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Preciso De Pokeball System


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Olá! Eu estou precisando de um script de Pokeball. Mas ai uns vem falar: já tem no forum.

Mas a questão é a seguinte: os scripts de Pokeball que achei, o monstro tem que estar vivo para capturar, ou seja, tem que estar com vida 1, 100, 1000, etc, mas nunca no 0 (corpse).


E o pedido é esse: Quero um script que você lance a pokeball no corpse do monstro (morto), como no Pokemon Online.


E que tenha uma chance grande da ball quebrar e chance baixa de capturar.


Server TFS

Versão 8.11


Exemplo: pokezm7.gif


PS: Se não for pedir de mais, também quero o script da Great Ball (chance 2x), Super Ball (chance 3x) e Ultra Ball (chance 4x), ou pelo menos me informar aonde eu posso configurar a porcentagem de chance de captura. :smile_positivo:

Editado por Guimmd2
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data/lib/functions bote isso:

_warpzone = 2147483648 -- start storing strings here (THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM VALUE FOR THIS)

_maxlength = 1024 -- multiply by 3 to get the true length.


setPlayerStorageInteger = setPlayerStorageValue

getPlayerStorageInteger = getPlayerStorageValue


function setPlayerStorageString(cid, key, value)

if #value > (_maxlength-1) * 3 - 1 then -- Last word is reserved for 0 termination of the string.

error("Storage string is too long")


if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then

error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")")


key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength


local word = 0

local wordwrap = 0

local wordcount = 0

local i = 1

while i <= #value do

local byte = string.byte(string.sub(value, i, i))

word = bit.bor(word, bit.lshift(byte, wordwrap))

wordwrap = wordwrap + 8

if wordwrap == 24 then


In the ideal world we would be able to store 4 characters per word,

however, as the default return value for getPlayerStorageValue is

-1, we cant use the last bit.


setPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount, word)

word = 0

wordwrap = 0

wordcount = wordcount + 1


i = i + 1


-- store the last word

setPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount, word)



function getPlayerStorageString(cid, key)

if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then

error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")")


key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength


local wordcount = 0

local str = ""

while true do

if wordcount >= _maxlength then



local word = getPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount)

if word == -1 then

-- end of string



-- Extract the 3 characters from the value

byte =, 255)

if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end

byte = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)

if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end

byte = bit.rshift(, 16711680), 16)

if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end


wordcount = wordcount + 1


return str



E isso:


function doConvinceSummon(cid, creature, amount, pos)

summonplayerpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z, stackpos=253}

summonplayer = getThingfromPos(summonplayerpos)



if(summonplayer ~= nil and summonplayer.itemid > 0) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"There is not enough room to summon here.")

ret = 0


convince = doSummonCreature(creature, pos)

doConvinceCreature(cid, convince)

ret = 1



return ret



data/actions e crie um arquivo chamado Pokebola.lua e bote isso:


local notAllowed = {"Ferumbras", "Demon"}

local storage = {

status = 25650,

pokeName = 25651


local actionid_used = 7510


function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, item2, toPos)

local pokeballStatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status)

local pokeName = getPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName)

pos = getPlayerPosition(cid) pos.stackpos = 0

if pokeballStatus == -1 then

toPos.stackpos = 253

local pokeThing = getThingfromPos(toPos)

if isCreature(pokeThing.uid) == TRUE then

if isPlayer(pokeThing.uid) == FALSE then

local pokename_ = getCreatureName(pokeThing.uid)

if item.actionid ~= actionid_used then

-- local maxHealth = 400

-- local creatureHealth = getCreatureHealth(pokeThing.uid)

-- local divNum = (string.len(maxHealth)-1)^2

-- local result = math.floor((creatureHealth/divNum)/10)

-- local chance = math.random(1, math.random(4, math.random(7, math.max(result, 7))))

-- if chance == result then

if isInTable(notAllowed, pokename_) == TRUE then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot catch this creature")


setPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName, pokename_)


doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1)

doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it contains a " .. pokename_ .. ".")

doSetItemActionId(item.uid, actionid_used)


-- else

-- doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2)

-- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "The Pokemom Escaped")

-- end

elseif item.actionid == actionid_used and pokename_ == pokeName then

doPlayerSay(cid, pokeName .. " Back!!", TALKTYPE_SAY)


doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it contains a " .. pokename_ .. ".")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1)

doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37)


doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2)

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokeball is already used")



doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot catch this creature")



doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Creature not found")


elseif pokeballStatus == 1 then

summons = getCreatureSummons(cid)

-- if #summons >= 2 then

-- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot call more pokemons")

-- else

doConvinceSummon(cid, pokeName, 0, toPos)

doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37)

doPlayerSay(cid, pokeName .. " Go!!", TALKTYPE_SAY)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, -1)

doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it is empty.")

-- end




return 1



function isInTable(t, val)

for _, v in pairs(t) do

if v == val then

return TRUE



return LUA_ERROR





<action itemid="xxxx" script="pokebola.lua" allowfaruse="1" blockwalls="1" />
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Cara, eu já testei esse script, esse ai o monstro tem que estar vivo, eu quero um script que jogue a Pokeball NO CORPO DO MONSTRO.


Se esse script tem como jogar no corpo do monstro, me mostre em que parte do script fica o IDs dos corpses.


E também quero saber onde configura a chance de captura.

Editado por Guimmd2
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