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Tudo que Xemi postou

  1. Hello. I have added attacks like Wild Charge and Rock'n'Roll to wild pokemons and when they use it, it lags server hard. Here is the bug in the console. [18/10/2012 12:24:11] [Error - Spell Interface] [18/10/2012 12:24:11] In a timer event called from: [18/10/2012 12:24:11] data/spells/scripts/ps/Wild Charge.lua:onCastSpell [18/10/2012 12:24:11] Description: [18/10/2012 12:24:11] data/lib/032-position.lua:158: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got string) [18/10/2012 12:24:11] stack traceback: [18/10/2012 12:24:11] [C]: in function 'getn' [18/10/2012 12:24:11] data/lib/032-position.lua:158: in function 'getPosfromArea' [18/10/2012 12:24:11] data/lib/newStatusSyst.lua:780: in function <data/lib/newStatusSyst.lua:775>
  2. Ancient Fury - on off Camouflage - on off ExtremeSpeed - on off
  3. @brun123 This new pokemon bar is cloning nicknames to the other pokemons. Also if You can, please fix 'getClosestFreeTile' as I mentioned in my previous post.
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