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[8.20/8.21](sql) Sacusotserv 0.6.0


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I even wait for the items 8,20 officials for a SVN;

Thanks to Dark Ares.



The TFS already Leaves atras a time.




- Items 8,20 (Even waiting for the officials)

- Npc System (Fixed)

- Protocol 820/821

- exe (New Accommodated information and…)

Photo: (I put a photo, Because in the other Version in exe bugs leaves many)

- a Title to exe Adds (So that it is seen but ordered)..




- OT in Time of Tests! (TestServer)

- Removed During Error getDataInt(Lastwarning). (Lack of 2 Dlls)

- Again Adds iconv.dll and zlib1.dll (Not because I erase or that excrement I happen.)

- It adds Items 8,20

- Aggregate the Command:

/zt (From 1 To 15) They are the New tutorials of Tibiarl.

- Databases Adds Two new (DB)..





Npc System




8.20 Items







::iconfoldervo0.gif 0.6.0 Release



::icon_page.gifSacusOTserv Download



atencao Tópico Retirado do Otland, Obrigada pela atenção


n vo por scan pq minha net ta uma Merda! mais nao tem virus!, duvidas fassa seu propio scan


[EDIT]Posiçao do templo,-> posx 1100 posy 969 posz 7

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