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Sobre Andy02


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  1. Olá, bem desde que este OTserv foi adicionado aqui, eu transferi-lo para vê-lo, como eu preciso de um mapa que tem Rookgaard + tibia global, e vocês só tem global, eu adicionei Rookgaard para o mapa atual, e adicionar o script do NPC A Oracle (A Oracle.xml) que funciona perfeitamente no 0.2.5, eu acho que tem algo a ver com selfSay("SO BE IT!") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if(doTeleportThing(cid, pos) == 0) then doPlayerSetTown(cid, _state.n1) doPlayerSetVocation(cid, _state.n2) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end porque, o oráculo apenas teletransportar mim, ele não adicionar ou vocação da cidade para as tabelas de sql. Este é o código completo da Oracle.xm se você precisar dele <npc name="The Oracle" floorchange="0" walkinterval="0"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look typeex="1448"/> <interaction range="3" idletime="30"> <interact keywords="hi" focus="1"> <!--These are the keywords will trigger this interaction--> <keywords>hello</keywords> <keywords>greet</keywords> <response> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ if(getPlayerLevel(cid)) >= 8 then selfSay(getCreatureName(cid) .. ", ARE YOU PREPARED O FACE YOUR DESTINY?") _state.b1 = (isPremium(cid) == TRUE) _state.topic = 1 else selfSay("CHILD! COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE GROWN UP!") _state.isidle = true end ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="yes" topic="1"> <!--Premium account, b1 is set in above--> <response b1="1" text="IN WHICH TOWN DO YOU WANT TO LIVE: CARLIN, EDRON, THAIS, OR VENORE?"> <action name="topic" value="2"/> </response> <!--Normal account--> <response text="IN WHICH TOWN DO YOU WANT TO LIVE: CARLIN, THAIS, OR VENORE?"> <action name="topic" value="2"/> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="carlin" topic="2"> <response text="IN CARLIN! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 2 = carlin, 5 = thais, 6 = venore, 9 = edron--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 2 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="thais" topic="2"> <response text="IN THAIS! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 2 = carlin, 5 = thais, 6 = venore, 9 = edron--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 5 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="venore" topic="2"> <response text="IN VENORE! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 2 = carlin, 5 = thais, 6 = venore, 9 = edron--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 6 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="edron" topic="2"> <response text="YOU NEED A PREMIUM ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO GO THERE!"> <!--Set the topic back to 2, ie. choose a new town.--> <action name="topic" value="2"/> </response> <!--b1: premium account, see <interact keywords="hi" focus="1"> where _state.b1 is is set.--> <response b1="1" text="IN EDRON! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 2 = carlin, 5 = thais, 6 = venore, 9 = edron--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 9 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <!--If the player does not say any city, repeat our question--> <interact keywords="|*|" topic="2"> <response b1="1" text="CARLIN, EDRON, THAIS, OR VENORE?"/> <response text="CARLIN, EDRON, THAIS, OR VENORE?"/> </interact> <interact keywords="sorcerer" topic="3"> <response text="A SORCERER! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 1 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="druid" topic="3"> <response text="A DRUID! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 2 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="paladin" topic="3"> <response text="A PALADIN! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 3 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="knight" topic="3"> <response text="A KNIGHT! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 4 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <!--If the player does not say any profession, repeat our question--> <interact keywords="|*|" topic="3"> <response text="KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"/> </interact> <interact keywords="yes" topic="4"> <response> <!--n1: 2 = carlin, 5 = thais, 6 = venore, 9 = edron--> <!--n2: 1 = knight, 2 = paladin, 3 = sorcerer, 4 = druid--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ local pos = 0 if(_state.n1 == 2) then pos = {x=32360, y=31782, z=7} elseif(_state.n1 == 5) then pos = {x=32369, y=32241, z=7} elseif(_state.n1 == 6) then pos = {x=32957, y=32076, z=7} elseif(_state.n1 == 9) then pos = {x=33217, y=31814, z=8} else selfSay("I DO NOT KNOW WHAT PROFESSION THAT IS, ASK THE GODS FOR GUIDANCE!") return end selfSay("SO BE IT!") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if(doTeleportThing(cid, pos) == 0) then doPlayerSetTown(cid, _state.n1) doPlayerSetVocation(cid, _state.n2) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end ]]> </action> <action name="idle" value="1"/> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="bye" focus="0"> <keywords>farewell</keywords> <response text="Good bye. Recommend us, if you were satisfied with our service."/> </interact> <interact event="onBusy"> <response text="WAIT UNTIL IT IS YOUR TURN!"> <action name="addqueue" value="|PLAYER|"/> </response> </interact> <!--This event triggers if the player goes to far away from the npc/logout/idle timeout--> <interact event="onPlayerLeave" focus="0"> <response text="COME BACK WHEN YOU ARE PREPARED TO FACE YOUR DESTINY!"/> </interact> </interaction> </npc> Im-se que o IDS / Coordenadas da cidade, a localização, ids vocações, todo esta bien EDIT: Quando você faz / clean comando é derrubar o servidor também
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