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Encontrado 3 registros

  1. Oi galera , eu to meio que sem nada para fazer , então queria saber se alguem quer hostear um servidor de CS , é o CSTibia v2.0 By Roksas , se alguem quiser abrir falae , ai divulgamos e nos divertimos...
  2. Tipo do script: ACTION Protocolo (versão do Tibia): 8.60 Servidor utilizado: The Forgotten Server Nível de experiência: media /baixa Adicionais/Informações: Galera Ajuda Ae Nesse action axei aki no x tibia msm ( ) só que esta dando um problema qndo eu armo a bomba fica dizendo que n posso armar no Pz ,porem nao estou em pz !! QM AJUDAR AI GANHA REP ++++ =X o Action é : ----------Plastic Bomb by Colex----------- local PLANTING_DELAY = 5 --seconds local EXPLOSION_DELAY = 5000 --milliseconds local MAX_HIT = 1000 local MIN_HIT = 300 local PVP = true -- true for PVP, false for Non-PVP local PLAYERS = {} function isInArray(table, valor) for i,j in pairs(table) do if (j == valor) then return i end end return 0 end function explosion(info) area = { {0,0,0,0,0}, {0,1,1,1,0}, {0,1,1,1,0}, {0,1,1,1,0}, {0,0,0,0,0}, } hitpos = {x=info.pos.x, y=info.pos.y, z=info.pos.z, stackpos=253} center = {} center.y = math.floor(table.getn(area)/2)+1 for i in ipairs(area) do center.x = math.floor(table.getn(area)/2)+1 for j, v in ipairs(area) do if (v == 1) then hitpos.x = info.pos.x + (j - center.x) hitpos.y = info.pos.y + (i - center.y) if (getTilePzInfo(hitpos) == 0) then victim = getThingfromPos(hitpos) effect = 4 if ((j == center.x) and (i == center.y)) then doSendAnimatedText(hitpos,"KABOOOOOM",TEXTCOLOR_RED) hitpoints = MAX_HIT effect = 5 else hitpoints = math.random(MIN_HIT,MAX_HIT) end if (isPlayer(victim.uid) == 1) then if (PVP == true) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(victim.uid,20,"You have lost "..hitpoints.." hitpoints by "..getPlayerName(info.player).."'s plastic bomb") else hitpoints = 0 end end if (isCreature(victim.uid) == 1) then doPlayerAddHealth(victim.uid,-hitpoints) end doSendMagicEffect(hitpos,effect) end end end end PLAYERS[isInArray(PLAYERS, info.player)] = 0 mayNotLogout(info.player, 0) return 1 end function planting(info) if info.num == PLANTING_DELAY then doPlayerSendTextMessage(info.player,22,"Plastic Bomb successfully planted!") mayNotMove(info.player,0) addEvent(explosion,EXPLOSION_DELAY,info) else info.num = info.num + 1 doPlayerSendTextMessage(info.player,22,info.num.."...") addEvent(planting,1000,info) end return 1 end function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) position = getThingPos(item.uid) if (getTilePzInfo(position) == 0) then if (isInArray(PLAYERS, cid) == 0) then table.insert(PLAYERS, cid) doSendMagicEffect(frompos,3) info = {player = cid, pos = position, num = 1} doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Planting the bomb...") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"1...") mayNotMove(cid,1) mayNotLogout(cid, 1) doRemoveItem(item.uid,1) addEvent(planting,1000,info) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You can only plant one bomb at the same time.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You can not plant this bomb in a PZ!") end return 1 end
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