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Tudo que pessoa93 postou

  1. pessoa93

    Mpc De Addon

    local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) endfunction onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) endfunction onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) endfunction onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, "Greetings PLAYERNAME. Will you help me? If you do, I'll reward you with nice addons! Just say {addons} or {help} if you don't know what to do.") function playerBuyAddonNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node)if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) thenreturn falseendif (parameters.confirm ~= true) and (parameters.decline ~= true) thenif(getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) == 0) and (parameters.premium == true) thennpcHandler:say('Sorry, but this addon is only for premium players!', cid)npcHandler:resetNpc()return trueendif (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, parameters.storageID) ~= -1) thennpcHandler:say('You already have this addon!', cid)npcHandler:resetNpc()return trueendlocal itemsTable = parameters.itemslocal items_list = ''if table.maxn(itemsTable) > 0 thenfor i = 1, table.maxn(itemsTable) dolocal item = itemsTable[i]items_list = items_list .. item[2] .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(item[1])if i ~= table.maxn(itemsTable) thenitems_list = items_list .. ', 'endendendlocal text = ''if (parameters.cost > 0) and table.maxn(parameters.items) thentext = items_list .. ' and ' .. parameters.cost .. ' gp'elseif (parameters.cost > 0) thentext = parameters.cost .. ' gp'elseif table.maxn(parameters.items) thentext = items_listendnpcHandler:say('Did you bring me ' .. text .. ' for ' .. keywords[1] .. '?', cid)return trueelseif (parameters.confirm == true) thenlocal addonNode = node:getParent()local addoninfo = addonNode:getParameters()local items_number = 0if table.maxn(addoninfo.items) > 0 thenfor i = 1, table.maxn(addoninfo.items) dolocal item = addoninfo.items[i]if (getPlayerItemCount(cid,item[1]) >= item[2]) thenitems_number = items_number + 1endendendif(getPlayerMoney(cid) >= addoninfo.cost) and (items_number == table.maxn(addoninfo.items)) thendoPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, addoninfo.cost)if table.maxn(addoninfo.items) > 0 thenfor i = 1, table.maxn(addoninfo.items) dolocal item = addoninfo.items[i]doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,item[1],item[2])endenddoPlayerAddOutfit(cid, addoninfo.outfit_male, addoninfo.addon)doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, addoninfo.outfit_female, addoninfo.addon)setPlayerStorageValue(cid,addoninfo.storageID,1)npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)elsenpcHandler:say('You do not have needed items or cash!', cid)endnpcHandler:resetNpc()return trueelseif (parameters.decline == true) thennpcHandler:say('Not interested? Maybe other addon?', cid)npcHandler:resetNpc()return trueendreturn falseend local noNode = KeywordNode:new({'no'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {decline = true})local yesNode = KeywordNode:new({'yes'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {confirm = true}) -- citizen (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first citizen addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5878,100}}, outfit_female = 136, outfit_male = 128, addon = 1, storageID = 20046})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second citizen addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5890,100}, {5902,50}, {2480,1}}, outfit_female = 136, outfit_male = 128, addon = 2, storageID = 20047})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- hunter (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'hunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5947,1}, {5876,100}, {5948,100}, {5891,5}, {5887,1}, {5889,1}, {5888,1}}, outfit_female = 137, addon = 2, outfit_male = 129, addon = 1, storageID = 20048})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'sniper gloves'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5875,1}}, outfit_female = 137, addon = 1, outfit_male = 129, addon = 2, storageID = 20049})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- knight (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first knight addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5880,100}, {5892,1}}, outfit_female = 139, outfit_male = 131, addon = 1, storageID = 20005})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second knight addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5893,100}, {5924,1}, {5885,1}, {5887,1}}, outfit_female = 139, outfit_male = 131, addon = 2, storageID = 20006})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- mage (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'magician addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{2182,1}, {2186,1}, {2185,1}, {8911,1}, {2181,1}, {2183,1}, {2190,1}, {2191,1}, {2188,1}, {8921,1}, {2189,1}, {2187,1}, {2392,30}, {5809,1}, {2193,20}}, outfit_female = 141, outfit_male = 130, addon = 1, storageID = 20007})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'ferumbras hat'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5903,1}}, outfit_female = 141, outfit_male = 130, addon = 2, storageID = 20008})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- summoner (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'ticket de loteria'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5878,100}}, outfit_female = 138, outfit_male = 133, addon = 1, storageID = 20009})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'mage addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5894,70}, {5911,20}, {5883,40}, {5922,35}, {5879,10}, {5881,60}, {5882,40}, {2392,3}, {5905,30}}, outfit_female = 138, outfit_male = 133, addon = 2, storageID = 20010})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- barbarian (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first barbarian addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5884,1}, {5885,1}, {5910,50}, {5911,50}, {5886,10}}, outfit_female = 147, outfit_male = 143, addon = 1, storageID = 20011})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second barbarian addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5880,100}, {5892,1}, {5893,50}, {5876,50}}, outfit_female = 147, outfit_male = 143, addon = 2, storageID = 20012})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- druid (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first druid addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5896,50}, {5897,50}}, outfit_female = 148, outfit_male = 144, addon = 1, storageID = 20013})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second druid addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5906,100}, {5939,1}, {5940,1}}, outfit_female = 148, outfit_male = 144, addon = 2, storageID = 20014})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- nobleman (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first nobleman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 150000, items = {}, outfit_female = 140, outfit_male = 132, addon = 1, storageID = 20015})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second nobleman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 150000, items = {}, outfit_female = 140, outfit_male = 132, addon = 2, storageID = 20016})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- oriental (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first oriental addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5945,1}}, outfit_female = 150, outfit_male = 146, addon = 1, storageID = 20017})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second oriental addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5883,100}, {5895,100}, {5891,2}, {5912,100}}, outfit_female = 150, outfit_male = 146, addon = 2, storageID = 20018})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- warrior (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first warrior addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5925,100}, {5899,100}, {5884,1}, {5919,1}}, outfit_female = 142, outfit_male = 134, addon = 1, storageID = 20019})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second warrior addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5880,100}, {5887,1}}, outfit_female = 142, outfit_male = 134, addon = 2, storageID = 20020})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- wizard (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first wizard addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{2536,1}, {2492,1}, {2488,1}, {2123,1}}, outfit_female = 149, outfit_male = 145, addon = 1, storageID = 20021})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second wizard addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5922,50}}, outfit_female = 149, outfit_male = 145, addon = 2, storageID = 20022})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- assassin (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first assassin addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5912,50}, {5910,50}, {5911,50}, {5912,50}, {5913,50}, {5914,50}, {5909,50}, {5886,10}}, outfit_female = 156, outfit_male = 152, addon = 1, storageID = 20023})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second assassin addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5804,1}, {5930,10}}, outfit_female = 156, outfit_male = 152, addon = 2, storageID = 20024})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- beggar (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first beggar addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5878,50}, {5921,30}, {5913,20}, {5894,10}}, outfit_female = 157, outfit_male = 153, addon = 1, storageID = 20025})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second beggar addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5883,100}, {2160,2}, {6107,1}}, outfit_female = 157, outfit_male = 153, addon = 2, storageID = 20026})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- pirate (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first pirate addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{6098,100}, {6126,100}, {6097,100}}, outfit_female = 155, outfit_male = 151, addon = 1, storageID = 20027})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second pirate addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{6101,1}, {6102,1}, {6100,1}, {6099,1}}, outfit_female = 155, outfit_male = 151, addon = 2, storageID = 20028})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- shaman (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first shaman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5810,5}, {3955,5}, {5015,1}}, outfit_female = 158, outfit_male = 154, addon = 1, storageID = 20029})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second shaman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{3966,5}, {3967,5}}, outfit_female = 158, outfit_male = 154, addon = 2, storageID = 20030})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- norseman (done)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first norseman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{7290,5}}, outfit_female = 252, outfit_male = 251, addon = 1, storageID = 20031})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second norseman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{7290,10}}, outfit_female = 252, outfit_male = 251, addon = 2, storageID = 20032})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- jester (done)(custom)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first jester addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5912,50}, {5913,50}, {5914,50}, {5909,50}}, outfit_female = 270, outfit_male = 273, addon = 1, storageID = 20033})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second jester addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5912,50}, {5910,50}, {5911,50}, {5912,50}}, outfit_female = 270, outfit_male = 273, addon = 2, storageID = 20034})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- demonhunter (done)(custom)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first demonhunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5905,30}, {5906,40}, {5954,50}, {6500,50}, {2151,100}}, outfit_female = 288, outfit_male = 289, addon = 1, storageID = 20035})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode)local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second demonhunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = true, cost = 0, items = {{5906,50}, {6500,200}, {2151,100}}, outfit_female = 288, outfit_male = 289, addon = 2, storageID = 20036})outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode)outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'addons'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'I can give you citizen, hunter, knight, mage, nobleman, summoner, warrior, barbarian, druid, wizard, oriental, pirate, assassin, beggar, shaman, norseman, nighmare, jester, yalaharian, demonhunter and brotherhood addons.'})keywordHandler:addKeyword({'help'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'To buy the first addon say \'first NAME addon\', for the second addon say \'second NAME addon\'.'}) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new())
  2. pessoa93

    Rme Bug!

    Abre um mapa novo, depois vai em File>Import>Import Map.
  3. Segundo o dono do tópico a duvida foi resolvida, vou mover para duvidas sanadas.
  4. No config.lua tem que está o ip do no-ip. Quando for desbloquear do modem e roteador se ele pedir qualquer tipo de ip, use o ip local. Para você se conectar tem que usar o ip local. Para os outros é o ip do no-ip.
  5. Sim, desbloquei a porta 80 para o xammp e 7171 e 7172 para o jogo em seu modem/roteador e firewall.
  6. A maiorias dos servidores baiak/global 50% tão afk nos trainers, 20% deram exit e nunca mais entram. Em servidores bons, todos são ativos e não tem essa de afk nos trainers, alem do mais sempre tem coisa pra fazer quests, addons e não só PvP ou caçar monstros no elfbot usando mp infinita e matando milhoes do frost em cada ataque...
  7. Vamos brincar de PVP um pouco? Entrem: 8.6

    1. Fir3element


      Warning: parse_ini_file(C:/Users/Pessoa/Desktop/redmont/config.lua) [function.parse-ini-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\config-and-functions.php on line 13

      Database error. Unknown database type in C:/Users/Pessoa/Desktop/redmont/config.lua . Must be equal to: "mysql" or "sqlite". Now is: ""

    2. pessoa93


      nao tem site, desliguei o xammp hehe

  8. Custa nada procurar amigo:
  9. pessoa93

    Piso Com Bug

    Duvida sanada, tópico fechado e movido par a área de duvidas respondidas.
  10. Está no lugar errado, aqui é pra DISCURÇÕES DE TIBIA, vou mover para : duvidas de otservers. @topic Tem algo de errado com sua database, tente usar outra. Quando for alterar o mapa não pode ser in-game, tem que ser pelo map editor.
  11. Já tem tópico igual e já tentei ajudar, verifique o outro na sessão de duvidas para otservers.
  12. Movido para a area correta, você postou em duvidas pra websites, mais cuidado na proxima @topic O ataque já é variado cara, com ataque 65 e skill 10 vai hitar pouco e com ataque 65 e skill 10 vai hitar bem mais. Eu acho que eu não entendi tua pergunta '-'
  13. Parabéns Sherman! Você deve estar sentindo a mesma coisa que eu senti quando virei mod rs.
  14. Boa noite. Não é a rate que vai fazer seu otserv lotar e sim o mapa cara, baiak já é muito comum e ultrapassado, a onde agora é mapa próprio Host 24h e site também ajudam muito!
  15. Use esse client pra abrir o rme :
  16. pessoa93

    [Ajuda] Login

    Já foi criado tópico semelhante: Aguarde alguém responder, não precisa ficar criando mais tópicos. Fechei este.
  17. No rme tem está opção amigo, clique na bandeirinha vermelha e selecione a area que será a 'GUERRA'
  18. Eu vi isso :x foda heim? todas as casas tavam nobody.
  19. Auto-bordar é uma feature do rme, então não vejo problema em usar. Parabéns, seus mapas são otimos
  20. Aol:
  21. pessoa93


    Cuidado ao postar, veja bem o lugar Movido para a área correta.
  22. Aqui tem um coletânea de tutorias enorme feito pelo nosso amigo anyur: Não tem hunt especifica pra carlin não, todas são adequadas com o tempo você vai tendo noção.
  23. Area errada amigo, movido para duvidas de otserv.
  24. Creio que a duvida esteja sanada, vou mover
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