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Tudo que cadu12299 postou

  1. cadu12299


    Eae Pessoal to com um problema no meu site de pokemon, é que tipo ele cria boneco na boa, entra no serve tudo certo só que quando eu entro no serve o boneco começa sem nada, tipo ( sem bag, sem a vara de pesca, sem pokedex e todo o resto.) então eu queria saber onde e que configura isso. Aqui uma Print :
  2. Naruto Legends Online Informações Básicas: Exp: 10 Ip: Serve Pvp-Enforced Versão: 7.81 Serve : Novo Serve de Naruto Online 7.81, Nosso Serve contem novos Jutsus e tambem Jutsus aprimorados, Sistemas Novos!!Como: Sistema Teste Chunnin e Jounnin Susanoo Do Itachi Completo!! Manda - katsuyu e Gamabunta Arrumados Client Proprio Bijuus Completamente Editadas!!! Muito melhores!!! E muito +++ acesse nosso site para conferir todas as novidades! Site: A Inauguração Foi Dia : 22/02/2012
  3. Novo Serve de Naruto 7.81 Exp: 100 Ip: Serve Pvp Versão: 7.81 Leia mais:
  4. WODBO Brasil Online Informações: Rate EXP: 100 Rate Magic: 12 Rate Skill: 10 Mundo Vip Novas Transforms ssj5-ssj6 e em breve ssj7!! ( o ssj7 estou vendo vou ver qual a opinião dos jogadores para ver se eles concordam ) Site: Imagens Do Serve :
  5. Foi mal postei 2 tópicos iguais o certo :
  6. Eae Galera to com um problema no meu serve de WoDBO, não to conseguindo criar um cliente próprio, toda vez que eu crio o cliente da pra entra nele de boa mas quando eu falo algo o cliente automaticamente fecha, como eu arrumo isso!! eu uso o serve by bianco v6.
  7. cadu12299


    Pess0a: O que foi dito acima e: sqlType = "sqlite" PARA sqlType = "mysql" fiz isso mas quando boto mysql não entra no serve fala account invalida ate com a do god e no account manager fala : temple position is wrong.Contact with the administration. , e agora Y.Y. Lembrando uso o serve by PF Guuh Mello.
  8. cadu12299


    Galera alguém me ajuda eu não consigo conectar meu site com meu serve não sei onde to errando olha aki: Config do serve: sqlType = "sqlite" sqlHost = "localhost" sqlPort = 3306 sqlUser = "root" sqlPass = "" sqlDatabase = "pkmflash" sqlFile = "pkmflash.s3db" sqlKeepAlive = 0 mysqlReadTimeout = 10 mysqlWriteTimeout = 10 encryptionType = "plain" Config Do Site: # Set data directory of your OT server $cfg['dirdata'] = 'C:\Pokemon X Extreme\Pokemon X Extreme\data/'; $cfg['house_file'] = 'world/Pokemon_water-house.xml'; # MySQL server settings $cfg['SQL_Server'] = 'localhost'; $cfg['SQL_User'] = 'root'; $cfg['SQL_Password'] = ''; $cfg['SQL_Database'] = 'pkmflash'; # Must correspond to your OTServ configuration # Options: plain, md5, sha1 $cfg['password_type'] = 'plain'; # Not currently supported by OTServ, leave empty $cfg['password_salt'] = ''; Ajuda Please!!
  9. nossa cara tah muito bom gostei muito ganho meu rep+, so que tenho algumas duvidas : 1º: não consigo conectar meu site com o meu serve, quando crio uma conta no site no jogo não pega. 2º: como posso editar, tipo escrever no news algo, como add + opções no navegador? pf responde ae
  10. cadu12299


    foi mal postei 2 topicos sem querer
  11. cadu12299


    Galera to com um problema aki meu site, é que ele não esta se conectando com o serve tipo eu botei a pasta do dat, fiz a database tudo certo mas ainda não pega, quando cria uma conta no site no jogo da conta invalida, e quando cria uma conta no jogo e tenta logar no site mesma coisa : do site : config do serve: Alguém ajuda ae
  12. Ae galera to com um problema aki no meu serve, fica dando debug quando vai abrir a BaDGe e também o systema de quando o jogador tiver 6 pokemons ao captura o 7º ele va para o Cp. Itens XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <items> <item id="100" name="void" /> <item id="101" name="earth" /> <item id="102" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item id="103" name="dirt" /> <item id="104" name="sand" /> <item id="105" article="a" name="defeated shiny magikarp"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="106" name="grass" /> <item id="107" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item fromid="108" toid="109" name="flowers" /> <item id="110" article="a" name="defeated shiny rattata"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item fromid="111" toid="113" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item id="114" article="a" name="defeated shiny zubat"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="115" article="a" name="defeated shiny oddish"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="116" article="a" name="defeated shiny paras"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="117" article="a" name="defeated shiny growlithe"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="118" article="a" name="defeated shiny dratini"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="119" article="a" name="defeated shiny farfetchd"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="120" article="a" name="defeated shiny arcanine"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="121" article="a" name="defeated shiny muk"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="122" article="a" name="defeated shiny tentacool"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="123" article="a" name="defeated shiny grimer"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="124" article="a" name="defeated shiny electrode"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="125" article="a" name="defeated shiny voltorb"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="126" article="a" name="defeated shiny krabby"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="127" article="a" name="defeated shiny parasect"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="128" article="a" name="defeated shiny tentacruel"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="129" article="a" name="defeated shiny jynx"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="130" article="a" name="defeated shiny venonat"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="131" article="a" name="defeated shiny seadra"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="132" article="a" name="defeated shiny venomoth"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="133" article="a" name="defeated shiny butterfree"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="134" article="a" name="defeated shiny blastoise"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="135" article="a" name="defeated shiny venusaur"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="50" /> </item> <item id="136" article="a" name="defeated shiny raticate"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="137" article="a" name="defeated shiny beedril"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="138" article="a" name="defeated shiny kingler"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="139" article="a" name="defeated shiny horsea"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="140" article="a" name="defeated shiny raichu"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="141" article="a" name="defeated shiny abra"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="50" /> </item> <item id="142" article="a" name="defeated shiny scyther"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="143" article="a" name="defeated shiny electabuzz"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="144" article="a" name="defeated shiny gyarados"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item fromid="145" toid="174" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item id="194" name="dirt" /> <item id="231" name="sand" /> <item id="280" name="earth ground" /> <item id="293" name="grass" /> <item id="294" article="a" name="pitfall"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="293" /> <attribute key="duration" value="300" /> </item> <item fromid="351" toid="353" name="dirt floor" /> <item fromid="354" toid="355" name="muddy floor" /> <item fromid="356" toid="367" article="a" name="dirt wall" /> <item id="368" name="earth ground" /> <item fromid="369" toid="370" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="371" toid="382" article="a" name="stone wall" /> <item id="383" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="384" article="a" name="rope spot"> <attribute key="description" value="There is a hole in the ceiling." /> </item> <item id="385" article="a" name="small hole"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems too narrow to climb through." /> </item> <item fromid="386" toid="387" name="stalagmites" /> <item id="388" article="a" name="lava hole"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be inactive." /> </item> <item id="389" article="a" name="lava hole"> <attribute key="description" value="It emits heat and light." /> </item> <item fromid="390" toid="391" name="stalagmites" /> <item id="392" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="354" /> <attribute key="duration" value="300" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="405" name="wooden flooring" /> <item id="406" article="a" name="white marble tile" /> <item id="407" article="a" name="black marble tile" /> <item fromid="408" toid="409" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="410" toid="411" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="412" article="a" name="sandstone tile" /> <item id="413" article="a" name="stone tile" /> <item id="414" article="a" name="tiled floor" /> <item id="415" article="a" name="stone tile" /> <item fromid="416" toid="417" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="418" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="There is a hole in the ceiling." /> </item> <item id="419" article="a" name="sandstone tile" /> <item id="420" article="a" name="tiled floor" /> <item fromid="421" toid="422" article="a" name="sandstone floor" /> <item id="423" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="424" article="a" name="stone tile" /> <item fromid="425" toid="426" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="427" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="428" article="a" name="ladder"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="429" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="430" article="a" name="sewer grate" /> <item id="431" name="stone floor" /> <item fromid="432" toid="433" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="434" toid="445" name="wooden floor" /> <item fromid="446" toid="447" name="wooden floor"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item fromid="448" toid="456" name="wooden floor" /> <item id="457" article="a" name="white stone tile" /> <item id="458" name="wooden floor" /> <item id="459" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="460" name="void" /> <item id="461" article="a" name="closed trapdoor" /> <item id="462" article="an" name="open trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="461" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> </item> <item id="463" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item id="464" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item id="465" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="466" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item id="467" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="468" article="a" name="diggable hole" /> <item id="469" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="468" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> </item> <item id="470" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="471" toid="474" article="a" name="time tile" /> <item fromid="475" toid="476" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="477" toid="478" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item fromid="479" toid="480" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="481" article="a" name="diggable hole" /> <item id="482" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="481" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> </item> <item id="483" article="a" name="diggable hole" /> <item id="484" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="483" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> </item> <item id="485" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="486" article="a" name="heap of snow" /> <item fromid="487" toid="488" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="489" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="231" /> <attribute key="duration" value="30" /> </item> <item id="493" name="water"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="effect" value="bluebubble" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="598" toid="601" name="lava"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="effect" value="fire" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item id="670" name="snow" /> <item id="671" name="ice" /> <item fromid="708" toid="711" name="tar"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="effect" value="poff" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item id="724" name="cobbled pavement" /> <item fromid="777" toid="790" name="sandstone floor" /> <item id="791" name="grass" /> <item id="804" name="dirt" /> <item id="806" name="dirt" /> <item id="836" name="sand" /> <item fromid="873" toid="878" article="a" name="mountain" /> <item fromid="891" toid="902" name="rocks" /> <item fromid="903" toid="913" article="a" name="mountain" /> <item fromid="914" toid="917" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="918" toid="919" article="a" name="mountain" /> <item fromid="920" toid="923" article="a" name="flat roof" /> <item id="924" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="925" toid="944" article="a" name="tiled roof" /> <item fromid="945" toid="964" article="a" name="wooden roof" /> <item fromid="965" toid="966" article="a" name="chess board" /> <item fromid="967" toid="1015" article="a" name="mill board" /> <item fromid="1016" toid="1024" article="a" name="tic-tac-toe board" /> <item fromid="1025" toid="1035" article="a" name="brick wall" /> <item fromid="1036" toid="1048" article="a" name="framework wall" /> <item fromid="1049" toid="1059" article="a" name="stone wall" /> <item fromid="1060" toid="1070" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item id="1071" name="sandstone" /> <item fromid="1072" toid="1083" article="a" name="sandstone roof" /> <item fromid="1084" toid="1088" article="a" name="broken wall" /> <item fromid="1089" toid="1093" article="a" name="metal wall" /> <item fromid="1095" toid="1099" article="a" name="metal wall" /> <item fromid="1100" toid="1110" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item fromid="1111" toid="1119" article="a" name="white stone wall" /> <item fromid="1120" toid="1127" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="1128" toid="1153" article="an" name="ornamented wall" /> <item fromid="1154" toid="1157" article="a" name="wall fountain"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1158" toid="1163" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="1164" toid="1169" article="an" name="ornamented wall" /> <item fromid="1170" toid="1175" article="a" name="paravent" /> <item fromid="1176" toid="1193" article="an" name="ornamented wall" /> <item fromid="1194" toid="1195" article="a" name="wall fountain"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1196" toid="1204" article="a" name="lava wall" /> <item fromid="1205" toid="1208" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="1209" toid="1210" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1211" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1212" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1213" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1214" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1215" toid="1218" article="a" name="buttress" /> <item id="1219" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1220" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1221" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1222" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1223" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1224" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1225" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1226" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1227" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1228" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1229" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1230" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1231" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1232" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1233" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1234" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1235" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1236" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1237" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1238" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1239" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1240" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1241" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1242" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1243" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1244" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1245" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1246" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1247" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1248" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1249" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1250" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1251" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1252" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1253" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1254" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1255" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1256" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1257" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1258" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1259" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1260" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1261" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1262" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1263" toid="1264" article="a" name="framework window" /> <item fromid="1265" toid="1266" article="a" name="brick window" /> <item fromid="1267" toid="1268" article="a" name="stone window" /> <item fromid="1269" toid="1272" article="a" name="white stone wall window" /> <item fromid="1273" toid="1276" article="a" name="sandstone window" /> <item id="1277" article="a" name="wooden pillar" /> <item fromid="1278" toid="1279" article="a" name="sail" /> <item fromid="1280" toid="1283" article="a" name="rudder of the boat" /> <item id="1284" article="a" name="drawbridge" /> <item id="1285" article="a" name="smashable rock" /> <item fromid="1286" toid="1292" article="a" name="stone" /> <item id="1293" article="a" name="stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="1294" article="a" name="small stone" plural="small stones"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="Little stones that rock pokemons drop." /> </item> <item id="1295" article="a" name="stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> </item> <item fromid="1296" toid="1352" article="a" name="stone" /> <item id="1353" article="a" name="mossy stone" /> <item fromid="1354" toid="1359" article="a" name="stone" /> <item fromid="1360" toid="1363" article="a" name="fountain"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1364" toid="1367" article="a" name="water basin"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1368" toid="1369" article="a" name="draw well" /> <item fromid="1370" toid="1377" article="a" name="marble fountain" /> <item id="1378" article="a" name="small basin" /> <item fromid="1379" toid="1384" article="a" name="mill" /> <item id="1385" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1386" article="a" name="ladder" /> <item id="1387" article="a" name="magic forcefield"> <attribute key="description" value="You can see the other side through it." /> <attribute key="type" value="teleport" /> </item> <item id="1388" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1389" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1390" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1391" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1392" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> </item> <item id="1393" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1394" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1395" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1396" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1397" article="a" name="mystic flame" /> <item id="1398" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1399" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1400" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1401" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1402" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> </item> <item id="1403" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1404" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1405" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1406" article="a" name="grave" /> <item fromid="1407" toid="1409" article="a" name="gravestone" /> <item id="1410" article="a" name="stone coffin"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1411" article="a" name="stone coffin" /> <item fromid="1412" toid="1414" article="a" name="stone coffin"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item fromid="1415" toid="1416" article="a" name="buried coffin" /> <item id="1417" article="a" name="sarcophagus"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1418" article="a" name="sarcophagus" /> <item id="1419" article="a" name="sarcophagus"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1420" article="a" name="sarcophagus" /> <item fromid="1421" toid="1422" article="a" name="campfire" /> <item fromid="1423" toid="1425" article="a" name="campfire"> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="4000" /> <attribute key="count" value="2" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1426" article="an" name="unlit campfire" /> <item fromid="1427" toid="1428" article="a" name="campfire" /> <item fromid="1429" toid="1434" article="a" name="sign" /> <item id="1435" article="a" name="dragon flag" /> <item id="1436" article="a" name="castle flag" /> <item id="1437" article="a" name="flag of Tibia" /> <item fromid="1438" toid="1439" article="a" name="street sign" /> <item fromid="1440" toid="1441" article="a" name="sign" /> <item id="1442" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1476" /> </item> <item id="1443" article="a" name="statue" /> <item id="1444" article="a" name="hero statue" /> <item id="1445" article="a" name="monument" /> <item id="1446" article="a" name="black plasma television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1447" /> </item> <item id="1447" article="a" name="black plasma television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1446" /> </item> <item id="1448" article="an" name="angel statue" /> <item id="1449" article="a" name="dwarven statue" /> <item id="1450" article="a" name="watchdog statue" /> <item id="1451" article="a" name="sandstone statue" /> <item id="1452" article="a" name="wooden television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1453" /> </item> <item id="1453" article="a" name="wooden television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1452" /> </item> <item fromid="1454" toid="1455" article="a" name="gargoyle statue" /> <item fromid="1456" toid="1459" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item id="1460" article="a" name="white oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1461" /> </item> <item id="1461" article="a" name="white oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1460" /> </item> <item id="1462" article="a" name="black oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1463" /> </item> <item id="1463" article="a" name="black oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1462" /> </item> <item id="1464" article="a" name="goblin statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1463" /> </item> <item id="1465" article="a" name="goblin statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1447" /> </item> <item id="1466" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item fromid="1467" toid="1468" article="a" name="cobra statue" /> <item id="1469" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item fromid="1470" toid="1473" article="a" name="cobra statue" /> <item id="1474" article="a" name="market poster" /> <item id="1475" article="a" name="cobra statue" /> <item id="1476" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1477" /> </item> <item id="1477" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1478" /> </item> <item id="1478" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1442" /> </item> <item fromid="1479" toid="1480" article="a" name="street lamp" /> <item fromid="1481" toid="1485" article="a" name="coal basin" /> <item id="1486" article="a" name="stone coal basin" /> <item id="1487" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1488" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1489" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire" /> </item> <item id="1490" article="a" name="poison field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="poison"> <attribute key="ticks" value="5000" /> <attribute key="start" value="5" /> <attribute key="damage" value="100" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1491" article="an" name="energy field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="energy"> <attribute key="damage" value="30" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="damage" value="25" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1492" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1493" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1493" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1494" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1494" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire" /> </item> <item id="1495" article="an" name="energy field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="energy"> <attribute key="damage" value="30" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="damage" value="25" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1496" article="a" name="poison field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="poison"> <attribute key="ticks" value="5000" /> <attribute key="start" value="5" /> <attribute key="damage" value="100" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1497" article="a" name="magic wall"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="20" /> </item> <item id="1498" article="a" name="magic wall"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> </item> <item id="1499" article="a" name="rush wood"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="45" /> </item> <item id="1500" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1501" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1501" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1502" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1502" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire" /> </item> <item id="1503" article="a" name="poison gas"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="poison"> <attribute key="ticks" value="5000" /> <attribute key="start" value="5" /> <attribute key="damage" value="100" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1504" article="an" name="energy field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="energy"> <attribute key="damage" value="30" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="damage" value="25" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1505" name="smoke"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> </item> <item id="1506" article="a" name="searing fire"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1507" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="300" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1507" article="a" name="searing fire"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1508" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="300" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1508" name="ashes"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1506" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> </item> <item id="1509" name="lava" /> <item id="1510" name="slits" /> <item id="1511" name="blades" /> <item id="1512" name="holes" /> <item id="1513" name="spikes" /> <item id="1514" article="a" name="pillar" /> <item id="1515" article="a" name="marble pillar" /> <item fromid="1516" toid="1523" article="a" name="wooden railing" /> <item fromid="1524" toid="1532" article="a" name="stone railing" /> <item fromid="1533" toid="1538" article="a" name="fence" /> <item id="1539" article="a" name="closed fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1540" article="an" name="open fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1541" article="a" name="closed fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1542" article="an" name="open fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1543" toid="1547" article="a" name="fence" /> <item id="1548" article="a" name="strange carving" /> <item id="1549" article="a" name="sandstone pillar" /> <item id="1550" article="a" name="sandstone statue" /> <item id="1551" article="an" name="oriental pillar" /> <item id="1552" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1553" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1554" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1555" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1556" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1557" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1558" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1559" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1560" article="an" name="obelisk" /> <item id="1561" article="a" name="broken obelisk" /> <item fromid="1562" toid="1577" article="a" name="sandstone railing" /> <item fromid="1578" toid="1581" name="sandstone" /> <item fromid="1582" toid="1593" article="a" name="white stone railing" /> <item fromid="1594" toid="1601" article="a" name="metal railing" /> <item fromid="1602" toid="1614" article="a" name="big table" /> <item id="1615" article="a" name="square table" /> <item id="1616" article="a" name="small round table" /> <item id="1617" article="a" name="stone table" /> <item id="1618" article="a" name="black round seat" /> <item id="1619" article="a" name="black counter" /> <item fromid="1620" toid="1621" article="a" name="counter" /> <item fromid="1622" toid="1633" article="a" name="table" /> <item fromid="1634" toid="1638" article="a" name="table"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1639" article="a" name="table"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="1640" toid="1641" article="a" name="table"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1642" toid="1645" article="a" name="stone table" /> <item id="1646" article="a" name="green freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1647" /> </item> <item id="1647" article="a" name="green freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1646" /> </item> <item id="1648" article="a" name="white freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1649" /> </item> <item id="1649" article="a" name="white freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1648" /> </item> <item id="1650" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1651" /> </item> <item id="1651" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1652" /> </item> <item id="1652" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1653" /> </item> <item id="1653" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1650" /> </item> <item fromid="1654" toid="1657" article="a" name="throne" /> <item id="1658" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1659" /> </item> <item id="1659" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1660" /> </item> <item id="1660" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1661" /> </item> <item id="1661" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1658" /> </item> <item fromid="1662" toid="1665" article="a" name="bench" /> <item id="1666" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1669" /> </item> <item id="1667" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1668" /> </item> <item id="1668" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1666" /> </item> <item id="1669" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1667" /> </item> <item id="1670" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1672" /> </item> <item id="1671" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1673" /> </item> <item id="1672" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1671" /> </item> <item id="1673" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1670" /> </item> <item id="1674" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1676" /> </item> <item id="1675" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1677" /> </item> <item id="1676" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1675" /> </item> <item id="1677" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1674" /> </item> <item id="1678" article="a" name="purple pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1679" article="a" name="green pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1680" article="a" name="red pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1681" article="a" name="blue pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1682" article="an" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1683" /> </item> <item id="1683" article="a" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1684" /> </item> <item id="1684" article="a" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1685" /> </item> <item id="1685" article="an" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1682" /> </item> <item id="1686" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1687" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1688" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1689" article="a" name="yellow round pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1600" /> </item> <item id="1690" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1691" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1692" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1693" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item fromid="1694" toid="1709" article="a" name="sofa" /> <item fromid="1710" toid="1713" article="a" name="wardrobe"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1714" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1715" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1715" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1716" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1716" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1717" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1717" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1714" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item fromid="1718" toid="1723" article="a" name="sale shelf"> </item> <item id="1724" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1725" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1725" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1726" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1726" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1727" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1727" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1724" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1728" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1729" /> </item> <item id="1729" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1730" /> </item> <item id="1730" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1731" /> </item> <item id="1731" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1728" /> </item> <item id="1732" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1733" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1733" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1734" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1734" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1735" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1735" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1732" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1736" article="a" name="standing mirror"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1737" /> </item> <item id="1737" article="a" name="standing mirror"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1736" /> </item> <item id="1738" article="a" name="box"> <attribute key="weight" value="8000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1739" article="a" name="crate"> <attribute key="weight" value="8000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1740" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1748" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1741" article="a" name="box"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item fromid="1742" toid="1745" article="a" name="wooden coffin" /> <item id="1746" article="a" name="treasure chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1747" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1749" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1748" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1747" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1749" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1740" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1750" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1752" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1751" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1753" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1752" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1751" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1753" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1750" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1754" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1762" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7778" /> </item> <item id="1755" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1763" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="1763" /> </item> <item id="1756" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1768" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7783" /> </item> <item id="1757" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1769" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7784" /> </item> <item id="1758" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1766" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7781" /> </item> <item id="1759" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1767" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7782" /> </item> <item id="1760" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1764" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7779" /> </item> <item id="1761" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1765" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7780" /> </item> <item id="1762" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1754" /> </item> <item id="1763" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1755" /> </item> <item id="1764" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1760" /> </item> <item id="1765" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1761" /> </item> <item id="1766" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1758" /> </item> <item id="1767" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1759" /> </item> <item id="1768" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1756" /> </item> <item id="1769" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1757" /> </item> <item id="1770" article="a" name="barrel"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="25" /> </item> <item id="1771" article="a" name="water cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item id="1772" article="a" name="beer cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="beer" /> </item> <item id="1773" article="a" name="wine cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="wine" /> </item> <item id="1774" article="a" name="barrel"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="25" /> </item> <item id="1775" article="a" name="trough" /> <item id="1776" article="a" name="lemonade cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="lemonade" /> </item> <item id="1777" article="a" name="dustbin"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="1778" toid="1785" article="a" name="big wine cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="wine" /> </item> <item fromid="1786" toid="1793" article="an" name="oven" /> <item fromid="1794" toid="1802" article="a" name="red carpet" /> <item fromid="1803" toid="1808" article="an" name="oriental carpet" /> <item id="1809" article="a" name="painting" /> <item id="1810" article="a" name="blackboard" /> <item id="1811" article="a" name="blackboard"> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="1024" /> </item> <item fromid="1812" toid="1813" article="a" name="tapestry" /> <item id="1814" article="a" name="painting" /> <item id="1815" article="a" name="blackboard" /> <item fromid="1816" toid="1817" article="a" name="mirror" /> <item id="1818" article="a" name="blackboard"> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1819" article="a" name="banner" /> <item id="1820" article="an" name="emblem" /> <item id="1821" article="a" name="pokemon center" /> <item fromid="1822" toid="1824" article="a" name="banner" /> <item fromid="1825" toid="1830" article="a" name="painting" /> <item fromid="1831" toid="1842" article="a" name="picture" /> <item fromid="1843" toid="1844" article="a" name="wall mirror" /> <item id="1845" article="a" name="wall mirror"> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> </item> <item fromid="1846" toid="1847" article="a" name="wall mirror" /> <item id="1848" article="a" name="wall mirror"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1849" toid="1850" article="a" name="wall mirror" /> <item id="1851" article="a" name="wall mirror"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> </item> <item fromid="1852" toid="1854" article="a" name="picture"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item fromid="1855" toid="1856" article="a" name="purple tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1857" article="a" name="purple tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1858" toid="1859" article="a" name="green tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1860" article="a" name="green tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1861" toid="1862" article="a" name="yellow tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1863" article="a" name="yellow tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1864" toid="1865" article="an" name="orange tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1866" article="an" name="orange tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1867" toid="1868" article="a" name="red tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1869" article="a" name="red tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1870" toid="1871" article="a" name="blue tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1872" article="a" name="blue tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1873" toid="1876" article="a" name="cuckoo clock"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1877" article="a" name="cuckoo clock"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item fromid="1878" toid="1879" article="a" name="white tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1880" article="a" name="white tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="1881" article="a" name="cuckoo clock"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item fromid="1882" toid="1883" article="a" name="pokemon poster" /> <item fromid="1884" toid="1885" article="a" name="wolf trophy" /> <item fromid="1886" toid="1887" article="an" name="orc trophy" /> <item fromid="1888" toid="1889" article="a" name="behemnot trophy" /> <item fromid="1890" toid="1891" article="a" name="deer trophy" /> <item fromid="1892" toid="1893" article="a" name="cyclops trophy" /> <item fromid="1894" toid="1895" article="a" name="dragon trophy" /> <item fromid="1896" toid="1897" article="an" name="lion trophy" /> <item fromid="1898" toid="1899" article="a" name="minotaur trophy" /> <item fromid="1900" toid="1905" article="a" name="bloodspot" /> <item fromid="1906" toid="1908" name="cobwebs" /> <item fromid="1909" toid="1920" article="a" name="flowery wall" /> <item fromid="1921" toid="1933" article="a" name="mossy wall" /> <item fromid="1935" toid="1937" article="a" name="mossy wall" /> <item fromid="1939" toid="1944" article="a" name="mossy wall" /> <item fromid="1945" toid="1946" article="a" name="switch" /> <item id="1947" article="a" name="blank paper"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1954" /> </item> <item id="1948" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1967" /> </item> <item id="1949" article="a" name="scroll"> <attribute key="weight" value="50" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="256" /> </item> <item id="1950" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1951" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1953" /> </item> <item id="1952" article="a" name="document"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1968" /> </item> <item id="1953" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1954" article="a" name="paper"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="1955" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="1956" article="a" name="map"> <attribute key="weight" value="830" /> </item> <item id="1957" article="a" name="map"> <attribute key="weight" value="790" /> </item> <item id="1958" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="1959" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1960" toid="1963" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1964" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="2000" /> </item> <item fromid="1965" toid="1966" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1967" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1968" article="a" name="document"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="1969" article="a" name="written parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1970" article="a" name="Cerulean book"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item fromid="1971" toid="1975" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1976" article="a" name="gemmed book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item fromid="1977" toid="1978" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1979" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> </item> <item id="1980" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="1981" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="1982" article="a" name="purple tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1983" article="a" name="green tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1984" article="a" name="blue tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1985" article="a" name="grey tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1986" article="a" name="red tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1987" article="a" name="pokebag"> <attribute key="weight" value="39380" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="28" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1988" article="your" name="badge case"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1989" article="a" name="basket"> <attribute key="weight" value="950" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="5" /> </item> <item id="1990" article="a" name="present"> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="5" /> </item> <item id="1991" article="a" name="green bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1992" article="a" name="yellow bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1993" article="a" name="red bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1994" article="a" name="Poke bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1995" article="a" name="blue bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1996" article="a" name="grey bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1997" article="a" name="Great bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="16" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1998" article="a" name="green backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1999" article="a" name="yellow backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2000" article="a" name="red backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2001" article="a" name="purple backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2002" article="a" name="blue backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2003" article="a" name="grey backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2004" article="a" name="golden backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2005" article="a" name="bucket"> <attribute key="weight" value="2000" /> </item> <item id="2006" article="a" name="vial"> <attribute key="weight" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2007" article="a" name="blue bottle"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2008" article="a" name="vase"> <attribute key="weight" value="940" /> </item> <item id="2009" article="a" name="green flask"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2010" article="a" name="broken bottle"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2011" article="a" name="blue amphora"> <attribute key="weight" value="850" /> </item> <item id="2012" article="a" name="mug"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2013" article="a" name="cup"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2014" article="a" name="jug"> <attribute key="weight" value="750" /> </item> <item id="2015" article="a" name="brown flask"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2016" article="a" name="pool"> </item> <item id="2017" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2018" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2019" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2020" article="a" name="agua"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="50" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="2021" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2022" article="a" name="broken bottle"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> </item> <item id="2023" article="an" name="amphora"> <attribute key="weight" value="9700" /> </item> <item id="2024" article="a" name="broken brown glass"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2025" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2026" article="a" name="pool"> </item> <item id="2027" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2028" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2029" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2030" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2031" article="a" name="waterskin"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="2032" article="a" name="bowl"> <attribute key="weight" value="380" /> </item> <item id="2033" article="a" name="golden mug"> <attribute key="weight" value="470" /> </item> <item id="2034" article="a" name="large amphora" /> <item id="2035" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="2036" article="a" name="watch"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2037" article="a" name="wall lamp" /> <item id="2038" article="a" name="lit wall lamp" /> <item id="2039" article="a" name="wall lamp" /> <item id="2040" article="a" name="lit wall lamp" /> <item id="2041" article="a" name="candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2042" article="a" name="candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2043" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2043" article="a" name="used candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2044" article="a" name="lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2045" article="a" name="lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2046" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2046" article="a" name="lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> </item> <item id="2047" article="a" name="candlestick"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2048" article="a" name="candlestick"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2049" /> <attribute key="duration" value="240" /> </item> <item id="2049" article="a" name="candlestick"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2050" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2051" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2053" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2052" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2053" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2055" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2054" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2055" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2056" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2056" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2057" article="a" name="candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2041" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2058" article="a" name="torch bearer" /> <item id="2059" article="a" name="lit torch bearer" /> <item id="2060" article="a" name="torch bearer" /> <item id="2061" article="a" name="lit torch bearer" /> <item id="2062" article="a" name="small oil lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2063" article="a" name="small oil lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="2064" toid="2065" article="a" name="table lamp" /> <item fromid="2066" toid="2069" article="a" name="wall lamp" /> <item id="2070" article="a" name="flute"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2071" article="a" name="lyre"> <attribute key="weight" value="1250" /> </item> <item id="2072" article="a" name="lute"> <attribute key="weight" value="3400" /> </item> <item id="2073" article="a" name="drum"> <attribute key="weight" value="3200" /> </item> <item id="2074" name="panpipes"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2075" article="a" name="simple fanfare"> <attribute key="weight" value="2200" /> </item> <item id="2076" article="a" name="fanfare"> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> </item> <item id="2077" article="a" name="royal fanfare"> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> </item> <item id="2078" article="a" name="post horn"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2079" article="a" name="horn"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2080" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2082" /> </item> <item id="2081" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2083" /> </item> <item id="2082" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2081" /> </item> <item id="2083" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2080" /> </item> <item id="2084" article="a" name="harp"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2085" /> </item> <item id="2085" article="a" name="harp"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2084" /> </item> <item id="2086" article="a" name="purple key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2087" article="a" name="wooden key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2088" article="a" name="silver key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2089" article="a" name="copper key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2090" article="a" name="crystal key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2091" article="a" name="golden key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2092" article="a" name="bone key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2093" article="a" name="water-pipe"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item fromid="2094" toid="2095" article="a" name="bird cage" /> <item fromid="2096" toid="2097" article="a" name="pumpkinhead"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> </item> <item id="2098" article="a" name="globe" /> <item id="2099" article="a" name="water-pipe"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2100" name="god flowers"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2101" article="an" name="indoor plant" /> <item id="2102" article="a" name="flower bowl"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2103" article="a" name="honey flower"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="2104" article="a" name="potted flower"> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> </item> <item id="2105" article="a" name="christmas tree" /> <item id="2106" article="a" name="big flowerpot" /> <item id="2107" article="an" name="exotic flower"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2108" article="a" name="wooden doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="860" /> </item> <item id="2109" article="a" name="football" /> <item id="2110" article="a" name="cash register"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2111" article="a" name="snowball" plural="snowballs"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="distance" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="snowball" /> <attribute key="range" value="5" /> <attribute key="ammoAction" value="removecount" /> </item> <item id="2112" article="a" name="teddy bear"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> </item> <item id="2113" article="a" name="model ship"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="2114" article="a" name="piggy bank"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="2115" article="a" name="broken piggy bank"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2116" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2117" /> </item> <item id="2117" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2118" /> </item> <item id="2118" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2119" /> </item> <item id="2119" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2116" /> </item> <item id="2120" article="a" name="pokerope"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="head" /> </item> <item id="2121" article="a" name="raichu doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2122" article="a" name="bulbasaur doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2123" article="a" name="jiglypuff doll"> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2124" article="a" name="marowak doll"> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2125" article="a" name="crystal necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="490" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2126" article="a" name="bronzen necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2127" article="an" name="emerald bangle"> <attribute key="weight" value="170" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> </item> <item id="2128" article="a" name="crown"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2129" article="a" name="wolf tooth chain"> <attribute key="weight" value="330" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2130" article="a" name="articuno feather"> <attribute key="description" value="Uma pena rara da asa de um articuno." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2131" article="a" name="zapdos feather"> <attribute key="description" value="Uma pena rara da asa de um zapdos." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2132" article="a" name="moltres feather"> <attribute key="description" value="Uma pena rara da asa de um moltres." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2133" article="a" name="ruby necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="570" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2134" article="a" name="slowbro doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2135" article="a" name="Dome fossil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2136" article="a" name="demonbone amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2137" name="some golden fruits"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2138" article="a" name="Bulb"> <attribute key="description" value="Item raro que cai das costas de um bulbasaur." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2139" article="an" name="ancient tiara"> <attribute key="weight" value="450" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2140" article="a" name="Helix Fossil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2141" article="a" name=" Fossil"> <attribute key="weight" value="840" /> </item> <item id="2142" article="an" name="Diamond"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2143" article="a" name="white pearl" plural="white pearls"> <attribute key="weight" value="20" /> </item> <item id="2144" article="a" name="tracker device" plural="tracker devices"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2145" article="a" name="small diamond" plural="small diamonds"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2146" article="a" name="ultra ball" plural="ultra balls"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2147" article="a" name="poke ball" plural="poke balls"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2148" article="a" name="cent" plural="cents"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2149" article="a" name="small emerald" plural="small emeralds"> <attribute key="weight" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2150" article="a" name="small amethyst" plural="small amethysts"> <attribute key="weight" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2151" article="a" name="talon" plural="talons"> <attribute key="weight" value="20" /> <attribute key="description" value="There are many rumours about these magic gems." /> </item> <item id="2152" article="a" name="dollar" plural="dollars"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2153" article="a" name="violet gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2154" article="a" name="yellow gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2155" article="a" name="green gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="2156" article="a" name="red gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2157" article="a" name="thousand dollar" plural="thousand dollars"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="1000000" /> </item> <item id="2158" article="a" name="blue gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2159" article="a" name="cassino coin" plural="cassino coins"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2160" article="a" name="hundred dollar" plural="hundred dollars"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="10000" /> </item> <item id="2161" article="a" name="strange talisman"> <attribute key="weight" value="290" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentEnergy" value="10" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2162" article="a" name="magic lightwand"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2163" article="a" name="magic lightwand"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="duration" value="3000" /> </item> <item id="2164" article="a" name="might ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="charges" value="20" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentAll" value="20" /> </item> <item id="2165" article="a" name="stealth ring"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2202" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2166" article="a" name="power ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2203" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2167" article="an" name="energy ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2204" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2168" article="a" name="life ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2205" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2169" article="a" name="time ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2206" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2170" article="a" name="silver amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentPoison" value="10" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2171" article="a" name="platinum amulet"> <attribute key="description" value="It is an amulet of protection." /> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="armor" value="2" /> </item> <item id="2172" article="a" name="bronze amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentManaDrain" value="20" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2173" article="an" name="amulet of loss"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> <attribute key="preventDrop" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2174" article="a" name="strange symbol"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2175" article="a" name="spellbook"> <attribute key="description" value="It shows your spells and can also shield against attack when worn." /> <attribute key="weight" value="5800" /> <attribute key="defense" value="14" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="shield" /> </item> <item id="2176" article="an" name="orb"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="2177" article="a" name="life crystal"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2178" article="a" name="mind stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2179" article="a" name="kabuto doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2180" article="an" name="orb of nature" /> <item id="2181" article="a" name="terra rod"> <attribute key="description" value="Small stones are flying from its tip." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2500" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallearth" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2182" article="a" name="snakebite rod"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to twitch and quiver as if trying to escape your grip." /> <attribute key="weight" value="4300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallearth" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2183" article="a" name="hailstorm rod"> <attribute key="description" value="It grants you the power of striking your foes with furious hailstorms." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2700" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallice" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2184" article="a" name="crystal wand"> <attribute key="weight" value="2800" /> </item> <item id="2185" article="a" name="necrotic rod"> <attribute key="description" value="It was brought up from hell to deliver death." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="death" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2186" article="a" name="moonlight rod"> <attribute key="description" value="Icecold rays of moonlight shimmer on its tip." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2100" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallice" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2187" article="a" name="wand of inferno"> <attribute key="description" value="It unleashes the very fires of hell." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2700" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="fire" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2188" article="a" name="wand of decay"> <attribute key="description" value="It is half-rotten itself and reeks terribly." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="death" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2189" article="a" name="wand of cosmic energy"> <attribute key="description" value="The energy of a radiant star is trapped inside its globe." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2500" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="energy" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2190" article="a" name="wand of vortex"> <attribute key="description" value="Surges of energy rush through the tip of this wand." /> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="energy" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2191" article="a" name="wand of dragonbreath"> <attribute key="description" value="Legends say that this wand holds the soul of a young dragon." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="fire" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2192" article="a" name="crystal ball"> <attribute key="weight" value="3400" /> </item> <item id="2193" article="an" name="ankh"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> </item> <item id="2194" article="a" name="mysterious fetish"> <attribute key="weight" value="490" /> </item> <item id="2195" name="boots of haste"> <attribute key="weight" value="750" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> <attribute key="speed" value="40" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2196" article="a" name="broken amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2197" article="a" name="stone skin amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="760" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="5" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentPhysical" value="80" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentDeath" value="80" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2198" article="an" name="elven amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="270" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="50" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentAll" value="5" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2199" article="a" name="garlic necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="380" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="150" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentLifeDrain" value="20" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2200" article="a" name="protection amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="550" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="250" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentPhysical" value="6" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2201" article="a" name="dragon necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="630" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentFire" value="8" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2202" article="caught" name="pokemons"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2202" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2165" /> <attribute key="duration" value="999999999999" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="0" /> <attribute key="invisible" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2203" article="a" name="power ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2166" /> <attribute key="skillFist" value="5" /> <attribute key="duration" value="300" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2204" article="an" name="energy ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2167" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1200" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="manashield" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2205" article="a" name="life ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2168" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1200" /> <attribute key="healthGain" value="1" /> <attribute key="healthTicks" value="3000" /> <attribute key="manaGain" value="4" /> <attribute key="manaTicks" value="3000" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2206" article="a" name="time ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2169" /> <attribute key="duration" value="600" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="speed" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2207" article="a" name="sword ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2210" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2208" article="an" name="axe ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2211" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2209" article="a" name="club ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2212" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2210" article="a" name="sword ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2207" /> <attribute key="skillSword" value="4" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1800" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2211" article="an" name="axe ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2208" /> <attribute key="skillAxe" value="4" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1800" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2212" article="a" name="club ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2209" /> <attribute key="skillClub" value="4" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1800" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2213" article="a" name="dwarven ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="110" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2215" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2214" article="a" name="ring of healing"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2216" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2215" article="a" name="dwarven ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="110" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2213" /> <attribute key="suppressDrunk" value="1" /> <attribute key="duration" value="3600" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2216" article="a" name="ring of healing"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2214" /> <attribute key="duration" value="450" /> <attribute key="healthGain" value="1" /> <attribute key="healthTicks" value="1000" /> <attribute key="manaGain" value="4" /> <attribute key="manaTicks" value="1000" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2217" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2218" article="a" name="paw amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="2219" article="a" name="USED"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2220" article="a" name="ultra ball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2221" article="a" name="ultra ball being used"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2227" article="a" name="discharged ultra ball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2222" article="a" name="pokeball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2223" article="a" name="pokeball being used"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2224" article="a" name="discharged pokeball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2225" article="a" name="piece of iron" plural="pieces of iron"> <attribute key="weight" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2226" article="a" name="fishbone"> <attribute key="weight" value="70" /> </item> <item id="2228" name="broken pottery"> <attribute key="weight" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2229" article="a" name="skull" plural="skulls"> <attribute key="weight" value="2180" /> </item> <item id="2230" article="a" name="bone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2231" article="a" name="big bone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2232" article="a" name="broken brown glass"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2233" article="a" name="broken green glass"> <attribute key="weight" value="170" /> </item> <item id="2234" article="a" name="broken sword"> <attribute key="weight" value="3500" /> </item> <item id="2235" article="a" name="moldy cheese"> <attribute key="weight" value="400" /> </item> <item id="2236" article="a" name="torn book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2237" article="a" name="dirty cape"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> </item> <item id="2238" name="worn leather boots"> <attribute key="weight" value="400" /> </item> <item id="2239" article="a" name="burnt scroll"> <attribute key="weight" value="40" /> </item> <item id="2240" name="fish remains"> <attribute key="weight" value="110" /> </item> <item id="2241" name="rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="50" /> </item> <item fromid="2242" toid="2243" name="rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2244" name="leaves"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> </item> <item id="2245" name="twigs"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> </item> <item id="2246" name="burnt down firewood"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> </item> <item fromid="2247" toid="2248" article="a" name="skull" /> <item id="2249" name="smoke" /> <item fromid="2250" toid="2255" name="wooden trash"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item fromid="2256" toid="2257" name="stone rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> </item> <item id="2258" name="golden trash"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2259" name="stone rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2260" article="a" name="blank rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2261" article="a" name="destroy field rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adito grav" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2262" article="a" name="energy bomb rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo mas vis" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="2" /> </item> <item fromid="2263" toid="2264" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2265" article="a" name="intense healing rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adura gran" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2266" article="a" name="antidote rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adana pox" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2267" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2268" article="a" name="sudden death rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori gran mort" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2269" article="a" name="Revive"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="Reviva seus pokemons mortos." /> </item> <item id="2270" article="an" name="Ultra potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="Uma grande pocao que cura um total de 18000 health points." /> </item> <item id="2271" article="a" name="mega potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 5000 health points." /> </item> <item id="2274" article="a" name="super potion" plural="super potions"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 2200 health points." /> </item> <item id="2273" article="a" name="non used"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2272" article="a" name="potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 850 health points." /> </item> <item id="2275" article="a" name="hyper potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 14000 health points." /> </item> <item id="2276" article="a" name="Leaf Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2277" article="a" name="Water Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2278" article="a" name="Venom Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2279" article="a" name="Thunder Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2280" article="a" name="Rock Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2281" article="a" name="Punch Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2282" article="a" name="bullshit"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2283" article="a" name="Fire Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2284" article="a" name="Coccon Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2285" article="a" name="Crystal Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2286" article="a" name="Darkness Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2287" article="an" name="Earth Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2288" article="an" name="Enigma Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2289" article="a" name="Heart Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2290" article="an" name="Ice Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2291" article="a" name="chameleon rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo ina" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2292" article="a" name="stalagmite rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori tera" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2293" article="a" name="magic wall rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo grav tera" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2294" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2295" article="a" name="holy missile rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori san" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="5" /> </item> <item fromid="2296" toid="2300" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2301" article="a" name="fire field rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo grav flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2302" article="a" name="fireball rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="5" /> </item> <item id="2303" article="a" name="fire wall rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo mas grav flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="4" /> </item> <item id="2304" article="a" name="great fireball rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori mas flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="4" /> </item> <item id="2305" article="a" name="dark purple model"> </item> <item fromid="2306" toid="2307" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2308" article="a" name="soulfire rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo res flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2309" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2310" article="a" name="desintegrate rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adito tera" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2311" article="a" name="heavy magic missile rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori vis" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2312" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2313" article="an" name="explosion rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo mas hur" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="6" /> </item> <item id="2314" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2315" article="a" name="thunderstorm rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori mas vis" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="4" /> </item> <item id="2316" article="an" name="animate dead rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adana mort" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2317" article="a" name="dead human" /> <item id="2318" article="a" name="brooch"> <attribute key="weight" value="101" /> </item> <item id="2319" article="a" name="strange symbol"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2320" article="a" name="skull" plural="skulls"> <attribute key="weight" value="2180" /> </item> <item id="2321" article="a" name="giant smithhammer"> <attribute key="description" value="This cyclopean hammer seems to be an awesome smithing tool." /> <attribute key="weight" value="6800" /> <attribute key="defense" value="14" /> <attribute key="attack" value="24" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="club" /> </item> <item id="2322" article="a" name="voodoo doll"> <attribute key="description" value="It looks like a little king." /> <attribute key="weight" value="650" /> </item> <item id="2323" article="a" name="hat of the mad"> <attribute key="description" value="You have a vague feeling that it looks somewhat silly." /> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> <attribute key="armor" value="3" /> <attribute key="magiclevelpoints" value="1" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="head" /> </item> <item id="2324" article="a" name="broom"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2325" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="2326" article="an" name="annihilation bear"> <attribute key="description" value="I braved the Annihilator and all I got is this lousy teddy bear." /> <attribute key="weight" value="4300" /> </item> <item id="2327" article="an" name="ankh"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2328" article="a" name="phoenix egg" plural="phoenix eggs"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2329" article="a" name="document"> <attribute key="weight" value="105" /> </item> <item id="2330" article="a" name="bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="2331" article="a" name="present"> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> </item> <item id="2332" article="a" name="post horn"> <attribute key="description" value="It's property of the Postmaster's Guild and only rewarded to loyal members." /> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2333" article="a" name="stamped letter"> <attribute key="weight" value="50" /> </item> <item id="2334" article="a" name="mailbox"> <attribute key="description" value="Royal Tibia Mail." /> <attribute key="type" value="mailbox" /> </item> (Cortei uma parte porque não deu pra por tudo)
  13. cadu12299


    Galera to com um problema aki talvez seja bem facil de resolver, tipo quero mudar o nome do meu client quando abre fica com o nome tibia, como eu mudo (ja baixei o hex Edidor Neo)
  14. cadu12299


    ae galera to com um problema no meu site tipo eu baixei um serve de wodbo já com site mas quando eu ligo o serve no site fica falando que esta off sera que alguém pode ajudar. aki o do site:
  15. Cara tah legal,da pra olhar as scripts fico bem legal mas fica bem chato fica tirando print direto mas fazer o que tudo tem seu preço, vlw ae ganho meu :button_ok: :smile_positivo:
  16. Niguem ainda não acho Dat-Spr ?? To procurando aki mas tah foda de achar.
  17. cadu12299


    ae galera to com um problema no poketibia aki todo o serve que eu baixo e tenho abrir a data base em qualquer opção tipo "accounts" da um erro não sei oque é pf me ajudem aki o erro que aparece :
  18. cara não da pra editar as contas quando abre o sqlitestudio-1.1.3.exe e clica em qualquer um dos icones aparece um script dando erro aki :
  19. aff cara tenta achar ae spr e dat sem eles não da para editar o jogo
  20. Vlw mano aki pego, to esperando esse pic-dat e spr :smile_positivo:
  21. nossa cara pelo que to vendo tah muito bom ganho meu :button_ok: ajuda aki: quando ao dat-pic e spr tem como me passa? E como Edito o mapa editor, uso o RME Mapa editor, oq me leva a 1º pergunta passa ae o dat-pic e spr. cara n conseguo entra aki o serve aki liga normal mas quando vo botar o ip fala tibia not found! ajuda aki
  22. cadu12299


    Galera ajuda aki to com um problema aki botei o sistema de M1-M12 tah funcionando perfeitamente mas os pokemon ainda ficam usando os atacks mesmo sem eu falar M1-M2 então queria saber como arruma isso, vlw :smile_positivo: .
  23. ?? eu so mudei a porta 80 pra 8090
  24. cadu12299


    uso o site v.2 e aki ja tem criado a vocation vegetto no data.tibia , no client... e so falta add no vocation e no site que não como faz...
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