Trio Alka
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Esse server Erondino n tem Ride , fly sistem não ? só consegui usar o surf e teleport.
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- erondinosite
- erondino
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Bom dia. estou tentando aumentar o catch do meu server porém estou com um problema o catch.lua n é daqueles organizadinhos que é só descer a pagina e mudar queria a ajuda para descobrir qual é a parte. e se alguem puder arruma-lo pra mim ja tentei substitui-lo por um mais organizado mais não funcionou. quem puder ajudar ae local pokes = { ["Bulbasaur"] = {chance = 120, corpse = 5969, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Ivysaur"] = {chance = 240, corpse = 5982, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Venusaur"] = {chance = 400, corpse = 5962, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000}, ["Machop"] = {chance = 120, corpse = 6045, health = 425, maxhealth = 425}, ["Machoke"] = {chance = 240, corpse = 4251, health = 2850, maxhealth = 2850}, ["Machamp"] = {chance = 440, corpse = 6048, health = 6100, maxhealth = 6100}, ["Geodude"] = {chance = 60, corpse = 6071, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Graveler"] = {chance = 120, corpse = 6516, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Golem"] = {chance = 320, corpse = 6043, health = 6500, maxhealth = 6500}, ["Poliwag"] = {chance = 6, corpse = 6042, health = 400, maxhealth = 400}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {chance = 100, corpse = 6054, health = 1800, maxhealth = 1800}, ["Poliwrath"] = {chance = 280, corpse = 6033, health = 4400, maxhealth = 4400}, ["Tentacool"] = {chance = 20, corpse = 2961, health = 725, maxhealth = 725}, ["Tentacruel"] = {chance = 280, corpse = 6037, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Bellsprout"] = {chance = 6, corpse = 2806, health = 420, maxhealth = 420}, ["Weepinbell"] = {chance = 120, corpse = 2928, health = 1100, maxhealth = 1100}, ["Victreebel"] = {chance = 280, corpse = 6332, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Abra"] = {chance = 60, corpse = 2905, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Kadabra"] = {chance = 200, corpse = 6060, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Alakazam"] = {chance = 600, corpse = 6057, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000}, ["Charmander"] = {chance = 80, corpse = 5983, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Charmeleon"] = {chance = 240, corpse = 5981, health = 2900, maxhealth = 2900}, ["Charizard"] = {chance = 400, corpse = 6005, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000}, ["Blastoise"] = {chance = 400, corpse =5999, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000}, ["Wartortle"] = {chance = 200, corpse =5978, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500}, ["Squirtle"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6008, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Caterpie"] = {chance = 3, corpse =5970, health = 200, maxhealth = 200}, ["Metapod"] = {chance = 30, corpse =5971, health = 405, maxhealth = 405}, ["Butterfree"] = {chance = 90, corpse =5985, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Weedle"] = {chance = 3, corpse =5964, health = 325, maxhealth = 325}, ["Kakuna"] = {chance = 60, corpse =6000, health = 900, maxhealth = 900}, ["Beedrill"] = {chance = 120, corpse =5990, health = 1900, maxhealth = 1900}, ["Pidgey"] = {chance = 5, corpse =5961, health = 380, maxhealth = 380}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {chance = 80, corpse =5966 , health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400}, ["Pidgeot"] = {chance = 240, corpse =6020, health = 3800, maxhealth = 3800}, ["Rattata"] = {chance = 1, corpse =5974, health = 350, maxhealth = 350}, ["Raticate"] = {chance = 120, corpse =6007, health = 1500, maxhealth = 1500}, ["Spearow"] = {chance = 6, corpse =5968, health = 200, maxhealth = 200}, ["Fearow"] = {chance = 200, corpse =5992, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Ekans"] = {chance = 40, corpse =5979, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Arbok"] = {chance = 80, corpse =5984, health = 2300, maxhealth = 2300}, ["Pikachu"] = {chance = 60, corpse =6001, health = 1600, maxhealth = 1600}, ["Raichu"] = {chance = 120, corpse =5996, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Sandshrew"] = {chance = 40, corpse =5988, health = 700, maxhealth = 700}, ["Sandslash"] = {chance = 120, corpse =6041, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {chance = 15, corpse =6013, health = 500, maxhealth = 500}, ["Nidorina"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6014, health = 2135, maxhealth = 2135}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {chance = 320, corpse =6021, health = 6500, maxhealth = 6500}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {chance = 15, corpse =6015, health = 500, maxhealth = 500}, ["Nidorino"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6019, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Nidoking"] = {chance = 330, corpse =5995, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000}, ["Clefairy"] = {chance = 80, corpse =2968, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400}, ["Clefable"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6006, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Vulpix"] = {chance = 15, corpse =6003, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Ninetales"] = {chance = 200, corpse =6040, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6011, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6012, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Zubat"] = {chance = 8, corpse =5989, health = 335, maxhealth = 335}, ["Golbat"] = {chance = 120, corpse =6053, health = 1900, maxhealth = 1900}, ["Oddish"] = {chance = 10, corpse =3008, health = 300, maxhealth = 300}, ["Gloom"] = {chance = 120, corpse =6017, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400}, ["Vileplume"] = {chance = 240, corpse =6025, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Paras"] = {chance = 2, corpse =3007, health = 65, maxhealth = 65}, ["Parasect"] = {chance = 60, corpse =6027, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Venonat"] = {chance = 50, corpse =5997, health = 1500, maxhealth = 1500}, ["Venomoth"] = {chance = 80, corpse =2925, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Diglett"] = {chance = 20, corpse =6023, health = 500, maxhealth = 500}, ["Dugtrio"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6024, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Meowth"] = {chance = 40, corpse =6034, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000}, ["Persian"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6009, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500}, ["Psyduck"] = {chance = 50, corpse =6029, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Golduck"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6028, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Mankey"] = {chance = 7, corpse =6035, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Primeape"] = {chance = 40, corpse =6032, health = 2550, maxhealth = 2550}, ["Ponyta"] = {chance = 15, corpse =5975, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Rapidash"] = {chance = 60, corpse =4323, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Slowpoke"] = {chance = 30, corpse =2926, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Slowbro"] = {chance = 80, corpse =5986, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Doduo"] = {chance = 30, corpse =2842, health = 600, maxhealth = 600}, ["Dodrio"] = {chance = 60, corpse =6047, health = 2650, maxhealth = 2650}, ["Seel"] = {chance = 40, corpse =6030, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Dewgong"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6038, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Magnemite"] = {chance = 20, corpse =6056, health = 450, maxhealth = 450}, ["Magneton"] = {chance = 50, corpse =6076, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Growlithe"] = {chance = 40, corpse =6036, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000}, ["Arcanine"] = {chance = 280, corpse =6031, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Grimer"] = {chance = 30, corpse =6055, health = 600, maxhealth = 600}, ["Muk"] = {chance = 80, corpse =2845, health = 2400, maxhealth = 2400}, ["Shellder"] = {chance = 60, corpse =2837, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Cloyster"] = {chance = 240, corpse =2932, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Gastly"] = {chance = 50, corpse =5993, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Haunter"] = {chance = 100, corpse =6004, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Gengar"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6336, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Onix"] = {chance = 80, corpse =2990, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Drowzee"] = {chance = 20, corpse =6026, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Hypno"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6046, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Krabby"] = {chance = 3,corpse =6039, health = 500, maxhealth = 500}, ["Kingler"] = {chance = 30, corpse =6340, health = 2750, maxhealth = 2750}, ["Voltorb"] = {chance = 15, corpse =6049, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Electrode"] = {chance = 30, corpse =6051, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Exeggcute"] = {chance = 10, corpse =2982, health = 500, maxhealth = 500}, ["Exeggutor"] = {chance = 70, corpse =3005, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500}, ["Cubone"] = {chance = 30, corpse =6050, health = 900, maxhealth = 900}, ["Marowak"] = {chance = 80, corpse =6072, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {chance = 800, corpse =6067, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {chance = 800, corpse =5977, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Goldeen"] = {chance = 3, corpse = 2970, health = 300, maxhealth = 300}, ["Seaking"] = {chance = 40, corpse =3038, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Koffing"] = {chance = 15, corpse = 2936, health = 700, maxhealth = 700}, ["Weezing"] = {chance = 40, corpse =6306, health = 1250, maxhealth = 1250}, ["Rhydon"] = {chance = 240, corpse = 2858, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {chance = 40, corpse =3035, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Chansey"] = {chance = 400, corpse = 6010, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500}, ["Tangela"] = {chance = 90, corpse = 5976, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {chance = 400, corpse = 6073, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Horsea"] = {chance = 6, corpse = 2973, health = 300, maxhealth = 300}, ["Seadra"] = {chance = 30, corpse = 2872, health =2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Staryu"] = {chance = 30, corpse = 5987, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Starmie"] = {chance = 120, corpse = 7320, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Mr Mime"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6069, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Scyther"] = {chance = 800, corpse =3002, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Jynx"] = {chance = 150, corpse = 6077, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000}, ["Electabuzz"] = {chance = 350, corpse =6065, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Magmar"] = {chance = 350, corpse =7283, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Pinsir"] = {chance = 40, corpse = 7282, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Tauros"] = {chance = 40, corpse = 6302, health = 2400, maxhealth = 2400}, ["Magikarp"] = {chance = 1, corpse = 2818, health = 120, maxhealth = 120}, ["Gyarados"] = {chance = 350, corpse = 6331, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Lapras"] = {chance = 400, corpse =6018, health = 7000, maxhealth = 7000}, ["Ditto"] = {chance = 200, corpse =2817, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Vaporeon"] = {chance = 150, corpse =5960, health = 3500, maxhealth = 3500}, ["Eevee"] = {chance = 140, corpse =6364, health = 1500, maxhealth = 1500}, ["Flareon"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6059, health = 2010, maxhealth = 2010}, ["Jolteon"] = {chance = 150, corpse =6044, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Porygon"] = {chance = 280, corpse =5963 , health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Omanyte"] = {chance = 160, corpse =5998, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Omastar"] = {chance = 320, corpse =5994, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Kabutops"] = {chance = 320, corpse = 6345, health = 7500, maxhealth = 7500}, ["Kabuto"] = {chance = 160, corpse = 5972, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {chance = 2500, corpse = 6338, health = 13000, maxhealth = 13000}, ["Snorlax"] = {chance = 800, corpse = 6016, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000}, ["Moltres"] = {chance = 99999999, corpse = 7330, health = 200000, maxhealth = 200000}, ["Articuno"] = {chance = 9999999, corpse = 7256, health = 200000, maxhealth = 200000}, ["Zapdos"] = {chance = 99999999, corpse = 6074, health = 200000, maxhealth = 200000}, ["Mew"] = {chance = 999999, corpse = 2939, health = 50000, maxhealth = 50000}, ["Mewtwo"] = {chance = 9999999, corpse = 5973, health = 100000, maxhealth = 100000}, ["Dragonite"] = {chance = 1000, corpse = 4295, health = 17000, maxhealth = 17000}, ["Dragonair"] = {chance = 500, corpse = 6002, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Dratini"] = {chance = 150, corpse = 2879, health = 1500, maxhealth = 1500}, ["Farfetchd"] = {chance = 40, corpse = 2836, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Lickitung"] = {chance = 70, corpse =2953, health = 2350, maxhealth = 2350}, ["Crystal Onix"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 6320, health = 18000, maxhealth = 18000}, ["Elder Charizard"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 2954, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000}, ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {chance = 1200, corpse =8746, health = 13000, maxhealth = 13000}, ["Shiny Abra"] = {chance = 1200, corpse = 11423, health = 10000, maxhealth = 10000}, ["Shiny Alakazam"] = {chance = 2600, corpse = 11435, health = 12000, maxhealth = 12000}, ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {chance = 9000, corpse =8763, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000}, ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {chance = 120, corpse =8762, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Shiny Beedrill"] = {chance = 150, corpse =8767, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Shiny Cubone"] = {chance = 240, corpse = 11433, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Shiny Dratini"] = {chance = 560, corpse = 8744, health = 2900, maxhealth = 2900}, ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {chance = 1200, corpse = 8775, health = 15000, maxhealth= 15000}, ["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {chance = 1200, corpse =8773, health = 10000, maxhealth = 10000}, ["Shiny Electrode"] = {chance = 160, corpse =8753, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Shiny Farfetchd"] = {chance = 300, corpse = 8745, health = 10000, maxhealth = 10000}, ["Shiny Gengar"] = {chance = 1200, corpse = 8782, health = 13000, maxhealth= 13000}, ["Shiny Golbat"] = {chance = 300, corpse = 8781, health = 10000, maxhealth= 10000}, ["Shiny Growlithe"] = {chance = 120, corpse =8742, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {chance = 1200, corpse = 8774, health = 16000, maxhealth = 16000}, ["Shiny Grimer"] = {chance = 100, corpse =8752, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Shiny Horsea"] = {chance = 40, corpse = 8768, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000}, ["Shiny Jynx"] = {chance = 1200, corpse = 8758, health = 12000, maxhealth= 12000}, ["Shiny Krabby"] = {chance = 60, corpse =8755, health =1000, maxhealth =1000}, ["Shiny Kingler"] = {chance = 60, corpse =8769, health = 6000, maxhealth = 6000}, ["Shiny Magikarp"] = {chance = 10, corpse = 8766, health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000}, ["Shiny Muk"] = {chance = 300, corpse =8747, health = 8000, maxhealth = 8000}, ["Shiny Marowak"] = {chance = 500, corpse = 8779, health = 9000, maxhealth= 9000}, ["Shiny Oddish"] = {chance = 150,corpse =8749, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Shiny Paras"] = {chance = 15, corpse =8743, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Shiny Parasect"] = {chance = 110, corpse =8756, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {chance = 1000, corpse = 8783, health = 9000, maxhealth= 9000}, ["Shiny Pinsir"] = {chance = 300, corpse = 8780, health = 7000, maxhealth= 7000}, ["Shiny Raichu"] = {chance = 800,corpse =8770, health = 9000, maxhealth = 9000}, ["Shiny Rattata"] = {chance = 10, corpse =8751, health = 800, maxhealth = 800}, ["Shiny Raticate"] = {chance = 120, corpse =8765, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, ["Shiny Scyther"] = {chance = 2400, corpse =8772, health = 10000, maxhealth = 10000}, ["Shiny Seadra"] = {chance = 460, corpse = 8760, health =8000, maxhealth =8000}, ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {chance = 2000, corpse = 8776, health = 25000, maxhealth= 25000}, ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {chance = 100, corpse = 8748, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 8757, health = 11000, maxhealth = 11000}, ["Shiny Tangela"] = {chance = 500, corpse = 8785, health = 8000, maxhealth= 8000}, ["Shiny Voltorb"] = {chance = 30, corpse =8754, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {chance = 300, corpse = 8761, health = 6500, maxhealth= 6500}, ["Shiny Venonat"] = {chance = 50, corpse = 8759, health = 3000, maxhealth= 3000}, ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {chance = 1800, corpse = 8764, health = 15000, maxhealth = 15000}, ["Shiny Zubat"] = {chance = 30, corpse =8750, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000} } bolasCatch = { [2147] = {catchrate = 1, oncatch = 24, onfail = 23, bolabola = 2222}, [11437] = {catchrate = 2, oncatch = 198, onfail = 197, bolabola = 11438}, [11441] = {catchrate = 3, oncatch = 202, onfail = 201, bolabola = 11442}, [2146] = {catchrate = 1000, oncatch = 10000, onfail = 199, bolabola = 2220}, [11445] = {catchrate = 4, oncatch = 204, onfail = 203, bolabola = 11446}, } local description = "Contains a %pokename." function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) local name = getItemNameById(item2.itemid) local tmp = bolasCatch[item.itemid] if tmp ~= nil then catchrate = tmp.catchrate oncatch = tmp.oncatch onfail = tmp.onfail bolabola = tmp.bolabola end local rate = (catchrate) local catch = oncatch local fail = onfail local newid = bolabola for i,x in pairs(pokes) do if getItemNameById(item2.itemid):find(i:lower()) then if getItemIdByName(name) == pokes.corpse then if cid ~= getItemAttribute(item2.uid, "corpseowner") and isInArray({1,8}, getPlayerGroupId(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not allowed to catch this pokemon.") return true end doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) doRemoveItem(item2.uid, 1) local pegar = math.random(0, x.chance) if pegar <= 1*(rate) then doSendMagicEffect(topos, catch) local nas = { ['%%pokename'] = i } for i,x in pairs(nas) do if description:find(i) then description = description:gsub(i, x) end end local function capturou(params) if not isCreature(params.cid) then return true end if not string.find(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842), ""..i..",") then doPlayerAddSoul(cid, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842)..""..i..", ") end if getPlayerFreeCap(params.cid) <= 0.99 then item = doCreateItemEx(params.ball) doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", params.poke) doItemSetAttribute(item, "nome", params.nome) doItemSetAttribute(item, "apelido", params.nome) doItemSetAttribute(item, "special", "Its belongs to "..getCreatureName(params.cid)) doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", params.description) doTransformItem(item, newid -1) doPlayerSendMailByName(getPlayerName(params.cid), item, 1) --doPlayerAddDepotItem(params.cid, item) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You catch a Pokemon! ("..i..").") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You already holding six pokemons, your new pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon Center!") else item = doCreateItemEx(params.ball) doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", params.poke) doItemSetAttribute(item, "nome", params.nome) doItemSetAttribute(item, "apelido", params.nome) doItemSetAttribute(item, "special", "Its belongs to "..getCreatureName(params.cid)) doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", params.description) doPlayerAddItemEx(params.cid, item, true) doTransformItem(item, newid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You catch a Pokemon! ("..i..").") end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) end end local description = "Contains a "..i.."." local poke1 = "This is "..i.."'s pokeball. HP = ["..x.health.."/"..x.maxhealth.."]" addEvent(capturou, 4000, {cid = cid, poke = poke1, nome = i, description = description, ball = 2219, letter = 2597}) else function ruim(params) if not isCreature(params.cid) then return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(params.cid, 27, "Sorry, your poke ball broke.") if #getCreatureSummons(params.cid) >= 1 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), 166) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(params.cid), 166) end end addEvent(ruim, 4000, {cid = cid}) doSendMagicEffect(topos, fail) end end end end return TRUE end
Boa noite. estou com problemas no site do meu wodbo. segui o tutorial certinho fiz tudo que foi pedido porém no final quando é pra acessar o site "localhost:8090" da esse erro internet explorer : O Internet Explorer não pode exibir a página da Web Google chrome : Oops! Google chrome could not connect localhost:8090
olá Bom dia. tenho um server de Wodbo e estou vendo se tem bug's para arruma-lo comigo está acontecendo o seguinte eu upo vou dando "transform" e tals até ai tudo bem mais meu personagem só vai até ssj3, ai lvl 250 vou la no npc reborn depois que peguei o reborn voltei a upar quando cheguei lvl 500 dei todas transform possíveis mais ele continua até ssj3 quero saber como passou pra ssj4 eu tenho que dar "revert" e escrever algo pra ele virar oozaru primeiro ? Ajudem por favor.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "data/accounts/1982004026.xml" sendo que toda vez que tento entrar com a mesma conta ele da numeros diferentes ex: 1º vez que tentei I/O warning : failed to load external entity "data/accounts/1982004026.xml" 2º vez que tentei I/O warning : failed to load external entity "data/accounts/3574003045.xml" não sei como resolver e nem se essa é a area certa. se não for falem que faço na area certa. obrigado.
poketibia Ajuda Com O Problema Das Houses Ae
tópico respondeu ao Trio Alka de Trio Alka em Lixeira Pública
REP++ REP+ ajudou pra caramba aki -
poketibia Alguem Ae Tem Um Script De Heal Automatico Pra Poketibia ?
um tópico no fórum postou Trio Alka Lixeira Pública
ola bom dia estou precisando de um script que quando vc fale "heal poke" não precise clicar com botao direito nele tipo eu falo "heal poke" e o pokemon que esta fora da pokeball é healado -
poketibia Preciso De Um Script De Shiny Stone E Pokemons Shiny Com Seus Devidos Corpos
tópico respondeu ao Trio Alka de Trio Alka em Lixeira Pública
os monsters eu coloquei pra ficar quando morre que nem os normais mais a stone n to conseguindo arrumar n pq eu n tenho ela no server de um exemplo do numero do item que eu possa colocar na tag. -
poketibia Preciso De Um Script De Shiny Stone E Pokemons Shiny Com Seus Devidos Corpos
um tópico no fórum postou Trio Alka Lixeira Pública
Olá, boa noite em meu servidor de poketibia não tenho a shiny stone preciso muito dela e alguns poke shiny Também estão bugados como o magikarp alguem ajuda a resolver por favor versão 8.54 -
poketibia Ajuda Com O Problema Das Houses Ae
tópico respondeu ao Trio Alka de Trio Alka em Lixeira Pública
Vlw ajudou muito no ot server Thanks -
olá bom dia no meu server de poketibia fica dando este erro se alguem souber como arrumar agradeço 31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (126) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (127) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (128) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (129) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (130) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (131) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (132) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (133) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (134) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (135) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (136) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (137) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (138) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (139) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (140) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (141) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (142) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (143) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (144) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (145) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (146) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (147) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (148) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (149) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (150) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (151) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (152) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (153) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (154) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (155) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (156) [31/01/2011 10:41:07] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (157) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (158) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (159) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (160) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (161) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (162) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (163) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (164) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (165) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (166) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (167) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (168) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (169) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (170) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (171) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (172) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (173) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (174) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (175) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (176) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (177) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (178) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (179) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (180) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (181) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (182) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (183) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (184) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (185) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (186) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (187) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (188) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (190) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (191) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (192) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (193) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (194) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (195) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (196) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (197) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (198) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (199) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (200) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (201) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (202) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (203) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (204) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (205) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (206) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (207) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (208) [31/01/2011 10:41:08] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (209) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (210) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (211) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (212) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (213) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (214) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (215) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (216) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (217) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (218) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (219) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (220) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (221) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (222) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (223) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (224) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (225) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (226) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (227) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (228) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (229) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (230) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (231) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (232) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (233) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (234) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (235) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (236) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (237) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (238) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (239) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (240) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (241) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (242) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (243) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (244) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (245) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (246) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (247) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (248) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (249) [31/01/2011 10:41:09] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (250) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (251) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (252) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (253) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (254) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (255) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (256) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (257) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (258) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (259) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (260) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (261) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (262) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (263) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (264) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (265) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (266) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (267) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (268) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (269) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (270) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (271) [31/01/2011 10:41:10] [Error - Houses::loadFromXml] Unknown house with id: 272
poketibia Quero Aumentar O Catch Do Meu Server.
tópico respondeu ao Trio Alka de Trio Alka em Lixeira Pública
blz funcionou aki direitinho vlw mto obrigado aew se vc tiver server on passa que entro la blz ? -
olá para todos e um bom dia, estou tendo problemas com o catch do meu server de poketibia quero aumentar a porcentagem de catch das balls mais n consigo, tipo jogo 100 ultra ball em pokes normal e nenhuma pega se alguem puder me ajudar. abços !!!
hahaha,bem legal
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