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[Extension] Adicionando Framework Wall


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Bom galera, como to sempre presissando dessa wall e fica dificil usa no RAW resolvi coloca no RME,

vamos ao que intereça vai


Remere's Map Editor\data\860\tilesets.XML


E procure a seguinte linha

<brush name="stone wall"/>


e Em baixo Adcione essa linha...

<brush name="framework wall"/>


Ficando assim....

<brush name="stone wall"/>
<brush name="framework wall"/>


Depois De ter Feito Isso va em walls.XML (NA MESMA PASTA)


E la em baixo adicione isso...


<brush name="framework wall" type="wall" server_lookid="1037">
	<wall type="horizontal">
		<item id="10227" chance="500"/>
		<item id="10229" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10235" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10245" chance="150"/>
		<item id="10246" chance="150"/>
		<door id="10271" type="normal" open="false"/>
		<door id="10272" type="normal" open="false"/>
		<door id="10273" type="normal" open="true"/>
		<door id="10276" type="locked" open="false"/>
		<door id="10277" type="locked" open="true"/>
		<door id="10280" type="quest" open="false"/>
		<door id="10281" type="quest" open="true"/>
		<door id="10284" type="magic" open="false"/>
		<door id="10285" type="magic" open="true"/>
		<door id="10264" type="hatch_window" open="false"/>
		<door id="10266" type="hatch_window" open="true"/>
		<door id="10262" type="window"/>
	<wall type="vertical">
		<item id="10226" chance="400"/>
		<item id="10231" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10233" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10247" chance="150"/>
		<item id="10248" chance="150"/>
		<door id="10268" type="normal" open="false"/>
		<door id="10269" type="normal" open="false"/>
		<door id="10270" type="normal" open="true"/>
		<door id="10274" type="locked" open="false"/>
		<door id="10275" type="locked" open="true"/>
		<door id="10278" type="quest" open="false"/>
		<door id="10279" type="quest" open="true"/>
		<door id="10282" type="magic" open="false"/>
		<door id="10283" type="magic" open="true"/>
		<door id="10265" type="hatch_window" open="false"/>
		<door id="10267" type="hatch_window" open="true"/>
		<door id="10263" type="window"/>
	<wall type="corner">
		<item id="10230" chance="1000"/>
		<item id="10232" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10234" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10236" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10237" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
		<item id="10238" chance="0"/> -- This needs to be here for backwards compability --
	<wall type="pole">
		<item id="10228" chance="1000"/>


ATENÇÂO:Você tem que tomar cuidado, pois você tem que adicionar este script depois de qualquer <brush>, e so pode haver apenas UM </brush> no final do script.


Bom, após você fazer isso, você precisa abrir seu RME, e ir até "Terrain Palette/Town"

Você tera algo assim...



Gente sei que é um Script, mto Simples+ pra qualque mapper ira FACILITAR muita a vida ^^


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