Espero que seja isso que voce estava querendo.
Va em talkactions/scripts crie um arquivo.lua e cole isto dentro:
function onSay(cid,words,param)
local config = {
["Demodras"] = {pos = {x=1168,y=1062,z=9}, msg = "Demodras, the King of all Dragons decided to attack, prevent them go!"},
["The Horned Fox"] = {pos = {x=1214,y=965,z=8}, msg = "The Horned Fox, brave as ever, resolved to attack."},
["Orshabaal"] = {pos = {x=948,y=1031,z=7}, msg = "The GREAT POWERFUL ORSHABAAL is on the loose again, save their lives, leaving the Forest Mintin NOW!"},
["Morgaroth"] = {pos = {x=1080,y=976,z=10}, msg = "The Morgaroth decided to cause havoc in the basement of Dahra, run and be the hero this time!"},
["Ghazbaran"] = {pos = {x=1510,y=855,z=12}, msg = "Demonic entities are entering the mortal realm in the mines. The Ghazbaran has revealed itself in the mines!"},
for monster, configs in pairs(config) do
if param == monster or param == string.lower(monster) then
doSummonCreature(monster, configs.pos)
doBroadcastMessage(configs.msg, 22)
return TRUE
Depois va em talkactions.xml e bote esta tag:
<talkaction log="yes" words="/raid" access="5" event="script" value="NOMEDOARQUIVO.lua"/>
Nao se esqueça de mudar na tag no lugar do NOMEDOARQUIVO para o nome do arquivo.lua que voce botou.