* 5 maps [Fibula, Venore, Edron, Thais, "Sahara - open battle" - all
*n tem loot runes infinites
*Kuando vc Morre a life xego no 0 vc volta imediatament
* a acc é 1/1 unika mais é random tb ( Blue Red's X Bakc Total's)
* O Mapa é Random Muda A Cada 20 Minutos
* modified for war server, auto change map every X minutes (config),
* you can add you maps
* 250 characters from 6 RL Tibia worlds(125 vs 125 players), 2
* teams, 3 worlds vs. 3 worlds
* auto balance (login 1/1 - auto choose team)
* team mode - player can't attack/hit his teammates
* great spells/vocations/items config - balanced vocations, no Ue
* spam all time, knights don't die like noobs
* level limit and all players outfit in config.lua
* old runes/MFs (not potions, but give 200-380 mana), new
* knight&pall hits by weapons(high), all 8.1 spells
* some extra effects when kill, BP SSA for every kill (players don't
* drop loot )
!map "id - change map to map with ID X (value 1-5)
!frags and !kills -show player his stats
!teams - show stats of teams and teams names, autobroadcast every map change, reset teams score when map change
!top5 - if player say that - it show him top 5 fraggers list, if GM - broadcast this list, auto broadcast every 5 min (LUA scripts)
/b "yourtext - broadcast msg
/kick "name - kick player
/ghost - GM disappear, players can move thru him, don't see him/when he teleport, just see text when he talk
Baixe o OT [War]
Sql (editor)
a Acc Vem Bugada =/
Vo Ensina A Arruma
a ACC Vem Bugada Tipo Ali Ond Tem -entra table players e data e procura nome (Hoster Gesior) vai ter la gruip_id Ta 3 Coloke 5
Pra vc consegui axa as sql procure com o sql editor e procure o arquivo (war.s3db)
Fasam Um Bom Proveito do war =)
Comentem Meu N Doi Nem Arranka Pedaço