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Tudo que galaverna postou

  1. galaverna

    Movement Ajuda

    eu keria um movment(se n der movment algo do tipo) que fizesse ao eqipar o item 2655 ele regeneraçe 100k de mana por sec por item n funciono entao ajuda ae porfavorrrr e quando desequipasse parece ajuda
  2. vod como sempre muito foda... mais ele não colocou o action id ;x
  3. galaverna

    Npc De Novo ;x

    Queria um NPC que vendesse pokeball com pokemon e meu sistem usa ACTION ID para cada poke ai keria que o kara vendesse os item com o ACTION ID porfavor ;D AGRADEÇO DE JA VLW ;D
  4. galaverna

    Npc N Funfa Ajuda

    me ajudem no meu servidor nenhum npc funciona ajuda plz se precisar
  5. tipo os monster atake summon vai tem no map um minotauro e o kara ta com um rat sumonado o minotaur ataka o rat e n o player ai quadno o rat morre ele atk o player
  6. galaverna

    Summon Bug Ajuda

    ajudem porfavoooooooooor no bug eu kero que o summon atake summon e não player e se o kara n tiver summon atake o player porfavor ajude ;D
  7. affe eu postei um igual a esses 1 semana depois tinha uns 30 igual esse kara fica copiano eu fiz bem antes vai copia na china karalho
  8. porfavor queria que meu go/back armazenasse life :S n está armazenando porfavor ajudem GO function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= item.uid then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Porfavor coloque a poke bola no slot .") end pokemons = { [10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001}, [10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002}, [10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003}, [10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004}, [10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005}, [10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006}, [10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007}, [10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008}, [10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009}, [10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010}, [10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011}, [10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012}, [10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013}, [10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014}, [10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015}, [10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016}, [10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017}, [10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018}, [10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019}, [10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020}, [10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021}, [10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022}, [10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023}, [10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024}, [10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025}, [10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026}, [10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027}, [10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028}, [10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029}, [10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030}, [10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031}, [10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032}, [10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033}, [10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034}, [10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035}, [10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036}, [10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037}, [10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038}, [10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039}, [10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040}, [10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041}, [10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042}, [10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043}, [10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044}, [10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045}, [10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046}, [10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047}, [10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048}, [10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049}, [10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050}, [10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051}, [10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052}, [10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053}, [10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054}, [10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055}, [10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056}, [10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057}, [10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058}, [10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059}, [10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060}, [10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061}, [10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062}, [10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063}, [10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064}, [10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065}, [10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066}, [10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067}, [10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068}, [10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069}, [10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070}, [10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071}, [10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072}, [10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073}, [10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074}, [10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075}, [10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076}, [10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077}, [10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078}, [10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079}, [10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080}, [10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081}, [10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082}, [10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083}, [10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084}, [10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085}, [10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086}, [10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087}, [10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088}, [10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089}, [10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090}, [10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091}, [10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092}, [10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093}, [10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094}, [10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095}, [10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096}, [10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097}, [10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098}, [10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099}, [10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100}, [10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101}, [10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102}, [10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103}, [10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104}, [10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105}, [10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106}, [10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107}, [10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108}, [10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109}, [10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110}, [10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111}, [10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112}, [10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113}, [10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114}, [10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115}, [10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116}, [10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117}, [10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118}, [10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119}, [10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120}, [10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121}, [10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122}, [10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123}, [10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124}, [10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125}, [10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126}, [10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127}, [10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128}, [10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129}, [10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130}, [10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131}, [10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132}, [10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133}, [10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134}, [10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135}, [10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136}, [10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137}, [10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138}, [10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139}, [10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140}, [10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141}, [10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142}, [10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143}, [10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144}, [10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145}, [10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146}, [10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147}, [10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148}, [10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149}, [10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150}, [10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151} } local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid] if poke then doTransformItem(item.uid,2378) doCreatureSay(cid, "Go, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) local p = doCreateMonster(poke[1], getCreaturePosition(cid)) doConvinceCreature(cid, p) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 26) return end end BACK function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) pokemons = { [10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001}, [10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002}, [10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003}, [10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004}, [10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005}, [10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006}, [10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007}, [10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008}, [10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009}, [10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010}, [10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011}, [10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012}, [10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013}, [10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014}, [10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015}, [10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016}, [10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017}, [10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018}, [10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019}, [10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020}, [10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021}, [10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022}, [10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023}, [10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024}, [10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025}, [10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026}, [10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027}, [10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028}, [10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029}, [10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030}, [10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031}, [10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032}, [10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033}, [10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034}, [10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035}, [10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036}, [10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037}, [10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038}, [10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039}, [10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040}, [10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041}, [10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042}, [10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043}, [10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044}, [10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045}, [10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046}, [10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047}, [10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048}, [10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049}, [10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050}, [10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051}, [10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052}, [10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053}, [10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054}, [10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055}, [10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056}, [10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057}, [10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058}, [10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059}, [10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060}, [10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061}, [10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062}, [10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063}, [10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064}, [10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065}, [10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066}, [10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067}, [10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068}, [10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069}, [10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070}, [10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071}, [10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072}, [10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073}, [10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074}, [10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075}, [10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076}, [10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077}, [10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078}, [10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079}, [10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080}, [10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081}, [10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082}, [10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083}, [10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084}, [10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085}, [10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086}, [10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087}, [10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088}, [10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089}, [10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090}, [10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091}, [10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092}, [10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093}, [10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094}, [10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095}, [10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096}, [10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097}, [10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098}, [10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099}, [10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100}, [10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101}, [10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102}, [10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103}, [10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104}, [10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105}, [10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106}, [10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107}, [10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108}, [10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109}, [10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110}, [10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111}, [10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112}, [10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113}, [10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114}, [10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115}, [10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116}, [10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117}, [10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118}, [10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119}, [10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120}, [10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121}, [10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122}, [10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123}, [10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124}, [10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125}, [10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126}, [10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127}, [10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128}, [10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129}, [10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130}, [10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131}, [10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132}, [10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133}, [10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134}, [10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135}, [10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136}, [10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137}, [10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138}, [10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139}, [10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140}, [10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141}, [10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142}, [10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143}, [10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144}, [10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145}, [10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146}, [10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147}, [10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148}, [10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149}, [10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150}, [10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151} } local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid] if #getCreatureSummons(cid) ~= 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, call your pokemon.") return TRUE end doTransformItem(item.uid,2177) doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Seu pokemon voltou para a pokebola.") doSendMagicEffect(topos, 36) return TRUE end valeu ae agradeço ja se não tiver respostas :S mais porfavor ajudem afff ajudemmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! talves isso ajude local config = { monsterName = "Buterfree", maxSummon = 1, storageHealth = 63151, maxHealth = 200 } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= item.uid then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Please put this ball in correct slot.") end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth) == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth, config.maxHealth) end local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid) if(table.maxn(summon) < config.maxSummon) then local p = doCreateMonster(config.monsterName, getCreaturePosition(cid)) doConvinceCreature(cid, p) doCreatureAddHealth(p, -(config.maxHealth-getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth))) doCreatureSay(cid, "Go, ".. config.monsterName .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 10) else for _, pid in pairs(summon) do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth, getCreatureHealth(pid)) doRemoveCreature(pid) doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. config.monsterName .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) end end return TRUE end um amigo meu disse isso ó local p = doCreateMonster(poke[1], getCreaturePosition(cid)) essa variável declara a função "doCreateMonster" ou seja, quando o cara solta a pokeball, ele vai criar um monstro. Vc teria que criar uma função que armazenasse de alguma forma a life do pokemon já no script de Back e depois usa-la dnv no script de Go. ajydaae aff seus bando de merda que não responde xtibia= lixo(katsu)
  9. ou kara ajuda ae tenta porfavor
  10. ai olha eu queria por no meu go/back para quando o cara der logout o item do back transformasse para o go de novo ajuda ai porfavor vo passar os script de go e back a ou entao armazenar o life porfavor tentem GO function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= item.uid then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Porfavor coloque a poke bola no slot .") end pokemons = { [10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001}, [10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002}, [10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003}, [10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004}, [10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005}, [10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006}, [10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007}, [10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008}, [10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009}, [10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010}, [10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011}, [10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012}, [10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013}, [10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014}, [10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015}, [10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016}, [10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017}, [10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018}, [10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019}, [10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020}, [10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021}, [10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022}, [10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023}, [10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024}, [10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025}, [10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026}, [10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027}, [10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028}, [10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029}, [10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030}, [10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031}, [10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032}, [10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033}, [10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034}, [10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035}, [10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036}, [10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037}, [10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038}, [10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039}, [10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040}, [10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041}, [10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042}, [10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043}, [10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044}, [10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045}, [10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046}, [10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047}, [10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048}, [10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049}, [10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050}, [10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051}, [10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052}, [10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053}, [10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054}, [10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055}, [10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056}, [10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057}, [10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058}, [10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059}, [10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060}, [10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061}, [10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062}, [10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063}, [10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064}, [10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065}, [10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066}, [10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067}, [10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068}, [10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069}, [10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070}, [10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071}, [10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072}, [10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073}, [10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074}, [10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075}, [10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076}, [10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077}, [10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078}, [10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079}, [10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080}, [10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081}, [10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082}, [10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083}, [10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084}, [10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085}, [10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086}, [10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087}, [10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088}, [10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089}, [10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090}, [10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091}, [10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092}, [10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093}, [10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094}, [10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095}, [10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096}, [10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097}, [10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098}, [10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099}, [10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100}, [10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101}, [10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102}, [10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103}, [10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104}, [10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105}, [10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106}, [10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107}, [10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108}, [10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109}, [10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110}, [10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111}, [10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112}, [10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113}, [10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114}, [10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115}, [10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116}, [10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117}, [10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118}, [10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119}, [10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120}, [10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121}, [10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122}, [10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123}, [10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124}, [10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125}, [10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126}, [10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127}, [10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128}, [10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129}, [10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130}, [10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131}, [10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132}, [10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133}, [10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134}, [10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135}, [10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136}, [10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137}, [10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138}, [10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139}, [10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140}, [10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141}, [10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142}, [10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143}, [10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144}, [10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145}, [10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146}, [10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147}, [10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148}, [10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149}, [10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150}, [10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151} } local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid] if poke then doTransformItem(item.uid,2378) doCreatureSay(cid, "Go, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) local p = doCreateMonster(poke[1], getCreaturePosition(cid)) doConvinceCreature(cid, p) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 26) return end end BACK function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) pokemons = { [10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001}, [10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002}, [10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003}, [10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004}, [10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005}, [10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006}, [10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007}, [10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008}, [10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009}, [10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010}, [10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011}, [10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012}, [10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013}, [10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014}, [10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015}, [10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016}, [10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017}, [10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018}, [10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019}, [10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020}, [10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021}, [10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022}, [10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023}, [10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024}, [10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025}, [10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026}, [10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027}, [10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028}, [10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029}, [10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030}, [10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031}, [10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032}, [10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033}, [10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034}, [10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035}, [10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036}, [10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037}, [10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038}, [10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039}, [10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040}, [10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041}, [10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042}, [10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043}, [10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044}, [10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045}, [10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046}, [10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047}, [10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048}, [10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049}, [10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050}, [10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051}, [10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052}, [10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053}, [10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054}, [10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055}, [10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056}, [10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057}, [10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058}, [10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059}, [10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060}, [10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061}, [10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062}, [10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063}, [10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064}, [10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065}, [10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066}, [10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067}, [10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068}, [10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069}, [10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070}, [10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071}, [10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072}, [10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073}, [10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074}, [10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075}, [10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076}, [10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077}, [10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078}, [10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079}, [10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080}, [10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081}, [10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082}, [10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083}, [10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084}, [10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085}, [10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086}, [10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087}, [10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088}, [10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089}, [10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090}, [10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091}, [10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092}, [10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093}, [10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094}, [10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095}, [10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096}, [10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097}, [10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098}, [10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099}, [10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100}, [10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101}, [10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102}, [10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103}, [10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104}, [10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105}, [10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106}, [10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107}, [10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108}, [10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109}, [10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110}, [10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111}, [10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112}, [10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113}, [10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114}, [10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115}, [10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116}, [10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117}, [10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118}, [10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119}, [10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120}, [10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121}, [10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122}, [10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123}, [10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124}, [10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125}, [10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126}, [10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127}, [10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128}, [10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129}, [10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130}, [10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131}, [10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132}, [10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133}, [10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134}, [10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135}, [10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136}, [10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137}, [10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138}, [10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139}, [10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140}, [10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141}, [10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142}, [10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143}, [10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144}, [10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145}, [10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146}, [10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147}, [10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148}, [10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149}, [10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150}, [10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151} } local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid] if #getCreatureSummons(cid) ~= 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, call your pokemon.") return TRUE end doTransformItem(item.uid,2177) doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Seu pokemon voltou para a pokebola.") doSendMagicEffect(topos, 36) return TRUE end valeu ae agradeço ja se não tiver respostas :S mais porfavor ajudem
  11. ae funfo +/- ele usa agora soque ele da a msg call your pokemon :S e ele está sumonado ajuda aai porfavor
  12. ajuda ae porfavor o script é esse function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) pokemons = { [10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001}, [10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002}, [10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003}, [10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004}, [10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005}, [10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006}, [10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007}, [10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008}, [10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009}, [10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010}, [10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011}, [10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012}, [10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013}, [10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014}, [10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015}, [10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016}, [10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017}, [10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018}, [10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019}, [10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020}, [10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021}, [10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022}, [10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023}, [10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024}, [10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025}, [10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026}, [10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027}, [10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028}, [10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029}, [10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030}, [10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031}, [10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032}, [10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033}, [10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034}, [10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035}, [10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036}, [10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037}, [10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038}, [10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039}, [10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040}, [10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041}, [10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042}, [10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043}, [10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044}, [10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045}, [10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046}, [10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047}, [10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048}, [10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049}, [10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050}, [10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051}, [10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052}, [10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053}, [10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054}, [10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055}, [10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056}, [10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057}, [10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058}, [10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059}, [10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060}, [10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061}, [10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062}, [10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063}, [10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064}, [10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065}, [10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066}, [10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067}, [10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068}, [10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069}, [10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070}, [10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071}, [10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072}, [10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073}, [10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074}, [10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075}, [10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076}, [10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077}, [10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078}, [10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079}, [10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080}, [10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081}, [10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082}, [10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083}, [10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084}, [10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085}, [10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086}, [10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087}, [10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088}, [10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089}, [10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090}, [10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091}, [10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092}, [10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093}, [10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094}, [10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095}, [10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096}, [10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097}, [10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098}, [10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099}, [10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100}, [10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101}, [10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102}, [10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103}, [10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104}, [10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105}, [10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106}, [10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107}, [10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108}, [10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109}, [10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110}, [10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111}, [10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112}, [10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113}, [10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114}, [10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115}, [10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116}, [10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117}, [10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118}, [10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119}, [10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120}, [10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121}, [10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122}, [10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123}, [10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124}, [10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125}, [10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126}, [10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127}, [10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128}, [10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129}, [10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130}, [10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131}, [10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132}, [10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133}, [10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134}, [10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135}, [10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136}, [10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137}, [10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138}, [10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139}, [10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140}, [10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141}, [10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142}, [10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143}, [10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144}, [10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145}, [10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146}, [10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147}, [10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148}, [10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149}, [10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150}, [10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151} } local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid] if #getCreatureSummons(cid) ~= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, call your pokemon.") end end if poke and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, poke[2]) >= 1 then doTransformItem(item.uid,2377) doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 36) return end end e ta dando esse erro [02/10/2010 12:32:21] Warning: [Event::loadScript] Can not load script. data/actions/scripts/back.lua [02/10/2010 12:32:21] data/actions/scripts/back.lua:168: '<eof>' expected near 'end' porfavor ajdua ai agradeço de ja
  13. qlqr coisa add ae
  14. ow kara sabe o go/back/catch que se passou do mkalo??
    no meu ot não funciona porque meu ot é 8.4
  15. galaverna

    Ajuda Ai Dou Rep+

    eu kero fazer com q esse sistem ride que eu fiz enves de trocar outfit eu keria que trocasse outfit e fosse para o piso7 ( fly Sistem) function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) local pokemons = { ["Ponyta"] = {7, 400, "Ponyta", "Ponyta Riding"}, } ride = pokemons[getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])] if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 1 and getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) <= 0 and getPlayerAccess(cid) <= 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 23, "Sorry, only premium players.") elseif #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) <= 0 and getPlayerAccess(cid) <= 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 23, "Sorry, only premium players.") elseif #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) >= 1 and getPlayerAccess(cid) <= 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 23, "Call your pokemon.") elseif #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 4 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 23, "Call your pokemon.") elseif ride and #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 1 and getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) >= 1 or getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 4 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,1564) == -1 then doSetMonsterOutfit(cid, ride[4], -1) doChangeSpeed(cid,ride[2]) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1564,1) doCreatureSay(cid,"".. ride[3] ..", Let's ride!",1) elseif ride and #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 1 and getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) >= 1 or getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 4 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,1564) == 1 then doSetMonsterOutfit(cid, ride[4], 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1564,-1) doCreatureSay(cid,"".. ride[3] ..", Stop ride!",1) end end ajuda ai dou REP+
  16. porfavor ajuda ai esse script não ta funcionando function onUse(cid,item2,frompos,itemEx,topos) { [2862] = {"Bulbasaur", 80, 40, 10001, 100}, [5982] = {"Ivysaur", 180, 90, 10002, 300}, [6074] = {"Venusaur", 400, 200, 10003, 800}, [6008] = {"Charmander", 80, 40, 10004, 100}, [5981] = {"Charmeleon", 180, 90, 10005, 300}, [6005] = {"Charizard", 400, 200, 10006, 800}, [6070] = {"Squirtle", 80, 40, 10007, 100}, [2861] = {"Wartortle", 180, 90, 10008, 300}, [2995] = {"Blastoise", 400, 200, 10009, 800}, [2860] = {"Caterpie", 20, 10, 10010, 40}, [5970] = {"Metapod", 100, 50, 10011, 200}, [5985] = {"Butterfree", 150, 75, 10012, 250}, [5964] = {"Weedle", 20, 10, 10013, 40}, [6018] = {"Kakuna", 100, 50, 10014, 200}, [5990] = {"Beedrill", 150, 75, 10015, 250}, [5996] = {"Pidgey", 26, 13, 10016, 60}, [5966] = {"Pidgeotto", 126, 63, 10017, 232}, [6076] = {"Pidgeot", 300, 150, 10018, 600}, [6084] = {"Rattata", 20, 10, 10019, 40}, [6030] = {"Raticate", 190, 95, 10020, 380}, [21] = {"Spearow", 36, 18, 10021, 72}, [5992] = {"Fearow", 250, 125, 10022, 500}, [23] = {"Ekans", 64, 32, 10023, 128}, [5980] = {"Arbok", 210, 105, 10024, 420}, [6001] = {"Pikachu", 96, 48, 10025, 192}, [6085] = {"Raichu", 250, 125, 10026, 500}, [6031] = {"Sandshrew", 50, 25, 10027, 100}, [6041] = {"Sandslash", 240, 120, 10028, 480}, [29] = {"NidoranFE", 32, 16, 10029, 64}, [30] = {"Nidorina", 134, 67, 10030, 268}, [6077] = {"Nidoqueen", 376, 188, 10031, 760}, [32] = {"NidoranMA", 38, 19, 10032, 76}, [33] = {"Nidorino", 140, 70, 10033, 280}, [6061] = {"Nidoking", 380, 190, 10034, 800}, [35] = {"Clefairy", 2, 1, 10035, 4}, [36] = {"Clefable", 2, 1, 10036, 4}, [6039] = {"Vulpix", 2, 1, 10037, 4}, [6040] = {"Ninetales", 2, 1, 10038, 4}, [6011] = {"Jigglypuff", 2, 1, 10039, 4}, [6049] = {"Wigglytuff", 2, 1, 10040, 4}, [6073] = {"Zubat", 2, 1, 10041, 4}, [6053] = {"Golbat", 2, 1, 10042, 4}, [6010] = {"Oddish", 2, 1, 10043, 4}, [6014] = {"Gloom", 2, 1, 10044, 4}, [6025] = {"Vileplume", 2, 1, 10045, 4}, [3007] = {"Paras", 26, 13, 10046, 60}, [6027] = {"Parasect", 230, 115, 10047, 550}, [48] = {"Venonat", 2, 1, 10048, 4}, [1492] = {"Venomoth", 2, 1, 10049, 4}, [6023] = {"Diglett", 2, 1, 10050, 4}, [6024] = {"Dugtrio", 2, 1, 10051, 4}, [6034] = {"Meowth", 2, 1, 10052, 4}, [53] = {"Persian", 2, 1, 10053, 4}, [6062] = {"Psyduck", 2, 1, 10054, 4}, [6059] = {"Golduck", 2, 1, 10055, 4}, [6035] = {"Mankey", 2, 1, 10056, 4}, [6029] = {"Primeape", 2, 1, 10057, 4}, [6036] = {"Growlithe", 2, 1, 10058, 4}, [3034] = {"Arcanine", 2, 1, 10059, 4}, [6042] = {"Poliwag", 2, 1, 10060, 4}, [6054] = {"Poliwhirl", 2, 1, 10061, 4}, [6033] = {"Poliwrath", 2, 1, 10062, 4}, [7338] = {"Abra", 2, 1, 10063, 4}, [6060] = {"Kadabra", 2, 1, 10064, 4}, [6057] = {"Alakazam", 2, 1, 10065, 4}, [6045] = {"Machop", 2, 1, 10066, 4}, [4251] = {"Machoke", 2, 1, 10067, 4}, [6021] = {"Machamp", 2, 1, 10068, 4}, [6012] = {"Bellsprout", 2, 1, 10069, 4}, [70] = {"Weepinbell", 2, 1, 10070, 4}, [6332] = {"Victreebel", 2, 1, 10071, 4}, [6082] = {"Tentacool", 2, 1, 10072, 4}, [6037] = {"Tentacruel", 2, 1, 10073, 4}, [6013] = {"Geodude", 2, 1, 10074, 4}, [6015] = {"Graveler", 2, 1, 10075, 4}, [6043] = {"Golem", 2, 1, 10076, 4}, [5975] = {"Ponyta", 2, 1, 10077, 4}, [4323] = {"Rapidash", 2, 1, 10078, 4}, [79] = {"Slowpoke", 2, 1, 10079, 4}, [80] = {"Slowbro", 2, 1, 10080, 4}, [6056] = {"Magnemite", 2, 1, 10081, 4}, [6020] = {"Magneton", 2, 1, 10082, 4}, [6022] = {"Farfetch'D", 2, 1, 10083, 4}, [84] = {"Doduo", 2, 1, 10084, 4}, [85] = {"Dodrio", 2, 1, 10085, 4}, [7349] = {"Seel", 2, 1, 10086, 4}, [6038] = {"Dewgong", 2, 1, 10087, 4}, [6055] = {"Grimer", 2, 1, 10088, 4}, [6066] = {"Muk", 2, 1, 100089, 4}, [90] = {"Shellder", 2, 1, 10090, 4}, [6064] = {"Cloyster", 2, 1, 10091, 4}, [5993] = {"Gastly", 2, 1, 10092, 4}, [6009] = {"Haunter", 2, 1, 10093, 4}, [6016] = {"Gengar", 2, 1, 10094, 4}, [95] = {"Onix", 2, 1, 10095, 4}, [6017] = {"Drowzee", 2, 1, 10096, 4}, [6046] = {"Hypno", 2, 1, 10097, 4}, [98] = {"Krabby", 2, 1, 10098, 4}, [99] = {"Kingler", 2, 1, 10099, 4}, [6072] = {"Voltorb", 2, 1, 10100, 4}, [6051] = {"Electrode", 2, 1, 10101, 4}, [102] = {"Exeggcute", 2, 1, 10102, 4}, [6065] = {"Exeggutor", 2, 1, 10103, 4}, [6050] = {"Cubone", 2, 1, 10104, 4}, [6028] = {"Marowak", 2, 1, 10105, 4}, [6067] = {"Hitmonlee", 2, 1, 10106, 4}, [5962] = {"Hitmonchan", 2, 1, 10107, 4}, [108] = {"Lickitung", 2, 1, 10108, 4}, [6020] = {"Koffing", 2, 1, 10109, 4}, [110] = {"Weezing", 2, 1, 10110, 4}, [6063] = {"Rhyhorn", 2, 1, 10111, 4}, [112] = {"Rhydon", 2, 1, 10112, 4}, [113] = {"Chansey", 2, 1, 10113, 4}, [6071] = {"Tangela", 2, 1, 100114, 4}, [6019] = {"Kangaskhan", 2, 1, 10115, 4}, [116] = {"Horsea", 2, 1, 10116, 4}, [117] = {"Seadra", 2, 1, 10117, 4}, [118] = {"Goldeen", 2, 1, 10118, 4}, [119] = {"Seaking", 2, 1, 10119, 4}, [120] = {"Staryu", 2, 1, 10120, 4}, [121] = {"Starmie", 2, 1, 10121, 4}, [122] = {"Mr.Mime", 2, 1, 10122, 4}, [123] = {"Scyther", 2, 1, 10123, 4}, [124] = {"Jynx", 2, 1, 10124, 4}, [125] = {"Electabuzz", 2, 1, 10125, 4}, [126] = {"Magmar", 2, 1, 10126, 4}, [127] = {"Pinsir", 2, 1, 10127, 4}, [128] = {"Tauros", 2, 1, 10128, 4}, [6079] = {"Magikarp", 2, 1, 10129, 4}, [130] = {"Gyarados", 2, 1, 10130, 4}, [131] = {"Lapras", 2, 1, 10131, 4}, [2817] = {"Ditto", 2, 1, 10132, 4}, [133] = {"Eevee", 2, 1, 10133, 4}, [134] = {"Vaporeon", 2, 1, 10134, 4}, [135] = {"Jolteon", 2, 1, 10135, 4}, [136] = {"Flareon", 2, 1, 10136, 4}, [137] = {"Porygon", 2, 1, 10137, 4}, [138] = {"Omanyte", 2, 1, 10138, 4}, [139] = {"Omastar", 2, 1, 10139, 4}, [140] = {"Kabuto", 2, 1, 10140, 4}, [141] = {"Kabutops", 2, 1, 10141, 4}, [142] = {"Aerodactyl", 2, 1, 10142, 4}, [6058] = {"Snorlax", 2, 1, 10143, 4}, [144] = {"Articuno", 2, 1, 10144, 4}, [145] = {"Zapdos", 2, 1, 10145, 4}, [146] = {"Moltres", 2, 1, 10146, 4}, [6081] = {"Dratini", 2, 1, 10147, 4}, [148] = {"Dragonair", 2, 1, 10148, 4}, [6052] = {"Dragonite", 2, 1, 10149, 4}, [3104] = {"Mewtwo", 2, 1, 10150, 4}, [6080] = {"Mew", 2, 1, 10151, 4}, } local poke = pokemons[itemEx.itemid] local chance = math.random(1,poke[5]) function doPlayerCreateItem2377(cid) ass = doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2377, 1) doSetItemActionId(ass, poke[4]) end o erro é [30/09/2010 18:26:36] Warning: [Event::loadScript] Can not load script. data/actions/scripts/catch.lua [30/09/2010 18:26:36] data/actions/scripts/catch.lua:1: unexpected symbol near 'ÿ' porfavor ajuda ai
  17. olá porfavor eu vim pedir um script de ride que só desse para usar se tal monster tivesse invocado tipo meu script de invoca é esse local config = { monsterName = "Alakazam", maxSummon = 1, storageHealth = 63145, maxHealth = 8000 } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth) == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth, config.maxHealth) end local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid) if(table.maxn(summon) < config.maxSummon) then local p = doCreateMonster(config.monsterName, getCreaturePosition(cid)) doConvinceCreature(cid, p) doCreatureAddHealth(p, -(config.maxHealth-getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth))) doCreatureSay(cid, "Go, ".. config.monsterName .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 10) else for _, pid in pairs(summon) do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storageHealth, getCreatureHealth(pid)) doRemoveCreature(pid) doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. config.monsterName .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) end end return TRUE end ai quando você usa o item se da use with emcima do monster "KADABRA" no caso ai você da ride. obrigado agradeço de já quem me ajduar dou REP + VLWW
  18. fala la no msn oque você pediu e e e e

    1. Tonynh


      s :/

      tbm fiquei muito puto

      a porra do anime alcançou o mangá xD

      e fairy tail tbm vai parar semana que vem... pra n ter filler .-.

    2. galaverna


      e manolo entra no msn pra nosi se fala add ai

  20. galaverna

    Teleport Tibia

    Porfavor eu keria um sistema de teleport no meu ot que seja um talkaction e quando vc fale Teleport ele te levara para o temple porfavor ajudem
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