == RET_NOTENOUGHROOM){  //need an exchange with source?  if(getInventoryItem((slots_t)index) != NULL && (!getInventoryItem((slots_t)index)->isStackable()   || getInventoryItem((slots_t)index)->getID() != item->getID()))   return RET_NEEDEXCHANGE;  if(!g_moveEvents->onPlayerEquip(const_cast<Player*>(this), const_cast<Item*>(item), (slots_t)index, true))   return RET_CANNOTBEDRESSED;  //check if enough capacity  if(!hasCapacity(item, count))   return RET_NOTENOUGHCAPACITY;}return ret;}ReturnValue Player::__queryMaxCount(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t& maxQueryCount,uint32_t flags) const{const Item* item = thing->getItem();if(!item){  maxQueryCount = 0;  return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;}const Thing* destThing = __getThing(index);const Item* destItem = NULL;if(destThing)  destItem = destThing->getItem();if(destItem){  if(destItem->isStackable() && item->getID() == destItem->getID())   maxQueryCount = 100 - destItem->getItemCount();  else   maxQueryCount = 0;}else{  if(item->isStackable())   maxQueryCount = 100;  else   maxQueryCount = 1;  return RET_NOERROR;}if(maxQueryCount < count)  return RET_NOTENOUGHROOM;return RET_NOERROR;}ReturnValue Player::__queryRemove(const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const{int32_t index = __getIndexOfThing(thing);if(index == -1)  return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;const Item* item = thing->getItem();if(!item)  return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;if(count == 0 || (item->isStackable() && count > item->getItemCount()))  return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;  if(item->isNotMoveable() && !hasBitSet(FLAG_IGNORENOTMOVEABLE, flags))  return RET_NOTMOVEABLE;return RET_NOERROR;}Cylinder* Player::__queryDestination(int32_t& index, const Thing* thing, Item** destItem,uint32_t& flags){if(index == 0 /*drop to capacity window*/ || index == INDEX_WHEREEVER){  *destItem = NULL;  const Item* item = thing->getItem();  if(!item)   return this;  //find a appropiate slot  for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i)  {   if(!inventory[i] && __queryAdd(i, item, item->getItemCount(), 0) == RET_NOERROR)   {	index = i;	return this;   }  }  //try containers  std::list<std::pair<Container*, int32_t> > deepList;  for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i)  {   if(inventory[i] == tradeItem)	continue;   if(Container* container = dynamic_cast<Container*>(inventory[i]))   {	if(container->__queryAdd(-1, item, item->getItemCount(), 0) == RET_NOERROR)	{	 index = INDEX_WHEREEVER;	 *destItem = NULL;	 return container;	}	deepList.push_back(std::make_pair(container, 0));   }  }  //check deeper in the containers  int32_t deepness = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::PLAYER_DEEPNESS);  for(std::list<std::pair<Container*, int32_t> >::iterator dit = deepList.begin(); dit != deepList.end(); ++dit)  {   Container* c = (*dit).first;   if(!c || c->empty())	continue;   int32_t level = (*dit).second;   for(ItemList::const_iterator it = c->getItems(); it != c->getEnd(); ++it)   {	if((*it) == tradeItem)	 continue;	if(Container* subContainer = dynamic_cast<Container*>(*it))	{	 if(subContainer->__queryAdd(-1, item, item->getItemCount(), 0) == RET_NOERROR)	 {	  index = INDEX_WHEREEVER;	  *destItem = NULL;	  return subContainer;	 }	 if(deepness < 0 || level < deepness)	  deepList.push_back(std::make_pair(subContainer, (level + 1)));	}   }  }  return this;}Thing* destThing = __getThing(index);if(destThing)  *destItem = destThing->getItem();if(Cylinder* subCylinder = dynamic_cast<Cylinder*>(destThing)){  index = INDEX_WHEREEVER;  *destItem = NULL;  return subCylinder;}return this;}void Player::__addThing(Creature* actor, Thing* thing){__addThing(actor, 0, thing);}void Player::__addThing(Creature* actor, int32_t index, Thing* thing){if(index < 0 || index > 11){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__addThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", index: " << index << ", index < 0 || index > 11" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}if(index == 0){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__addThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", index == 0" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTENOUGHROOM*/;}Item* item = thing->getItem();if(!item){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__addThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", item == NULL" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}item->setParent(this);inventory[index] = item;//send to clientsendAddInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item);//event methodsonAddInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item);}void Player::__updateThing(Thing* thing, uint16_t itemId, uint32_t count){int32_t index = __getIndexOfThing(thing);if(index == -1){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__updateThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", index == -1" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}Item* item = thing->getItem();if(item == NULL){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__updateThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", item == NULL" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}const ItemType& oldType = Item::items[item->getID()];const ItemType& newType = Item::items[itemId];item->setID(itemId);item->setSubType(count);//send to clientsendUpdateInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item, item);//event methodsonUpdateInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item, oldType, item, newType);}void Player::__replaceThing(uint32_t index, Thing* thing){if(index < 0 || index > 11){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__replaceThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", index: " << index << ", index < 0 || index > 11" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}Item* oldItem = getInventoryItem((slots_t)index);if(!oldItem){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__updateThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", oldItem == NULL" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}Item* item = thing->getItem();if(!item){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__updateThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", item == NULL" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}const ItemType& oldType = Item::items[oldItem->getID()];const ItemType& newType = Item::items[item->getID()];//send to clientsendUpdateInventoryItem((slots_t)index, oldItem, item);//event methodsonUpdateInventoryItem((slots_t)index, oldItem, oldType, item, newType);item->setParent(this);inventory[index] = item;}void Player::__removeThing(Thing* thing, uint32_t count){Item* item = thing->getItem();if(!item){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__removeThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", item == NULL" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}int32_t index = __getIndexOfThing(thing);if(index == -1){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__removeThing], " << "player: " << getName() << ", index == -1" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/;}if(item->isStackable()){  if(count == item->getItemCount())  {   //send change to client   sendRemoveInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item);   //event methods   onRemoveInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item);   item->setParent(NULL);   inventory[index] = NULL;  }  else  {   item->setItemCount(std::max(0, (int32_t)(item->getItemCount() - count)));   const ItemType& it = Item::items[item->getID()];   //send change to client   sendUpdateInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item, item);   //event methods   onUpdateInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item, it, item, it);  }}else{  //send change to client  sendRemoveInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item);  //event methods  onRemoveInventoryItem((slots_t)index, item);  item->setParent(NULL);  inventory[index] = NULL;}}Thing* Player::__getThing(uint32_t index) const{if(index > SLOT_PRE_FIRST && index < SLOT_LAST)  return inventory[index];return NULL;}int32_t Player::__getIndexOfThing(const Thing* thing) const{for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(inventory[i] == thing)   return i;}return -1;}int32_t Player::__getFirstIndex() const{return SLOT_FIRST;}int32_t Player::__getLastIndex() const{return SLOT_LAST;}uint32_t Player::__getItemTypeCount(uint16_t itemId, int32_t subType /*= -1*/, bool itemCount /*= true*/) const{Item* item = NULL;Container* container = NULL;uint32_t count = 0;for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(!(item = inventory[i]))   continue;  if(item->getID() == itemId)   count += Item::countByType(item, subType, itemCount);  if(!(container = item->getContainer()))   continue;  for(ContainerIterator it = container->begin(), end = container->end(); it != end; ++it)  {   if((*it)->getID() == itemId)	count += Item::countByType(*it, subType, itemCount);  }}return count;}std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& Player::__getAllItemTypeCount(std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t>& countMap, bool itemCount/* = true*/) const{Item* item = NULL;Container* container = NULL;for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(!(item = inventory[i]))   continue;  countMap[item->getID()] += Item::countByType(item, -1, itemCount);  if(!(container = item->getContainer()))   continue;  for(ContainerIterator it = container->begin(), end = container->end(); it != end; ++it)   countMap[(*it)->getID()] += Item::countByType(*it, -1, itemCount);}return countMap;}void Player::postAddNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* oldParent,int32_t index, cylinderlink_t link /*= LINK_OWNER*/){if(link == LINK_OWNER) //calling movement scripts  g_moveEvents->onPlayerEquip(this, thing->getItem(), (slots_t)index, false);bool requireListUpdate = true;if(link == LINK_OWNER || link == LINK_TOPPARENT){  if(const Item* item = (oldParent ? oldParent->getItem() : NULL))  {   assert(item->getContainer() != NULL);   requireListUpdate = item->getContainer()->getHoldingPlayer() != this;  }  else   requireListUpdate = oldParent != this;  updateInventoryWeight();  updateItemsLight();  sendStats();}if(const Item* item = thing->getItem()){  if(const Container* container = item->getContainer())   onSendContainer(container);  if(shopOwner && requireListUpdate)   updateInventoryGoods(item->getID());}else if(const Creature* creature = thing->getCreature()){  if(creature != this)   return;  typedef std::vector<Container*> Containers;  Containers containers;  for(ContainerVector::iterator it = containerVec.begin(); it != containerVec.end(); ++it)  {   if(!Position::areInRange<1,1,0>(it->second->getPosition(), getPosition()))	containers.push_back(it->second);  }  for(Containers::const_iterator it = containers.begin(); it != containers.end(); ++it)   autoCloseContainers(*it);}}void Player::postRemoveNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* newParent,int32_t index, bool isCompleteRemoval, cylinderlink_t link /*= LINK_OWNER*/){if(link == LINK_OWNER) //calling movement scripts  g_moveEvents->onPlayerDeEquip(this, thing->getItem(), (slots_t)index, isCompleteRemoval);bool requireListUpdate = true;if(link == LINK_OWNER || link == LINK_TOPPARENT){  if(const Item* item = (newParent ? newParent->getItem() : NULL))  {   assert(item->getContainer() != NULL);   requireListUpdate = item->getContainer()->getHoldingPlayer() != this;  }  else   requireListUpdate = newParent != this;  updateInventoryWeight();  updateItemsLight();  sendStats();}if(const Item* item = thing->getItem()){  if(const Container* container = item->getContainer())  {   if(container->isRemoved() || !Position::areInRange<1,1,0>(getPosition(), container->getPosition()))	autoCloseContainers(container);   else if(container->getTopParent() == this)	onSendContainer(container);   else if(const Container* topContainer = dynamic_cast<const Container*>(container->getTopParent()))   {	if(const Depot* depot = dynamic_cast<const Depot*>(topContainer))	{	 bool isOwner = false;	 for(DepotMap::iterator it = depots.begin(); it != depots.end(); ++it)	 {	  if(it->second.first != depot)	   continue;	  isOwner = true;	  onSendContainer(container);	 }	 if(!isOwner)	  autoCloseContainers(container);	}	else	 onSendContainer(container);   }   else	autoCloseContainers(container);  }  if(shopOwner && requireListUpdate)   updateInventoryGoods(item->getID());}}void Player::__internalAddThing(Thing* thing){__internalAddThing(0, thing);}void Player::__internalAddThing(uint32_t index, Thing* thing){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__std::cout << "[Player::__internalAddThing] index: " << index << std::endl;#endifItem* item = thing->getItem();if(!item){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__internalAddThing] item == NULL" << std::endl;#endif  return;}//index == 0 means we should equip this item at the most appropiate slotif(index == 0){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__  std::cout << "Failure: [Player::__internalAddThing] index == 0" << std::endl;  DEBUG_REPORT#endif  return;}if(index > 0 && index < 11){  if(inventory[index])  {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__   std::cout << "Warning: [Player::__internalAddThing], player: " << getName() << ", items[index] is not empty." << std::endl;   //DEBUG_REPORT#endif   return;  }  inventory[index] = item;  item->setParent(this);}}bool Player::setFollowCreature(Creature* creature, bool fullPathSearch /*= false*/){bool deny = false;CreatureEventList followEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_FOLLOW);for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = followEvents.begin(); it != followEvents.end(); ++it){  if(creature && !(*it)->executeFollow(this, creature))   deny = true;}if(deny || !Creature::setFollowCreature(creature, fullPathSearch)){  setFollowCreature(NULL);  setAttackedCreature(NULL);  if(!deny)   sendCancelMessage(RET_THEREISNOWAY);  sendCancelTarget();  stopEventWalk();  return false;}return true;}bool Player::setAttackedCreature(Creature* creature){if(!Creature::setAttackedCreature(creature)){  sendCancelTarget();  return false;}if(chaseMode == CHASEMODE_FOLLOW && creature){  if(followCreature != creature) //chase opponent   setFollowCreature(creature);}else  setFollowCreature(NULL);if(creature)  Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(boost::bind(&Game::checkCreatureAttack, &g_game, getID())));return true;}void Player::getPathSearchParams(const Creature* creature, FindPathParams& fpp) const{Creature::getPathSearchParams(creature, fpp);fpp.fullPathSearch = true;}void Player::doAttacking(uint32_t interval){if(!lastAttack)  lastAttack = OTSYS_TIME() - getAttackSpeed() - 1;else if((OTSYS_TIME() - lastAttack) < getAttackSpeed())  return;if(hasCondition(CONDITION_PACIFIED) && !hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_IgnorePacification)){  lastAttack = OTSYS_TIME();  return;}Item* tool = getWeapon();if(const Weapon* weapon = g_weapons->getWeapon(tool)){  if(weapon->interruptSwing() && !canDoAction())  {   SchedulerTask* task = createSchedulerTask(getNextActionTime(), boost::bind(&Game::checkCreatureAttack, &g_game, getID()));   setNextActionTask(task);  }  else if((!weapon->hasExhaustion() || !hasCondition(CONDITION_EXHAUST, EXHAUST_COMBAT)) && weapon->useWeapon(this, tool, attackedCreature))   lastAttack = OTSYS_TIME();}else if(Weapon::useFist(this, attackedCreature))  lastAttack = OTSYS_TIME();}double Player::getGainedExperience(Creature* attacker) const{if(!skillLoss)  return 0;double rate = g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_PVP_EXPERIENCE);if(rate <= 0)  return 0;Player* attackerPlayer = attacker->getPlayer();if(!attackerPlayer || attackerPlayer == this)  return 0;double attackerLevel = (double)attackerPlayer->getLevel(), min = g_config.getDouble(  ConfigManager::EFP_MIN_THRESHOLD), max = g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::EFP_MAX_THRESHOLD);if((min > 0 && level < (uint32_t)std::floor(attackerLevel * min)) || (max > 0 &&  level > (uint32_t)std::floor(attackerLevel * max)))  return 0;/*  Formula  a = attackers level * 0.9  b = victims level  c = victims experience  result = (1 - (a / b)) * 0.05 * c  Not affected by special multipliers(!)*/uint32_t a = (uint32_t)std::floor(attackerLevel * 0.9), b = level;uint64_t c = getExperience();return (double)std::max((uint64_t)0, (uint64_t)std::floor(getDamageRatio(attacker)  * std::max((double)0, ((double)(1 - (((double)a / b))))) * 0.05 * c)) * rate;}void Player::onFollowCreature(const Creature* creature){if(!creature)  stopEventWalk();}void Player::setChaseMode(chaseMode_t mode){chaseMode_t prevChaseMode = chaseMode;chaseMode = mode;if(prevChaseMode == chaseMode)  return;if(chaseMode == CHASEMODE_FOLLOW){  if(!followCreature && attackedCreature) //chase opponent   setFollowCreature(attackedCreature);}else if(attackedCreature){  setFollowCreature(NULL);  stopEventWalk();}}void Player::onWalkAborted(){setNextWalkActionTask(NULL);sendCancelWalk();}void Player::onWalkComplete(){if(!walkTask)  return;walkTaskEvent = Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(walkTask);walkTask = NULL;}void Player::stopWalk(){if(listWalkDir.empty())  return;stopEventWalk();}void Player::getCreatureLight(LightInfo& light) const{if(internalLight.level > itemsLight.level)  light = internalLight;else  light = itemsLight;}void Player::updateItemsLight(bool internal /*=false*/){LightInfo maxLight;LightInfo curLight;for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(Item* item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)i))  {   item->getLight(curLight);   if(curLight.level > maxLight.level)	maxLight = curLight;  }}if(itemsLight.level != maxLight.level || itemsLight.color != maxLight.color){  itemsLight = maxLight;  if(!internal)   g_game.changeLight(this);}}void Player::onAddCondition(ConditionType_t type, bool hadCondition){Creature::onAddCondition(type, hadCondition);if(getLastPosition().x && type != CONDITION_GAMEMASTER) // don't send if player have just logged in (its already done in protocolgame), or condition have no icons  sendIcons();}void Player::onAddCombatCondition(ConditionType_t type, bool hadCondition){std::string tmp;switch(type){  //client hardcoded  case CONDITION_FIRE:   tmp = "burning";   break;  case CONDITION_BUG:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_FLY:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_DRAGON:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_VENOM:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_TEST:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_FIGHT:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_ROCK:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_ELECTRIC:   tmp = "dashing";   break;  case CONDITION_POISON:   tmp = "poisoned";   break;  case CONDITION_ENERGY:   tmp = "electrified";   break;  case CONDITION_FREEZING:   tmp = "freezing";   break;  case CONDITION_DAZZLED:   tmp = "dazzled";   break;  case CONDITION_CURSED:   tmp = "cursed";   break;  case CONDITION_DROWN:   tmp = "drowning";   break;  case CONDITION_DRUNK:   tmp = "drunk";   break;  case CONDITION_MANASHIELD:   tmp = "protected by a magic shield";   break;  case CONDITION_PARALYZE:   tmp = "paralyzed";   break;  case CONDITION_HASTE:   tmp = "hasted";   break;  case CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES:   tmp = "strengthened";   break;  default:   break;}if(!tmp.empty())  sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_DEFAULT, "You are " + tmp + ".");}void Player::onEndCondition(ConditionType_t type){Creature::onEndCondition(type);if(type == CONDITION_INFIGHT){  onIdleStatus();  clearAttacked();  pzLocked = false;  if(skull < SKULL_RED)   setSkull(SKULL_NONE);  g_game.updateCreatureSkull(this);}sendIcons();}void Player::onCombatRemoveCondition(const Creature* attacker, Condition* condition){//Creature::onCombatRemoveCondition(attacker, condition);bool remove = true;if(condition->getId() > 0){  remove = false;  //Means the condition is from an item, id == slot  if(g_game.getWorldType() == WORLD_TYPE_PVP_ENFORCED)  {   if(Item* item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)condition->getId()))   {	//25% chance to destroy the item	if(25 >= random_range(0, 100))	 g_game.internalRemoveItem(NULL, item);   }  }}if(remove){  if(!canDoAction())  {   uint32_t delay = getNextActionTime();   delay -= (delay % EVENT_CREATURE_THINK_INTERVAL);   if(delay < 0)	removeCondition(condition);   else	condition->setTicks(delay);  }  else   removeCondition(condition);}}void Player::onTickCondition(ConditionType_t type, int32_t interval, bool& _remove){Creature::onTickCondition(type, interval, _remove);if(type == CONDITION_HUNTING)  useStamina(-(interval * g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_LOSS)));}void Player::onAttackedCreature(Creature* target){Creature::onAttackedCreature(target);if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight))  return;addInFightTicks();Player* targetPlayer = target->getPlayer();if(!targetPlayer)  return;addAttacked(targetPlayer);if(targetPlayer == this && targetPlayer->getZone() != ZONE_PVP){  targetPlayer->sendCreatureSkull(this);  return;}if(Combat::isInPvpZone(this, targetPlayer) || isPartner(targetPlayer) || (g_config.getBool(  ConfigManager::ALLOW_FIGHTBACK) && targetPlayer->hasAttacked(this)))  return;if(!pzLocked){  pzLocked = true;  sendIcons();}if(getZone() != target->getZone())  return;if(skull == SKULL_NONE){  if(targetPlayer->getSkull() != SKULL_NONE)   targetPlayer->sendCreatureSkull(this);  else if(!hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_NotGainSkull))  {   setSkull(SKULL_WHITE);   g_game.updateCreatureSkull(this);  }}}void Player::onSummonAttackedCreature(Creature* summon, Creature* target){Creature::onSummonAttackedCreature(summon, target);onAttackedCreature(target);}void Player::onAttacked(){Creature::onAttacked();addInFightTicks();}bool Player::checkLoginDelay(uint32_t playerId) const{return (!hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_IgnoreLoginDelay) && OTSYS_TIME() <= (lastLoad + g_config.getNumber(  ConfigManager::LOGIN_PROTECTION)) && !hasBeenAttacked(playerId));}void Player::onIdleStatus(){Creature::onIdleStatus();if(getParty())  getParty()->clearPlayerPoints(this);}void Player::onPlacedCreature(){//scripting event - onLoginif(!g_creatureEvents->playerLogin(this))  kickPlayer(true, true);}void Player::onAttackedCreatureDrain(Creature* target, int32_t points){Creature::onAttackedCreatureDrain(target, points);if(party && target && (!target->getMaster() || !target->getMaster()->getPlayer())  && target->getMonster() && target->getMonster()->isHostile()) //we have fulfilled a requirement for shared experience  getParty()->addPlayerDamageMonster(this, points);char buffer[100];sprintf(buffer, "Your pokemon dealt %d damage to %s.", points, target->getNameDescription().c_str());sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_DEFAULT, buffer);}void Player::onSummonAttackedCreatureDrain(Creature* summon, Creature* target, int32_t points){Creature::onSummonAttackedCreatureDrain(summon, target, points);char buffer[100];sprintf(buffer, "Your %s deals %d damage to %s.", summon->getName().c_str(), points, target->getNameDescription().c_str());sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_DEFAULT, buffer);}void Player::onTargetCreatureGainHealth(Creature* target, int32_t points){Creature::onTargetCreatureGainHealth(target, points);if(target && getParty()){  Player* tmpPlayer = NULL;  if(target->getPlayer())   tmpPlayer = target->getPlayer();  else if(target->getMaster() && target->getMaster()->getPlayer())   tmpPlayer = target->getMaster()->getPlayer();  if(isPartner(tmpPlayer))   getParty()->addPlayerHealedMember(this, points);}}bool Player::onKilledCreature(Creature* target, uint32_t& flags){if(!Creature::onKilledCreature(target, flags))  return false;if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGenerateLoot))  target->setDropLoot(LOOT_DROP_NONE);Condition* condition = NULL;if(target->getMonster() && !target->isPlayerSummon() && !hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteStamina)  && (condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_HUNTING,  g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::HUNTING_DURATION))))  addCondition(condition);if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight) || !hasBitSet((uint32_t)KILLFLAG_JUSTIFY, flags) || getZone() != target->getZone())  return true;Player* targetPlayer = target->getPlayer();if(!targetPlayer || Combat::isInPvpZone(this, targetPlayer) || !hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT) || isPartner(targetPlayer))  return true;if(!targetPlayer->hasAttacked(this) && target->getSkull() == SKULL_NONE && targetPlayer != this  && ((g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::USE_FRAG_HANDLER) && addUnjustifiedKill(  targetPlayer)) || hasBitSet((uint32_t)KILLFLAG_LASTHIT, flags)))  flags |= (uint32_t)KILLFLAG_UNJUSTIFIED;pzLocked = true;if((condition = Condition::createCondition(CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_INFIGHT,  g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WHITE_SKULL_TIME))))  addCondition(condition);return true;}bool Player::gainExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster){if(!rateExperience(gainExp, fromMonster))  return false;//soul regenerationif(gainExp >= level){  if(Condition* condition = Condition::createCondition(   CONDITIONID_DEFAULT, CONDITION_SOUL, 4 * 60 * 1000))  {   condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_SOULGAIN,	vocation->getGainAmount(GAIN_SOUL));   condition->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_SOULTICKS,	(vocation->getGainTicks(GAIN_SOUL) * 1000));   addCondition(condition);  }}addExperience((uint64_t)gainExp);return true;}bool Player::rateExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster){if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainExperience) || gainExp <= 0)  return false;if(!fromMonster)  return true;gainExp *= rates[sKILL__LEVEL] * g_game.getExperienceStage(level,  vocation->getExperienceMultiplier());if(!hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteStamina)){  int32_t minutes = getStaminaMinutes();  if(minutes >= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STAMINA_LIMIT_TOP))  {   if(isPremium() || !g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STAMINA_BONUS_PREMIUM))	gainExp *= g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_ABOVE);  }  else if(minutes < (g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STAMINA_LIMIT_BOTTOM)) && minutes > 0)   gainExp *= g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_UNDER);  else if(minutes <= 0)   gainExp = 0;}else if(isPremium() || !g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STAMINA_BONUS_PREMIUM))  gainExp *= g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_STAMINA_ABOVE);return true;}void Player::onGainExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster, bool multiplied){if(party && party->isSharedExperienceEnabled() && party->isSharedExperienceActive()){  party->shareExperience(gainExp, fromMonster, multiplied);  rateExperience(gainExp, fromMonster);  return; //we will get a share of the experience through the sharing mechanism}if(gainExperience(gainExp, fromMonster))  Creature::onGainExperience(gainExp, fromMonster, true);}void Player::onGainSharedExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster, bool multiplied){if(gainExperience(gainExp, fromMonster))  Creature::onGainSharedExperience(gainExp, fromMonster, true);}bool Player::isImmune(CombatType_t type) const{return hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_IsImmune) || Creature::isImmune(type);}bool Player::isImmune(ConditionType_t type) const{return hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_IsImmune) || Creature::isImmune(type);}bool Player::isAttackable() const{return (!hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeAttacked) && !isAccountManager());}void Player::changeHealth(int32_t healthChange){Creature::changeHealth(healthChange);sendStats();}void Player::changeMana(int32_t manaChange){if(!hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteMana))  Creature::changeMana(manaChange);sendStats();}void Player::changeSoul(int32_t soulChange){if(!hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteSoul))  soul = std::min((int32_t)soulMax, (int32_t)soul + soulChange);sendStats();}bool Player::canLogout(bool checkInfight){if(checkInfight && hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT))  return false;return !isConnecting && !pzLocked && !getTile()->hasFlag(TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT);}bool Player::changeOutfit(Outfit_t outfit, bool checkList){uint32_t outfitId = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfitId(outfit.lookType);if(checkList && (!canWearOutfit(outfitId, outfit.lookAddons) || !requestedOutfit))  return false;requestedOutfit = false;if(outfitAttributes){  uint32_t oldId = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfitId(defaultOutfit.lookType);  outfitAttributes = !Outfits::getInstance()->removeAttributes(getID(), oldId, sex);}defaultOutfit = outfit;outfitAttributes = Outfits::getInstance()->addAttributes(getID(), outfitId, sex, defaultOutfit.lookAddons);return true;}bool Player::canWearOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint32_t addons){OutfitMap::iterator it = outfits.find(outfitId);if(it == outfits.end() || (it->second.isPremium && !isPremium()) || getAccess() < it->second.accessLevel  || ((it->second.addons & addons) != addons && !hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_CanWearAllAddons)))  return false;if(!it->second.storageId)  return true;std::string value;return getStorage(it->second.storageId, value) && value == it->second.storageValue;}bool Player::addOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint32_t addons){Outfit outfit;if(!Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfit(outfitId, sex, outfit))  return false;OutfitMap::iterator it = outfits.find(outfitId);if(it != outfits.end())  outfit.addons |= it->second.addons;outfit.addons |= addons;outfits[outfitId] = outfit;return true;}bool Player::removeOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint32_t addons){OutfitMap::iterator it = outfits.find(outfitId);if(it == outfits.end())  return false;if(addons == 0xFF) //remove outfit  outfits.erase(it);else //remove addons  outfits[outfitId].addons = it->second.addons & (~addons);return true;}void Player::generateReservedStorage(){uint32_t baseKey = PSTRG_OUTFITSID_RANGE_START + 1;const OutfitMap& defaultOutfits = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfits(sex);for(OutfitMap::const_iterator it = outfits.begin(); it != outfits.end(); ++it){  OutfitMap::const_iterator dit = defaultOutfits.find(it->first);  if(dit == defaultOutfits.end() || (dit->second.isDefault && (dit->second.addons   & it->second.addons) == it->second.addons))   continue;  std::stringstream ss;  ss << ((it->first << 16) | (it->second.addons & 0xFF));  storageMap[baseKey] = ss.str();  baseKey++;  if(baseKey <= PSTRG_OUTFITSID_RANGE_START + PSTRG_OUTFITSID_RANGE_SIZE)   continue;  std::cout << "[Warning - Player::genReservedStorageRange] Player " << getName() << " with more than 500 outfits!" << std::endl;  break;}}void Player::setSex(uint16_t newSex){sex = newSex;const OutfitMap& defaultOutfits = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfits(sex);for(OutfitMap::const_iterator it = defaultOutfits.begin(); it != defaultOutfits.end(); ++it){  if(it->second.isDefault)   addOutfit(it->first, it->second.addons);}}Skulls_t Player::getSkull() const{if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight) || hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_NotGainSkull))  return SKULL_NONE;return skull;}Skulls_t Player::getSkullClient(const Creature* creature) const{if(const Player* player = creature->getPlayer()){  if(g_game.getWorldType() != WORLD_TYPE_PVP)   return SKULL_NONE;  if((player == this || (skull != SKULL_NONE && player->getSkull() < SKULL_RED)) && player->hasAttacked(this))   return SKULL_YELLOW;  if(player->getSkull() == SKULL_NONE && isPartner(player) && g_game.getWorldType() != WORLD_TYPE_NO_PVP)   return SKULL_GREEN;}return Creature::getSkullClient(creature);}bool Player::hasAttacked(const Player* attacked) const{return !hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight) && attacked &&  attackedSet.find(attacked->getID()) != attackedSet.end();}void Player::addAttacked(const Player* attacked){if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight) || !attacked)  return;uint32_t attackedId = attacked->getID();if(attackedSet.find(attackedId) == attackedSet.end())  attackedSet.insert(attackedId);}void Player::setSkullEnd(time_t _time, bool login, Skulls_t _skull){if(g_game.getWorldType() == WORLD_TYPE_PVP_ENFORCED)  return;bool requireUpdate = false;if(_time > time(NULL)){  requireUpdate = true;  setSkull(_skull);}else if(skull == _skull){  requireUpdate = true;  setSkull(SKULL_NONE);  _time = 0;}if(requireUpdate){  skullEnd = _time;  if(!login)   g_game.updateCreatureSkull(this);}}bool Player::addUnjustifiedKill(const Player* attacked){if(g_game.getWorldType() == WORLD_TYPE_PVP_ENFORCED || attacked == this || hasFlag(  PlayerFlag_NotGainInFight) || hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_NotGainSkull))  return false;if(client){  char buffer[90];  sprintf(buffer, "Warning! The murder of %s was not justified.",   attacked->getName().c_str());  client->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_WARNING, buffer);}time_t now = time(NULL), today = (now - 84600), week = (now - (7 * 84600));std::vector<time_t> dateList;IOLoginData::getInstance()->getUnjustifiedDates(guid, dateList, now);dateList.push_back(now);uint32_t tc = 0, wc = 0, mc = dateList.size();for(std::vector<time_t>::iterator it = dateList.begin(); it != dateList.end(); ++it){  if((*it) > week)   wc++;  if((*it) > today)   tc++;}uint32_t d = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RED_DAILY_LIMIT), w = g_config.getNumber(  ConfigManager::RED_WEEKLY_LIMIT), m = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RED_MONTHLY_LIMIT);if(skull < SKULL_RED && ((d > 0 && tc >= d) || (w > 0 && wc >= w) || (m > 0 && mc >= m)))  setSkullEnd(now + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RED_SKULL_LENGTH), false, SKULL_RED);if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::USE_BLACK_SKULL)){  d += g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BAN_DAILY_LIMIT);  w += g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BAN_WEEKLY_LIMIT);  m += g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BAN_MONTHLY_LIMIT);  if((d <= 0 || tc < d) && (w <= 0 || wc < w) && (m <= 0 || mc < m))   return true;  if(!IOBan::getInstance()->addAccountBanishment(accountId, (now + g_config.getNumber(   ConfigManager::KILLS_BAN_LENGTH)), 20, ACTION_BANISHMENT, "Unjustified player killing.", 0, guid))   return true;  sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, "You have been banished.");  g_game.addMagicEffect(getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_WRAPS_GREEN);  Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask(1000, boost::bind(   &Game::kickPlayer, &g_game, getID(), false)));}else{  d += g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLACK_DAILY_LIMIT);  w += g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLACK_WEEKLY_LIMIT);  m += g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLACK_MONTHLY_LIMIT);  if(skull < SKULL_BLACK && ((d > 0 && tc >= d) || (w > 0 && wc >= w) || (m > 0 && mc >= m)))  {   setSkullEnd(now + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLACK_SKULL_LENGTH), false, SKULL_BLACK);   setAttackedCreature(NULL);   destroySummons();  }}return true;}void Player::setPromotionLevel(uint32_t pLevel){if(pLevel > promotionLevel){  uint32_t tmpLevel = 0, currentVoc = vocation_id;  for(uint32_t i = promotionLevel; i < pLevel; ++i)  {   currentVoc = Vocations::getInstance()->getPromotedVocation(currentVoc);   if(!currentVoc)	break;   tmpLevel++;   Vocation* voc = Vocations::getInstance()->getVocation(currentVoc);   if(voc->isPremiumNeeded() && !isPremium() && g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::PREMIUM_FOR_PROMOTION))	continue;   vocation_id = currentVoc;  }  promotionLevel += tmpLevel;}else if(pLevel < promotionLevel){  uint32_t tmpLevel = 0, currentVoc = vocation_id;  for(uint32_t i = pLevel; i < promotionLevel; ++i)  {   Vocation* voc = Vocations::getInstance()->getVocation(currentVoc);   if(voc->getFromVocation() == currentVoc)	break;   tmpLevel++;   currentVoc = voc->getFromVocation();   if(voc->isPremiumNeeded() && !isPremium() && g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::PREMIUM_FOR_PROMOTION))	continue;   vocation_id = currentVoc;  }  promotionLevel -= tmpLevel;}setVocation(vocation_id);}uint16_t Player::getBlessings() const{if(!isPremium() && g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::BLESSING_ONLY_PREMIUM))  return 0;uint16_t count = 0;for(int16_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i){  if(hasBlessing(i))   count++;}return count;}uint64_t Player::getLostExperience() const{if(!skillLoss)  return 0;double percent = (double)(lossPercent[LOSS_EXPERIENCE] - vocation->getLessLoss() - (getBlessings() * g_config.getNumber(  ConfigManager::BLESS_REDUCTION))) / 100.;if(level <= 25)  return (uint64_t)std::floor((double)(experience * percent) / 10.);int32_t base = level;double levels = (double)(base + 50) / 100.;uint64_t lost = 0;while(levels > 1.0f){  lost += (getExpForLevel(base) - getExpForLevel(base - 1));  base--;  levels -= 1.;}if(levels > 0.)  lost += (uint64_t)std::floor((double)(getExpForLevel(base) - getExpForLevel(base - 1)) * levels);return (uint64_t)std::floor((double)(lost * percent));}uint32_t Player::getAttackSpeed(){Item* weapon = getWeapon();if(weapon && weapon->getAttackSpeed() != 0)  return weapon->getAttackSpeed();return vocation->getAttackSpeed();}void Player::learnInstantSpell(const std::string& name){if(!hasLearnedInstantSpell(name))  learnedInstantSpellList.push_back(name);}void Player::unlearnInstantSpell(const std::string& name){if(!hasLearnedInstantSpell(name))  return;LearnedInstantSpellList::iterator it = std::find(learnedInstantSpellList.begin(), learnedInstantSpellList.end(), name);if(it != learnedInstantSpellList.end())  learnedInstantSpellList.erase(it);}bool Player::hasLearnedInstantSpell(const std::string& name) const{if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotUseSpells))  return false;if(hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoreSpellCheck))  return true;for(LearnedInstantSpellList::const_iterator it = learnedInstantSpellList.begin(); it != learnedInstantSpellList.end(); ++it){  if(!strcasecmp((*it).c_str(), name.c_str()))   return true;}return false;}void Player::manageAccount(const std::string &text){std::stringstream msg;msg << "Account Manager: ";bool noSwap = true;switch(accountManager){  case MANAGER_NAMELOCK:  {   if(!talkState[1])   {	managerString = text;	trimString(managerString);	if(managerString.length() < 4)	 msg << "Your name you want is too short, please select a longer name.";	else if(managerString.length() > 20)	 msg << "The name you want is too long, please select a shorter name.";	else if(!isValidName(managerString))	 msg << "That name seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another name.";	else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))	 msg << "A player with that name already exists, please choose another name.";	else	{	 std::string tmp = asLowerCaseString(managerString);	 if(tmp.substr(0, 4) != "god " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "cm " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "gm ")	 {	  talkState[1] = true;	  talkState[2] = true;	  msg << managerString << ", are you sure?";	 }	 else	  msg << "Your character is not a staff member, please tell me another name!";	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[2])   {	talkState[1] = talkState[2] = false;	msg << "What else would you like to name your character?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[2])   {	if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))	{	 uint32_t tmp;	 if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getGuidByName(tmp, managerString2) &&	  IOLoginData::getInstance()->changeName(tmp, managerString, managerString2) &&	  IOBan::getInstance()->removePlayerBanishment(tmp, PLAYERBAN_LOCK))	 {	  if(House* house = Houses::getInstance()->getHouseByPlayerId(tmp))	   house->updateDoorDescription(managerString);	  talkState[1] = true;	  talkState[2] = false;	  msg << "Your character has been successfully renamed, you should now be able to login at it without any problems.";	 }	 else	 {	  talkState[1] = talkState[2] = false;	  msg << "Failed to change your name, please try again.";	 }	}	else	{	 talkState[1] = talkState[2] = false;	 msg << "A player with that name already exists, please choose another name.";	}   }   else	msg << "Sorry, but I can't understand you, please try to repeat that!";   break;  }  case MANAGER_ACCOUNT:  {   Account account = IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadAccount(managerNumber);   if(checkText(text, "cancel") || (checkText(text, "account") && !talkState[1]))   {	talkState[1] = true;	for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	 talkState[i] = false;	msg << "Do you want to change your 'password', request a 'recovery key', add a 'character', or 'delete' a character?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "delete") && talkState[1])   {	talkState[1] = false;	talkState[2] = true;	msg << "Which character would you like to delete?";   }   else if(talkState[2])   {	std::string tmp = text;	trimString(tmp);	if(!isValidName(tmp, false))	 msg << "That name contains invalid characters, try to say your name again, you might have typed it wrong.";	else	{	 talkState[2] = false;	 talkState[3] = true;	 managerString = tmp;	 msg << "Do you really want to delete the character named " << managerString << "?";	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[3])   {	switch(IOLoginData::getInstance()->deleteCharacter(managerNumber, managerString))	{	 case DELETE_INTERNAL:	  msg << "An error occured while deleting your character. Either the character does not belong to you or it doesn't exist.";	  break;	 case DELETE_SUCCESS:	  msg << "Your character has been deleted.";	  break;	 case DELETE_HOUSE:	  msg << "Your character owns a house. To make sure you really want to lose your house by deleting your character, you have to login and leave the house or pass it to someone else first.";	  break;	 case DELETE_LEADER:	  msg << "Your character is the leader of a guild. You need to disband or pass the leadership someone else to delete your character.";	  break;	 case DELETE_ONLINE:	  msg << "A character with that name is currently online, to delete a character it has to be offline.";	  break;	}	talkState[1] = true;	for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	 talkState[i] = false;   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[3])   {	talkState[1] = true;	talkState[3] = false;	msg << "Tell me what character you want to delete.";   }   else if(checkText(text, "password") && talkState[1])   {	talkState[1] = false;	talkState[4] = true;	msg << "Tell me your new password please.";   }   else if(talkState[4])   {	std::string tmp = text;	trimString(tmp);	if(tmp.length() < 6)	 msg << "That password is too short, at least 6 digits are required. Please select a longer password.";	else if(!isValidPassword(tmp))	 msg << "Your password contains invalid characters... please tell me another one.";	else	{	 talkState[4] = false;	 talkState[5] = true;	 managerString = tmp;	 msg << "Should '" << managerString << "' be your new password?";	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[5])   {	talkState[1] = true;	for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	 talkState[i] = false;	IOLoginData::getInstance()->setPassword(managerNumber, managerString);	msg << "Your password has been changed.";   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[5])   {	talkState[1] = true;	for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	 talkState[i] = false;	msg << "Then not.";   }   else if(checkText(text, "character") && talkState[1])   {	if(account.charList.size() <= 15)	{	 talkState[1] = false;	 talkState[6] = true;	 msg << "What would you like as your character name?";	}	else	{	 talkState[1] = true;	 for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	  talkState[i] = false;	 msg << "Your account reach the limit of 15 players, you can 'delete' a character if you want to create a new one.";	}   }   else if(talkState[6])   {	managerString = text;	trimString(managerString);	if(managerString.length() < 4)	 msg << "Your name you want is too short, please select a longer name.";	else if(managerString.length() > 20)	 msg << "The name you want is too long, please select a shorter name.";	else if(!isValidName(managerString))	 msg << "That name seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another name.";	else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))	 msg << "A player with that name already exists, please choose another name.";	else	{	 std::string tmp = asLowerCaseString(managerString);	 if(tmp.substr(0, 4) != "god " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "cm " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "gm ")	 {	  talkState[6] = false;	  talkState[7] = true;	  msg << managerString << ", are you sure?";	 }	 else	  msg << "Your character is not a staff member, please tell me another name!";	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[7])   {	talkState[6] = true;	talkState[7] = false;	msg << "What else would you like to name your character?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[7])   {	talkState[7] = false;	talkState[8] = true;	msg << "Should your character be a 'male' or a 'female'.";   }   else if(talkState[8] && (checkText(text, "female") || checkText(text, "male")))   {	talkState[8] = false;	talkState[9] = true;	if(checkText(text, "female"))	{	 msg << "A female, are you sure?";	 managerSex = PLAYERSEX_FEMALE;	}	else	{	 msg << "A male, are you sure?";	 managerSex = PLAYERSEX_MALE;	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[9])   {	talkState[8] = true;	talkState[9] = false;	msg << "Tell me... would you like to be a 'male' or a 'female'?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[9])   {	if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::START_CHOOSEVOC))	{	 talkState[9] = false;	 talkState[11] = true;	 bool firstPart = true;	 for(VocationsMap::iterator it = Vocations::getInstance()->getFirstVocation(); it != Vocations::getInstance()->getLastVocation(); ++it)	 {	  if(it->first == it->second->getFromVocation() && it->first != 0)	  {	   if(firstPart)	   {		msg << "What do you want to be... " << it->second->getDescription();		firstPart = false;	   }	   else if(it->first - 1 != 0)		msg << ", " << it->second->getDescription();	   else		msg << " or " << it->second->getDescription() << ".";	  }	 }	}	else if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))	{	 talkState[1] = true;	 for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	  talkState[i] = false;	 if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->createCharacter(managerNumber, managerString, managerNumber2, (uint16_t)managerSex))	  msg << "Your character has been created.";	 else	  msg << "Your character couldn't be created, please try again.";	}	else	{	 talkState[6] = true;	 talkState[9] = false;	 msg << "A player with that name already exists, please choose another name.";	}   }   else if(talkState[11])   {	for(VocationsMap::iterator it = Vocations::getInstance()->getFirstVocation(); it != Vocations::getInstance()->getLastVocation(); ++it)	{	 std::string tmp = asLowerCaseString(it->second->getName());	 if(checkText(text, tmp) && it != Vocations::getInstance()->getLastVocation() && it->first == it->second->getFromVocation() && it->first != 0)	 {	  msg << "So you would like to be " << it->second->getDescription() << "... are you sure?";	  managerNumber2 = it->first;	  talkState[11] = false;	  talkState[12] = true;	 }	}	if(msg.str().length() == 17)	 msg << "I don't understand what vocation you would like to be... could you please repeat it?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[12])   {	if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))	{	 talkState[1] = true;	 for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	  talkState[i] = false;	 if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->createCharacter(managerNumber, managerString, managerNumber2, (uint16_t)managerSex))	  msg << "Your character has been created.";	 else	  msg << "Your character couldn't be created, please try again.";	}	else	{	 talkState[6] = true;	 talkState[9] = false;	 msg << "A player with that name already exists, please choose another name.";	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[12])   {	talkState[11] = true;	talkState[12] = false;	msg << "No? Then what would you like to be?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "recovery key") && talkState[1])   {	talkState[1] = false;	talkState[10] = true;	msg << "Would you like a recovery key?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[10])   {	if(account.recoveryKey != "0")	 msg << "Sorry, you already have a recovery key, for security reasons I may not give you a new one.";	else	{	 managerString = generateRecoveryKey(4, 4);	 IOLoginData::getInstance()->setRecoveryKey(managerNumber, managerString);	 msg << "Your recovery key is: " << managerString << ".";	}	talkState[1] = true;	for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	 talkState[i] = false;   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[10])   {	msg << "Then not.";	talkState[1] = true;	for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; i++)	 talkState[i] = false;   }   else	msg << "Please read the latest message that I have specified, I don't understand the current requested action.";   break;  }  case MANAGER_NEW:  {   if(checkText(text, "account") && !talkState[1])   {	msg << "What would you like your password to be?";	talkState[1] = true;	talkState[2] = true;   }   else if(talkState[2])   {	std::string tmp = text;	trimString(tmp);	if(tmp.length() < 6)	 msg << "That password is too short, at least 6 digits are required. Please select a longer password.";	else if(!isValidPassword(tmp))	 msg << "Your password contains invalid characters... please tell me another one.";	else	{	 talkState[3] = true;	 talkState[2] = false;	 managerString = tmp;	 msg << managerString << " is it? 'yes' or 'no'?";	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[3])   {	if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::GENERATE_ACCOUNT_NUMBER))	{	 do	  sprintf(managerChar, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9));	 while(IOLoginData::getInstance()->accountNameExists(managerChar));	 uint32_t id = (uint32_t)IOLoginData::getInstance()->createAccount(managerChar, managerString);	 if(id)	 {	  accountManager = MANAGER_ACCOUNT;	  managerNumber = id;	  noSwap = talkState[1] = false;	  msg << "Your account has been created, you may manage it now, but remember your account name: '"	   << managerChar << "' and password: '" << managerString	   << "'! If the account name is too hard to remember, please note it somewhere.";	 }	 else	  msg << "Your account could not be created, please try again.";	 for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 5; i++)	  talkState[i] = false;	}	else	{	 msg << "What would you like your account name to be?";	 talkState[3] = false;	 talkState[4] = true;	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[3])   {	talkState[2] = true;	talkState[3] = false;	msg << "What would you like your password to be then?";   }   else if(talkState[4])   {	std::string tmp = text;	trimString(tmp);	if(tmp.length() < 3)	 msg << "That account name is too short, at least 3 digits are required. Please select a longer account name.";	else if(tmp.length() > 25)	 msg << "That account name is too long, not more than 25 digits are required. Please select a shorter account name.";	else if(!isValidAccountName(tmp))	 msg << "Your account name contains invalid characters, please choose another one.";	else if(asLowerCaseString(tmp) == asLowerCaseString(managerString))	 msg << "Your account name cannot be same as password, please choose another one.";	else	{	 sprintf(managerChar, "%s", tmp.c_str());	 msg << managerChar << ", are you sure?";	 talkState[4] = false;	 talkState[5] = true;	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[5])   {	if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->accountNameExists(managerChar))	{	 uint32_t id = (uint32_t)IOLoginData::getInstance()->createAccount(managerChar, managerString);	 if(id)	 {	  accountManager = MANAGER_ACCOUNT;	  managerNumber = id;	  noSwap = talkState[1] = false;	  msg << "Your account has been created, you may manage it now, but remember your account name: '"	   << managerChar << "' and password: '" << managerString << "'!";	 }	 else	  msg << "Your account could not be created, please try again.";	 for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 5; i++)	  talkState[i] = false;	}	else	{	 msg << "An account with that name already exists, please try another account name.";	 talkState[4] = true;	 talkState[5] = false;	}   }   else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[5])   {	talkState[5] = false;	talkState[4] = true;	msg << "What else would you like as your account name?";   }   else if(checkText(text, "recover") && !talkState[6])   {	talkState[6] = true;	talkState[7] = true;	msg << "What was your account name?";   }   else if(talkState[7])   {	managerString = text;	if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getAccountId(managerString, (uint32_t&)managerNumber))	{	 talkState[7] = false;	 talkState[8] = true;	 msg << "What was your recovery key?";	}	else	{	 msg << "Sorry, but account with such name doesn't exists.";	 talkState[6] = talkState[7] = false;	}   }   else if(talkState[8])   {	managerString2 = text;	if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->validRecoveryKey(managerNumber, managerString2) && managerString2 != "0")	{	 sprintf(managerChar, "%s%d", g_config.getString(ConfigManager::SERVER_NAME).c_str(), random_range(100, 999));	 IOLoginData::getInstance()->setPassword(managerNumber, managerChar);	 msg << "Correct! Your new password is: " << managerChar << ".";	}	else	 msg << "Sorry, but this key doesn't match to account you gave me.";	talkState[7] = talkState[8] = false;   }   else	msg << "Sorry, but I can't understand you, please try to repeat that.";   break;  }  default:   return;   break;}sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, msg.str().c_str());if(!noSwap)  sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hint: Type 'account' to manage your account and if you want to start over then type 'cancel'.");}bool Player::isGuildInvited(uint32_t guildId) const{for(InvitedToGuildsList::const_iterator it = invitedToGuildsList.begin(); it != invitedToGuildsList.end(); ++it){  if((*it) == guildId)   return true;}return false;}void Player::leaveGuild(){sendClosePrivate(CHANNEL_GUILD);guildLevel = GUILDLEVEL_NONE;guildId = rankId = 0;guildName = rankName = guildNick = "";}bool Player::isPremium() const{if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::FREE_PREMIUM) || hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IsAlwaysPremium))  return true;return premiumDays;}bool Player::setGuildLevel(GuildLevel_t newLevel, uint32_t rank/* = 0*/){std::string name;if(!IOGuild::getInstance()->getRankEx(rank, name, guildId, newLevel))  return false;guildLevel = newLevel;rankName = name;rankId = rank;return true;}void Player::setGroupId(int32_t newId){if(Group* tmp = Groups::getInstance()->getGroup(newId)){  groupId = newId;  group = tmp;}}void Player::setGroup(Group* newGroup){if(newGroup){  group = newGroup;  groupId = group->getId();}}PartyShields_t Player::getPartyShield(const Creature* creature) const{const Player* player = creature->getPlayer();if(!player)  return Creature::getPartyShield(creature);if(Party* party = getParty()){  if(party->getLeader() == player)  {   if(party->isSharedExperienceActive())   {	if(party->isSharedExperienceEnabled())	 return SHIELD_YELLOW_SHAREDEXP;	if(party->canUseSharedExperience(player))	 return SHIELD_YELLOW_NOSHAREDEXP;	return SHIELD_YELLOW_NOSHAREDEXP_BLINK;   }   return SHIELD_YELLOW;  }  if(party->isPlayerMember(player))  {   if(party->isSharedExperienceActive())   {	if(party->isSharedExperienceEnabled())	 return SHIELD_BLUE_SHAREDEXP;	if(party->canUseSharedExperience(player))	 return SHIELD_BLUE_NOSHAREDEXP;	return SHIELD_BLUE_NOSHAREDEXP_BLINK;   }   return SHIELD_BLUE;  }  if(isInviting(player))   return SHIELD_WHITEBLUE;}if(player->isInviting(this))  return SHIELD_WHITEYELLOW;return SHIELD_NONE;}bool Player::isInviting(const Player* player) const{if(!player || !getParty() || getParty()->getLeader() != this)  return false;return getParty()->isPlayerInvited(player);}bool Player::isPartner(const Player* player) const{if(!player || !getParty() || !player->getParty())  return false;return (getParty() == player->getParty());}void Player::sendPlayerPartyIcons(Player* player){sendCreatureShield(player);sendCreatureSkull(player);}bool Player::addPartyInvitation(Party* party){if(!party)  return false;PartyList::iterator it = std::find(invitePartyList.begin(), invitePartyList.end(), party);if(it != invitePartyList.end())  return false;invitePartyList.push_back(party);return true;}bool Player::removePartyInvitation(Party* party){if(!party)  return false;PartyList::iterator it = std::find(invitePartyList.begin(), invitePartyList.end(), party);if(it != invitePartyList.end()){  invitePartyList.erase(it);  return true;}return false;}void Player::clearPartyInvitations(){if(invitePartyList.empty())  return;PartyList list;for(PartyList::iterator it = invitePartyList.begin(); it != invitePartyList.end(); ++it)  list.push_back(*it);invitePartyList.clear();for(PartyList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)  (*it)->removeInvite(this);}void Player::increaseCombatValues(int32_t& min, int32_t& max, bool useCharges, bool countWeapon){if(min > 0)  min = (int32_t)(min * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_HEALING));else  min = (int32_t)(min * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MAGIC));if(max > 0)  max = (int32_t)(max * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_HEALING));else  max = (int32_t)(max * vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MAGIC));Item* weapon = NULL;if(!countWeapon)  weapon = getWeapon();Item* item = NULL;int32_t minValue = 0, maxValue = 0;for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i){  if(!(item = getInventoryItem((slots_t)i)) || (g_moveEvents->hasEquipEvent(item)   && !isItemAbilityEnabled((slots_t)i)))   continue;  const ItemType& it = Item::items[item->getID()];  if(min > 0)  {   minValue += it.abilities.increment[HEALING_VALUE];   if(it.abilities.increment[HEALING_PERCENT])	min = (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(min * it.abilities.increment[HEALING_PERCENT]) / 100.);  }  else  {   minValue -= it.abilities.increment[MAGIC_VALUE];   if(it.abilities.increment[MAGIC_PERCENT])	min = (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(min * it.abilities.increment[MAGIC_PERCENT]) / 100.);  }  if(max > 0)  {   maxValue += it.abilities.increment[HEALING_VALUE];   if(it.abilities.increment[HEALING_PERCENT])	max = (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(max * it.abilities.increment[HEALING_PERCENT]) / 100.);  }  else  {   maxValue -= it.abilities.increment[MAGIC_VALUE];   if(it.abilities.increment[MAGIC_PERCENT])	max = (int32_t)std::ceil((double)(max * it.abilities.increment[MAGIC_PERCENT]) / 100.);  }  bool removeCharges = false;  for(int32_t j = INCREMENT_FIRST; j <= INCREMENT_LAST; ++j)  {   if(!it.abilities.increment[(Increment_t)j])	continue;   removeCharges = true;   break;  }  if(useCharges && removeCharges && item != weapon && item->hasCharges())   g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max((int32_t)0, (int32_t)item->getCharges() - 1));}min += minValue;max += maxValue;}bool Player::transferMoneyTo(const std::string& name, uint64_t amount){if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::BANK_SYSTEM) || amount > balance)  return false;Player* target = g_game.getPlayerByNameEx(name);if(!target)  return false;balance -= amount;target->balance += amount;if(target->isVirtual()){  IOLoginData::getInstance()->savePlayer(target);  delete target;}return true;}void Player::sendCritical() const{if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::DISPLAY_CRITICAL_HIT))  g_game.addAnimatedText(getPosition(), TEXTCOLOR_DARKRED, "CRITICAL!");}



Sera q tem como corrigir ?

Editado por AnyurCT
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Renan 1995 Tenhu este error a compilar:

In member function `bool Party::invitePlayer(Player*)':
invalid conversion from `uint32_t' to `const char*'
nitializing argument 1 of `std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string(const _CharT*, const _Alloc&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>, _Alloc = std::allocator<char>]'
invalid conversion from `uint32_t' to `const char*'
initializing argument 1 of `std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string(const _CharT*, const _Alloc&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>, _Alloc = std::allocator<char>]' [build Error]  [obj//party.o] Error 1


Tenhu este error



Enha linas



Ajuda pls :(




Editado por Katxz
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O cara sumiu... huh.png


Tambem tenho o msmo erro. foda q no nome ja diz BETA, e ainda ja ta com problemas

no compilar. imagina depois disso no sistema ?


no minimo deveria ter o server compilado ou video print screen para podermos analisar.



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Entendo... teríamos aí, um erro do próprio party.cpp postado pelo autor do tópico. Verei o arquivo, e qualquer coisa posto corrigido aqui.


Aqui está, não sei ao certo se irá funcionar, tenho muito pouca experiência em C++. Valeu, até mais!


Download correto:

Editado por Renan1995
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Tambem nao so ninja em C++ mais acho q tu se enganou aqui:


linha 180 e 181

player->setStorage(91000, value);

leader->setStorage(91000, value1);


correto seria:

player->setStorage(91000, value1);

leader->setStorage(91000, value);


Outra coisa setStorage 91000 2 vezes, pela logica isso desativaria a primeira sobescrevendo pela segunda.


esta confuso o codigo...

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Não, amigo, creio que você fez confusão quanto ao código.

O value retorna o GUID do player convidado, e o value1 o GUID do player que está a convidar.

Os storages estão corretos. Eles não irão se anular, pois estarão sendo executados em jogadores diferentes. Repare que um é o lider e o outro o player convidado.

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verdade falha minha.


teria como postar um server ja compilado com o script integrado para poder analisar o funcionamento se vale a pena

instalar no meu server ?


Obrigado +rep

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