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Tudo que Ablank postou

  1. Você sempre fala desta ferramenta mas numca explica para o que serve isto... Para que server isto o.0? //Yours Ablankzin
  2. Ablank

    Net Framwork 2.0

    eu achu que eh a atualição de uma ferramenta do n etnedo muito para que que ele fala sobre ele mas n eplica vei..explica ae //Yours Ablankzin
  3. hmm agora ficou bem lehor vlw ae xD //Yours Ablankzin
  4. po lek gostei muito fiko d++ vlw msm agora vo poder coloca issu no meu server...e tbm eu concordo com o colex ta bem codificado ;D //Yours Ablankzin
  5. Não achei inutil pois ao invés de cobra poderiamos colocar algum bixo para outra quest...Action muito boa vlw^^ //Yours Ablankzin
  6. eita q rox hein xD tu faz gif muito bem vlws //Yours Ablankzin
  7. Npc rox so não entendi uma coisa... quando o player é teleportado ele mesmo sumona os orsha??? ou tem q pro no map editor? //Yours Ablankzin
  8. Vou te explicar nas partes que tiverem o seguinte comando doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"As nuvens estão incubrindo o Céu") so mudar a frase ela tem q estar entre "aspas" para funcionar =D se for esta a sua Duvida Espero que tenha ajudado //Yours Ablankzin
  9. eita bem rox msm aquele telescopio n fazia nada msm vlw ae lek vo usa no meu futuro ot =) //Yours Ablankzin
  10. eu acho que ele fez mais para mostrar a função onWalk para quem não saber =D
  11. mas existem pessoas que não gostam de neverland e não sabem faser site ;/ n etnedi essa do banner //Yours Ablankzin
  12. Ablank

    Depot Tiles(7.72

    ae action rox par servers 7.72 usando a nova função onWalk rox crie um arquivo chamado depot.lua e adicione: function onWalkIn(cid, item, topos) if item.itemid == 446 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 447)endif item.itemid == 416 thendoTransformItem(item.uid, 417) endif item.itemid == 426 thendoTransformItem(item.uid, 425)end return 1endfunction onWalkOut(cid2, item, frompos) if item.itemid == 447 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 446) end if item.itemid == 417 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 416) end if item.itemid == 425 then doTransformItem(item.uid, 426) end return 1end e no actions.xml adincione <action itemid="446" script="depot.lua" /><action itemid="447" script="depot.lua" /><action itemid="426" script="depot.lua"/><action itemid="425" script="depot.lua"/><action itemid="416" script="depot.lua"/><action itemid="417" script="depot.lua"/> rox alot postei aqui pois achei uma action importante by Sapphire Otfans
  13. Ablank

    Npc Q Faz Acc

    Este Npc faz account só colocar no ot e usar va na pasta data/npc/scripts e crie um arquivo chamado acc.lua com o seguinte focus = 0talk_start = 0target = 0following = falseattacking = falseaccstatus = 0seksik = 3myname = ''mypass = ''maxnamelen = 10maxpasslen = 6allow_pattern = '^[a-zA-Z0-9 -]+$'origmsg = ''mypasscheck = ''mynamecheck = ''function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)endfunction onCreatureAppear(creature)endfunction onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)if focus == cid thenselfSay('Good bye then.')focus = 0talk_start = 0endendfunction onCreatureTurn(creature)endfunction msgcontains(txt, str)return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))endfunction onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)origmsg = msgmsg = string.lower(msg)if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 thenselfSay('Hello --male---famale--- ')accstatus = 1myname = ''mypass = ''myaccnumber = 0seksik = 0focus = cidtalk_start = os.clock()elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 thenselfSay('Please wait')elseif focus == cid thentalk_start = os.clock()if msgcontains(msg, 'male') and accstatus == 1 thenselfSay('Your name is ?')seksik = 1accstatus = 2elseif msgcontains(msg, 'famale') and accstatus == 1 thenselfSay('Your name is ?')seksik = 0accstatus = 2elseif accstatus == 2 thenmyname = origmsgmynamecheck = msgif string.len(mynamecheck) <= maxnamelen thenif string.find(mynamecheck, allow_pattern) thenif"data/players/"..myname..".xml" , "r") == nil thenselfSay('You like to have name: '..myname..' yes ?')accstatus = 3elseselfSay('Name allready exist, please give next one')endelseselfSay('Illegal characters, try another')endelseselfSay('Name is too long! Max is 10, try again')endelseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') thenif accstatus == 3 thenselfSay('Ok, give password')accstatus = 4elseif accstatus == 5 thenif seksik == 0 thenselfSay('Ok. Lets check: You are women '..myname..' tour password is: '..mypass..'.yes ?')elseselfSay('Ok. Lets check: You are men '..myname..' tour password is: '..mypass..'.yes ?')endaccstatus = 6elseif accstatus == 6 thenselfSay('ok. Can we randominze uour number? --rand--bye---')accstatus = 7endelseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') thenif accstatus == 3 thenselfSay('Chooze another')accstatus = 2elseif accstatus == 5 thenselfSay('Chooze another')accstatus = 4elseif accstatus == 6 thenselfSay('Again, you are man or woman?')accstatus = 1endelseif accstatus == 4 thenmypass = origmsgmypasscheck = msgif string.len(mypasscheck) <= maxpasslen thenif string.find(mypasscheck, allow_pattern) thenselfSay('Your pass is '..mypass..' yes ?')accstatus = 5elseselfSay('Illegal characters, try another')endelseselfSay('too long! Max is 6, give other')endelseif msgcontains(msg, 'rand') and accstatus == 7 thenmyaccnumber = math.random(100000,999999)if"data/accounts/"..myaccnumber..".xml" , "r") == nil thenselfSay('Number is '..myaccnumber..' Sey --next--')accstatus = 8f = assert("./data/accounts/"..myaccnumber..".xml", "w"))f ="./data/accounts/"..myaccnumber..".xml", "w")f:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><account pass=\""..mypass.."\" type=\"1\" premDays=\"666\"><characters><character name=\""..myname.."\"\/><\/characters><\/account>")f:close()f = assert("./data/players/"..myname..".xml", "w"))f ="./data/players/"..myname..".xml", "w")f:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><player name=\""..myname.."\" account=\""..myaccnumber.."\" sex=\""..seksik.."\" lookdir=\"3\" exp=\"1\" voc=\"0\" level=\"1\" access=\"0\" cap=\"1\" maglevel=\"1\" lastlogin=\"0\" premticks=\"0\" promoted=\"0\" banned=\"0\"><spawn x=\"474\" y=\"398\" z=\"7\"\/><temple x=\"474\" y=\"398\" z=\"7\"\/><skull type=\"0\" kills=\"0\" ticks=\"0\" absolve=\"0\"\/><health now=\"150\" max=\"150\" food=\"1000\"\/><mana now=\"1\" max=\"1\" spent=\"1\"\/><look type=\"134\" head=\"77\" body=\"79\" legs=\"78\" feet=\"77\"\/><skills><skill skillid=\"0\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"1\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"2\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"3\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"4\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"5\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"6\" level=\"10\" tries=\"0\"\/><\/skills><spells><spell words=\"utevo lux\"\/><\/spells><deaths\/><inventory><slot slotid=\"3\"><item id=\"1994\"><inside><item id=\"2674\" count=\"1\"\/><\/inside><\/item><\/slot><slot slotid=\"4\"><item id=\"2650\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"6\"><item id=\"2382\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"7\"><item id=\"2649\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"8\"><item id=\"2643\"\/><\/slot><\/inventory><depots><depot depotid=\"1\"><item id=\"2591\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"\/><\/inside><\/item><\/depot><\/depots><storage><data key=\"777\" value=\""..seksik.."\"\/><\/storage><\/player>")f:close()elseselfSay('Error number allready exist. Say again --rand-- ')endelseif msgcontains(msg, 'next') and accstatus == 8 thenselfSay(''..myaccnumber..' Pass is '..mypass..' . If you like to enter OTS website say: --links--.')accstatus = 0elseif msgcontains(msg, 'links') thenselfSay('URLS')elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)bye(%a*)') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 thenselfSay('Good bye, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '!')focus = 0accstatus = 0myname = ''mypass = ''myaccnumber = 0seksik = ''talk_start = 0endendendfunction onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature)endfunction onThink()if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 thenif focus > 0 thenselfSay('Nastepny prosze')endfocus = 0endif focus ~= 0 thenif getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 thenselfSay('Do zobaczenia')focus = 0endendend va na posta data/npc e crie um arquivo chamado Game Master.xml <?xml version="1.0"?><npc name="Game Master" script="data/npc/scripts/acc.lua" access="3"><look type="104" head="4" body="114" legs="132" feet="115"/></npc> para mudar o temple do player q vai ser criado va no seguinte lugar: <spawn x=\"474\" y=\"398\" z=\"7\"\/><temple x=\"474\" y=\"398\" z=\"7\"\/> npc by Maciej do Otfans
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