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Sobre lince10


  • Char no Tibia
    Sefuso Atlim
  • Forma que conheci o xTibia
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  1. Poxa tempo passa mais sempre tem um dia que tenho que ver o xtibia, ja to indo para 5 ano sendo membros do xtibia kkkk
  2. Tava sumido mais voltei !

    1. SkyDangerous
    2. Gabriel Couto

      Gabriel Couto

      SkyDangerous podia sumir. Mas sem voltar.

    3. SkyDangerous


      kkkk', você me ama, tenho até print.

  3. Não ta cheio de erros quando liga nao ne ? [26/07/2011 18:58:39] Alissow Server, version 0.4.1 (Alissow) [26/07/2011 18:58:39] Compiled with: Comedinhasss & Fireelement. [26/07/2011 18:58:39] A server developed by: Alissow & CiA. [26/07/2011 18:58:39] Visit our forum for updates & support: [26/07/2011 18:58:39] >> Loading config (config.lua) [26/07/2011 18:58:39] > Using plaintext encryption [26/07/2011 18:58:39] >> Loading RSA key [26/07/2011 18:58:39] >> Starting SQL connection [26/07/2011 18:58:39] >> Running Database Manager [26/07/2011 18:58:40] > Optimized database. [26/07/2011 18:58:40] >> Loading items [26/07/2011 18:58:43] >> Loading groups [26/07/2011 18:58:44] >> Loading vocations [26/07/2011 18:58:44] >> Loading script systems [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:44] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 10 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 10 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 9 not found. [26/07/2011 18:58:45] [Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] Wrong vocation id: 9 [26/07/2011 18:58:47] [Warning - TalkAction::configureEvent] Duplicate registered talkaction with words: !vipdays [26/07/2011 18:58:47] [Warning - TalkAction::configureEvent] Duplicate registered talkaction with words: /addvip [26/07/2011 18:58:48] >> Loading chat channels [26/07/2011 18:58:48] >> Loading outfits [26/07/2011 18:58:48] >> Loading experience stages [26/07/2011 18:58:48] >> Loading monsters [26/07/2011 18:58:49] [Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (Mercury Blob) file (data/monster/8.4/Mercury blob.xml). [26/07/2011 18:58:49] Line: 3, Info: Extra content at the end of the document [26/07/2011 18:58:54] >> Loading mods... [26/07/2011 18:58:54] > Loading Answers.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:54] > Loading BotShield.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] > Loading changender_command.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] > Loading custommonsters.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] > Loading customspells.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] > Loading firstitems.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] > Loading highscorebook.xml... done. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] > 7 mods were loaded. [26/07/2011 18:58:55] >> Loading map and spawns... [26/07/2011 18:58:56] > Map size: 2294x2278. [26/07/2011 18:58:56] > Map descriptions: [26/07/2011 18:58:56] "Saved with Remere's Map Editor 2.1" [26/07/2011 18:58:56] "Mapa Editado By ADM Rodrigo" [26/07/2011 18:59:00] Duplicate uniqueId 13700 [26/07/2011 18:59:05] > Map loading time: 9.808 seconds. [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mercury Blob" [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (272) [26/07/2011 18:59:06] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (273) [26/07/2011 18:59:07] > Data parsing time: 1.687 seconds. [26/07/2011 18:59:16] > Houses synchronization time: 9.165 seconds. [26/07/2011 18:59:16] > Content unserialization time: 0.206 seconds. [26/07/2011 18:59:16] >> Checking world type... PvP [26/07/2011 18:59:16] >> Initializing game state modules and registering services... [26/07/2011 18:59:17] > Global address: [26/07/2011 18:59:18] > Local ports: 7171 7172 [26/07/2011 18:59:18] >> All modules were loaded, server is starting up... [26/07/2011 18:59:18] >> 24 Horas server Online!
  4. Arruma na proxima versão os acess do god para 6 por que no sql nao tem como mudar que tem algo bloquiado no server ! mais ta ficando membros ja ! :smile_positivo:
  5. alguem ai tem ot war de roubar a bandeira team vs team . so me add

  6. Ai queria tira uma duvidas tem como me add . ! fazer um proposta .
  7. So hostiei um mapa que eu fiz faz tempo que era team vs team em venore com dominio de bandeira , nunca mais fiz war mais esse acha que foi bem boilado sei la parece cs , achei legal . REP :button_ok:
  8. Poha ja vo fazer 4 anos de XTIBIA !


  10. lince10

    Strong Mapa

    muito erros , nao recomendavel :button_cancel:
  11. esse server nao é igual todos ot que quando liga aparece milhoes de erros ?
  12. lince10

    Strong Mapa

    ta ate bom , mais ta com muito erro qaundo liga ele coisa linda de tanto erros quando abrir um char tbm arrruma isso !
  13. Primeiro de tudo para colocar no ot list tem que ta online o server . se nao ta pegando voce ja abriu as port 7171 desabilitou firewall se voce for abrir a porta direito no modem nao vai dar voce liga para seu provedor e pede para ensinar a coloca internet sua para entrar por senha i-mail ai voce tanta ai voce tanta colocar de novo no ot list aaah quando voce ligar no provador e termina tudo voce tem que abrir a port la pelo firewall so isso seu server ja vai poder colocar no otlist :button_ok:
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